Axis Powers Hetalia: Socialism And Salted Herring |
Socialism and Salted Herring
- Ensemble Darkhorse: As a whole, the Nordics is one of the more popular groups. Character wise, Denmark was the most popular until the 2010 Bloodbath where Icelandbecame the most popular within those few days due to obvious reasons.
- Five Man Band: Some fans apply these dynamics to the Nordics:
- The Hero: Finland (Nordic-centered strips are often from his POV)
- The Lancer: Sweden (Finland's
husbandpartner) - The Big Guy: Denmark (Boisterous Bruiser, with an axe as his Weapon Of Choice)
- The Smart Guy: Norway (Deadpan Snarker, can see spirits, gives Denmark snark and concrit)
- The Chick: Iceland (The younger of the Nordics, barring Sealand. This might change, of course)
- Tag Along Kid: Sealand (Sweden's "adoptive child")
- Team Pet: Iceland's puffin and Hana-Tamago!
- Huge Guy Tiny ...Other Guy: Sweden is at least 12 cms. taller than his partner, Finland.
- Non Human Sidekick: Finland and Sweden share their pet dog Hana-tomago.
- Not to mention Iceland's puffin or Norway's faeries and nisse.
- Red Oni Blue Oni: Denmark and Sweden, respectively, get this a lot in fanon. What has been seen of Denmark in the official strips has done nothing to joss it.
- Savvy Tall Guy, Energetic Short Guy: Arguably, Sweden and Finland.
- Inverted as Savvy Short Guy, Energetic Tall Guy in the case of Norway and Denmark.
- Sensitive Guy And Manly Man: Applies to Sweden and Finland, although Sweden could actually fall under both.
- He Is Not My Husband: Sweden calls Finland his wife. Finland does not like it at all.
- Stockholm Syndrome: A possible and quite cynical take on Sweden and Finland's relationship. Somewhat subverted due to Sweden's Gentle Giant nature, which is quite a bit different from the standard captors.
- Others speculate that it actually goes both ways...
- Talking Animal: Hanatamago can talk during the Christmas Episode. Finland is surprised but doesn't think too much of it when they start to read some fan letters.
- The Worf Effect: The Nordics suffer from this in the 2010 Bloodbath. Only Iceland is spared because he's the only one who felt like something bad was going to happen.As for one knows where he is... Until the very end.
Finland - Tino Väinämöinen
How about "Go for it, Bomber"?!
Voiced by: Takahiro Mizushima (JP), Clint Bickman (EN)
- Adaptation Dye Job: Has light blond hair and violet eyes in the manga. In the anime, his hair is the same yellow-blond shade that England and France have, while his eyes are dark brown.
- Blade On A Stick: As shown by recent artbook illustrations
◊, he totes around one of these as a baby.
- Boisterous Bruiser - If you read the strip referring to the Polish-Swedish war
, you'll notice that Finland is quite eager and happy to get into battle, literally crying because Sweden called off the battle.
- Violently Protective Non-Wife: When Sweden goes down in the 2010 Christmas Event, Finland reacts very strongly. Too bad he goes down too.
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good
- Cloud Cuckoo Lander: Just look at his original name suggestions for their pup.
- Foreign Queasine: Unlike England, Finland knows how to cook. If only he wouldn't.
- Meaningful Name: Väinämöinen is the name of the hero of the Finnish/Karelian epic poem The Kalevala.
- Spell My Name With An S: Is it Tino or Timo? There are more Timos in Finland...
- Of course, considering the theme naming in this series (see above for Finland's surname), some fans are wondering if his name isn't Simo
- Of course, considering the theme naming in this series (see above for Finland's surname), some fans are wondering if his name isn't Simo
- Surprise Santa Encounter: The Ur Example, of course. Actually, in most European traditions Santa lives here in Lappland instead of the North Pole.
- Ukefication: Poor Finland may be the biggest victim of this in the APH fandom, after England and Lithuania.
"Hurry up and start saying it, you! Bro-o-ther!"
Voiced by: Masami Iwasaki (JP)
- Big Brother Complex: Towards Iceland. He even demands Iceland call him "brother" in one stip, like the quote above states.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral —> Lawful Good
- Deadpan Snarker: Apparently limited to Denmark. Who does not get it.
- Emoticon: 廿_廿†
- This Guy Uses Hair Decs: Wears a cross-shaped hairclip.
- Fan Nickname: Fan-given human names for him are many and varied, but it's common to have him referred to as "Norge" in fanworks, especially from Denmark.
- Idiot Hair: His floats!
- Danshigakusei: at least in this pic. Watch this space. It's probably supposed to be a Navy uniform, though.
- Monochromatic Eyes
- Non Human Sidekick: His nisse
- The Stoic: "quiet and mysterious" as his profile has it, and wearing the same deadpan expression in all artwork.
- Tsundere: The fans are very fond of making him one towards Denmark, and to quite violent extents. Not that this has much backing in the character profile he eventually got, although strangling Denmark with his own tie
certainly lends credibility to the idea.
- The second Hetalia Fantasia CD has him similarly choking Denmark when the latter suggests that him trying to get away from Germany and Japan is because he wants to be alone with Denmark. They're definitely verging on Ho Yay or Vitriolic Best Buds at the very least by this point.
"It'd be great if there was stuff like mythical phantom residents that live only in Iceland..."
Voiced by: Ayumu Asakura (JP)
- A Day In The Limelight: The Hetalia 2010 Bloodbath.
- Blue Eyes: In early colored art and the anime.
- Character Alignment: True Neutral —> Neutral Good (Hetalia Bloodbath)
- Cute Shotaro Boy
- Cross Dressing Voices: Averted and Jossed. A popular and old rumor was that he would be voiced by Mitsuki Saiga, while fans often assumed that a female would eventually voice him anyway. His voice actor for The Movie wound up being a relatively unknown male one, Ayumu Asakura.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Ever since the 2010 Bloodbath hit, he's become this.
- Isnt It Sad: Tends to be the most forgotten of the Nordics in fanworks, especially with Sweden/Finland and Denmark/Norway being popular Ship Mates.
- He does get to appear in The Movie, at least.
- And he's given a major role in the 2010 Bloodbath. Add the fact that he finally has a friendship/romantic possibility with Turkey, who is also forgotten due to being the Hopeless Suitor to Japan.
- And now add to the fact that he's the first Nordic member to get his own Character Single.
- He does get to appear in The Movie, at least.
- Kuudere: He's described as being cold on the outside, but warmer and "hot-blooded" on the inside. The Nordic strips show him as being cool in the beginning and somewhat losing it by the end.
- The Bloodbath has him more or less cool, but still worrying for his fellow Nordics and keeping up with Turkey.
- Fridge Brilliance: Iceland is a very cold island... but it's made of volcanoes.
- Moe: As of the 2010 Christmas event, Iceland is adorable.
- Non Human Sidekick: He's often shown with a Puffin
- Purple Eyes: In later manga artwork.
- White Haired Pretty Boy
Sweden - Berwald Oxenstierna
'Nd m'wif.
Voiced by: Keikou Sakai (JP)
- Adaptation Dye Job: He usually has light blond hair in the merchandise and illustrations, yet the anime series initially gave him sandy brown hair and changed his blue-green eyes to a deep brown. This was thankfully corrected in later episodes to him having only brighter blond hair and purely blue eyes.
- The Big Guy: Subverted. He's the tallest of all the nations along with Russia, but hardly acts like it.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Good
- BFS: His Weapon Of Choice is a two-hands sword.
- Drop The Hammer: Fanon sometimes depicts him as using a war hammer as well.
- Dual Wield: Official art has shown him with either his BFS or what could be a quarterstaff.
- Death Glare: Although it's pretty much his normal facial expression, whether he likes it or not.
- Emoticon: 回言回
- Face Of A Thug: His height and serious face scares everyone. Even if he doesn't intend it.
- Gentle Giant / Real Men Wear Pink: Sweden looks like a huge and scary Big Guy... but is very domestic, an excellent babysitter and even sews his old clothes personally before giving them to Finland when the other remarks on their height difference.
- Huge Male Nation-tan: In the 5th anniversary strip, Sweden genuinely wants to say some nice things to the fans... but is so blushy and embarrassed that he cannot, much to his and Finland's dismay.Sweden: I wanna say all kinds of nice things... but... (HUGE BLUSH)... 'm embarr'ssed!Finland: Hey! Su! Whoa, are you okay?!
- Kuudere and Perpetual Frowner: Ooooooh, so much. The only time he's been shown smiling in the comic was when he "adopted" Sealand... by purchasing him off the internet. Not like that, you know.
- Retired Outlaw: According to his profile he's taken a break from ruling with his old viking ways.
- His profile is referring to either that or the Swedish Empire
- His profile is referring to either that or the Swedish Empire
- Single Target Sexuality: Apparently, Himaruya's old notes say that he's "gay for Finland". Whether it still stands or not, it's still up for confirmation.
- Fridge Brilliance: Among Finns, there's a stereotype that all Swedish men are gay.
- Spectacled Sadist: Subverted: since he looks like one of these yet is anything but cruel and cold.
- Stoic Spectacles: He speaks in a grunting dialect, rarely changes his fearsome facial expression, and scares pretty much everybody when they first meet him.
- The Unintelligible: In Fanon due to failed attempts by fan tranlators to localize his original Tohoku Regional Accent, leaving him with a barely intelligible, grunting speech. Often cranked Up To Eleven in fandom, wh'ch m'ks 't 'nb'r'bl.
- Weapon Of Mass Destruction / Foreign Queasine: It was humorously noted in Berwald's original character profile that he was making massive amounts of Surströmming
- "...the food that can pretty much be used as an ultimate weapon."
"No matter how I see it, you guys DO look like brothers. You know, the way you're weirdly scary, and how you have weird friends. And to begin with, we're all something like brothers. And * I* am the elder brother... WAH!""
Voiced by: Hiroshi Shimozaki (JP)
- An Axe To Grind: In the official art, Denmark has an axe as his Weapon Of Choice.
- Boisterous Bruiser: He's often depicted as such in fanworks. Considering how he's shown drinking beer in one of the two strips he's been in and how loud he is in his opinions (to the point that Norway strangles him with his tie), this may have been partially confirmed in canon. (More on Danish and Scandinavian stereotypes here
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Crazy Awesome
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Is becoming more and more of this; he's appeared in only two
(and their animated renditions) so far.
- Fan Nickname: "Mathias" seems to be the most common human name for him in Western fandom.
- Lovable Sex Maniac: He sometimes gets this characterization as well, mixed with the one above.
- Nice Hat: His trademark headgear.
- Yandere: Many (but not all) fanworks depict him like this, mainly when paired with Sweden (and to a smaller degree, when with Norway). Less in the "I stalk you because I love you" sense, more in the "I will beat and subdue you because I love you" one.
- Possibly confirmed in the artbook of Volume 3
. He's either this or a Stepford Smiler.
Volume 3 (on Denmark): "Poking England, using Russia as a shield, he's quite the active young man. I feel like his personality will turn out to be the complete opposite of his outward appearance."
- Add the notes that was listed during the final page of 2010 Bloodbath. Himaruya stated the next time he appears, it won't be in a positive light. Then again, this is Himaruya we're talking about: he often says/writes things and then puts 'em on the shelf.
- Possibly confirmed in the artbook of Volume 3
Axis Powers Hetalia: The Empire Formerly Known As Britain |
The Empire Formerly Known As Britain
- Big Ol Eyebrows: Their tell (including England), but not America, Canada, or Seychelles.
- America and England aren't blood relatives; England just adopted him as his brother. Cuts down on some of the potential incestuous squick in their relationship. Canada might be the same way too, and he is said to get his hair from France.
- An early sketch of Seychelles
◊ showed her with one normal eyebrow and one thick one.
- Big Screwed Up Family: Due to the nature of the British Empire, they are often portrayed this way in fanworks.
- Blade On A Stick: During "America Cleans Out The Storage", England and America face off with bayonets
- Team Dad: In a metaphorical (literal?) sense England's the older adoptive brother of America (and Sealand and presumably most of the commonwealth). Former older brother, anyway. It's complicated.
Canada - Matthew Williams
Excuse me! I'm sorry for my lateness! A terrible accident happened... When I woke up this morning, it was already past noon!
Voiced by: Katsuyuki Konishi (JP), Eric Vale (EN)
- Adaptation Dye Job: Has lighter blond hair with darker tips in manga artwork, but the anime gives him a uniform dark blond shade. His eyes also changed from being violet (or light blue) to a deep blue. Both changes make him look even more like America.
- Adorkable
- Apologises A Lot: ...see quote.
- Blue Eyes: In the anime.
- Butt Monkey and Canada Eh: Uh oh, poor kid.
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good
- Crowning Moment Of Awesome: When he beat America at something and gave him The Reason You Suck Speech for three hours straight and would have kept going if England didn't step in.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: So, so much. Especially considering how few strips he's appeared in.
- Everything Is Worse With Bears: Averted, since his pet polar bear Kumajirou might forget who Canada really is, but isn't exactly a bad or evil animal.
- Heavy Sleeper: Seems to be narcoleptic, as one of the webcomic strips has him speaking to someone else and then both fall asleep randomly. See his quote as well.
- Idiot Hair
- Megane
- Memetic Mutation: Canada, WHY SO MOE?!
- Mistaken Identity: Canada is always confused for America (but not the other way around), much to his misery.
- Nice Guy
- Non Human Sidekick: Kumajirou, his talking polar bear.
- Purple Eyes
- The Reason You Suck Speech: America and Canada argue. Canada wins. After three hours, England cuts him off out of mercy for a collapsing America.
- Shrinking Violet
- Sibling Yin Yang: With his brother America. Canada is meek and sensitive while America is outgoing and has occasional bouts of arrogance.
- The Stoner: In Fanon, due to the country's rather laid back stance on cannabis in Real Life and to the extremely good diplomatic relationships with the other fanon stoner, Netherlands.
- With Hetalia Bloodbath 2010, apparantly confirmed.
- The Un Favorite: Canada has always been overshadowed by America ever since they were little. As soon as England seemed to be paying more attention to Canada, America came along and took his attention back.
- In fact, poor Canada is usually treated as a non-entity - people either forget who he is or don't even notice him. (In one strip Russia spends a whole meeting sitting in his lap because he didn't notice that Canada was already sitting in the chair. Later Russia comments to Belarus on how comfortable his chair was.)
- Verbal Tic: "Maple!", when in pain.
- What Measure Is A Non Badass: Some fans have a tendency to turn him into a Memetic Badass and Deadpan Snarker instead of the fairly nice, unassertive guy he is in canon.
- Who Is This Guy Again: He is this trope incarnated.
- The Woobie: He might be ignored in canon, but fans have not failed to recognize him.
- Sympathetic Sue: When the fans go to extremes though, Canada ends up as this and not as a genuine Woobie. Double points if they derail America into an evil Jerk Jock. This phenomenon has reached the point where it's costing him character popularity in some annoyed fandom circles.
Sealand - Peter Kirkland
Aim for it! Sealand will enter the G8!
Voiced by: Ai Orikasa (JP), Maxey Whitehead (EN)
- Annoying Younger Sibling: To England.
- Bad Ass: The real Sealand's formation. It was formed when an absolutely batshit insane man, his mercenaries and several hundred 'subjects' stole an aquatic military base from pirate radio broadcaster Ronan O'Reilly and declared it the country of Sealand. Then, when England tried to deal with him through the navy, he fended them off with firearms, gasoline bombs and what his own wikipedia article describes as lunatic strength. From then on, he managed to get his imaginary country declared as a real country by basically shooting anyone who said that it wasn't.
- Badass Adorable: More or less becomes this in the
Hetalia Bloodbath 2010.
- Badass Adorable: More or less becomes this in the
- Blue Eyes
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Cheerful Child: The most deluded one ever.
- Cute Shotaro Boy: Someday, Sealand will be a huge empire that even that jerk England will bow down to!
- Has Two Papas: Sweden and Finland, though this is mostly fanon. Only Sweden was seen adopting Sealand; fans just incorporate Finland into the family scheme because of the whole "wife" thing. Admittedly, it is pretty cute.
- Danshigakusei: Fair enough, since it's an English design and he's school age.
- Green Eyes: In early art.
- Made Of Iron: He is literally made of steel. In real life.
- Nice Hat
- Sentai: He loves Sentai and Japan even teaches him how to transform into a Humongous Mecha! His Rocket Punch has to land on poor Latvia, of course.
- The Scrappy: While not as open as in Korea's case, you can bet that in a poll about disliked characters he will have a "top" spot.
- Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: Fans generally started liking him more mainly because he seems to be the only nation that was able to defend himself against the mysterious figure and question him with no problems, even striking an Intergenerational Frienship. In fact, a lot of memes concerning him exploded because of said incident.
- Super Strength: He demonstrates this during the Hetalia Bloodbath 2010.
- Verbal Tic: Sealand finishes most of his sentences with "desu yo." which lends his speech an emphatic tone.
99% of people go through their lives without even knowing about my existence! Only having your name known is above this!
Voiced by: Megumi Takemoto (JP, CD dramas only)
- But Not Too Black: Although the Seychelles is in Africa, its population are all descended from a mix of colonists, chiefly French, African, Indian and Chinese people because it had no indigenous natives, so the fact that she's drawn white in the monochrome manga and is usually pretty fair (but officially "light brown") is accurate. However, this might explain why she's the only sub-saharan African country to feature, because she's "Not Too Black".
- Semi-Jossed. Cameroon
has just been officially released, so no longer the only sub-Saharan country. And his skin tone is darker than Seychelles.
- The recent release of her design for the PSP game
show her to be very, very white. Cut to fan rage.
- The recent release of her design for the PSP game
- Semi-Jossed. Cameroon
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good
- Island Mouse: In "Gakuen Hetalia".
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs: Her red ribbons.
- Foot Focus: Illustrations show her as either wearing sandals or going bare-foot.
- Genki Girl
- Girlish Pigtails
- Joshikousei: She's the star of Gakuen Hetalia, as already mentioned.
- New Transfer Student: In the Gakuen Hetalia game, France convinces her to join the World Academy. When she draws her national crest on the chalkboard, the other members of her Africa Class laugh so hard at how cheesy it is they need to be taken to the school infirmary.
- Nubile Savage
- Only Sane Man: Averted. In Gakuen Hetalia, Seychelles attempts to put a curse on England, only to have him reveal himself as a lover of black magic as he starts begging for her to teach him. This causes Seychelles to think on how strange everyone in World Academy W is, not realizing that she is in fact just as weird as everyone else.
- Plucky Girl: As attested by the quote mentioned above.
- Relationship Sue: Has been falsely accused of being this many times by disgruntled fans, using her Gakuen Hetalia role as "proof".
- Sassy Black Woman: The more positive side of this trope. She occasionally says snarky things about her (at the time) boss England as well, and is said to have dumped France in Christmas. Look below as well.
- Tsundere: In Gakuen Hetalia, she's a Type B that goes from demure and polite to screaming or swearing as soon as England or France push her too far, either by being bossy (England) or by groping her (France).
- In the original Gakuen Hetalia script, one of the "bad endings" (the one where she joins the Axis) drives it very straight to the point, as it finished with Seychelles screaming and swearing that she'll kill England the next time they meet.
- To England (After he clamps a dog collar on her and declares her his colony): LIKE HELL I WILL YOU EYEBROW BASTAAARD!
- And when France gropes her, this can be considered a Crowning Moment of Funny as well as a Crowning Moment of Awesome:
England: Say...that looks like sexual harrassment from over here.France: Nonsense, this is how the French convey love. You yourself should try to give more love to others Englan-Seychelles: JUST DISSOLVE, YOU BASTARD! (punch)
- Battle Boomerang: One appeared in his sketch notes.
- Big Ol Eyebrows: Even BIGGER than England's
◊ in the first sketch. A later picture
shows him with eyebrows that aren't as big as England's, but are still fairly big.
- Boisterous Bruiser and Fun Personified: His two more popular fanon characterizations.
- Character Alignment: Fanfiction tends to make him Chaotic Good.
- Cool Shades: Yeah.
- Green Eyes
- Idiot Hair: Two, to difference him from Austria.
- Land Down Under
- Non Human Sidekick: Has a koala and a dingo (?) in the first sketch.
- Pointless Band Aid: On his nose.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: A lot of fanon portrays him as this towards England, based on their Real Life relationship.
Ah, no… I was playing soccer with the kids and the ball hit Mr. Mulema’s house.
- The Beautiful Game: He seems to really love
soccerfootball, to the point that when he's kidnapped in the Hetalia Bloodbath 2010 the people in his country start to lose interest in the game. - The Big Guy: Subverted. He does look quite tall in this picture
, but he's not necessarily as tall as Denmark and Holland. Maybe it's just Depth Deception.
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good.
- Everythings Cuter With Kittens: Sort-of. He has a lion cub
◊ named Kokolo.
- Gentle Giant: The most popular fanon characterization. Having a big "kitty" certainly helps.
- The Christmas Special
mentions that he likes playing soccer
with the children of his country, and was exactly doing that when he was caught by "the mysterious figures", so it's more or less confirmed.
- The Christmas Special
- Good Scars Evil Scars: Has one on the side of his head.
- Stoic Spectacles
- Scary Black Man: Complete aversion, since he may have the looks but personality-wise he's an absolute sweetheart.
New Zealand
- All There In The Manual: Like a lot of other characters, apparently.
- Ambiguous Gender: As of now. Almost bordering Shrug Of God:Is New Zealand-san a man of a woman?New Zealand: Which do you think I am?
- Big Ol Eyebrows: Fairly big eyebrows indeed
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good seems to be the most common in the rare times s/he's portrayed in the fandom.
- Idiot Hair: The hair curl.
◊ It also appears that NZ has blonde/light coloured hair. Gender still ambiguous though.
- Nice Hat
- Non Human Sidekick: The sheep s/he was drawn with.
The Principality of Wy
Did you think we're buddies? But I'm different from you... I've been re-cog-ni-zed!
- Bare Your Midriff
- Big Ol Eyebrows: The first girl to sport them! (Unless, of course, New Zealand turns out to be female.)
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs
- Eyes Of Gold
- Girlish Pigtails: Has one side pigtail.
- Little Miss Snarker
- Mouthy Kid
- Pettanko
- Plucky Girl
- Pointless Band Aid: On her forehead
- Reclusive Artist: A curious example. While she is indeed an artist and also really hard to reach that's actually because they can't build a driveway
- The Scrappy: Due to being a micronation and not a real country, as well as some fans not liking her bratty personality, her debut quickly earned her this position along with some accusations of being part of a Spotlight Stealing Squad.
- Shorttank
- Token Loli
Axis Powers Hetalia: The Empire On Which The Sun Sets In A Few Hours |
The Empire On Which The Sun Sets In A Few Hours
Voiced by: Hiroki Takahashi (JP), Bob Carter (EN)
- Big Fun: Rather popular fanon characterization.
- Confirmed in the Hetalia Bloodbath 2010, via his hilarious and very weird interactions with Canada.
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Cloud Cuckoo Lander: In the Hetalia Bloodbath 2010 to a ridiculous degree: Teleportation? Dynamic yoga? Really?
- Hot Blooded
- Jerk With A Heart Of Gold: Big, gruff, Hot Blooded, loathes America. Likes ice cream and cigars, is friends with America's brother Canada.
- Kansai Regional Accent: Speaks with a Kawachi accent, a rougher variation of the Osaka accent.
- Large Ham: 90% of his dialogue is done by yelling.
- Sensitive Guy And Manly Man: He is the manly man to the more soft-spoken sensitive Canada.
- Sitcom Archnemesis: To America. Too bad he can't tell him from Canada, much to Cuba's embarrassment when he finds out the truth.
- Smoking Is Cool: Always shows up with a cigar in his mouth. Obviously, a reference to the famous Cuban cigars
- What Could Have Been: He was initially set to be a Cute Shotaro Boy who was kinder, yet still strong-willed.
Axis Powers Hetalia: Asean Sensasean |
- Big Screwed Up Family: A popular rendition, which can be played either for drama or for laughs depending on the fandom.
- Chinese People: All of them, especially China. Hong Kong, despite the eyebrows.
- Chinese Girl: Taiwan, Vietnam, the Gender Flip art of China (either fanart or the canon Himaruya doodles)
- Tomboy And Girly Girl: Vietnam
◊ (tomboy) and Taiwan
◊ (girly girl) certainly look the part. Whether they'll have these dynamics in canon or not... we'll see.
- Tomboy And Girly Girl: Vietnam
- Chinese Girl: Taiwan, Vietnam, the Gender Flip art of China (either fanart or the canon Himaruya doodles)
- Five Man Band: In fanwork, the East Asian nations are typically portrayed as one.
- The Hero: China (Gets upgraded from The Chick to this, since he's the eldest of the group and the others' Parental Substitute)
- The Lancer: Japan (Disagrees with China a LOT, ends up betraying him at some point)
- The Big Guy: South Korea (Tallest and the most energetic of the bunch)
- The Smart Guy: Hong Kong (mysterious, calm, always deadpan, quite the trickster)
- The Chick: Taiwan (the only girl for quite a while, the most moe of the group)
- Sixth Ranger: Vietnam (the tomboy to Taiwan's girly girl) and Thailand (newest East Asian introduced). Mongolia and Tibet would count if they were featured more often.
- Team Pet: Either Pochi (Japan's puppy) or... Shinatty-chan.
- Mukokuseki: This is a somewhat rare aversion of making the Japanese character generically stateless or anime-like, but making other East Asians more realistic. This time, Japan looks like his relatives.
- Savvy Older Brothers, Energetic Annoying Younger Sibling: Korea and both China and Japan. China and Taiwan, to a degree.
R of K - Im Yonsoo
- Adaptation Dye Job: He would have had chestnut brown hair in the anime series, as evidenced by a character design that was later removed from the official site. Himaruya usually depicts him with black hair or a very dark shade of brown.
- All Love Is Unrequited: Korea's incestuous affection towards China is not returned at all. He's not much luckier when he tries to pursue Japan, either.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: To both China and Japan; he's loud, obnoxious, and says that they should call him their older brother.
- Asian And Nerdy: In his profile, it's said he loves the internet and games. Truth In Television to some degree; Korea apparently has the highest percentage of households with Internet access in the world.
- Brainy Brunette: Korea really is quite intelligent, seeing as he was able to fix the mind reading binoculars in one strip. Too bad he doesn't show it a lot.
- Korea: I'm an intellectual, da ze!
- Cain And Abel: In Dark Fic, if the not-featured-in-canon North Korea appears, their and Yonsoo's relationship goes like this.
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Completely Missing The Point: Korea's mind-reading binoculars; he utterly misinterprets what they show him.
- Curtains Match The Window
- Expressive Hair: Korea's Idiot Hair is sometimes drawn with a face, making this a more literal interpretation of the trope.
- Genki Guy / Keet: Korea is quite cheerful and energetic.
- Know Nothing Know It All: Korea is usually saying he invented things, like education (and of course he didn't).
- Skinship Grope: He really wants to grope both of his brothers's breasts. And once or twice manages to do so.
- Spell My Name With An S: Is it "Yonsoo" or "Yong Soo"?
- Stepford Smiler: He's another one who gets this characterization in Dark Fic.
- Trademark Favorite Food: He loves kimchi so much, that he took it up into outer space, causing France to become pissed off.
- Tsundere: During a conversation with Japan, he claims to have invented tsundere (all types, presumably). He is not one himself, but an Annoying Younger Sibling with traces of Hopeless Suitor to China and Japan.
- What Could Have Been: A prototype design for Korea had the character as a girl
◊ with aspirations to be a pop idol. The design for the female Korea was inspired by the lead of an earlier, short-lived webcomic by Himaruya, entitled MoeKan (and even directly resembled her in one of the drafts).
- He was also supposed to be in the anime, but then the South Korean government, Moral Guardians and Fan Dumb declared a Dude Not Funny on the character. Fans still can dream though since Himaruya did not dispose of him, at least in his blog, as of 2010-11.
Voiced by: Yuki Kaida (JP)
- Bratty Little Sister: One of the earlier Himaruya sketches has her poking China on the cheek and demanding that he leaves Japan alone, while saying the quote above. Confirmed in China's drama CD track, where she teases China a lot:Taiwan: (giggles) Teacher’s going crazy!China: I told you! I’m young, cool, and hip!
- The Beast Master: She's often represented with tigers, magpie birds (the national bird of Taiwan) and oxes in fanart.
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good.
- Chinese Girl
- Curtains Match The Window
- Fan Nickname: To cover up for her current lack of a proper "human name", some fans call her "Mei Mei" (which means "little sister" in Chinese) or simply "Mei" (which can mean "plum"). Taiwanese fans also nickname her "Wanwan" or "Wan-chan".
- Fanon: Taiwan is depicted in fanwork as either:
- a Lady Of War or a Dragon Lady during WWII;
- the target of Wife Husbandry from either Imperial Japan or Imperial China (more frequently the first);
- having her feet bound
per China's orders until her island came under Japanese rule
(Truth In Television, sadly, since many Taiwanese women were subjected to foot binding until at least 1915, when the Japanese administration banned it).
- The Fashionista: Accoding to Word Of God.
- Flower Motifs / Flower In Her Hair: Her hair accessories. Those are Asian plum flowers
, which is the national flower of Taiwan. Strange, it's one of the symbolic vestiges of Taiwan's Chinese claim.
- She also has a flower-shaped mark on her thigh
- Lampshaded in her character chart blurb: "If she has flowers and long dark hair, then it's Taiwan-chan."
- She also has a flower-shaped mark on her thigh
- Friend To All Living Things: According to these Himaruya chibisTaiwan: If you're too noisy, you’ll scare away all the birds and make the flowers die...
- Joshikousei: Taiwan's preliminary character design for Gakuen Hetalia has her wearing a sailor uniform
◊ instead of the more Western clothing Seychelles wears.
- Idiot Hair: Kind of. Hers is longer and droopier than the other characters'.
- Moe: Any wonder?
- Plucky Girl: Taiwan's profile mentions that, though she tends to fret and worry, she's also very strongwilled when it counts.
- Relationship Sue: Lord, what some fangirls do to her in their Taiwan/any-Asian-male-but-almost-always-Japan fanwork. Japanese and Chinese/Taiwanese fen are especially to blame for this, apparently inspired on how her land was "the Pearl of the Japanese Empire" from 1895 to 1945.
- What Could Have Been: Himaruya had many preliminary designs of Taiwan
◊, including: a little girl, an old man, a Dragon Lady, a short-haired tomboy, a little boy and a young man.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: She has the looks, but canon has pretty much jossed the personalty traits twice:
- In the Doodles about Asia
, while Taiwan keeps the looks, she's also capable of speaking quite more roughly than the average YN lady, referring to China as "bastard" like the quote above shows.
- The drama track from China's CD has her as a Genki Girl who inflicts Amusing Injuries on China (she tries to fix his back and then ends up breaking his arm!) and calls him "old man" pretty much to his face.
- In the Doodles about Asia
- Yandere / Yangire: Sometimes portrayed as one in fanwork, usually toward Japan, though mostly played for laughs.
- She's sometimes portayed as a Tsundere in fanon too, especially if paired up with Korea or Hong Kong.
- Yuki Kaida
- Playing Against Type
- Talking To Herself (she voices both Taiwan and China)
Hong Kong
"To be blunt, isn't "not playing the game" the least troublesome option?"
Voiced by: Motoki Takagi (JP)
- Character Alignment: Is True Neutral in "Hetalia Fantasia", then the "Hetalia Bloodbath 2010" makes him switch to Chaotic Neutral.
- Covert Pervert: "I said to stop making this kind of art, otherwise I'll have to mosaic it out, aru!"
- Cross Dressing Voices: Avoided. Lots of fans speculated about which female seiyuu would play him, but the CD drama gave him a male one.
- Curtains Match The Window
- Deadpan Snarker
- Emotionless Boy: His original draft tells all.
- Fan Nickname: An interesting case, as some fans give him an Asian name, others a Western one, and still others both an Asian name and a Western name to represent Hong Kong having been under the rule of both China and England. "Hong" and "Xiao/Xiang" are the most popular Asian names for him; the Western ones have more variation.
- Hadaka Apron: In the 2010 Christmas Event
, he is forced into a maid outfit which he subsequently sheds. China won't stand for such nakedness, so Hong Kong puts on an apron.
- The Medic: In the CD Drama Hetalia Phantasia, he apparently is both this and the...
- Naive Newcomer: As China's assistant. In the seiyuu talk track, his seiyuu Motoki Takagi sorta takes up the role as well.
- Pandaing To The Audience: Just as much as China, apparently.
- Perpetual Frowner
- Stuff Blowing Up: His profile says that he loves detonating firecrackers, much to England's annoyance. More than one fanwork goes further and depicts him as a full-blownexplosives expert.
- Trickster: He uses his firecrackers to play pranks on England, according to Word Of God.
- And he gets China drunk in the 2010 Christmas special, apparently just for the lulz
. That one backfires, though.
- And he gets China drunk in the 2010 Christmas special, apparently just for the lulz
- Un Funny: Keeps his deadpan face even in the craziest situations.
- Viewer Gender Confusion: There was some debate on whether he was male or actually a Bifauxnen girl, until the official character chart grouped him with the males.
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good, according to...
- Fanon: Vietnam is popularly depicted in fanart as either going from an innocent fisher girl to a battle-hardened Action Girl, or as the East Asians' Team Mom. Or aTsundere, especially when paired up with America or Thailand.
- Flower In Her Hair: She is sometimes drawn with flowers in her ponytail.
- Hartman Hips: One of Himaruya's Christmas sketches gives her a rather large butt.
- Improbable Weapon User: Some fanworks have Vietnam beating up people with her rice paddle. Especially America.
- In this sketch
◊ on Himaruya's blog, Vietnam is shown with her rice paddle in a military uniform, so this may possibly be confirmed.
- In this sketch
- Lady Of War: A popular fanon depiction.
- Nice Hat: Nice straw hat, indeed.
- And another Nice Hat in her military uniform.
- The Stoic: While not yet to Perpetual Frowner levels, she has never been drawn smiling.
- Tall Dark And Bishoujo: Sometimes portrayed like this in fanart, specially if it also features Taiwan.
- The Beast Master: Has a pet elephant, named Toto, whom he dotes on like crazy.
- Character Alignment: Most likely Neutral Good.
- Cloud Cuckoo Lander: Said to be very absent-minded by Word Of God
- In the Hetalia Bloodbath 2010 he looks
◊ way too happy despite being buttnaked and in mortal danger.
- In the Hetalia Bloodbath 2010 he looks
- Fun Personified: The doodles where he's appeared have him always smiling and acting cheerful. His original profile says he gets along with people easily and is never in a hurry.
- The Determinator - Guile Hero: When he does take a decision or wants something, however, he can be pretty tricky and stubborn. Possbly comes from the fact that the Kingdom of Thailand retained its independence during the European colonization.
- Meganekko
- Supreme Chef:"If he cooks it's always something really sweet or really hot. The cooking itself is very delicious."
- Verbal Tic: "Ana~", according to said doodles.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: The most popular fanon for him, coming from the concept
of Kathoey
- The Archer: In this cameo
◊ from Japan and China's Back Story.
- Character Alignment: Most likely Chaotic Neutral or Lawful Neutral
- Meganekko
- Nice Hat: Has only appeared in a single draft
◊ aside of the aforementioned doodle, but fans still comment on the odd hat he wears.
- The Rival: Of Hungary, whom he attacked and bullied as a child according to some sketches.
- Bald Of Awesome
- Bare Fisted Monk: The very unfrequent fanarts about him portray him this way.
- Character Alignment: Fandom usually portray him as Neutral Good or Lawful Good.
- Hermit Guru
- Too Soon: Due to the obvious Real Life issues, Tibet just appeared in a single strip. In the webcast adaptation of said strip, he was replaced by a talking panda
- Character Alignment: True Neutral, since he's only appeared in one panel.
- Megane
- The Cameo: In the Hetalia Bloodbath 2010
Axis Powers Hetalia: Istanbul Not Constantinople |
Istanbul Not Constantinople
- Arch Enemy / Sitcom Archnemesis: Greece and Turkey are this to each other. Especially noticeable in Greece's case, as Turkey is the only thing that can rile up the normally laidback nation.
- Foe Yay: The popular fanon pairing of Turkey/Greece is straight-up The Masochism Tango. (Still hot if well done, though.)
- Good Old Fisticuffs: Greece and Turkey have a fistfight in the 2007 Christmas strip.
- Idiot Hair: Greece and Turkey both have the same kind of ahoge that splits in two curled parts, although Turkey's is harder to spot as his is located on the back of his neck, unlike with Greece's which is located on the top of his head.
- Power Trio: Fanon sometimes portrays Greece, Turkey and Egypt this way, with Turkey as the Id, Greece as the
somewhat less temperamental IdSuperego, and Egypt as theOnly Sane ManEgo. - Red Oni Blue Oni: Turkey and Greece, respectively.
- Sensitive Guy And Manly Man: Greece and Turkey, respectively.
- Triang Relations: Throw Japan in with Greece and Turkey, and there are plenty of combinations possible. The most canon one is Greece —> Japan <— Turkey, possibly leaning towards Greece <—> Japan <— Turkey, but fanon also likes Japan —> Greece <— Turkey and occasionally Turkey <—> Japan <—> Greece.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Greece and Turkey, believe it or not, might actually fit this too, going by their latest character profiles which state that even though they're constantly fighting each other, Greece sometimes goes shopping in Turkey's malls.
Greece - Heracles Karpusi
I want to become a cat, if I can be reborn...
Voiced by: Atsushi Kousaka (JP), Vic Mignogna (EN)
- Attack Of The 50 Foot Whatever: As seen in this strip
, Greece has a movie about a gigantic moussaka attacking.
- Berserk Button: Turkey's mere presence.
- Blade On A Stick: Aside of his metal cross, he uses a spear
◊ in some drawings.
- Brilliant But Lazy: He tends to be characterized as this in some fanworks.
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good
- Chivalrous Pervert: He's #1 in the frequency of sex in the world, surpassing even France, and everyone else knows it, and he has no problems with nudity like France... and yet he's one of the nicest characters in the series and the other characters don't seem afraid of being randomly undressed or molested while interacting with him, unlike with France. Additionally, it's made clear that he definitely wouldn't object to having sex with his close friend Japan (and actually manages to get him into bed at least once) but also that he values their friendship enough, or is mindful enough of Japan's intimacy issues, to not press him too hard on this, and genuinely likes him as a person.
- Crazy Jealous Guy: Pick a fanwork, any fanwork that has Turkey flirting with Japan within Greece's line of sight, causing him to go from sleepy-eyed to green-eyed (if not outright death-glaring) in 0.3 seconds flat. It's usually only when Turkey is around, though.
- Drives Like Crazy: According to some manga notes:"When riding in cars he becomes a little bit faster!"
- Erudite Stoner: Other than the drug-using part, he fits this trope to a T. So well, in fact, that it's somewhat surprising that there haven't been that many fanworks that make him a full-blown one - maybe because fanon has already pegged Canada and Netherlands as the main Stoners.
- Heavy Sleeper / Sleepyhead: In the world conference shown in the first manga chapter and anime episode, he sleeps right through all the other countries' loud fighting. He also tends to doze off in the middle of conversations and fall asleep on the spot without warning.
- Hidden Depths: Seems a Cloud Cuckoo Lander, is actually The Philosopher.
- Ho Yay: After Japan finds out that Greece is n°1 in the frequency of having sex while Japan is dead last, he gets a private lesson from him. Japan is embarrassed by this and denies that it ever happened. There's also the Together Umbrella strip where Greece doesn't want Japan to see him with Messy Hair in the rain and gets upset when Japan tries to assure him that his hair doesn't look any different than usual (i.e. his hair looks messy all the time to him) until he begins wondering if this is actually "humiliation play"...
- Improbable Weapon User: Some sketches show him carrying around a huge metal cross, which represents the Agion Oros aka Mount Athos
- Internet Backdraft: It's a Vic Mignogna role, so expect quite a bit of this.
- Kindhearted Cat Lover: Greece loves cats, but is less skittish towards others than your average Crazy Cat Lady.
- Naked People Are Funny: The only one aside from France who will casually walk around buttnaked. Or casually suggest a naked check-up to another person.
- Perpetual Poverty: He suffers from trade deficit and can't play online games with the others due to costly internet.
- Not Funny Anymore: Compare this with the actual economic situation of Greece in Real Life. Meep.
- Really Gets Around: In the "official doujinshi" by Himaruya, England and France try to tell others that he invented condoms. It backfires when he admits he's had lots of sex, but then adds he doesn't use them.
- Ladykiller In Love: However, this is rarely brought up in shipping fanworks, as the general assumption in fandom is that he's still a Nice Guy at heart who would willingly stop sleeping around to be in a committed relationship with the one he loves. Most common with Japan, to the point where references to him having waited for over a hundred years for Japan to return his feelings are not uncommon; with Turkey, it tends to be more of an 'on-again, off-again' thing, but there's still usually the implication that he reserves the sex for Turkey only.
- Spell My Name With An S: So is it 'Karpusi' or 'Karpossi' or 'Kiparsi' or what? Also, is it 'Heracles' or 'Herakles'?
- Seeing as his last name is based on the Greek word for "watermelon", which is "καρπούζι", this Greek troper thinks that it should be Karpouzi and the author just Did Not Do The Research.
- The Other Darrin: From Atsushi Kousaka (anime) to Kissho Taniyama (Hetalia Phantasia).
- Unkempt Beauty: Japan gets confused when Greece tells him that he doesn't want Japan to see him with Messy Hair in the rain, as he thinks that Greece's hair looks messy all the time and doesn't see a problem with it. (It certainly doesn't stop fanworks from depicting him as extremely attractive, anyway.)
- Vocal Evolution: In episodes 54 and 55, his voice is considerably slower-paced than his first speaking appearance in Episode 35.
- What Could Have Been: According to volume 3, originally he had glasses and shorter hair.
Turkey/The Ottoman Empire - Sadiq Annan
Today I make Europe mine.
Voiced by: Takahiro Fujimoto (JP)
- The Alcoholic: Well, he did spend most of the Hetalia Bloodbath 2010 drunk. Unless...
- Bling Of War: Ottoman style.
- Mask Power: Combined with a very Nice Hat.
- Weapon Of Choice: A sword, probably a Kilij or Turkish scimitar
- Memetic Outfit. Either of his three outfits: the Ottoman times one, the modern military uniform he wears now or the green hoodie he often wears.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Was gung-ho about invading Europe during his Ottoman Empire days, and even nowadays is quite loud about his opinions.
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Good in modern times. Possibly Lawful Neutral (this series doesn't have real villains, no matter what fanon says) in his empire days.
- Child Hater: "I really hate kids!", after Chibitalia kicks him in the face.
- Crazy Jealous Guy: Is often portrayed as this to Greece or Japan in fanworks. The latter case might be canon, considering how he becomes incensed upon seeing Japan with Greece in one manga chapter and jumps to the assumption that Greece is "trying to invade Japan", even claiming that "Ya don't know how well Japan and I get along!"
- Curtains Match The Window
- Hopeless Suitor: He's implied to have a crush on Japan, and it turns out that his rival is none other than Greece. Who's shown a lot more with Japan than him in the strips. And slept together with Japan at least once. And while fandom does give Turkey some action with Greece, the number of fics in which he's even considered as a viable romantic possibility for Japan, much less paired up with him, can be counted on the fingers of one hand.
- It's only on the Western side though, due to having the author's notes about Turkey and Japan lost in translation until recently. Meanwhile, the Japanese fandom likes to play with the Greece/Japan/Turkey Triangle in all shapes and angles; most commonly in Type 2, 4, 5, 7, or 8 Triangle forms with either Japan or Greece at the pivotal point.
- Inter Generational Friendship: Sorta, with Iceland in the Hetalia Bloodbath 2010. It helps that Iceland is already a teenager, not a child.
- May December Romance: Some fans already are vying for them to get paired up.
- Love Hurts: In the beta version for the drama CD, he's revealed to have been in love with Ancient Greece/Byzantium. Who he eventually killed. (It's not necessarily canon as it wasn't included in the final version of the drama CD, but it sure would explain an awful lot about his relations with her son.) And when you take in account the aforementioned Hopeless Suitor case with Japan and Greece and the only popular fanon pairing he gets being all about him and his Arch Enemy belting out the tune ofThe Masochism Tango at the top of their lungs, you have one wholly unenviable love life on your hands.
- Let's not forget that a small section of the Japanese fandom also pairs him up with the local Action Girl, Hungary. Who has been fighting him ever since she was a little girl (she refers to him as "the Ottobastard Empire") and not to mention Ottoman Hungary was one of the most rebellious provinces in the Ottoman Empire.
Add howshe's in love with Austria and, well...
- Let's not forget that a small section of the Japanese fandom also pairs him up with the local Action Girl, Hungary. Who has been fighting him ever since she was a little girl (she refers to him as "the Ottobastard Empire") and not to mention Ottoman Hungary was one of the most rebellious provinces in the Ottoman Empire.
- Perma Stubble
- Ron The Death Eater: He might not have the most agreeable of personalities or the best of relations with Greece or Hungary, but some fanworks turn him into a complete asshole who will smirkingly manipulate, abuse, and even rape others solely to "put them in their place", whether because these fanwriters love The Masochism TangoFetish Fuel of Turkey/Greece or Turkey/Hungary or are enamored of the idea of Turkey as a Bastard Boyfriend with a White Mask Of Doom.
- Sweet Tooth: He loves sweet food, one such food being ashure
or Noah's pudding, a traditional Turkish dessert. Justified Trope, since Turkish cuisine
is well-known for its sweets.
- Take Over The World: As the Ottoman Empire, he continuously tries to take over Europe- fighting little Hungary, the Habsburgs, abducting little Greece, etc. in the process.
- Turks With Troops: He's sometimes seen with his Ottomans.
Egypt - Gupta Muhammad Hassan
Voiced by: Scott Sager (EN)
- But Not Too Black: While he has olive skin in the illustrations, the anime makes him much paler. It's true that some Egyptian people are quite pale compared to other African ethnicities, but still.
- Character Alignment: True Neutral
- Cute Mute: Egypt is not much of a talker. Though, at one point, France asked him if he could even talk, to which Egypt responded, "Would you like to buy something?"
- Fanon: Since he had not been seen without his keffiyeh
(his white headdress) until few ago, fanarts often pictured him with long flowing hair. A draft from Himaruya, however, showed Egypt with short hair
- Could be justified if you take in account that ancient Egyptians use to wear wigs.
- Personality-wise, fans tend to depict him as a wise and world-weary Mentor. Specially if he interacts with Greece.
- Could be justified if you take in account that ancient Egyptians use to wear wigs.
- Green Eyes: In his new profile picture
. In earlier artwork and the anime, he has Brown Eyes instead.
- Kuudere: According to Word Of God.
- Magic Warrior: Maybe, considering one or three sketches.
- Non Human Sidekick: His jackal hound, Anubis
. Obviously named after the Egyptian god of the Dead.
- In his new profile picture, he has an falcon as well. Likely an allusion to Ra, the falcon god of the Sun
- In his new profile picture, he has an falcon as well. Likely an allusion to Ra, the falcon god of the Sun
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC)
- Character Alignment: True Neutral
- Cute Shotaro Boy
- Nice Hat: Similar to Turkey's.
- Perpetual Frowner
- Sibling Yin Yang: In the Drama CD, TRNC is deadpan, quiet and stern, while his big brother Cyprus is expressive, talkative and polite.
I just got the sudden urge to hit him when I looked at his face!
Voiced by: Go Inoue (JP), Justin Pate (EN)
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
- Cloud Cuckoolander: Possible characterization since he randomly decides to smack Italy after France and England do, and the only photo of him in his military clothes has him posing for the shot.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: At first, only in the LJ fandom. He has now his own tag in Pixiv (the Japanese equivalent of Deviant Art)
- Fanon / OC Stand In: His appearances (both manga and anime) are so short that fanworkers are at odds with any kind of characterisation. His most popular "personality" is a Jerk Ass with a Hair Trigger Temper.
- Why Did You Make Me Hit You: He cites this as his reason to bully Italy, even when they're in the same group. Quite well portrayed in the quote above.
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