Characters: Assassin's Creed II |
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This also serves as the Characters page for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood due to the games' many shared characters.
The Assassins
Desmond Miles
The viewpoint and player character of the series, Desmond is a genetic descendant of Ezio Auditore and a full-blooded Assassin, who is dragged into the Secret War. Desmond actually gets to undertake some action this time around. Not that he's the greatest fighter at first, but the "Bleeding Effect" of being constantly exposed tot he Animus and his ancestors, coupled with his genetic ties, allows him to develop agility and fighting skills on a par with his forefathers.- Awesome By Animus
- Deadpan Snarker: Specifically takes a level in Smartass in "Brotherhood."
- Only for this to fail him in a Crowning Moment Of Funny:
Desmond: *in a stereotypical Italian accent* "Hey, wassa-matta-you Altaïr?"Rebecca: "That's racist!"Desmond: You're racist!" - Half Human Hybrid
- Properly Paranoid: He spent ten years avoiding major cities and giving out his real name, just in case. What finally allows the Templars to catch him? A motorcycle license. Photograph and fingerprints.
- Refusal Of The Call: He ran away from being an Assassin when he was sixteen.
- Sanity Slippage: In AC1 he merely gains Eagle Vision from the "Bleeding Effect" of his Animus use, but in AC2 he has visual hallucinations and "dreams" a memory of Altaïr's outside the Animus (one that he'd never encountered in the Animus either), and in Brotherhood the hallucinations are getting worse: more frequent, with sound and in one case an event that Ezio almost certainly didn't experience (the Borgia mole disguised as a thief who revealed where the Monteriggioni refugees were fleeing from). Worse yet, Desmond is aware of and self-conscious about how his symptoms are paralleling those of Subject 16.
- Took A Level In Badass: Part of the point of his time in the Animus, as well as to find the Piece of Eden (specifically the Apple) that Ezio was known to have encountered.
Ezio Auditore da Firenze
The ancestral character of Assassin's Creed II. After is his blissful life as the young son of a Florentine banker is destroyed, Ezio sets out an epic decades-long quest for vengeance, hunting down — as well as adding to — names from a list his father Giovanni wrote. The plot of both games show Ezio's progression and growth, as he goes from an enraged teenager seeking revenge and cursing those he kills, to a mature and patient hunter of his foes, to a wiser man who eventually rises to lead the Assassin order through wisdom and personal skill and leadership.- Badass
- Badass Halfcape... which also serves to conceal his left-forearm Hidden Blade bracer, the Short Blade, and the hilt of his sword, axe, or bludgeon, as whenever he walks in Low Profile he pulls it over his left shoulder.
- Badass Beard: By his mid-thirties, after being nearly fatally wounded by one of the Orsi brothers and spending some time unconscious.
- Catch Phrase: Requiescat in Pace, which he says to (almost) all of his targets during their final moments.
- The Combat Pragmatist: A tradition for Desmond's bloodline, even moreso in Brotherhood.
- Cool Old Guy: Ends the second game at his 40's and by the end of "Brotherhood" is 48 years old, almost qualifying him for Badass Grandpa (though he had yet to father any children).
- Dual Wielding: Carries two Hidden Blades; also applies to the Medium Weapon/Hidden Gun and the Short Blade/Throwing Knives combinations in Brotherhood.
- The Gump: Takes part in various famous Renaissance events, such as the Bonfire of the Vanities and the hunt for the Pazzi conspirators.
- Handsome Lech: Even during his 20-year Roaring Rampage Of Revenge, he still tries to find time for the ladies and is pretty much confirmed to have bedded at least one lady in Forli... until the Siege of Monteriggioni (begun while in bed with Caterina Sforza), after which he doesn't so much as look at a woman suggestively for the next three years. It is unknown if he returned to his old ways before the Battle of Viana, four years after that.
- Half Human Hybrid: It is heavily implied that Ezio, just as everyone in his bloodline, has genetic material from one of "Those Who Came Before" in his DNA, which gives him his Eagle Vision ability.
- Heartbroken Badass: The repressed memories of his old flame Christina show that during the Bonfire of the Vanities she was mortally wounded and died in his arms.
- The Hero
- In The Hood: Runs in the family.
- In The Past Everyone Will Be Famous: Leonardo da Vinci, Caterina Sforza, Niccolo Machiavelli... that's a handful of people he deals with on a daily basis.
- Multi Melee Master:
- Multi Ranged Master: Throwing knives, Hidden Gun, crossbow.
- Sword And Gun: In Brotherhood Ezio can use a longsword or bludgeon (Medium Weapons) and his Hidden Gun together in combat while the Medium Weapon is equipped by holding down the Attack button (effectively switching to the Hidden Gun, though in a kill streak this will cause him to aim at a different person); the Short Blade and Throwing Knives have a similar relationship.
- Rousing Speech: At the end of Bonfire of the Vanities.
- Tempting Fate: During sequence 1 of AC2, he wishes for his life to never change.
- Also by sparing Rodrigo's life, and then by assuming at the beginning of Brotherhood that "our work is finished."
- Averted in "Brotherhood" when he spares Micheletto in order to save the actor. Micheletto does not become a threat from that point on and is arrested off-screen according to his portrait, though his fate is unknown.
- The First Cut Is The Deepest: His repressed memories in Brotherhood are all tied to his failed relationship with Cristina Vespucci.
- The Mentor: In Brotherhood he becomes titled il Mentore when Machiavelli steps down in favor of Ezio as Grand Master of the Assassin Order in Rome.
- Would Hit A Girl: Some of his targets have been female, and he killed "The Smuggler" Lia de Russo.
- You Killed My Father: and my brothers and my uncle Borgia.
Giovanni Auditore
"I am Giovanni Auditore, and like my ancestors before me, I am an Assassin."
Ezio's father, a prominent Florentine banker and noble, as well as the personal Assassin of Lorenzo de' Medici.- Cool Old Guy
- Disappeared Dad: By way of a gallows.
- Hero Of Another Story: Assassin's Creed: Lineage.
- In The Hood: In Lineage.
Mario Auditore
"Don't you recognize me? It'sa me, Mario!"
Ezio's uncle, he commands a large number of mercenaries from his villa in Tuscany.- Badass Cape
- Cool Old Guy
- Handicapped Badass: His left eye was blinded due to a pendulum trap in Project Legacy.
- Hero Of Another Story: Is one of the viewpoint characters in Project Legacy.
- Killed Off For Real
- The Mentor: A strange combination of this and Boisterous Bruiser.
- Shout Out: It'sa him, Mario.
- Uncle Pennybags: Despite the state of decay Ezio finds Monteriggioni in, Mario does pretty much own the place. He also set Ezio up with a room, and some money to buy armor, free of charge. Also in Project Legacy, it's shown that he actively interacts with and helps out the various communities in his village to try and learn more about what they do.
Claudia Auditore
"You here to look at the book?"
Ezio's little sister. After the remaining Auditores flee Firenze, she becomes Monteriggioni's bookkeeper, helping Ezio set up his business empire. Come Brotherhood she takes a more direct stance in assisting her brother, managing a Roman brothel and joining the Assassin's in full- Action Girl: In Brotherhood, she takes on at least three Borgia guards and kills them without taking a scratch.
- Badass: In The Blood
- Took A Level In Badass
Bartolomeo d'Alviano
Assassin and mercenary leader who Ezio rescues in Venice, later becoming a major ally during Brotherhood.- Boisterous Bruiser
- Happily Married: In Brotherhood, though thanks to "Bianca," when Bartolomeo calls for his wife Ezio only half-jokingly asks, "Did you check behind the table?" before finding out to his surprise that the wife is an actual human woman.
- Hero Of Another Story: One of the viewpoint characters of Project Legacy.
- I Call It Vera: Wields a claymore called "Bianca."
- Large Ham
La Volpe
The leader of the Florentine thieves and an Assassin, he moves to Rome during Brotherhood, becoming a major ally for Ezio.- Animal Theme Naming: Literally "The Fox," later worked into the name of his inn.
- The Complainer Is Always Wrong: In Brotherhood, he perpetually suspects Machiavelli of being The Mole due to the lack of progress against the Borgia regime, especailly after he and Ezio see Machiavelli accept a message from a Borgia guard, and only lays off when Ezio vouches for Machiavelli — who later confirms that the Borgia guard (unwittingly killed by one of La Volpe's thieves) was his own mole. La Volpe eventually moves to kill Machiavelli himself after Borgia troops try to move on the Thieves' Guild, but Ezio stops him in the nick of time, having found the real mole... a thief, presumably having been in La Volpe's employ.
- Honor Among Thieves: When they first meet La Volpe returns Ezio's money, which was deliberately pickpocketed to lure him to the meeting spot. His thieves also watch out for each other, protecting their fellows when they're in danger.
- Legitimate Businessmens Social Club: The tavern he and Ezio build in Brotherhood, La Volpe Adoramentata ("The Sleeping Fox"), a favorite of the Borgia guards who provide coin in more ways than one.
- Only Known By Their Nickname: Although Renaissance calls him Gilberto, this is not mentioned in the game.
The madame of Florentine brothel, she protects Ezio's family after they are betrayed, teaching Ezio how to use his hidden blade and disappear in the crowd.- Hooker With A Heart Of Gold
- The Mentor
- What Happened To The Mouse: She isn't seen after ACII's final sequence, though hopefully, she quit the prostitution business, what with being 70 by 1507
- Well, she's a Madame, which just means she's just the head of the Brothel.
Niccolo Machiavelli
Fellow Assassin, assisting Ezio during both the Battle of Forli and the Bonfire of the Vanities and becoming his chief advisor during Brotherhood.- Fashionable Asymmetry: His Brotherhood outfit's outermost garment is missing its right sleeve.
- Jerk With A Heart Of Gold: His explanation of his cynicism to Ezio is that he merely describes the conditions in Rome as they are.
- Machiavelli Was Wrong: Direct example. Ezio's actions tend to screw around with Machiavelli's rather cynical outlook. Eventually thanks to this, Machiavelli steps down as the Roman leader of the Assassins in favor of Ezio.
- The Mentor: Ezio's recruits are essentially handed off to Machiavelli for their initial training, and he was probably supervising them when they were not acting as Ezio's personal security detachment.
- The Mole: Suspected of being this by La Volpe — hence his withholding of the Thieves' Guild's support — and evidence seems to mount. He's not. The Borgia guard he accepted a letter from was his own spy in the Borgia regime, who was killed by one of La Volpe's unwitting thieves. The actual mole, another thief, is found later.
- The suspicion isn't helped when he appears to have been ineffective of making progress against the Borgia — having driven away the Thieves' Guild, unable to relieve the pressure on Bartolomeo's army, unable to get the madam of the Rosa in Fiore brothel to actually support the Assassins (a Database entry reveals that she was actually selling out the Assassins to the Church cardinals in the Borgias' pocket), being unaware that both Caterina Sforza and the Apple of Eden were held by the Templars, and otherwise being spectacularly unprepared for going after Cesare and Rodrigo Borgia.
- What The Hell Hero: His reaction to Ezio sparing Rodrigo Borgia, causing him to temporarily abandon Ezio and head to Rome.
- Worthy Opponent: He gives some kudos to Cesare for how he manages to keep Rome under his iron-fisted rule. A nod to how historically he had good relations with the Borgia, and in particular seemed to admire Cesare in his writing.
- This ends up being part of what casts suspicion on him as The Mole.
Lucy Stillman
Vidic's research assistant from the first game, Lucy reveals herself as an Assassin and brings Desmond to a pair of other Assassins in order to train him via the Bleeding Effect.- Action Girl: She beats the holy howling shit out of a bunch of Abstergo guards. Unarmed. In seconds. She wasn't even out of breath afterwards.
- Hot Scientist: No doubt because...
- Polygon Suit Actor: Kristen Bell provides her voice and facial model.
- My Greatest Failure: She harbours terrible guilt for what happened to Subject Sixteen, an Animus subject driven to cut his wrists and cover the walls of his room in his own blood. If she, encouraged by Vidic, had not pushed Sixteen so hard in the Animus, he might not have committed suicide. Recalling his death is a good way to break her unflappable demeanour.
- By Brotherhood it's subsided, not least because she's become at compartmentalizing and focusing on their tasks at hand.
- Ms Exposition
- The Mole: Maybe. Upon awakening, Juno says something vague about how "the cross darkens the horizon", after which she forces Desmond to stab Lucy. There seems to be precedent for this, given that Eagle Vision reveals red (enemy) footprints leading into the villa base.
Shaun Hastings
The Assassin Order's resident historian, he assists Desmond by creating database entries on notable people and events Ezio comes across.- Deadpan Snarker
- The Mean Brit: Very mean. Even in his database entries, he can't resist having a go at the subject, or his family, or an ex-girlfriend, or travel agents, for some reason...
- Mission Control: Actually rarely does this for Desmond except when trying to solve the Subject 16 puzzles, but he assists other Assassin field teams... when he can reach them.
- Non Action Guy: Says he's killed before, what with his being an Assassin, but prefers not to.
- Shout Out: He's named after Sean Hastings, founding CEO of HavenCo.
- Voice With An Animus Connection
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Rebecca.
- YMMV: He's either a snarky Ensemble Darkhorse, or an unfunny Simon Cowell knockoff.
Rebecca Crane
An engineer in the Assassin's Order, she developed the Animus 2.0, an improved version of Abstergo's machine.- Genki Girl: The most relentlessly cheerful member of the team - although her emails will show that the pressure and isolation are starting to get to her, and Lucy offers to help her talk it out.
- I Call It Vera: Refers to the Animus 2.0 as "Baby."
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Shaun.
- Wrench Wench
Subject 16
Desmond's predecessor in the Animus project, leaving clues for Desmond, both inside and outside the Animus.- Brain Uploading: In Brotherhood, it's revealed that he uploaded his mind into the Animus itself.
- Driven To Suicide
- Go Mad From The Revelation
- Known Only By Their Nickname
- Mad Oracle: His ramblings are always more relevant than they seem.
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: She sees me raise the knife.
- Post Historical Trauma
- Room Full Of Crazy: Those mysterious markings Desmond saw in his Abstergo cell? Subject 16 wrote them in his own blood!
- The Woobie: Listening to him gradually lose his mind in the puzzle recordings and whimper about being terrified and alone in the darkness in his transmissions through the Animus makes it impossible not to pity him.
The Templars
Rodrigo Borgia
The Grand Master of the Templar Order, as well as the man ultimately responsible for the death of Ezio's father and brothers.- Anticlimax Boss: Turns out that a fat old man isn't a particularly skilled fighter, even with the Staff of Eden/Papal Staff. Nor is he a boxer.
- Big Bad
- Big Screwed Up Family: As evident in Brotherhood, Truth In Television.
- The Chessmaster
- Complete Monster: Truth In Television.
- Fat Bastard
- Foregone Conclusion: If you knew your history, his ascension to the Papacy shouldn't be of any surprise, though it does come off as a Player Punch in AC2 due to the eleven-year time skip between Sequences 11 and 14, that game's last two chapters.
- Although the attack on the Papal carriage in the E3 reveal trailer never happens in Brotherhood, the "setting drop" ("1503 - Rome") was probably used to lure the history-aware into thinking that this was how Rodrigo Borgia would bite the big one.
- Evil Is Petty: Ezio's father was opposing the Pazzi conspiracy that Rodrigo Borgia was behind, but Rodrigo also had Ezio's brothers killed just to make a point.
- Laser Guided Karma: One of the reasons why he remains in the background in Brotherhood.
- Lets Fight Like Gentlemen: Agrees to Ezio's challenge to a brawl without weapons (with Ezio's armored right glove a convenient exception). Surprisingly enough, it's a one-sided affair.
- Parental Incest: Rumors abound about him and his daughter, Lucrezia, though this only appears in Brotherhood as an accusation by Caterina Sforza.
- The Pope: In both the game and Real Life, he became Pope Alexander VI. He wasn't much better of a Pope in real life than he was in the game.
- Orcus On His Throne: Chose to remain hiding during "Brotherhood", primarily out of fear of Ezio, and a decision to focus on consolidation of Templar gains.
- This was also consistent with his behavior in II where he let the Pazzi (in Florence and San Gimignano) and Barbarigo (in Venice) families and their allies take credit — and thus the brunt of the Assassin's attention. Until about the time that the Apple of Eden arrived from Cyprus, Ezio was almost never in a position to kill Rodrigo.
Vieri de' Pazzi
A young Florentine noble, his family has always been at odds with both the Medici and the Auditore houses. Vieri is later revealed to be a member of the Knights Templar.- Attempted Rape: He tries this on Cristina Vespucci, but Ezio intervenes.
- Big Screwed Up Family: The Pazzi are not nice people.
- Evil Counterpart: He's what Ezio could've been if not for his parents and Mario.
- Well Done Son Guy: In a letter, his mentor Fra Giacondo expresses his belief that Vieri acts the way he does to gain his father's approval.
Cesare Borgia
Rodrigo Borgia's ambitious son and Captain General of the Papal armies, who becomes the main villain of "Brotherhood".- Ambition Is Evil: Really wants to take over Italy, while his father merely wanted to consolidate the power they held. Moreover, while his father has some measure of patience (having been at this for almost thirty years) and is willing to work behind the scenes, Cesare wants to do it openly (albeit only disguising the Templar angle under the guise of the Church), quickly and by overt military force.
- During the final boss fight in Viana, Spain, Cesare claims to intend to conquer Spain as well, even though Cesare was now in the service of one of his relatives, King John III of Navarre.
- Badass Boast:''If I live, I live. If I want to take, I take. If I want you to die, YOU DIIIIIIIEE!
- Doubles as a Villainous Breakdown though, since this is said after he finds out that daddy won't pay his warmaking bills, didn't tell him that his French ally is dead or about the extent of the Assassins' liberation of Rome, blames their troubles on Cesare's "Moment Of Awesome" that was razing Monteriggioni, refuses to let him use the Apple of Eden... oh, and poisoned that apple Cesare just bit.
- Brother Sister Incest: Kisses his sister Lucrezia in a lover's fashion before a military expedition in Romagna, is receptive to his sister's... suggestions, and it's implied that the whole chain of Memories where Ezio must save Pietro, Lucrezia's admirer, from Cesare's personal assassin Micheletto Corella are all because of Cesare's jealousy, albeit deliberately provoked by Lucrezia who mistakenly believes that he's cheating on her with the captured Caterina Sforza.
- Dragon In Chief: He's the primary antagonist despite being merely The Dragon, since Rodrigo's become Orcus On His Throne.
- Dragon Ascendant: Subverted, due to how sour the situation is revealed to be when he returns from Romagna.
- Evilly Affable
- Evil Is Hammy: If he wants to ham, he HAAAAAAAAAMS!
- Evil Is Sexy
- Large Ham
- Hot Blooded
- Humiliation Conga: The latter half of Sequence 7 and the whole of Sequence 8 are just one disaster after another for Cesare, ending with him arrested for "murder, betrayal and incest" by a general whose family he'd pressed into his service, at the order of the new Pope who'd opposed his family, and Cesare being dragged away by his former elites the Papal Guards. Sequence 9 has Ezio finding him fighting on the front lines at the castle of Viana, now in the service of a relative.
- Worse yet, it's his downfall because it's been a long time coming — while it's not revealed how much progress Cesare made in Romagna, it probably wasn't worth the Assassins stealing Rome out from under him and Rodrigo, which causes him to have a Villainous Breakdown.
- Smug Snake: As Ezio manages to steal Rome under him, he quickly devolves into a hysterical brat.
- The Starscream: Semi-privately speaks poorly of Rodrigo and his personal power structure behind his back.
- Villainous Breakdown: See Badass Boast and Humiliation Conga.
Lucrezia Borgia
Rodrigo Borgia's illegitimate daughter, and a target of his abuse as a child.- Brother Sister Incest
- Heel Face Turn: Of sorts. She doesn't react well to Cesare's interrogation for the Apple, telling Ezio in retaliation.
- Star Crossed Lovers: Had a son with an Assassin in Project Legacy, whether or not she recognized him as such, but the father ends up taking the son away when he's born malformed.
- What The Hell Hero: Gives a rather ineffectual one to Ezio when he holds her hostage in his rescue of Caterina. According to her, Lorenzo wasn't kidding when he vowed to "erase" the Pazzi family from Florence. It doesn't stop Ezio from dragging her to Caterina's cell though.
- The Woobie/Jerkass Woobie
- After her son's physical recovery the boy was recovered and raised in the Borgia household, but with Cesare posing as the father and Lucrezia forced to pose as the aunt (coincidentally, zia in Italian).
- Yandere: Goes nuts on Caterina for the possibility that Cesare might have done something with her. According to Caterina, he didn't.
Warren Vidic
A Templar scientist and the presumed creator of the Animus. Desmond escaped his "care" at the beginning of the game and Vidic is understandably pissed.- Absent Minded Professor
- Badass Labcoat
- Brilliant but Neglectful: He's a high-ranking Templar and a pioneer in the whole "genetic memory" thing, but is too lazy to properly punctuate his e-mails... despite critiquing Lucy's formatting and writing of the Animus 1.0 operating manual (aka the Assassin's Creed manual).
- He's also too lazy or apathetic to be careful with the Animus sessions, with the result being Subject 16. His answer seems to just to dig up another test subject — as if there were an unlimited amount of descendants of Altaïr Ibn La'Ahad — and start again.
- One of the AC1 e-mails from Lucy has her criticizing him for once again losing his pen (doubling as an access key) in a parking lot after leaving it hanging off of his lab coat, which could have caused a lockdown (thus further delaying the work with the Animus) had Abstergo security personnel found it before she did. (Later on when he left it unattended again, Desmond was able to outright pickpocket it.)
- A series of e-mails reveals that as of AC1 he didn't even keep track of his own passcodes, Lucy and the security desk having to e-mail them to him. One wonders how he was even able to check his own e-mails...
- Cool Car: During Desmond's escape from Abstergo, look carefully and you'll see he owns a Lamborghini.
- The Cameo: In one or two of Brotherhood's The Truth puzzles, and acts as Mission Control during the multiplayer tutorial.
- Jerk Ass: You can't spell Vidic without "dic(k)."
- Serious Business: The Animus is this to him, despite his callousness towards the Subjects who actually suffer from the Bleeding Effect.
Leonardo Da Vinci
A budding young painter and friend of Maria Auditore. He later befriends Ezio and assists the Assassin by decrypting Codex pages and building the fantastic weapons detailed on certain pages, as well as eventually having his own designs constructed.- Ensemble Darkhorse: Leading to the infamous "missed hugs = restarted games."
- Crowning Moment Of Heartwarming: Hugging him in Venice. Due to the second game lacking the ability to replay story memories in the same playthrough, it became common for players who missed the QTE prompt to literally start the game all over
- Gadgeteer Genius: What part of "Leonardo Da Vinci" do you not understand?
- Heterosexual Life Partner: For Ezio.
- Later subverted in Brotherhood after the second infiltration of the Castel Sant'Angelo
(spoiler warning if watching the beginning of the video).
- Later subverted in Brotherhood after the second infiltration of the Castel Sant'Angelo
- Man Hug: Shares several with Ezio throughout their friendship.
- Non Action Guy
- The Smart Guy
Cristina Vespucci
Ezio's original love interest, seen very briefly in Assassin's Creed 2 but expanded upon in Brotherhood.- Died In Your Arms Tonight: Dies in Ezio's arms during the Bonfire of the Vanities, as shown in a repressed Brotherhood memory.
- Dying Declaration Of Love
- In The Past Everyone Will Be Famous: Once joked that her cousin Amerigo would have a shipping company named after him. Understatement of the millennium.
- Rescue Romance: Their relationship officially kicks off as Ezio (who was tracking her on Frederico's advice) rescued her from Attempted Rape by Vieri.
- The First Cut Is The Deepest: The subject of Ezio's repressed memories in Brotherhood.
Lorenzo de' Medici
The de facto ruler of Florence, both Giovanni and Ezio served him as his personal Assassin.- Bus Crash: Dies off-screen around the time of the spin-off Discovery.
- Historical Hero Upgrade: Comes off a lot more benevolent than his historical record would imply, although in Lineage he attends the interrogation-by-torture of a Borgia henchman and according to Lucrezia utterly obliterates the Pazzi after their assassination attempt. On the other hand, it's implied that he looks better in comparison to his counterpart Francesco de' Pazzi.
Caterina Sforza
The countess of Forli, Caterina is a significant ally (and a bit more than that) to Ezio.- Bus Crash: She does not appear again after Sequence 4 of Brotherhood, which ends with her riding to Florence petition for the return of her rulership of Forli, as she felt that she was useless as a political/military ally to the Assassins otherwise. According to Shaun, she would be unsuccessful in this and die of pneumonia.
- Dark Action Girl: Her Brotherhood biography mentions she doesn't have much of a problem with infanticide, just like the Real Life Caterina Sforza, a woman described byBadass Of The Week as an Evil Overlord in her own right.
- Doomed By Canon
- Fiery Redhead: And how!
- Hot Blooded
- Heroes Want Redheads
- We Have Reserves: After the Orsi brothers kidnap two of her children, she taunts them that she can make more. Subverted, since she asks Ezio to save them immediately afterwards.
A member of the Venetian thieves guild who teaches Ezio how to grab higher ledges.- Action Girl
- Determinator
- Tsundere: Type A.
Girolamo Savonarola
An exiled monk who stumbles upon a wounded Ezio and the Apple of Eden, taking it for himself to begin a reign of terror in Florence — and one of the only people in the whole series to wield a Piece of Eden without being Assassin or Templar-aligned.- The Exile
- Family Unfriendly Aesop: He believes Florence should turn away from the Renaissance and its advancements.
- From Nobody To Nightmare
- The Fundamentalist
- Ludd Was Right: His general dogma.
- Mercy Kill: As he is burned on the stake, Ezio climbs up and and kills him with a single (albeit brutal) stab to the neck.
- Mind Rape: Courtesy of the Apple, and done to the leaders of Florence, forcing them and the people of Florence to follow him.
- Sinister Minister
- Well Intentioned Extremist: May have actually been unaware of both the Assassin and Templar agendas — and is the only antagonist to be simultaneously targeted by both.
Giovanni Borgia
The bastard child of an Assassin and Lucrezia Borgia in Project Legacy. Was raised to be a prick by his uncle (posing as his father), but later switched sides. Later accompanies Hernan Cortez and his conquistadors to South America.- Came Back Wrong: The Shroud saved him from death, but left him with severe Bleeding Effect-like symptoms, and "[[Hearing Voices Consus."
- Half Human Hybrid: Giovanni was able to manifest Eagle Vision as a five-year-old child; due to this being strongly implied in AC2 about Altaïr Ibn La'Ahad and his ancestors, it may be inferred about Giovanni and his father Perotto Calderon.
- Hearing Voices: At times (often in proximity to the Apple of Eden) he saw/heard "Consus," who would tend to give him advice relating to the use of Pieces of Eden, though Consus also interpreted a letter and guided him to joining the Assassins.
- Infant Immortality: All thanks to The Shroud of Eden.
- The Woobie: Lampshaded in Project Legacy.Erudito: What did the Shroud do to this poor kid? He should be dreaming about the Renaissance equivalent of sunshine and lollipops, not murder and politics! I've never seen anything like this!
- Well, he was raised by a non-doting grandfather, a ruthless father, a sad "aunt" and a homicidal friend-of-father...
An enigmatic entity opposing Abstergo, e-mailing both players of Project Legacy and Desmond in Brotherhood.- He Who Must Not Be Seen
- Meaningful Name: Italian for "scholar" or "learned one."
- Seeker Archetype
- Spirit Advisor
- What The Hell Hero: In Project Legacy, depending on your quiz answers.
Brotherhood Multiplayer Personas
The Courtesan (Fiora Cavazza)
- Bi The Way: Willingly services a female customer in Project Legacy.
- The Dragon: She was one of Cesare's Dragons, and his main connection to his "underworld" allies.
- Hooker With A Heart Of Gold: Subverted: despite later allying with the Assassins, Cavazza had quite the mean streak and is implied to regret little of what she's done for Cesare.
- Hero Of Another Story: Rome Chapter 1 of Project Legacy is devoted to reliving her genetic memories.
- Heel Face Turn: After being pushed a little too far by Cesare (in terms of who she had to put up with), Malfatto being the last straw, she decided to cut her losses and join the Assassins, providing them with details on Cesare's other agents.
- Due to this, she tries to cover her ass — a glorious ass it is — and kill off Il Lupo and Baltasar because they (if somehow taken alive or otherwise talking) could reveal to the Assassins the extent to which she'd helped Cesare. Later, to prove her devotion to the Assassins, she tries to steal the Apple of Eden from Borgia custody. She fails.
- Left Hanging: Her last appearance is immobilized, at the feet of a very pissed Cesare Borgia, after she tried to steal the Apple of Eden. Given that it's not her memory we see this in, but Cesare's son Giovanni's]], it's likely it didn't end well for her.
- Malevolent Masked Woman: Her advanced outfit features a Jubilee mask.
- Ms Fanservice
- Zettai Ryouki
The Harlequin (Cahin)
- Ensemble Darkhorse: He seems to be the most popular of all the multiplayer characters.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel
- French Jerk
- Malevolent Masked Man
- Monster Clown: This guy could give The Joker a run for his money.
- Sibling Team: With his sister, The Hellequin.
The Hellequin (Caha)
- Emotionless Girl: At least, according to her character model. Subverted when Cahin is killed; she immediately loses all sense of self-preservation and fights her way to his body, removing his mask and cradling his body until an Assassin shoots her in the back of her head with a crossbow bolt.
- French Jerk
- Monster Clown
- Malevolent Masked Woman
- Sibling Team: With her brother, The Harlequin.
- Sexy Jester
The Prowler (Il Lupo)
- Animal Theme Naming: Only known as "Il Lupo" (The Wolf).
- Badass Cape
- Beat Them At Their Own Game: Uses similar attire, weapons, and techniques to those of the Assassins...
- But I Read A Book About It: All of which came from The Barber's notes on them from watching actual Assassins on the hunt.
- Expy: Similar in appearance, name, and profession as La Volpe.
- In The Hood
- Known Only By Their Nickname
The Executioner (Il Carnefice)
- An Axe To Grind
- Complete Monster: According to a bereaved husband, he raped the husband's wife before hanging her, and he is shown in Project Legacy to be perfectly willing to kill an innocent man, because (paraphrasing) "the innocent get to go to Heaven."
- Everyone Calls Him Barkeep: "Il Carnefice" is just Italian for "The Executioner."
- Never Learned To Read: He doesn't even read the execution warrants he gets...
The Thief (Faustina Collari)
- Improbable Weapon User: Wields half of a scissor.
- Rags To Riches: Her more advanced costumes show this progression.
- My Greatest Failure: She's never forgotten the day she broke her promise with her brother.
- Sibling Team: Formerly with her brother under a mutual protection oath, which was somehow broken.
- What Happened To The Mouse: She doesn't appear in either Brotherhood single-player or Project Legacy.
The Footpad (Lanz)
- Despair Event Horizon: According to his wife, he became what he is now after his child was lost in miscarriage.
- Knife Nut
The Smuggler (Lia De Russo)
- Baby Got Back: Her leggings certainly show off what Those Who Came Before gave her...
- Badass Cape
- In The Hood
- Magic Skirt
- Psychotic Smirk: She always seems to be smiling.
The Mercenary (Rocco Tiepolo)
- Affably Evil: Of all the strange and generally Jerkass people Fiora meets, she gets along with him the best, even dining and flirting with him.
- Bolivian Army Ending: Dies fighting against a dozen Assassins.
- Captain Ersatz: He looks like, dresses like, and even acts like a less Badass, more Evil Mario Auditore.
The Doctor (Malfatto)
- Captain Ersatz: Italian Renaissance Jack The Ripper
- Complete Monster
- Dirty Coward: He drugs Fiora Cavazza in her sleep, only to seem to panic when she manages to get up and fight back. He also runs on sight from Ezio, but that's just being smart.
- Deadly Doctor
- Malevolent Masked Man
- Nice Job Fixing It Villain: Inadvertently begins Fiora Cavazza's turn against Cesare and the downfall of Cesare's crooked connections in Rome.
- Serial Killer
- Would Hit A Girl: As long as they can't hit back.
The Barber (Baltasar de Silva)
- Apologetic Attacker: Apologizes to Fiora before unveiling his trap.
- Captain Ersatz: Italian Renaissance Sweeney Todd
- The Dragon: One of Cesare's, serving as his master spy.
- I Lied: After the "reformed" Fiora arrives to make a deal with him, he calls out a squad of arquebusiers to kill her. He didn't expect the Assassins to have their own ambush team waiting too.
The Priest (Brother Ristoro)
- Bald Of Evil
- Fridge Horror: In Project Legacy, you need to supply him with courtesans to receive official Church documents. That's bad enough, but you don't get the courtesans back...
- An update making the Rome set more beginner-friendly changed this (courtesans are no longer expended), but Fiora's memory still expresses regret at leaving them behind.
- Sinister Minister: Poisoned two believers who became aware of and spoke out agains this corruption.
The Noble (Silvestro Sabbatini)
- Aristocrats Are Evil: Turns out to be partaking in human trafficking.
- Artificial Limbs: Lost his left hand and forearm to Cesare due to an unspecified failure, but the mere accidental mention of the prosthetic (delivered by Fiora Cavazza as "a second chance" from Cesare) is enough for him to decide to kill his wife, despite her sincere apology.
- Nouveau Riche: The Courtesan implies he is this in Project Legacy, and that he merely buys his way into social circles.
The Blacksmith (Auguste Oberlin)
- Badass Beard
- Domestic Abuse: His horrible treatment of his wife is what led Ezio to assassinate him.
- Drop The Hammer
- Genius Bruiser: Fiora Cavazza (the Courtesan) is surprised when he is revealed to be quite attentive to detail and a mechanical designer.
- Hidden Depths: Not only is he a master blacksmith, he also designs Borgia propaganda.
The Engineer (Gaspar de la Croix)
- Cold Sniper
- Dark And Troubled Past: His history is never revealed, but he is clearly driven by remorse.
- Improbable Weapon User: His multiplayer weapon is a drafting compass.
- Mad Engineer
The Captain (Donato Mancini)
- Armor Is Useless: Despite wearing a full breastplate, he dies just as easily as his squishier opponents.
- Honor Before Reason: Wouldn't take a bribe to throw a horse race to Cesare, though it may have been arrogance rather than honor.
- More likely arrogance, as Mancini ended up vandalizing the selling stall of Rocco, a rider who did beat him, and then wanted him to report to the Circus Maximus (Circo Massimo) to be cut down. When Ezio arrives at the Circo Massimo, Mancini is on his horse wondering where "Rocco" is.
- Nobody Calls Me Chicken: Took a severe beating from the Officer just for winning the race against Cesare on principle.
The Officer (Teodor Viscardi)
- Badass Longcoat
- Good Looking Privates
- Nice Hat: He gets a beret in his later gear, a freakin' beret.
- What Happened To The Mouse: His only appearance is a cameo in Fiora's memory of Donato Mancini (The Captain); Project Legacy doesn't mention him again, nor does he appear in Brotherhood single-player.
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