Characters: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing |
The Character Sheet for the best-known-in-America Gundam series, Gundam Wing.
The male lead of Gundam Wing, and the pilot of the titular Wing Gundam. Known as the "Perfect Soldier", Heero was trained as a soldier since his childhood (and even more after the death of his father, Odin Lowe, and would even risk his life to accomplish his mission. Despite being initially portrayed as The Stoic, his encounter with Relena Darlian would change his life forever.
The pilot of the Gundam Deathscythe.
The pilot of the Gundam Heavyarms.
The pilot of the Gundam Sandrock, Quatre is the heir to the Winner estate. He is also the co-leader of the Maganac Corps. Despite being a Gundam pilot, he is actually a kind-hearted person.
The pilot of the Shenlong Gundam, Wufei is driven by his warrior's pride, and would fight in the name of justice.
The female lead of Gundam Wing, Relena Darlian is the daughter of Vice-Foreign Minister Darlian, an influential politician from the United Earth Sphere Alliance. At the beginning of the series, she was portrayed as a reserved and shy girl who was only seen among her peers as "the richest girl in school", until a chance encounter with Heero Yuy changed her life forever.
Zechs Merquise is a high-ranking OZ soldier and the main rival of Heero Yuy. He is known among OZ as the "Lightning Baron" (later the "Lightning Count"). His mask actually hides his secret past: he is actually Milliardo Peacecraft, Relena's older brother and King Peacecraft's son.
The charismatic leader of OZ and Zechs's best friend.
The granddaughter of Romefeller Chairman Duke Dermail, Dorothy Catalonia is the polar opposite of Relena; while Relena follows her family's philosophy of total pacifism, Dorothy fully embraces war.
The daughter of Treize Khushrenada, Mariemaia is one of the main antagonists of Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz, who believes that she's the rightful heir to the Earth Sphere Unified Nation. She is also the co-leader of her namesake army, the Mariemaia Army.
The five Gundam Scientists, Doctor J, Professor G, Doktor S, Instructor H, and Master O, were known as the creators of the five Gundams. Before that, they were the creators of the Tallgeese, the first mobile suit, and the Wing Zero, the mobile suit that the five Gundams were based on.
Quatre's father and the patriarch of the Winner family. He has a strained relationship with Quatre, when he forgoes his family's pacifist beliefs to become a Gundam pilot.
The Maganac Corps are a mercenary/resistance faction founded by Rashid. They would assist Quatre during their missions.
The monarch of the Sanc Kingdom and the father of Princess Relena and Prince Milliardo (AKA Zechs Merquise). He adopted Heero Yuy's Total Pacifism beliefs for Earth and developed a diplomatic relationship with Heero. On AC 182, King Peacecraft was killed along with the royal family during the Alliance's invasion of the Sanc Kingdom, except for the two children.
The charismatic leader of the colonies, the original Heero Yuy was the creator of the Total Pacifism philosophy, encouraging its citizens it peacefully oppose the United Earth Sphere Alliance. His philosophy was later adopted on Earth by the Peacecraft family, who would later develop a diplomatic relationship with Heero Yuy. Yuy's assassination on April 7, AC 175 would throw the colonies into chaos.
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Gundam Pilots
Heero Yuy alias Odin Lowe Jr.
Voice Actors: Hikaru Midorikawa (Japanese), Mark Hildreth (English), Manuel Campusano (Latin America)
- "Mission complete."
The male lead of Gundam Wing, and the pilot of the titular Wing Gundam. Known as the "Perfect Soldier", Heero was trained as a soldier since his childhood (and even more after the death of his father, Odin Lowe, and would even risk his life to accomplish his mission. Despite being initially portrayed as The Stoic, his encounter with Relena Darlian would change his life forever.
- The Atoner: Ever since he accidentally killed a little girl he had befriended and her puppy.
- Badass
- Bishie Sparkle: Episode 26.
- Blue Eyes: Prussian blue, actually.
- Catch Phrase:Heero: Mission accepted.Heero: Mission complete.Heero: I'll kill you./I'll destroy you. (in the Toonami edit; it's left uncensored in the Midnight Run version).
- Though he didn't say it a lot, this one line seems to be getting quite into his Catch Phrase, another one that he couldn't live down completely.Heero: Life is cheap... especially mine.
- Though he didn't say it a lot, this one line seems to be getting quite into his Catch Phrase, another one that he couldn't live down completely.
- Celebrity Resemblance: The creators said that Heero was designed after actress Yuki Uchida.
- Character Alignment: True Neutral —> Chaotic Good
- Character Derailment: Some fans started accusing Frozen Teardrop of this. Some time after Endless Waltz, Heero apparently went on a rampage and killed many people; when he was finally caught, Preventer put him in cryo-stasis, knowing full well that it would likely damage his memory. And then after he's thawed, Wu Fei orders him to kill Relena.
- Character Development: Starts quite unemotional, but develops more genuine care for people.
- Code Name
- Crossover Ship: Gets paired with Kawarou Nagisa in a Super Robot Wars 4koma.
- Crowning Moment Of Awesome: His "I Will Survive!" speech before blasting the last remaining debris from the Libra that's hitting Earth.
- Death Seeker: He gets better.
- Friend To All Living Things: He likes playing with dogs and the official artwork has him smiling as he plays with a weasel.
- The Hero: No Pun intended.
- Heroic Sacrifice: He does this several times, most notably when Lady Une threatens to destroy the colonies with missles and, of course, the series finale. He survives each time. (He probably has to or the story wouldn't move.)
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Quatre, during the second part of the series.
- It could also define his relationship with Duo pretty well, alongside Odd Friendship.* Ho Yay: Fans love to pair him up with Duo, despite the fact that said pairing is virtually non-existent and non-canon throughout the entire series (including the official mangas) - and Duo actually seems to be rooting for Heero/Relena.
- There is a little more room for him and Trowa, though, as they get along well and co-work nicely. Trowa seems to have more Ho Yay going on with Quatre, tho.
- Foe Yay: With Zechs.
- Heero and Trowa do get to wear military uniforms, and in Heero's case it's an OZ cadet one when he spies on Queen Relena.
- Human Popsicle: Frozen Teardrop reveals that while the other Gundam pilots are already middle-aged adults, Heero is still a "boy" because he has been frozen in a cold hibernation capsule.
- Implausible Fencing Powers
- Ineffectual Death Threats: Heero is pretty much the poster boy for this trope.
- Indy Ploy: Heero isn't big on forward planning, but he can improvise like nobody's business.
- Intergenerational Friendship: With a little girl and her puppy. It ended tragically sad to say..
- Made Of Iron: More like made of Gundanium. He's tougher than his freaking mech.
- Magnetic Hero: Earns the respect of the other Gundam pilots (who accept him as a sorta-leader) and the Worthy Opponent Zechs.
- Mid Season Upgrade (Upgrades to the Endless Waltz version of his Mobile Suit in Super Robot Wars 64 if you fill out all the bars of the Wing Zero Custom.)
- Mukokuseki: While his eyes are somewhat more slanted than other characters', Heero has brown hair and blue eyes even though he is supposed to be Japanese, whereas the Chinese Wufei is much more obviously Asian in appearance. May be justified due to Heero being only half-Japanese at most, as explained in Frozen Teardrop which says that Hitman With A Heart Odin Lowe was his biological dad..
- My Hero Zero: Well, Heero's Mid Season Upgrade Gundam is called Wing Zero.
- Named After Somebody Famous: in-universe, and there's a little bit of irony...
- Never Live It Down: Tries to kill himself only twice.
- Twice is kind of a lot, when it's suicide. Still fits the profile of the trope, though.
- The amount of undisguised suicide attempts may be only two, but he also tended to use relatively minor setbacks to inflict unnecessary damage to himself. There was absolutely no reason for him to stay on top of the hatch when he blew up Wing. Just saying. People do seem awfully quick to forget his big "I WILL SURVIVE!" during the finale, though.
- There's only two true suicide attempts in the series, maybe, but in Episode Zero he attempts to shoot himself in the head to atone for the deaths of the little girl and puppy he killed, only to be interrupted by Doctor J.
- Guess that makes him
an Heero.
- It really depends on which times you count. For the unarguable ones, the time in Episode Zero is clearly one, hitting the kill switch on his suit when Relena finds him on the beach is two, and standing on the Wing's hatch when it self destructs is three. But his reputation also comes from the more ambiguous events, such as allowing himself to pass out when he lands face down in the water after firing the torpedoes at his Gundam, waiting much too long to deploy his parachute when he jumps out the window of a hospital, and going around to all the relatives of one of his victims asking them to kill him. Counting them all brings it up to a total of five, plus an indeterminate number more.
- Numerical Theme Naming: "Heero" is derived from hitotsu, "one" in Japanese; "Yuy" is derived from yuitsu, "alone" or "only". In other words, Heero Yuy- "the one and only".
- Lampshaded by Doctor J somewhat in the CG short Gundam Evolve 7- where he tells Relena that Heero was 'number one' and 'exceeded all expectations', then remembering to himself his christening of the boy as 'Heero Yuy'. This troper can only hope he's aware of his own pun...
- Official Couple: The Yaoi Fangirls will fight it to their last breath, but every single sidestory supports 1xR. And these sidestories are all written by members of the anime's writing staff.
- Pint Sized Powerhouse
- Popularity Power: To date, Heero remains the most popular character in the series, with him constantly appearing in Gundam Ace's "Top 30 Male Characters" poll (with him usually appearing in the Top 10), and in Newtype magazine's "Top 30 Male Characters of the 90s" poll, he ranked #6.
- Robeast (the Zonder turns him into one in a 4koma)
- Say My Name: "Relena!"
- Sensual Spandex
- Shipper On Deck: He's awfully focused on helping Quatre find Trowa after Quatre's Roaring Rampage Of Revenge, even going so far as to tell Quatre that he can't fight until he finds Trowa again.
- Sleeves Are For Wimps
- The Stoic --> Hitman With A Heart and Kuudere
- Super Soldier: Doctor J and Odin Lowe raised him from a Child Soldier and then turned him into this, complete with super strength, computer hacking, sabotage and demolition, mobile suit piloting, and espionage skills.
- Talking To Himself (In Super Robot Wars F, Super Robot Wars F Final, Super Robot Wars Alpha and Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden with Masaki Andoh. It led to a save-quit skit where Masaki imitates Heero under an unknown character portarait, but Heero tells him to cut it out.)
- Masaki (Behind unknown character portrait): So this is where it ends... But don't forget that your mission is still unfinished.
Heero: What are you trying to pull, Masaki?
Masaki: Geh! Didn't see you there Heero... Well, then! Catch you guys later!
- Take A Third Option: When given the choice of surrendering his Gundam or allowing the colonies to be attacked, he chooses to self-destruct Wing instead.
- Happens again in Episode Zero- Doctor J gives him the orders for Operation Meteor, in option form- to go along with the plan, to escape, or...a third option. Guess which one he takes.
- Tall Dark And Snarky: Minus the "Tall".
- Theme Naming: In addition to the numerical theme, his name was intentionally designed to be evocative of Amuro Ray's.
- Transforming Mecha: The Wing and Wing Zero Gundams.
- Trouser Space: Guess where he keeps his gun...
Duo Maxwell
Voice Actors: Toshihiko Seki (Japanese), Scott McNeil (English), Eric Osorio (Latin America)
- "I might run and hide, but I never tell a lie."
The pilot of the Gundam Deathscythe.
- Badass
- Badass Angster (He hides it well, though)
- Badass Preacher: Becomes this in Frozen Teardrop.
- Badass In Distress (Gets whacked at least twice with the Distress Ball)
- Badass Longhair
- Badass Preacher Duo grows up and becomes a priest while still working to keep the peace with Preventer in Frozen Teardrop.
- Big No: In the dubbed version, after watching Deathscythe being destroyed by OZ, and it's broadcasted live. Scott McNeil is still asked to replicate the scream at conventions.
- Blue Eyes: Cobalt blue, actually.
- Broken Hero: His seemingly self-congratulatory "God of Death" (Shinigami) nickname takes on a new light when it's revealed that he took it on given the fact that anyone he cares about tends to die if they hang around him.
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Dark Is Not Evil: Look at his Gundams, then get to know him.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Duo is one of the most popular characters in the series, especially in the West. In the semi-official Gundam Ace "Top 30 Male Characters" poll in Japan, as well as the "Top 30 Male Characters of the 90s" poll in the March 2010 issue of Newtype magazine, he is the second most popular male Gundam Wingcharacter (#21 in the Newtype poll), after Heero Yuy. Also, he was voted the Best Male Character in Animage's 1995 Anime Grand Prix Awards, and was voted the 3rd Best Male Character the following year.
- The Grim Reaper: His nickname and Gundam only.
- Ho Yay: See Heero's entry.
- Jerk With A Heart Of Gold
- Mid Season Upgrade (Upgrades to the Endless Waltz version of his Mobile Suit in Super Robot Wars 64 if you fill out all the bars of the Deathsycthe Custom.)
- The Lancer
- Long Haired Pretty Boy
- Mythology Gag: the end of Endless Waltz's manga adaptation has him wearing a baseball cap with the lines "Gundam 20th Anniversary".
- Numerical Theme Naming: From the Latin duo, meaning "two".
- Orphanage Of Love: In Episode Zero, he lives in Maxwell Church. It was rather run down, but Father Maxwell and Sister Helen were lovely people. Too bad they're all killed off in a bomb attack.
- Rapunzel Hair: Not as notorious as Dorothy's, but still present through his waist-length braid. Lampshaded when Sister Helen wants to give him an Important Haircut since long hair like that "is unhygienic."
- Red Baron: "The God of Death" (or "The Great Destroyer").
- Shipper On Deck: Seems to ship Heero/Relena. And maybe, Trowa/Quatre.
- Blatantly ships Heero/Relena in Battlefield of Pacifists.
- And Endless Waltz.
Heero: (turning to leave) Relena's been kidnapped.Duo: Right, right...Anything at all for the one you love! - Street Urchin: His backstory.
- Ukefication: One of the most infamous examples ever in fandom.
- Will Not Tell A Lie: His catchprase.
Trowa Barton
Voice Actors: Shigeru Nakahara (Japanese), Kirby Morrow (English), Arturo Siann Vidal (Latin America)
- "'Those who have laid eyes on a Gundam shall not live to tell about it.' Those are the orders I have been given."
The pilot of the Gundam Heavyarms.
- Badass
- Big Brother Mentor: To Heero and Quatre.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral —> Lawful Good
- Cold Sniper: Trowa is able to remain weirdly detached whilst murdering people or contemplating a suicide strike, despite being one of the most compassionate characters in the series.
- Contemplate Our Navels: Despite almost never speaking, he still delivered quite the speech to Quatre to break though his Wing Zero-based Freak Out... while his mobile suit is about to blow up.
- Cool Mask: both Trowa and Heavyarms have a half-clown mask they can wear.
- Dark Green Eyes
- Dead Person Impersonation (Sort of. He took up the "Trowa Barton" name after the real one was murdered in front of his eyes, to cover up for the guy's death.)
- Friend To All Living Things
- Gatling Good
- Genius Bruiser
- Though he does wear both OZ cadet clothes and a Mariemeia army suit in canon.
- Heroic Build: Revealed in Endless Waltz when he beats up several thugs from The Barton Foundation whilst topless.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Heero
- Ho Yay: With Quatre.
- Kuudere: Looks and acts like The Stoic, but is one of the gentlest and most caring characters.
- Laser Guided Amnesia: survives the incident with Quatre, but is amnesiac for a long while.
- Mid Season Upgrade (Upgrades to the Endless Waltz version of his Mobile Suit in Super Robot Wars 64 if you fill out all the bars of the Heavyarms Custom.)
- More Dakka
- Macross Missile Massacre: The Endless Waltz version of Heavyarms Kai.
- Named After Somebody Famous: Tim Burton, of whom director Ikeda is a big fan.
- No Name Given: As revealed in Endless Waltz, Trowa is not his real name. He's only known as "Nanashi" (No-Name), but Episode Zero implies that he might be Triton Bloom, a young boy who was thought to have been killed after an Alliance attack that killed Catherine's parents.
- This is foreshadowed in episode 5:
Trowa: I have no name. But if you must call me something, then Trowa. Call me Trowa Barton. - Numerical Theme Naming: From the French trois, meaning "three".
- Peek A Bangs
- Shipper On Deck: Another possible Heero/Relena fanboy.
- Sparkling Stream Of Tears: After destroying Duo's Deathscythe.
- Taking The Blast: For Heero during Quatre's fight with Heero. He survived, but was left with amnesia.
- That Man Is Dead
Quatre Raberba Winner
Voice Actors: Ai Orikasa (Japanese), Brad Swaile (English), Luis Tenorio (Latin America)
- "You're afraid to die, aren't you guys? Well, then you shouldn't be fighting at all!"
The pilot of the Gundam Sandrock, Quatre is the heir to the Winner estate. He is also the co-leader of the Maganac Corps. Despite being a Gundam pilot, he is actually a kind-hearted person.
- Apologetic Attacker: Often asks his foes to surrender, then apologizes for defeating/killing them.
- The Atoner: After almost killing his
boyfriendbest friend. - Badass
- Beware The Nice Ones: He only snaps once...but SNAP he does.
- And WHAT caused that snap? Being betrayed by his colony, then losing his dad and his favorite older sister. The situation is then magnified when he gets hold of the prototype Wing Zero, which really messes with the pilot's mind.
- Bishie Sparkle: Episode 26.
- Blue Eyes
- The Captain: Heero may be The Hero, but he readily passes leadership of the Gundam Team onto the more charismatic Quatre.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Good —> Chaotic Neutral —> Neutral Good
- Crossdressing Voices: In the Japanese version. Generally averted in the dubs except probably the Filipino dub.
- Death By Childbirth: What happened to Quatre's mother when she insisted on giving birth to Quatre naturally, when all of the Winner children before him were test tube babies and she was a very delicate Ill Girl..
- Crossing The Desert
- Dual Wielding
- The Empath: Very slightly.
- Germans Love David Hasselhoff: In an interview with the creators, Quatre was referred to as the "Space Heart Jerk" by the female Japanese fans of the show, while he is popular overseas.
- Goggles Do Nothing: Subverted, as in Episode Zero, Quatre's goggles served as a symbol of the leader of the Maganac Corps.
- Hair Of Gold: Platinum Gold
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Heero, in the second part of the series.
- Ho Yay: With Trowa, so much that one dub makes Quatre canonically in love with him. The Ship Tease also was increased in the side-story mangas: when Quatre was believed to be dead in Battlefield of Pacifists, Trowa was very distressed indeed.
- Implausible Fencing Powers
- I Owe You My Life: His devotion to Trowa starts like this.
- La Resistance: Aside from being a Gundam Pilot, he's also the co-leader of the Maganac Corps.
- Made Of Iron: Dorothy stabs him through the lung yet he still manages to stand there and make a very long speech at her, then pilot his mobile suit out of the Libra again.
- Martial Pacifist: Doesn't like fighting if he can help it, but he WILL do so if he's got no other choice.
- The Messiah: By being the Apologetic Attacker, then by keeping the team together when they go into space.
- Mid Season Upgrade (Upgrades to the Endless Waltz version of his Mobile Suit in Super Robot Wars 64 if you fill out all the bars of the Sandrock Custom.)
- Name's The Same: His name almost sounds similar to Quattro Bajeena, despite not being the resident Char Clone of the series.
- Numerical Theme Naming: From the French quatre, meaning "four".
- Real Men Wear Pink: Nice pink shirt.
- Also prefers art and music to things like sports.
- Reluctant Warrior
- Ron The Death Eater: Gets this a lot in fanfiction, and had a canon moment of it under the ZERO system.
- Either that, or he gets an epic case of Ukefi Cation.
- Shipper On Deck: When Heero goes to save Relena and Duo suggests following, Quatre's response is basically "Leave The Two Love Birds Alone".
- The Smart Guy
- The Strategist: In the later episodes.
- Sparkling Stream Of Tears: After destroying a colony with Wing Zero, and in episode 38, when he tried to meet Trowa, only to be turned away by Catherine.
- Talking To Himself: With Levi Tolar/Mai Kobayashi in the Alpha series.
- Telepathic Spacemen: The AC-verse's only known Newtype. Maybe.
- Waistcoat Of Style
- Also a Bullet Proof Vest considering how many times he gets shot at and survives.
- The White Prince
- You Killed My Father: The reason for his Freak Out.
- Laughing Mad: Sounds creepier in the dubbed version
, although both versions are great.
- What Happened To The Mouse?: In the anime, Quatre's older sister, Iria, gets a head bump and is knocked unconscious after their father was killed. She was never seen again after that. Subverted in the manga adaptation, in which she was killed along with their father.
- Laughing Mad: Sounds creepier in the dubbed version
Chang Wufei
Voice Actors: Ryuzou Ishino (Japanese), Ted Cole (English), Jose Gilberto Vilchis (Latin America)
- "Fighting a weak enemy always makes me feel so empty afterwards."
The pilot of the Shenlong Gundam, Wufei is driven by his warrior's pride, and would fight in the name of justice.
- Antagonist In Mourning: For Treize.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy
- Badass
- Badass Bookworm: Episode Zero reveals that before Operation Meteor, he was a scholar. And still kicked ass.
- The Big Guy
- Character Alignment: True Neutral, or Chaotic Neutral when at his worst.
- Chinese People
- Die For Our Ship: Very likely to be bashed by some 1x2 rabid fans, or being shown as the Token Homophobe.
- Face Heel Turn: In Endless Waltz, when he joined the Mariemaia Army because warriors like him are being cast aside in a changing world.
- Heel Face Turn: At the end of the movie.
- Hidden Depths: In Episode Zero, we find out why exactly he doesn't like girls. He lost his Cute Bruiser wife Meiran very tragically.
- He Man Woman Hater: Not as bad as other cases But go tell that to the Fan Dumb. Blame it on the Values Dissonance he was raised in.
- Hey You: Calls Noin "woman" in their first battle, because he doesn't know her name.
- I Call It Vera: His Gundam's nickname is "Nataku", named after his deceased wife.
- Justice Will Prevail
- Mid Season Upgrade (Upgrades to the Endless Waltz version of his Mobile Suit in Super Robot Wars 64 if you fill out all the bars of the Altron Custom/Nataku.)
- Never Live It Down: See He Man Woman Hater, Hey You, The Scrappy.
- The way some fans act, you'd think his entire vocabulary consisted of four words: "justice", "evil", "woman", and "Nataku".
- Not Good With People: That's such an understatement.
- Numerical Theme Naming: His name is written with the Chinese character for "five".
- One Month Retirement: Wufei experienced this after Treize defeated him in a sword fight, as he felt unfit to pilot his Gundam.
- The Scrappy: Fans are divided on this one as they tend to either like him or they don't. However he certainly doesn't reach the heights of scrappiness that a lot of the other characters for the trope gets and in particular a certain other Gundam Wing character.
- Ship Sinking: Based on what we know of Sally's Po daughter Kathy Po, it's likely that Sally and Wufei did not get together in the end.
- Sparkling Stream Of Tears: After Treize allowed Wufei to kill him.
- What Could Have Been: Series composer Katsuyuki Sumizawa said on-record that in various planning stages, Wu Fei was going to be African and/or a Newtype with the power to Detect Evil. Some early merchandise, such as pencil boards, still lists him as a Newtype.
- Wild Card/Spanner In The Works: Whenever he shows up, the situation is pretty much guaranteed to get exponentially more complicated.
- Villain Team Up: Works with the Shadow-Mirror organization in Super Robot Wars Advance and the Neo Zeon and the Frost Bros. in Super Robot Wars Reversal.
- In Super Robot Wars L, he is apparently a Katou Organization captain. It's even taken to the point where you can use him to help recruit Soubi.
Other Major Characters
Relena Darlian (Relena Peacecraft)
Voice Actors: Akiko Yajima (Japanese), Lisa Ann Beley (English), Mireya Mendoza (Latin America)
- "My name... my name is Relena Darlian. What's yours...?"
The female lead of Gundam Wing, Relena Darlian is the daughter of Vice-Foreign Minister Darlian, an influential politician from the United Earth Sphere Alliance. At the beginning of the series, she was portrayed as a reserved and shy girl who was only seen among her peers as "the richest girl in school", until a chance encounter with Heero Yuy changed her life forever.
- Actual Pacifist —> Badass Pacifist.
- Americans Hate Tingle: Relena has a split fanbase in America, with most of the hatred coming from the Yaoi Fangirls (especially the pro-1 x 2 fans), while in Japan, she often appears in Gundam Ace's "Top 30 Female Characters" poll, and, as of 2010, is the only female Gundam Wing character to appear on the poll. In the March 2010 issue of Newtype magazine, Relena ranked #21 in the "Top 30 Females of the 90s" poll. (The other female Gundam characters that appear on the same poll include Tiffa Adill (#13), Cecily Fairchild (#15), Katejina Loos (#17), and Allenby Beardsley (#18).)
- Armor Piercing Slap: To Mariemaia, before Lady Une got the chance.
- Badass Damsel: While she doesn't use her full Lady Of War potential, Relena still got captured much less than her position as a non-fighting female lead would guarantee, and at least twice she talked her way out when Heero had her at gunpoint.
- Base Breaker: THE poster child for Broken Bases in Gundam Wing, though the majority of it is caused by shipping. And if it's not because of the shipping, it's because of the Fan Dumb's ignoring (or at least their refusal to acknowledge) her Character Development throughout the series. Again, this mainly applies to American audiences.
- Blue Eyes: Greenish-blue, to be exact. Turns out her and Zechs's eyes are a trait of the Peacecraft Royal line.
- Bodyguard Crush: On Heero.
- Brainwashed And Crazy: See Human Popsicle below.
- Celebrity Resemblance/Whole Costume Reference: Her Queen of the World dress is based on Audrey Hepburn's Princess Ann dress from Roman Holiday. Likewise, Relena bears a resemblance to Hepburn.
- Character Alignment: True Neutral (type 2) —> Neutral Good —> Lawful Good
- Character Development: Maybe the best example in the whole series, growing from a Lonely Rich Kid to a Badass Pacifist and throughout Endless Waltz, becoming the most powerful politician throughout the Earth and the colonies.
- The Chick/The Heart: Not an Action Girl, but very charismatic and quite good at handling people. She did show some Action Girl potential when she handled a gun rather elegantly and more than passably in the beginning, but that didn't come up directly again.
- Die For Our Ship: Oh God, the poor girl...
- Do Not Adjust Your Set: At the final part of Endless Waltz, when she encouraged the citizens of Earth to stand up to the Mariemaia Army.
- Everything's Better With Princesses
- Expy: The Sayla Mass to Heero's Amuro Ray and Zechs's Char Aznable.
- Expies of Relena that appear in future Gundam shows include Dianna Soreil, Lacus Clyne and Cagalli Yula Athha, Princess Rele, and Marina Ismail, and outside of Gundam, Nunnally Lamperouge and Euphemia Li Brittania.
- Go Through Me: Does this a few times, namely when Duo was about to shoot Heero, during Heero and Zechs' duel in Antartica before discovering Zechs' true identity, when she tried to talk Zechs out of firing Libra's main cannon, and in the manga adaptation, when she tried to stop OZ from attacking the Sanc Kingdom, while wearing her white royal dress.
- Hair Of Gold
- The High Queen: Briefly. Even after she was forced to resign as Romefeller Chairwoman, Earth's citizens, the military, and both Dekim and Mariemaia still refer to her as "Queen Relena".
- Human Popsicle: In Frozen Teardrop. Same as Heero, except it would seem "someone" brainwashed her to be evil and crazy, hence Preventer now wanting her taken down.
- The Jeeves: Pagan, who served both the Peacecraft and Darlian families.
- Lady Of War: Honorary mention for shooting Lady Une while in a white gown and for the white and gold military uniform she wears in the second OP, as well as her stint as the Princess of the Sanc Kingdom.
- Lonely Rich Kid: Was quite popular at school, but knew her classmates didn't really bother to truly reach for her.
- Luke I Am Your Father: Relena, Zechs is your long lost brother.
- Meaningful Name/Prophetic Name: Her last name, Peacecraft.
- The Messiah: Works hard to get Total Pacifism and succeeds in Endless Waltz, plays a role in Heero's transition to being more compassionate.
- Mythology Gag: She is the only character to have a confirmed birthday date: April 7, AC 180. Within the series, April 7th is when the original Heero Yuy was assassinated in AC 175, and on AC 195, when Operation Meteor started, though it technically started the day before. In the real world, April 7th was when Gundam Wing was first broadcast in Japan in 1995, and when Mobile Suit Gundam was first broadcast in Japan in 1979. (Another character within the Gundam series who shares the same birthdate as hers is Setsuna F. Seiei.)
- Official Couple: See the note under Heero.
- The Ojou
- Our Presidents Are Different: Became President of Mars after Zechs was assassinated.
- Plucky Girl
- Princesses Prefer Pink: At least her limo, which was given to her by her adoptive parents.
- And her Sanc Kingdom school uniform.
- Rapunzel Hair: Though not as long as Dorothy's.
- Real Women Never Wear Dresses: If she's not bashed for her crush on Heero, Fan Dumb hates on her for her girliness.
- Reassignment Backfire: Duke Dermail offered her to be Queen of the World, which she reluctantly accepts. Although this was intended only to be a PR move on Dermail's behalf, it backfired on him, and she became more powerful than him.
- Rebellious Princess: Oh, so much.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Say My Name/Memetic Mutation: "HEEROOOOO~!" (Only does this three times — four in the dubbed version.)
- Sparkling Stream Of Tears: At the beginning of the OAV, Operation Meteor II: Odd Numbers.
- Tall Dark And Bishoujo: despite having brown-blond hair.
- Talking Your Way Out: Pretty good at this.
- Tell Me About My Father. Subverted. When Mrs. Darlian is about to tell the biggest details about her true heritage (the Premier told her the basics before kicking the bucket), Relena stops her and hugs her in tears, begging her to never stop being her mother.
- Tender Tears
- Well Done Daughter Girl: To Premier Darlian.
- What The Hell, Hero?: Before she became a pacifist, Relena tried doing this on Lady Une by sneaking into a ball and shooting off a rose she had in her lapel, while publicly denouncing her as Minister Darlian's murderer.
- Woman In White: Her white gown from the infamous party. Her Queen of the World dress is also white.
- You Killed My Father: Literally, "This is for my father! * BANG* " She doesn't succeed and by the next time they meet Relena pushes the gun Lady Une offers her away, saying it's high time for the bloodshed to end, but the sentiment was there. Though as the What The Hell, Hero? entry shows, there is some debate as to whether, even back then, Relena was aiming at Une's heart or the rose on her jacket. Also note that Relena actually came looking for Treize, the leader of the Evil Organization her father's murderer was part of, and which was responsible for a lot more nastiness than just her father's death. She only came across Une because Treize decided to blow the party and send her as his representative at the last minute.
Zechs Merquise (Milliardo Peacecraft)
Voice Actors: Takehito Koyasu (Japanese), Brian Drummond (English)
- "My hands are too stained with blood. I'm completely unfit to head the Peacecraft monarchy. But I'm sure she would be able to head the country... as you'd intended."
Zechs Merquise is a high-ranking OZ soldier and the main rival of Heero Yuy. He is known among OZ as the "Lightning Baron" (later the "Lightning Count"). His mask actually hides his secret past: he is actually Milliardo Peacecraft, Relena's older brother and King Peacecraft's son.
- The Ace
- Aloof Big Brother
- Anti Villain and Anti Hero
- The Atoner: In Endless Waltz.
- Badass
- Battleship Drop:Zechs: Libra will fall to Earth! It's the only way we'll achieve Total Pacifism!
- Blond Guys Are Well Intentioned Extremists
- Character Alignment: True Neutral
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder
- Discard And Draw/Gundamjack: During a battle with OZ, he self-detonated his Tallgeese, and then Gundamjacked the Wing Zero before OZ got a chance to destroy it.
- Expy: The most well-known of the Char Aznable clones, as well as the most Char-like looking of all of Gundam's Char expies.
- Well, before Full Frontal, but for very good reason.
- Cool Shades: He wore Quattro Bajeena-like sunglasses in the Episode Zero manga.
- Counterpart Comparison: "Colonel Zechs, he IS
aCHAR." - Shout Out: Zechs's Tallgeese is described by Otto as being "three times faster than an Aries".
Otto: The revolution speed applied by the verniers allows it to reach more than three times that of the Aries. - Foe Yay: With Heero and Treize.
- Heroic Sacrifice: failed attempt to defeat Paptimus Scirocco in F Final's DC Route.
- In the final episode, when he destroyed Libra's main power generator in Heero's stead, despite the latter's pleas. He returned in Endless Waltz.
- Killed Off For Real: In Frozen Teardrop.
- Law Of Chromatic Superiority: His Gundam Epyon, as well as his OZ uniform being red.
- Mask Power: Wears a silver helmet like mask for the first half of the series. He stops wearing it after it's broken during battle.
- Nail Blue Eyes
- No Place For Me There: He restores the Sanc Kingdom through warfare, but believes that he cannot stay there let alone rule in his father's stead because he has too much blood on his hands.
- He also does this at the end of Endless Waltz, as he feels Relena's new, peaceful Earth has no place for an old soldier like him, with him going to Mars to help the terraforming.
- Numerical Theme Naming: From the German sechs, meaning "six". Also, his real name, Milliardo, is Italian for "million".
- Zechs's name also has another meaning: he was only six years old when the Sanc Kingdom fell in AC 182.
- Our Presidents Are Different: In Frozen Teardrop, he became the President of Mars, only to be assassinated.
- Paper Thin Disguise: Inverted. At one point, Zechs disguises himself as Milliardo Peacecraft, ambassador of the Sanc Kingdom, but one of Lady Une's men instantly recognizes him as Zechs. In effect, he disguises himself as his true identity, but is recognized by his disguise identity.
- Red Baron: is known by the nickname of The Lightning Count (previously "The Lightning Baron") do to his lightning fast skills as a pilot.
- The Rival/Worthy Opponent: To Heero.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Sixth Ranger: Which is quite appropriate.
- Talking To Himself: With Gym Ghingnham and Shu Shirakawa in Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden.
- That Man Is Dead:Zechs: May you rest in peace, the betrayed and outraged Milliardo Peacecraft.
- Transforming Mecha: Piloted the Epyon and for a while, Wing Zero.
- Whip It Good: The Gundam Epyon and the Tallgeese III.
- White Haired Pretty Boy
- You Killed My Father: Zechs joins OZ to avenge the deaths of his family.
Treize Khushrenada
Voice Actors: Ryotaro Okiayu (JP), David Kaye (EN), Luis Tenorio (SP)
The charismatic leader of OZ and Zechs's best friend.
- Anti Villain
- Badass
- Big Ol Eyebrows: Not as big as Dorothy's though.
- Ice Blue Eyes
- Character Alignment: True Neutral
- Contemplate Our Navels
- Cultured Badass: And HOW.
- Draco In Leather Pants: While by no means a bad person, Treize has gone far beyond Memetic Badass and is treated by many as if he walks on water. Rose-scented water.
- This is arguably canonised in the Super Robot Wars games, as Treize usually has amazing stats and is often one of the best pilots in the game. Unfortunately, he's also always a Guest Star Party Member.
- Enemy Mine (The situation in Super Robot Wars Destiny causes Treize to have the competence to ally with you at the start since things are bad enough. Due to theZanscare Empire attacking Earth, along with the Invaders, and the Protodevlin, and the united alien forces of the villains from Daltanius, Godmars and Grendizer, your heroes quickly realize pretty much the only organizations out there that still have the sheer manpower to defend humanity are the Principality of Zeon and the Order of the Zodiac. Thankfully, Roger Smith takes care of the negotiations.)
- Even Evil Has Standards: Treize is the only person opposed to the use of Romefeller's Mobile Doll system.
- Foe Yay: With Zechs and Wufei.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Is averted in the series, where Une jumps in the way of his, though he still dies later by similiar means. In Super Robot Wars Destiny though, he does pull off a successful Heroic Sacrifice to destroy Original Generation villain Perfectio. He also does one to Paptimus Scirocco with Zechs in F Final's DC Route, but that one failed.
- Hot Dad (if Mariemeia is his daughter.)
- Implausible Fencing Powers: Wufei challenges Treize to a sword duel in the first encounter between the two, and Treize defeats Wufei without breaking a sweat. Treize does spare Wufei's life.
- Magnificent Bastard: Arguably the most widely recognized of the whole franchise.
- Numerical Theme Naming: From the French word for "thirteen".
- Also a Meaningful Name justified in canon: "13" was the number of the runway, where his mother Angelina last saw her first husband (and Treize's father) when she was kidnapped by family.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Rose. Scented. Bubble. Baths. He also enjoys opera music.
- Something About A Rose: Treize wouldn't be Treize without an abundance of these.
- Taking The Bullet (for a 12-years-old Noin, in the backstory.)
- Tall Dark And Snarky
- Ubermensch: Though he himself seems to believe that the Gundam pilots are the real Ubermensches.
- Warrior Therapist
Lucrezia Noin
Voice Actors: Chisa Yokoyama (Japanese), Saffron Henderson (English)
- Action Girl
- Anguished Declaration Of Love: Subverted. Noin actually admits her love for Zechs not to let him know her feelings, but after she reveals to Relena that he's her brother so she can stop wishing for his death.
- Badass
- Badass Normal: In Endless Waltz, she keeps up with the Gundam Pilots and Zechs while piloting a Taurus.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral —> Lawful Good
- Go Through Me: In episode 47, Noin takes aim at Zechs when the latter is about to attack Peacemillion, and Zechs is about to attack Noin. However, Zechs backs out of attacking her at the last minute.
- Hot Amazon
- Kuudere
- Lady Of War
- Lovely Angels: With Sally.
- Numerical Theme Naming: From the German neun, meaning "nine".
- Official Couple: She and Zechs are the closest to it, even with the No Hugging No Kissing policy of sorts.
- Pale Skinned Brunette
- Peek A Bangs: To a lesser extent.
- Playing Against Type: Voiced by Chisa Yokoyama. Yes, THAT Chisa Yokoyama.
- Plucky Girl
- Purple Eyes
- Stern Teacher: To the Academy cadets. She was a borderline Drill Sergeant Nasty to them in training, but also comforted a dying young man when Wufei bombed their dorms and took the attack on them very, very seriously.
- Tall Dark And Bishoujo
- Team Mom: To the Gundam pilots (specially to Quatre) and Relena, in the second part of the series.
- Transforming Mecha: Her white Taurus mobile suit.
- What Could Have Been: In a 2005 interview with the creators, Noin was originally a male, and was going to be the Garma Zabi to Zechs's Char.
Lady Une
Voice Actors: Sayuri Yamauchi (Japanese), Enuka Okuma (English)
- Armor Piercing Slap: Used on Noin, most famously.
- The Baroness: In her militaristic personality.
- Bishoujo Sparkle: episode 19; as "Saint Une".
- Character Alignment: Neutral Evil as Lady, Lawful Good as Saint. In the end, Lawful Good.
- Colonel Badass
- Cry Cute: When Relena refuses to kill her.
- Dark Action Girl
- Epileptic Trees: Episode Zero features a young girl roughly Trowa's age named Midii Une; Fanon often tries to draw a connection between her and Lady, despite the fact that Word Of God says there is none (Midii references a father and brothers, but no female relatives).
- Rather, Word Of God says that the connection 'will remain a secret forever'. In other words, there is one, but they'll never tell. Cue Wall Banger as fans try to figure it out.
- Four Eyes Zero Soul: An unusual female version as "Lady".
- Good Looking Privates: As "Saint", but arguably as Lady, too.
- Gundamjack: After waking up from her coma, she steals the Wing Gundam and takes Libra's main cannon blast for Treize. The lower body was destroyed, but she survived unscathed.
- Kick The Dog: In episode 10, when she threatened to shoot down the colonies unless the Gundam pilots surrender, forcing Heero to Take A Third Option.
- And she punts the pup twice in a row, when Noin objects openly to the slaughter of civilians and she slaps her as a reply.
- Letting Her Hair Down and The Glasses Come Off: Her transition into Saint Une.
- Meganekko: As Colonel Une.
- Name's The Same: See note on Epileptic Trees.
- Numerical Theme Naming: From the French word for "one".
- Parental Substitute (maybe, for Mariemeia)
- Psycho Supporter: As "Lady", again.
- Split Personality: As Lady Une, she's a ruthlessly efficient bitch. As Saint Une, she's a sweet young lady. At the end, she reconciles both of her personalities and keeps the best of them.
- Subordinate Excuse: Towards Treize.
- Tall Dark And Bishoujo
- Team Mom: In Endless Waltz
- Tomboy And Girly Girl: Lady and Saint Une can be seen as the two in one body.
- What Could Have Been: In a 2005 interview with the creators, Une was going to be a clumsy country girl who was nice to Treize.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: As Saint Une
Dorothy Catalonia
Voice Actors: Naoko Matsui (Japanese), Cathy Weseluck (English), Angelica Diaz (Latin America)
- "Hurry up and start a war!"
The granddaughter of Romefeller Chairman Duke Dermail, Dorothy Catalonia is the polar opposite of Relena; while Relena follows her family's philosophy of total pacifism, Dorothy fully embraces war.
- Big Ol Eyebrows: AND HOW.
- Broken Bird: She was deeply affected by the death of her father Chilias in the last war.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Evil —> Lawful Good, in Endless Waltz.
- Childhood Marriage Promise: To her cousin Treize.
- Dark Action Girl: More of The Strategist, but she still can handle herself very well with a rapier.
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Detractor Nickname: "Forked-Eyebrow Bitch".
- Die For Our Ship: By the 3x4 fandom, as well as general fangirl hate for her stabbing Quatre near the end of the series. Hurt The Woobie, burn in hell.
- Evil Counterpart: As mentioned above, she embraces war, while Relena follows her family's pacifist beliefs.
- Femme Fatale: Makes subtle passes at Heero, Zechs, Relena...
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Matsui played Roux Louka in Gundam ZZ. In one interview, she said that after ZZ wrapped, the staff asked her "If Gundam is still going in ten years, would you like to come back?" and she responded "Sure!"
- Implausible Fencing Powers: At the Sanc Kingdom, she engaged in a fencing match with Heero, while, at the same time, she tells a story about two people with the same name hoping to bring peace. At the end of the story, Heero drives his saber through Dorothy's face mask, barely missing her. She doesn't even flinch.
- Japanese Honorifics: She likes to refer to Relena as "Relena-sama" ("Miss Relena"), despite the latter asking her not to call her that, and to Zechs as "Milliardo-sama".
- Lady Of War: And how.
- Magnificent Bitch: Manages to keep her cool at least partially even when her grandfather is horribly killed in front of her. Not only that, she almost immediately makes aRousing Speech after that. WOW.
- The Mole: She was sent to the Sanc Kingdom to spy on Relena on behalf of Romefeller, while posing as one of her students.
- Our Presidents Are Different: The 2010 sequel novel Frozen Teardrop has her as President of the ESUN. Time will tell exactly which kind of President she is.
- Her nickname is the "Neo Titanium Girl", which suggests her to be an Iron Lady of some type.
- Playing Against Type: Her English VA, Cathy Weseluck, is better known for using her calm, gentle voice to portray kind, motherly characters such as the original Mobile Suit Gundam's Mirai Yashima.
- Purple Eyes
- Rapunzel Hair: Her blond hair reaches her knees.
- Relationship Voice Actor: Voiced by Naoko Matsui, whereas Relena is played by Akiko Yajima. Watch Idol Densetsu Eriko and you'll understand.
- Cathy Weseluck and Lisa Ann Beley (Relena's VA) will work together again in Gundam 00.
- Rich Bitch: With her own huge gold limousine, cargo transporter and spaceship.
- Shipper On Deck: Openly ships 1xR in Battlefield of Pacifists.
- Shout Out Theme Naming: In keeping with the show's homages to The Wizard Of Oz, she is named after Dorothy Gale.
- Woman In Black: Is wearing a sexy black gown, complete with Sexy Black and Opera Gloves, during the battle in which Duke Dermail is killed off.
Mariemaia Khushrenada
Voice Actors: Rei Sakuma (Japanese), Maggie Blue O'Hara (English)
- "History is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace, and revolution continue on forever. However, history will change upon the day of my coronation."
The daughter of Treize Khushrenada, Mariemaia is one of the main antagonists of Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz, who believes that she's the rightful heir to the Earth Sphere Unified Nation. She is also the co-leader of her namesake army, the Mariemaia Army.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Creepy Child
- Daddy's Little Villain: She's the daughter of Treize, as well as the granddaughter of Dekim Barton.
- If Dekim's last words in the manga are true, she might not be the real deal, but a homeless girl chosen and brainwashed by him.
- Do Not Adjust Your Set: When she formally declared war on Earth.
- Enfante Terrible
- Evil Redheads
- Expy: Of Mineva Lao Zabi.
- Man Behind The Man: In Super Robot Wars Compact, Iron Mask Carozzo and Cosmo Babylonia used her as a pawn.
- Military Brat
- More Than Mind Control: Blame it on her grandfather Dekim in Endless Waltz.
- Taking The Bullet: For Relena when Dekim was about to shoot her.
- Title Drop: See above quote.
Dekim Barton
A former associate of the original Heero Yuy, Dekim Barton is the main villain of Endless Waltz. He is the co-leader of the Mariemaia Army, as well as the leader of the Barton Foundation.- Character Alignment: Neutral Evil
- Colony Drop: What his original version of Operation Meteor turned out to be, and what he tried to accomplish, but Heero, Duo, and Trowa prevented that.
- Complete Monster: At the end of Endless Waltz, he tries to shoot Relena and hits Mariemaia, his own granddaughter (though the manga suggests she was some random orphan child he tricked into believing she was Treize's daughter - and if it's true, the deal's even worse)...then proceeds to gloat about how he can easily replace her. In front of the soldiers that he had set up to be fanatically loyal to her. This ends about as well as you'd expect.
- Manipulative Bastard
- More Than Mind Control: Insanely good at this.
- Smug Snake
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: In Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden, after Dekim Barton is defeated, Khamen Khamen deemed him useless and promptly snuck a king cobra to bite and kill him, without Khamen being on the place. It almost bit Isaac, but Haran Banjou shot it dead in the nick of time.
Other Characters
Catherine Bloom
- Armor Piercing Punch: To Trowa.
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good
- Cool Big Sis
- The Danza: voiced by Cathy Weseluck in English, her full name's Catherine. This won't be her last.
- Knife Nut: Works as the circus's knife thrower.
- Luke I Am Your Father: According to Episode Zero, she's very likely to be Trowa's long lost older sister.
- Mama Bear: She is very overprotective of Trowa, after he survived Quatre's attack.
- The Other Darrin: Played by Moneca Stori for the first 13 episodes, then replaced by Cathy Weseluck from then on.
- Parental Abandonment: She lost her parents and her baby brother Triton, who may or may not be Trowa during an Alliance attack, then was adopted by the circus people.
- Plucky Girl
- Sparkling Stream Of Tears: Also in the aptly-titled episode, "Catherine's Tears".
- What The Hell, Hero?: On Trowa, when he almost self-detonates. Later on Quatre, when he wants Trowa to remember him, despite all the risks it will bring.
Sally Po
Voice Actors: Yumi Touma (Japanese), Moneca Stori (English, first), Samantha Ferris (English, second)
- Action Survivor
- Badass Normal
- Character Alignment: Lawful Good
- Frontier Doctor
- Lovely Angels: With Noin.
- The Other Darrin: Played by Monica Stori for the first 13 episodes, then by Samantha Ferris for the rest of the animated canon.
- Plucky Girl
- Princess Curls: Curious case, since she has them but is not The Ojou or a Rich Bitch.
- Team Mom
Hilde Schbeiker
Voice Actors: Kae Araki (Japanese), Marcy Goldberg (English)
- Affirmative Action Girl
- Badass Normal
- Blue Eyes: More of a greenish blue.
- Capulet Counterpart: Was an OZ volunteer in her first appearance, but left the service shortly after meeting Duo.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral —> Chaotic Good
- Demoted To Extra: In Endless Waltz, Hilde only appeared in the closing credits of the final OAV and the movie, presumably done to show that she survived the Eve Wars.
- This is kind of understandable, given that the last time we saw her in the series, she was badly injured in combat and being taken to Peacemillion's sick bay, making it a case of What Happened To The Mouse until EW.
- She was briefly mentioned in the Battlefield of Pacifists manga.
- Die For Our Ship: By the rabid 1x2 crew. It's much less common than Relena bashing, but not unheard of.
- Fan Nickname: "Mini-Noin", because she almost looks like Noin, and how she could be mistaken for Noin's little sister.
- Hilariously, Episode Zero shows us a 12-year-old Noin. She looks exactly like Hilde in her OZ cadet uniform, only more stoic and formal.
- Genki Girl
- Kae Araki
- Nice Hat: Has a cute pink beret. She wears a teal-green beret in the ending for Endless Waltz: Special Edition.
- Pale Skinned Brunette
- Playful Hacker: Hinted to be one.
- Plucky Girl
- Shorttank
- Spell My Name With An S: Either "Hilde" or "Hirde" are acceptable.
- Tall Dark And Bishoujo: Actually, she's more of Short Dark and Bishoujo.
- Taurusjack: How she escaped after she stole critical data from Libra.
- Wrench Wench: With her own scrapyard. And good enough to pass as one of the Libra's mechanics.
Gundam Scientists
The five Gundam Scientists, Doctor J, Professor G, Doktor S, Instructor H, and Master O, were known as the creators of the five Gundams. Before that, they were the creators of the Tallgeese, the first mobile suit, and the Wing Zero, the mobile suit that the five Gundams were based on.
- Alphabetical Theme Naming
- Badass Grandpas
- Badass Labcoat
- Character Alignment: Neutral Evil in the backstory, Chaotic Neutral in the actual series. Maybe.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: All of them.
- Cool Old Guys
- Deadpan Snarkers: A particularly amusing example: When OZ has captured the Scientists, Lt. Nichol tries to kill them by shutting off the oxygen to their cell. Doctor J talks about the air getting thinner, and Professor G responds "If you're going to die, hurry up and do it; the rest of us could use that air."
- Five Man Band / Five Token Band
- Mad Scientists: All of them.
- Non Action Guys: Mostly, though Master O beats Duo to a pulp, though this was done to prevent OZ from discovering that they're actually repairing and upgrading the Deathscythe and the Shenlong Gundams.
- Redemption Equals Death: All of them.
- The Smart Guys
- Character Alignment: Arguably, True Neutral
- Hawaiian Shirted Tourist: While not quite a tourist despite his travels, Howard's always seen with a nice Hawaiian shirt and shades.
- Mr Fixit
Duke Dermail
- Aristocrats Are Evil
- Character Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Humiliation Conga: As a result of Relena's Reassignment Backfire, he lost almost all support from Romefeller, which ultimately resulted in...
- Karmic Death: Is killed by the very mobile doll system he approved of.
- Smug Snake
- War For Fun And Profit
Colonel Tsubarov
- Character Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Fashion Victim Villain (that blue jacket...)
- Mad Scientist
- Smug Snake
- Villainous Breakdown
A former associate of the original Heero Yuy, Quinze is the co-leader and founder of the colonial rebel faction, White Fang, who seeks to declare war on Earth.- Character Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Do Not Adjust Your Set: He does this twice, the second time with Zechs.
- Evil Old Folks
- He's Got Legs
- La Resistance
- Numerical Theme Naming: Quinze means "fifteen" in portuguese.
- Smug Snake
Voice actors: Toshiyuki Morikawa (Japanese)
- "Long live... KING ZECHS!"
- Badass: Briefly, but it's there!
- Battle Butler: To Zechs.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- Dying Moment Of Awesome
- Mauve Shirt
- Secret Keeper: Knew Zechs's true identity.
Lieutenant Nichol
Voice actors: Toshiyuki Morikawa (Japanese)
- Battle Butler: To Lady Une.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- Jerk Ass
- Jerk With A Heart Of Gold When Lady Une is rendered comatose, he's shown taking care of her
- Knight Templar
- Toshiyuki Morikawa
Vice-Foreign Minister Darlian and Mrs. Darlian
- Akio Ohtsuka (the Premier)
- Character Alignment: Lawful Good, both of them
- Expy/Composite Character: Vice-Foreign Minister Darlian is based on Jimba Ral and Teaboro Mass.
- Hot Dad: The Tall Dark And Handsome Premier.
- Hot Mom: Mrs. Darlian was a sweet-faced, soft-spoken blonde Ojou
- Sacrificial Lamb (poor Vice-Foreign Minister Darlian)
- Parental Substitute: Darlian was an ambassador in the Sanc Kingdom when it collapsed, and he and his wife took little Princess Relena in after it fell.
- Secret Keeper (both of them knew who Relena and Zechs truly are)
- When You Coming Home Dad: Relena loved her father, but she couldn't help resent him for never being home.
- Yumi Touma (Mrs. Darlian)
Zayeed "Master" Winner
Quatre's father and the patriarch of the Winner family. He has a strained relationship with Quatre, when he forgoes his family's pacifist beliefs to become a Gundam pilot.
- Actual Pacifist: It costs him his life.
- Badass Moustache
- Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- Disappeared Dad
- Hot Dad
- Identical Stranger (looks supiciously like an Older And Wiser Trowa.
And suddenly, Quatre's fixation on Trowa is explained. - Sacrificial Lamb
- The White Prince (adult version)
Dr. Iria Winner
- Cool Big Sis
- Character Alignment: Lawful Good
- Gattaca Babies (she and her sisters are test-tube babies)
- Justified Trope, in story: the first and second generations of colony people were all Gattaca Babies due to how hard it was for people to adapt to colony life, with pregnant women being almost surely condemned to Death By Childbirth. Their brother Quatre may have been the first exception ever.
- Hair Of Gold
- Hospital Hottie
- The Medic
- The Ojou
- Sacrificial Lamb (manga)
- What Happened To The Mouse? (in the anime)
Katherine Winner
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good
- Death By Origin Story
- Death By Childbirth (she wanted to give birth naturally at all costs, despite being already gravely ill and the difficulties coming from the colony life. She got her wish when Quatre was born, and then died.)
- Hair Of Gold
- Hot Mom
- Ill Girl
- Missing Mom
- The Ojou
- Plucky Girl
- Spell My Name With An S: Is it really Katherine, Quatrina, or just a simple Catherina?
Field Marshall Noventa
- Actual Pacifist: He was described as one of the pacifist leaders of the Alliance.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Good
- Keiji Fujiwara
- Reasonable Authority Figure (was basically a high-ranked Nice Guy from the military)
- Red Oni Blue Oni (arguably, with General Septem)
- Sacrificial Lamb
General Septem
- Character Alignment: Neutral Evil
- Humiliation Conga
- Dropped A Bridge On Him (Or better said, he got thrown off a plane. And shot by Une in his way down.)
- The Neidermeyer
- Red Oni Blue Oni (the red to Noventa's blue)
- Smug Snake
Sylvia Noventa
Voice actors: Kumiko Nishihara (Japanese)
- Character Alignment: Lawful Good
- The Ojou
- Raised By Grandparents (and then, her grandpa gets killed off)
- Shoot The Dog. Subverted, she refuses to.
- What The Hell Hero To Heero. "You're a coward!"
The Maganac Corps
The Maganac Corps are a mercenary/resistance faction founded by Rashid. They would assist Quatre during their missions.
- A Father To His Men: Rashid
- Anime Hair: Rashid, coupled with a Badass Beard.
- Badass Moustache: Ahmad
- Bottomless Magazines
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good (though their leader Rashid Kurama could be seen as more Lawful Good)
- Cool Shades (Abdul, one of the younger members)
- The Family That Slays Together: They're not blood-related, but... (see Gattaca Babies below)
- Gattaca Babies: According to Episode Zero, all of the members are test-tube babies.
- Gentle Giant: Rashid - AND HOW.
- La Resistance
- Meaningful Name: According to Episode Zero, "Maganac" means family. It actually comes from the Tagalog phrase "mga anak," or literally, "the children."
- The Mole: Yuda in Quatre's chapter of Episode Zero, obviously named for Judas Iscariot.
- Nice Hat: Fez!
- Numerological Motif: There are 40 of them. And only 40.
- Rousing Speech: Rashid gives one when he addresses the Maganac and their town in episode 11.
- Team Dad (Rashid, also a Cool Old Guy)
- Waistcoat Of Style: They all have one, which might also be Bullet Proof Vests...
The Little Girl And Her Dog
- Character Alignment: obviously, True Neutral
- Death By Origin Story
- Heroes Love Dogs
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Heero
- Kill The Cutie
- Nice Hat
- No Name Given
- Posthumous Character
- Shoot The Dog: What happened to the poor dog.
- Yuko Miyamura (the little girl)
Leia Barton
- Character Alignment: True Neutral
- Dead Little Sister (for Dekim and the real Trowa)
- Hospital Hottie (works in an hospital built by her family)
- Florence Nightingale Effect (Treize was seriously injured as he shielded a child Noin during a rebel attack, and Leia was the nurse taking care of him.)
- Hot Mom (if she is Mariemeia's mother)
- Mad Scientists Beautiful Daughter
- The Ojou
The Real Trowa Barton
- Blue Eyes
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
- Death By Origin Story
- Hot Blooded
- Jerk Ass
- The White Prince
Sister Helen and Father Maxwell
- Actual Pacifist: Father Maxwell, as seen here.
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good, both of them
- Death By Origin Story
- Go Out With A Smile (Sister Helen)
- Team Mom (Sister Helen)
- Team Dad (Father Maxwell)
Odin Lowe
- Anti Villain
- Alas Poor Villain (though he wasn't that evil, compared to others)
- Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- Give Him A Normal Life: He intended to let go of his "son" Heero after his last work (assassinating Septem). Said last work failed, and he died.)
- Hitman With A Heart
- Hot Dad: Toyed with. Episode Zero hinted at Loew being just a handsome Parental Substitute for young Heero... and then Frozen Teardrop revealed that he was Heero's biological father.
Long Meiran aka Nataku
- Action Girl <- -> Faux Action Girl (Boisterous Bruiser attitude and readiness to fight, but bad luck in the battlefield)
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral
- Chinese Girl
- Cute Bruiser
- Girlish Pigtails
- Go Out With A Smile
- I Let Gwen Stacy Die
- The Ojou (she was the granddaughter of her colony's leader)
- Shorttank
- Perfectly Arranged Marriage (Averted, she didn't get along with her arranged husband Wufei despite both being around the same age as well as good at martial arts.Heck, they were bickering during their wedding ceremony. They didn't reach a sort-of agreement until she died in his arms.)
- Plucky Girl (Utterly refuses to submit to the Values Dissonance surrounding her life)
- Tsundere (VERY much a Type A, not showing her deredere until she's about to die and tells Wufei that she took care into protecting a field of flowers (a big deal for her, considering these were wildflowers in a colony)... then aknowledges Wufei as a strong fighter and dies smiling in his arms.
Midii Une
- Anti Villain
- Broken Bird
- Character Alignment: True Neutral or maybe, Necessarily Neutral Evil.
- Expy: of Miharu/Michelle Ratokie from Mobile Suit Gundam.
- The Mole
- Rescue Romance: Subverted. While Trowa did save her and they kinda bonded over it, she still betrayed the mercenary group they were in.
- Parental Substitute (helps her ill father to raise her siblings)
- Spell My Name With An S (Midii? Middie?)
- Team Chef
- Tragic Keepsake (her crucifix, which she gives to Trowa. Subverted, it was a transmitter that let her track him and the mercenaries.)
- Tsundere (Type A, to No-name aka the future Trowa. As Trowa unmasks her as a traitor and tells her to leave, Midie's train of thoughts was PURE deredere, despite acting all tsuntsun by claiming that she hates him for being unhumanly cold. It's simply *heartbreaking*)
King Peacecraft
The monarch of the Sanc Kingdom and the father of Princess Relena and Prince Milliardo (AKA Zechs Merquise). He adopted Heero Yuy's Total Pacifism beliefs for Earth and developed a diplomatic relationship with Heero. On AC 182, King Peacecraft was killed along with the royal family during the Alliance's invasion of the Sanc Kingdom, except for the two children.
- Actual Pacifist: It's in his name.
- Badass Beard
- Character Alignment: Lawful Good
- Death By Origin Story
- Dying Moment Of Awesome and Papa Wolf: One of the mangas
◊ shows him personally clearing up the way for Pagan and the future Premier Darlian (who was hisNumber Two back then) so they can escape with baby Relena, sword in hand among the flames devouring the Sanc Royal Palace.
- Expy: Of Zeon Zum Deikun.
- Hot Dad (of Milliardo/Zechs and Relena)
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
The Real Heero Yuy
The charismatic leader of the colonies, the original Heero Yuy was the creator of the Total Pacifism philosophy, encouraging its citizens it peacefully oppose the United Earth Sphere Alliance. His philosophy was later adopted on Earth by the Peacecraft family, who would later develop a diplomatic relationship with Heero Yuy. Yuy's assassination on April 7, AC 175 would throw the colonies into chaos.
- Actual Pacifist: He was the creator of the "Total Pacifism" philosophy, which later people like the Peacecrafts ( except Zechs) and Quatre's father would also profess.
- Character Alignment: Either Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral.
- Death By Origin Story
- Expy: Again, of Zeon Zum Deikun.
- Revenge: His death at the hands of Odin Lowe Sr. is what triggers the whole plot.
- Sharp Dressed Man
- Tall Dark And Handsome
Zechs was not "killed off for real" in "Frozen Teardrop". A fake, potentially a clone, was shot instead of him. This is clearly revealed in the story. Please go read this part. BTW, I would add "cute bruiser" to Quatre's list. And Relena's hair is not Brown-blond. It's dark blond, to be specific.