Characters: The Big O |
These are the characters from The Big O.
The top negotiator in Paradigm City and The Hero of the story. A Batman analogue, he's committed to the well-being of the citizens of Paradigm, especially children and the elderly. He controls the Megadeus he calls Big O, though he's not sure why he has this power. In fact, he never seems to dwell much at all on his own youth, or how he came to possess so many amazing capabilities...
Tropes associated with Roger:
This young lady happens to be an android, who ends up as Roger's live-in maid after negotiations to rescue her from kidnappers results in the death of her creators. Built from a pre-Event design, her sophistication rivals that of the other androids seen around the city, and she carries the distinction of being the only one capable of passing for a human under casual inspection... until the final episodes reveal at least one other character was an android all along as well.
Tropes associated with Dorothy:
Norman is Roger's butler. Though he's a faithful domestic servant in his daily routine, he's also a skilled and fearless fighter, and has been maintaining the Big O since the Event forty years ago. Apparently when the Big O accepted Roger as a worthy master, Norman did the same.
Tropes associated with Norman:
The Head of Paradigm City's Military Police, and formerly Roger's commanding officer. Technically his allegiance lies with the Paradigm Corporation, but his true loyalties are to the genuine welfare of the city and its people. Unlike Roger, he's (mostly) willing to put up with Paradigm's corporate string-pulling in order to keep serving the public trust.
Tropes associated with Dastun:
This lovely blonde has at least one hidden agenda, with very vague loyalties on top of that. She has a nose for trouble, which usually means she's always one step ahead of Roger. Oddly appropriate to her name, she has a pair of scars on her back — at about the place an angel's wings are usually shown sprouting from (seen in Act 7).
Tropes associated with Angel:
The man in charge of Paradigm City and the corporation, controlling them both with ruthless efficiency. He's willing to preserve the state at the cost of its people when necessary, has no qualms about dealing with people he knows can't be trusted, and genuinely believes that anything would be better if he was in control of it.
Tropes associated with Rosewater:
Formerly Michael Seabach, reporter. His search for the truth of Paradigm City led him into its darkest secrets, where he witnessed...something... and became unhinged, to say the least. Upon his return, he begins a one-man crusade against the lies and complacency of Paradigm, and cares little for what he destroys along the way.
Tropes associated with Schwartzwald:
All we know about Alan is that he works for Rosewater (among possibly others), he's some kind of cyborg (which were previously unknown in Paradigm City) — and that he's very dangerous.
Tropes associated with Alan:
This criminal has the distinction of being Roger Smith's first foe introduced in the series. Like any good criminal, he just wants to get rich at the expense of others... but unlike good criminals, he's equally concerned with looking as good as possible while doing it. Might be more than he seems, if the pre-Event memories he gets after being hit by lightning are any indication.
Tropes associated with Beck:
Alex Rosewater's father, a kindly old man who has given up the cosmopolitan life to lead a simple life of farming.
Tropes associated with Gordon Rosewater:
A foreign woman who appears in the second season as a commander of the forces of the Union. Her French accent and claim to be from a country across the sea suggests there's civilizations in the world other than Paradigm City, but there's no memories to be had out there.
Tropes associated with Vera:
Roger Smith
Tropes associated with Roger:
- Actor Allusion - "I don't know who you think I am. I'm not a bounty hunter, you know."
- Angst Coma: In the first episode of the second season, Roger goes introspectively catatonic as he struggles to figure out just who — and what — he is. Mind Screwensues
- Cool Car - the Griffon (Roger's answer to the Batmobile.)
- Cultured Badass Normal
- Dark Is Not Evil - As a contrast to Rosewater's Light Is Not Good.
- Deadpan Snarker - He IS based off of the Film Noir traditions of heroes like Sam Spade, after all.
- Doesnt Like Guns - He feels they're unbecoming of a gentleman.
- MIB - even more so in that he has a rule that everyone living in his home wear black, plus he drives a black car and pilots a black Megadeus.
- Expy/Composite Character - Of Bruce Wayne and Batman, depending on how much you view the two as the same or different characters.
- Falling Into The Cockpit - Seriously played with by way of Fridge Logic.
- Game Breaker: Roger Smith's "Negotiation" skill in Super Robot Wars Z: so long as Roger is deployed on the battlefield and remains there until the end of the scenario, any and all repair costs from destroyed units are reduced to zero. Repeat: ALL REPAIR COSTS ARE REDUCED TO ZERO. It helps that The Big O is one of the game's better units by being a Stone Wall. Not to mention that it hits like a truck and has many attacks which don't use energy. Just give it a "Barrier Unit" which is basically a shield which uses energy, teach Roger "B save" to get more mileage out of his Sudden Impact and Final Stage weapons and drop him in the middle of enemy territory. He even gets better after gaining Dorothy as a sub-pilot.
- Unsure why reducing repair costs to zero is particularly gamebreaking? Unless Z has made some rather dramatic changes, you shouldn't be letting any units be destroyed in the first place, and the effect it has is consequently nil.
- It didn't. The real strength of Roger's Negotiation ability is that enemies he faces suffer from will reduction. Thus making it harder for bosses to reach enough will for their most devastating attacks.
- Unsure why reducing repair costs to zero is particularly gamebreaking? Unless Z has made some rather dramatic changes, you shouldn't be letting any units be destroyed in the first place, and the effect it has is consequently nil.
- Grappling Hook Pistol: In his wristwatch. In the final episode he even uses it as Razor Floss!
- Honor Before Reason
- Informed Ability - Especially in the early episodes, you have to wonder at this skill as a negotiator when he has to pull out his ace in the hole so damned often. Not so glaring to be obtrusive, but DAMN. Paradigm must have some dumbass criminals.
- Well, one of the criminals is Beck (who showed up in the first two episodes of a 13 episode series).
- In The Name Of The Moon - "Big O! ACTION!" A justified trope, given the Megadeuses' response to their masters' voice commands.
- "Big O! It's SHOWTIME!"
- Jerk With A Heart Of Gold/Tsundere - His interactions with both Dorothy and Angel hint at subtle (and hilarious) Belligerent Sexual Tension
- Mitsuru Miyamoto
- Multiple Choice Past - Overcoming this fact may be what allows him to successfully negotiate with Angel in the Grand Finale. Maybe.
- Multiple Choice Past: He can't be more than his late 20s or so, right? So he couldn't possibly have memories of before 40 years ago. No wait, before the event he was a cop who decided to leave his job and become a vagrant possibly because a megadeus was unearthed, and he cannot be more than 40 years old. And then he became Big O's pilot, holding the rank of major, and they've known each other since before the event. No, wait, he was a a mass-produced megadeus pilot robot. Or none of this actually happened because there were no memories!
- Neutral Good (He has both Lawful Good and Chaotic Good leanings, so put emphasis on the Good. He doesn't hold himself to Paradigm City's rules and thinks disdainfully of the military police, but he holds his own standards highly and always follows through on a contract and saves the day, come hell or high water. )
- Not A Morning Person
- Private Eye Monologue
- Rich Idiot With No Day Job - Negotiating must be QUITE a gig to keep his digs looking so fine.
- Sharp Dressed Man - He wears black because it looks so damned good on him.
- Steve Blum
- The Man Behind The Man - If Gordon Rosewater's picture means anything.
- Tomato In The Mirror - Zigzagged
- Unusual Eyebrows: They're like...windshield wipers, or something.
- Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys - Subverted in the second season. He PAYS for them, using hired labour.
- Wise Beyond Their Years - Enforced version. Word Of God stated that he wanted to avert the Kid Hero.
R. Dorothy Wayneright
Tropes associated with Dorothy:
- Action Girl - She has to be if she's going along with Roger.
- Akiko Yajima
- Anguished Declaration Of Love: Well, during a body-jacking instance, also while in the process of crushing the life out of Roger.
- Animation Bump: She's often given especially fluid animation, but this just serves to point out her robotically smooth movements.
- Badass Abnormal (she IS a superpowerful android)
- Bash Couple (has joined Roger in battle with Big O at times, even becoming a regular copilot in Super Robot Wars D and Super Robot Wars Z)
- Creepy Monotone - More monotone than creepy, though. See Deadpan Snarker
- Cute Bruiser - She opens walls when doors will not suffice. And has a mean punch, too.
- Deadpan Snarker - With emphasis on the deadpan: "You're a louse, Roger Smith."
- Emotionless Girl - She has the flat voice and expressionless face down pat. But the words she says...
- Kindhearted Cat Lover - The focus of an early episode revolves around her attachment to a kitten she rescues.
- Kuu Dere - A natural extension of the two aforementioned tropes.
- Mac Guffin Girl - Being the most advanced android ever made tends to prompt a number of kidnapping attempts. When you're able to interface with Big type megadei, this should be a given.
- Meido - Justified- Roger's house rules demand she dress in black. She thinks it's tacky at the best of times.
- Neutral Good
- Pick Your Human Half
- Ridiculously Human Robot - Even lampshaded by Roger
- Robot Girl - And she's much heavier than her looks imply.
- Sarcastic Devotee - She'll happily help Roger when working on a case. Just don't expect her to give him an easy time with it.
- Ship Tease - She and Roger have Belligerent Sexual Tension up the yin-yang.
- The Stoic
- Tin Man - She's not particularly expressive, but there's definitely something going on underneath the unemotive surface.
- Uncanny Valley Girl- Besides all the above tropes, some of her movements are...unsettling. See Animation Bump.
- Younger Than They Look - She's a freshly manufactured robot, barely a couple of years old. She looks at least sixteen.
Norman Burg
Tropes associated with Norman:
- Badass Biker
- Badass Mustache
- Bald Of Awesome
- Battle Butler
- Cool Old Guy
- Expy: Just as Roger Smith is Batman, Norman is Alfred Pennyworth.
- Eyepatch Of Power
- Gadgeteer Genius (He maintains the Big O on a regular basis with some occasional help.)
- Lawful Good
- The Matchmaker/Shipper On Deck - He strongly encourages ways for Dorothy and Roger to get together
Major Dan Dastun
Tropes associated with Dastun:
- All Love Is Unrequited
- Badass Normal
- Commissioner Gordon: Something of this combined with a little bit of Bullock.
- Da Chief
- Day In The Limelight - Act 11
- Expy: Of Commissioner Gordon.
- Generation Xerox - Eerily played with. Those kids were so cute, too.
- Good Scars Evil Scars - Good Is Not Nice scars.
- Knight In Sour Armor
- Lawful Good
- Redshirt Army - which he basically commands.
- Tessho Genda
- Turn In Your Badge (springboard for a Crowning Moment Of Awesome)
- Unlucky Childhood Friend - With the girl in Act 11.
- Vitriolic Best Buds - With Roger.
Tropes associated with Angel:
- Action Girl
- Apocalypse Maiden - One possible interpretation of her finale
- Artificial Human - We seem to think that this may be the case given how Gordon Rosewater calls her a Memory, as well as her bizarre Wing Pull in the finale
- Broken Bird - Complete with scars on her back like a fallen angel
- Double Agent - Or is she?
- Emi Shinohara
- Expy: Catwoman.
- Fake Memories
- Femme Fatale
- Ms Fanservice - She IS the most sexualized character in the series. Still very classy
- Spy Catsuit
- Tomato In The Mirror
- Tsundere: Something of this.
- True Neutral
- Wendee Lee
- Wild Card
Alex Rosewater
Tropes associated with Rosewater:
- A God Am I: The last few episodes have him go absolutely whacko.
- Big Bad - Possibly
- Corrupt Corporate Executive
- Cultured Badass (he can be this at occasional intervals especially when he gets his own Megadeus)
- Villainous RROD - Happens when Big Fau tried to integrate itself into his body
- Lawful Evil
- Light Is Not Good - As a contrast to Roger's Dark Is Not Evil clothing.
- Man In White: Always wears white, in contrast to Roger.
- Oedipus Rex Vera brands him this after he burns his father's fields and leaves him for dead
- Psychopathic Manchild: See his Villainous Breakdown.
- Smug Snake - Debtably. Playing with a toy Big Fau while boasting to Roger about how he can pull the strings controlling the entire city is kind of a dick move.
- Tomato In The Mirror
- The Ubermensch - See his plan for recreating the world using Big Fau and tell me that isn't a sign of a god complex
- Unsho Ishizuka
- Villainous Breakdown After Big Fau rejects him as a Dominus
Tropes associated with Schwartzwald:
- Anti Villain - Debatable. He wants to uncover the truth of behind the amnesia of 40 years ago. Should people have to die or the city be destroyed to let that truth be known, so be it.
- Badass Angster - Especially in a Megadeus. He's generally found less lamenting his own personal fate as he is that of the city, however.
- Bandaged Face
- Chaotic Neutral - His motto may as well be "Screw the rules, I'm trying to prove The Truth!"
- Char Clone
- Conspiracy Theorist - He's also right!
- Haunted Technology - One possible explanation of Big Duo's behaviour in season 2. A major contributor is his "ghost" that appears as he Hannibal Lectures Alan for being (seen as) unworthy as the pilot of a Megadeus, whereupon his finishing statement Big Duo flashed the words "YE GUILTY," as if to agree with his assessment.
- Defector From Decadence - While not advocating a totalitarian dictatorship to keep the populace in line, he REALLY hates the blind hedonistic tendencies of the Paradigm City's elite. He does everything in his power to fight back against this apathy, including handing out flammable masks at a cocktail party and trashing the city with his own Humongous Mecha.
- Evil Laugh: My, but he likes to do those.
- Expy: You'd be forgiven for thinking he's one of Hush, but he wouldn't debut until a few years later.
- Foil: To Roger Smith.
- Go Mad From The Revelation: Happened before he was introduced.
- Large Ham - None of the Big O's villains were particularly subtle, but his speech in episode 18 is deliciously bombastic.
- Meaningful Name plus Gratuitous German - His name means "Black Forest".
- Michael Mc Connohie
- Nietzsche Wannabe - He's not so bleak as to declare all life meaningless, but the speech at the beginning of Act 17 ("Leviathan") certainly carries some darker notes of existentialism (See the link in Large Ham)
- Screw The Money I Have Rules - It takes some pretty strong principles to turn down THAT level of severance pay.
- Sixth Ranger (Joins the Ruina in Super Robot Wars D)
- Slasher Smile: Default expression.
- Thanatos Gambit - After his death midway through the second season, he manages to aid Roger with his letters.
- That Man Is Dead - Michael Seabach is no more. Even Paradigm Corp. Executives start thinking this way.
- Ubermensch - His speech in Leviathan basically set him up as this and the elite of Paradigm City as the Last Man (see above Defector From Decadence).
Alan Gabriel
Tropes associated with Alan:
- Ax Crazy Badass
- Chaotic Evil
- Combat Sadomasochist - He seemed to enjoy Roger beating on him far too much to be healthy
- Crispin Freeman - In the second season of the dub.
- Double Agent - For the Union
- Dressed To Kill
- Enigmatic Minion - To Alex Rosewater. At first, anyway..
- Evil Is Not A Toy: "Ye Guilty".
- Evil Laugh
- Expy - To The Joker.
- Foe Yay - "I'll show you my blood, if you show me yours!"
- Giggling Villain -Dorothy (Upon seeing his cyborg parts): What are you? man or machine?Alan Gabriel: "I'm the The BOOOOGIEMAN!" (titters hysterically)
- Hollywood Cyborg
- Karmic Death: See Evil Is Not A Toy.
- Psycho For Hire
- This Is A Drill
- Wild Card
Jason Beck
Tropes associated with Beck:
- Beard Of Evil - Originally clean shaven, he grew it after he got locked up the first time as pictured above. He apparently likes it as he shaves it down to a goatee after he gets out.
- Cultured Badass - He fails at this. Hilarity Ensues
- Foe Yay - He is exceedingly fixated on one-upping Roger Smith, what with the former's ability to foil his plans and all
- Genius Ditz - He's a total incompetent as a villain, but his skills at electronics and android neuroscience are second to none.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel - His final fate in the manga. Coming at the end of a story all about his Villain Decay, it's an absolute terror.
- Hochu Otsuka
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain - He's such a screw-up, you'd almost feel sorry for him when he gets his ass handed to him. Almost.
- Laughably Evil - Face it, the guy is so over-the-top he's out and out hilarious
- Man Of Wealth And Taste: Tries to be one, anyway. He's better at the being fashionable part than the villainous part.
- Neutral Evil
- The Only One Allowed To Defeat You - See Foe Yay above.
- Recurring Boss
- Strange Bedfellows - He winds up siding with Alex Rosewater to weasel out of his execution. Later, he even gives technical advice to Dorothy explaining how about howshe can interface with the Big O to activate the Humongous Mecha's Final Stage.
- Villain Decay - An example done hilariously right: Roger and Dorothy find him a nuisance at best, but he never ceases to be entertaining for the audience.
Gordon Rosewater
Tropes associated with Gordon Rosewater:
- Amnesiac Dissonance - Some of his conversations have such a sinister overtone due to the fact that he is such a pleasant and kind old man who just happens to lackadaisically allude to big scary conspiracies which he might have accidentally set in motion.
- Call To Agriculture - He sure loves his tomatoes!
- Cryptic Conversation
- The Man Behind The Man - subverted
- True Neutral
Vera Ronstadt
Tropes associated with Vera:
- Abusive Parents - If one accepts the interpretation that she actually raised Angel as her daughter
- Beta Baddie - Its implied all of the Union are this to some extent
- Double Agent - ALL of the Union are. She leads them. Do the math.
- Iron Lady
- Luke I Am Your Father - Poor Angel
- Neutral Evil
- Whip It Good
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