- C.C.
"Snow is white because it's forgotten what color it's supposed to be."
A sarcastic, green-haired girl first found inside an alleged 'poison gas bomb', sporting bondage gear and a big butt. C.C. (pronounced "C2" — or "Shi-Tsu") grants the Geass power to Lelouch, who apparently can give her her mysterious greatest wish, and later stays with him to watch over him. It's later revealed that she gave another Geass to a man named Mao. She has been a close attendant to Zero and has helped him various times, leading him to ally himself with her: "If you're a witch, then I'm the warlock".
Speaking of witches, her past and her name both remain a mystery. Rumor has it that she's been living for many years dating back to the era of Kings, and ever since then she's been repeatedly tortured or killed because of her powers (shot to the forehead, burned at the stake, put inside an Iron Maiden, etc.). She also has a penchant for pizza, and always orders some fromPizza Hut using Lelouch's credit card (not a problem, since he's filthy rich, but it's still an annoyance to him).
C.C. embodies these tropes:
- Action Girl: Borderline. She doesn't do much actual fighting but she's perfectly capable of it; see Waif Fu below.
- Alliterative Name: If those are indeed her initials.
- And I Must Scream: Very nearly, with Mao. Probably happened to her a lot, given her immortality and healing powers.
- Anti Hero: Type IV.
- Baby Got Back: And HOW.
- Badass: You know it!
- The Beautiful People
- Be Careful What You Wish For: Her offering Lelouch and Mao their Geass powers. And to a greater extent, her own wishes to be loved.
- Belated Backstory: We didn't learn who she truly was until the second season.
- Big Eater: Her love of pizza, which she can frequently be seen eating.
- Bishoujo
- Blessed With Suck: Her immortality and her own "love me" Geass before that.
- Body Horror: See And I Must Scream, above.
- It actually does happen to her in the actual story, however; according to Word Of God, when she sinks into the ocean at the end of the first season she's crushed to pieces by ocean pressure, and the pieces eventually resurface and come back together.
- Broken Bird: Due to her past, she came to not consider herself a human being anymore, and only now is starting to get her human feelings back thanks to Lelouch.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Let's just say that the show wouldn't very interesting if she told Lelouch from the start that both his parents were in on the same plan, and that there was no real reason to rage against his father or avenge his mother's death.
- Counterpart Comparison: There are those who see her as somewhat similar to Rei Ayanami.
- Cry Cute: A cold-hearted, manipulative bitch like C.C. only cries with good reason ... but when she does, the sheer warmth makes you wonder if you are looking at the same person.
- Cursed With Awesome: Oh, sure, she's got that immortality to worry about, but she can do just about anything thanks to her powers.
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Deadpan Snarker: Lord, yes.
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Disney Death: In the first episode.
- Doom Magnet
- Draco In Leather Pants: People love to ignore that, despite her really terrible backstory, she's very, very morally ambiguous, and that many of her actions have her sitting on the fence of the Moral Event Horizon. (Just like Lulu, if you wonder)
- Also, Mao gives C.C. the DILP treatment in-universe. He sees her as a perfect angel even though she robbed him of his life by giving him his Geass that ultimatelycompletely destroyed him when he was a little boy under the age of eight! After he refused to fulfill her contract, C.C abandoned him thinking that he would hate her, but yeah, it didn't work out....
- Nightmare of Nunnally removes her truly negative deeds, and implies that she has no choice about the rest.
- Also, Mao gives C.C. the DILP treatment in-universe. He sees her as a perfect angel even though she robbed him of his life by giving him his Geass that ultimatelycompletely destroyed him when he was a little boy under the age of eight! After he refused to fulfill her contract, C.C abandoned him thinking that he would hate her, but yeah, it didn't work out....
- Evil Is Sexy
- Eyes Of Gold
- Fan Nickname: Pizza Butt.
- Fanservice: Look up. She is also number twelve on the list. Yes, of course they have a list
- Femme Fatale
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant: Her iconic costume is, to put it simply, a form-fitting straitjacket suit covered with belts. She's also got quite the body and the booty, to which the suit "clings" very well. You do the math.
- And when she finally gets rid of that suit, she's seen sporting some quality Zettai Ryouiki.
- Fish Out Of Temporal Water: After she was mentally reset to the person she was at the age of ten, which complicated matters greatly since she was Really Seven Hundred Years Old.
- The Gadfly: Sometimes it seems as if she just likes to push Lelouch's buttons.
- Girl In A Box: Or better said, Girl in a Poison Gas Tank.
- Gratuitous English: Her "name" C.C. is pronounced See-Two on the English dub but more or less Shi-Tsu in the original Japanese.
- Hartman Hips: Curious variation: she's got a large butt yet doesn't actually have the disproportionately narrow hips. Yet if you see how thin CLAMP's designs are, the size of her ass varies depending on the animation and how much focus it's given. Let's not even talk about the CLAMP design sketches. Lampshaded in the second half of this audio drama
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel: In some respects, if you consider the above And I Must Scream and Body Horror examples. Not to mention her lack of touch with humanity and all the mystical images she conjures, some of which are very, very weird....
- Hime Cut: Except green.
- Honest Advisor: C.C. to Lelouch. Usually.
- Well...not so much considering she willfully withheld plenty of information from him, especially concerning her history with Mao and the true horrific nature of her contract. But at least she admitted to Lelouch that she wouldn't tell him anything she didn't want to.
- Immortality
- Im Taking Her Home With Me: The child-like persona she regresses to when she loses her memories in R2 Episode was adorable enough to provoke this reaction from fans much the same as Nunnally below.
- Mao also tries to take her to a house he bought in remote Australia where they can live away from all the thoughts his Geass forces him to hear.
- Jerkass Woobie: No doubt for at least some. Especially once her past is revealed, for many of the same reasons as Mao.
- Kate Higgins: Plays C.C. in the English dub.
- Laser Guided Amnesia: R2 episode 15 ends with C.C. losing all her memories to the point where she first acquired her Geass (when she was no older than 10, by the looks of things). Reversed when Marianne in Anya's body invoked Forgot The Call and "reset" her.
- Magnificent Bitch: Very much so. She's almost as Fabulous as Lelouch, and she's every bit his equal in intelligence and badassery.
- Although C.C's plans for Mao backfire twice! The first one drives him insane. Then she abandons him and hopes he will come to hate her and forget about their contract. This failed miserably. She then kills him. This seems to work, though [1].
- Manipulative Bitch
- Mayfly December Romance: C.C. the ageless, deathless witch is romanced by Mao, a seventeen/eighteen-year-old boy.
- What The Hell, Hero?/Kick The Dog: Your Milage May Vary. But it's a bit difficult to look at her in quite the same way after the flashback to Mao's childhood, as her treatment of him isn't any more excusable than his treatment of Shirley. Not only did she transform an innocent little boy into an insane, murderous animal; but she also in doing so created a major threat that comes back to drag both her and innocent bystanders down with him. Lelouch, for his part, calls her out when he learns about her and Mao because her carelessness in dealing with him indirectly led to Shirley's More Than Mind Control. Then she apparentlykills Mao, which may be the only thing that prevents it from being a genuine Moral Event Horizon-crossing action.
- Also, she didn't abandon Mao just to be cruel. She thought that, in abandoning Mao, he'd come to hate her for it and get over the fact that she asked him to kill her. Sadly, she underestimated Mao's obsession, and it turns out that he blames everyone but C.C for her deserting him and is perfectly willing to kill anyone else who she tries to make a contract with (like Lelouch).
- Mysterious Past: For a long time, we didn't know anything about her. This was reversed in R2 episode 15, which describes her past in detail but temporarily removes most of her memories after.
- Mysterious Waif
- Nice Job Breaking It Hero: That whole business with her and Mao. See also Kick The Dog, What An Idiot, and What The Hell, Hero?.
- Nigh Invulnerability: Comes with being immortal.
- No Name Given: Lelouch is the only one who knows of her true name, and the dialogue is muted both times it is mentioned.
- No One Could Survive That: Takes a bullet to the head for Lelouch in the very first episode. Shows up fine as the fourth episode's cliffhanger, and Lelouch comes home to find her playing with Nunnally.
- Not So Different: Invoked with her and Mao. Both of them received Geass at very young ages, under similarly desperate circumstances, and it proceeded to subsequently ruin their lives. C.C. was able to bounce back and take over the Code because her Geass was never as bad as Mao's and possibly also because she was slightly older than Mao when she received her Geass at first, in addition to the fact that she wasn't obsessively in love with the one who asked her to kill her and take her Code, unlike Mao. Whether she ever would have ended up like Mao if she hadn't taken over the Code when she did is never looked into.
- Not So Stoic: She's nearly always The Stoic, but Code Geass being Code Geass, she does get emotional on several separate occasions.
- Not What It Looks Like: Kallen keeps walking in on C.C. and Zero "just talking."
- Older Than They Look: Although she looks like a teenager, she's Really Seven Hundred Years Old.
- Pieta Plagiarism: C.C. in the first OP.
- Power Incontinence: It's implied that she originally took over the Code to get out of hers.
- Pretty Freeloaders: She gets to enjoy all the comforts of the academy on Lelouch's dime.
- Purity Sue: How Mao sees her. But only Mao.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: She's been alive for centuries, after she got her own Geass in the end of the Middle Ages, and was made immortal in the Era of Kings. She apparently even knew some of the masterminds behind the American Revolution on a personal basis.
- Red Oni Blue Oni: She could be the blue to Lelouch's red.
- Ron The Death Eater: Even after the Love Confession, Mercy Kill and obvious inner turmoil she showed over it, some people just can't let the whole Mao thing go...
- Sarcasm Mode: Like there's some other mode.
- The Spock
- Strange Girl: Heck, it just happens to be the name of her theme song.
- The Stoic: Nearly always. But, on rare occasion, Not So Stoic.
- Tall, Dark, Green-Haired, and Bishoujo
- Testosterone Brigade Bait
- Time Dissonance
- Tomboy And Girly Girl: Most often Kallen (tomboy) and C.C. (girly girl), but other pairings come up too. Like Kallen, C.C. herself is a mix of both types.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Pizza.
- Trickster Mentor
- True Neutral
- Uncanny Valley: See also High Octane Nightmare Fuel above, since it amounts to the same thing.
- The Unfettered: Moreso than just about any other character, since she's not bound by anything, including death.
- Waif Fu: While not on the same level as Kallen, she is quite an adept Knightmare Frame pilot, serving as Lelouch's copilot and once able to hold her own with limited support in a chaotic air battle against Suzaku, amongst others. She's also skilled in hand-to-hand combat, although it comes up much less frequently.
- Walking The Earth: She did this when she left the Britannian palace after Marianne's death. And what she does after the Grand Finale.
- What An Idiot: Really, C.C.? After all Mao's been through, did you really think that after walking out on him he'd just let it go?
- Who Wants To Live Forever: Revealed to be her motivation in giving people the Geass in the first place; puts a whole new spin on "The Power of Kings will condemn you to a path of loneliness."
- Word Of God turns this into a subversion after the Grand Finale, with the revelation that knowing that Lelouch honestly cared about her, and didn't blame her for the bad things that happened in his life after accepting the Geass, allowed her to open up to her true emotions and gave her the strength to carry on despite still being immortal.
- Wife Husbandry: With Mao. Not C.C.'s plan, per se. (Probably.)
- Woman In White: Though mostly when she's in her straitjacket.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair: The Geass universe has quite different ethnic characteristics, with violet eyes common in the Britannian nobility, but even then C.C.'s green hair is unique. It might just be an uncommon trait like red hair, however, since it is never commented on in-show. It's not a supernatural characteristic either, since she had the same hair color way back when she was just a normal girl.
- Yukana: Her seiyuu. In fact, this is one of the roles that got her Rescued From The Scrappy Heap (the other being Teletha "Tessa" Testarossa from Full Metal Panic) after a rather unpleasant incident that mixed The Other Darrin and Yoko Oh No.
- Kallen Kozuki/Kallen Stadtfeld
"If only you had justice on your side!"
Kallen is an outspoken half-Britannian, half-Japanese girl who is damn proud of her Japanese heritage and opposed to the hostile takeover of Britannia. She has a rather frail and gentle Japanese mother, whom she kind of despised at first, but eventually decided to make her the reason for fighting after directly witnessing how much she suffered for Kallen's sake. She also attends Ashford Academy with Lelouch, playing the Ill Girl role to avoid suspicion of her involvement with the movement against Britannia. She also has a rather nice pair of boobs.
Later, Kallen joins the Black Knights as the Ace Pilot of the Gurren Nishiki and becomes a bodyguard or sorts to Zero. She's one tough and tsun-tsun girl, but in front of Zero, she gets gushy and dere-dere.
Kallen embodies these tropes:
- Absolute Cleavage: Just look at the damn pic!
- Ace Pilot: To match Suzaku.
- Action Girl
- Anti Hero: Type II.
- All Is Well That Ends Well: It's surprising how quickly she's willing to forgive Lelouch for everything he puts her and her friends through.
- Alliterative Name: Kallen Kozuki (or Kozuki Kallen), when she's using her mother's surname — which she does a lot.
- Ami Koshimizu: Her seiyuu.
- Anime Hair: She has a typically Code Geass crazy hairstyle when in her guise as a rebel. See Expository Hairstyle Change, below.
- Armor Piercing Bright Slap: Used on both Lelouch and Suzaku.
- Baby Got Back: While C.C.'s is maybe more famous, Kallen's "back" is so awesome that the Guren's cockpit is designed to showcase it.
- Badass In Distress: She's captured in battle and becomes a POW for a while (actually part of her Character Development, rather than an excuse for a Rescue Arc), but she makes a full recovery within moments.
- Badass Normal: Of the four main characters, Kallen is the one completely without any specific superhuman abilities — yet she is arguably the best pilot in the series. (Lelouch has psychic Mind Control powers; Suzaku has Charles Atlas Superpower; C.C. has Immortality.)
- The Beautiful People
- Berserk Button: Do not call her, her nation, or its people Numbers. If you do this and are an enemy in combat, she will destroy you with extreme prejudice.
- Big Brother Complex: Has one with her dead older brother.
- Biker Babe: Each incarnation of her Guren comes with a motorbike seat.
- Bishoujo
- Blue Eyes: Greenish blue, inherited from her mom.
- Bodyguard Crush: Towards Lelouch.
- Break Her Heart To Save Her: Lelouch does this to her during the final arc. And since she figures out the truth later on, she doesn't even end up hating him for it.
- Bright Slap: Used on both Lelouch and Suzaku. See also Armor Piercing Slap, above.
- Broken Bird
- But Not Too Foreign: Half Japanese, half Britannian.
- Buxom Babe: Comes in at number three on the list.
- Chaotic Good
- Cheerful Child: Was fricken'
◊ adorable
◊ as a kid. Then shit happened.
- Chess Motifs: The queen. Starts off as a pawn but becomes the strongest piece on the board. Her code name, Q-1, is the old-fashioned (i.e., pre-algebraic) shorthand for the square the white queen begins the game on. However, unlike an actual chess queen, her primary role is to stay by the king's (Lelouch's) side and protect him; like a chess queen, she's perfectly capable of attacking should the need arise.
- Counterpart Comparison: With Domon Kasshu's Daughter. Super Robot fans have pretty much taken the idea of Kallen as Domon's shameless Distaff Counterpart andran with it.
- Others see her as more like Asuka Langley Soryu Lite.
- Custom Uniform: For the Black Knights.
- The Danza: Sorta, at least in the English-language dub. See Karen Strassman and Spell My Name With An S, below.
- Dead Little Sister: In this case, a dead older brother (Naoto Kozuki), for whom she has a Big Brother Complex. Heck, her Ashford hairdo is similar to that of Naoto.
- Defector From Decadence: To as big an extent as possible. Though she is of noble blood, she has rejected Britannia and strives to free Japan, but attends Ashford Academy as a cover, and to continue her studies.
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Demoted To Extra: In the Alternate Universe spinoffs, her importance dramatically declined. Even in the Lelouch of the Rebellion manga adaptation, in which she actually has an even larger role than in the original anime, the equivalent of episode 9 of the first series (which focused on her past) is all but cut out except for a scene of her at home and with her mother in the hospital.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: Kallen used two different hairstyles (loose, straight and long-ish when she's at Ashford Academy
◊, spikier, slightly shorter and with a headband
◊ when with the Black Knights) during the series, to avoid having her cover blown. After the Grand Finale, when Kallen returns to Ashford and lives peacefully with Mrs. Kouzuki, she's seen using her Black Knights hairstyle permanently
◊, now that she has no reason to hide herself.
- Face Palm Of Doom: her signature Finishing Move
- Fan Girl: She could be considered one for Zero.
- Fanservice: Her breasts, mostly, but also her butt. In the non-sexual vein, she beats up Suzaku when he apologizes for planning to inject her with drugs to get a confession out of her. Many fans enjoyed watching this scene
- Fanservice With A Smile: Early in the second season, as a part of her cover.
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant: Uses Zettai Ryouiki in both her school uniform and Custom Uniform for the Black Knights, has red hair aside of a wonderful body, is aTsundere, gets suggestively Bound And Gagged more than once, dresses up as a sort-of pink Playboy Bunny Girl when doing Fanservice With A Smile, keeps her Guren's control in her cleavage during these Bunny Girl days.
- Also, certain shots, like the first R2 ED
◊ and art from the last ''R2'' picture drama
◊, suggest that Kallen goes commando.
- Also, certain shots, like the first R2 ED
- Fiery Redhead: In keeping with standard anime coloring themes about ace pilots and the color red, Kallen has red hair, wears a red plug suit (several different ones, allred) and pilots a Red mecha named the Guren (Crimson Lotus).
- But see You Gotta Have Blue Hair, below.
- Foe Tossing Charge: Episode six of R2, then again later in episode twenty-four (twenty-three enemy units plus C.C.'s Lancelot, in 36 seconds).
- Go Go Enslavement: When Kallen is captured she is tied to a table for no apparent reason. Later on she gets the standard Britannian prisoner garb (which is in fact rather similar to C.C.'s) and then a fancy dress, though she probably got to put the latter on in private.
- Good Counterpart: Kallen is an odd reflection of Lelouch's own mother, Marianne. Both mix high social status with low-as-dirt origins (Marianne was a commoner who married into royalty, Kallen is half second-class citizen but her father is an aristocrat), both are quite possibly the most gifted Nightmare pilots of their age, both served as bodyguards to the Magnificent Bastard they were in love with, both were very close friends with C.C., and both are astonishingly attractive for their military lifestyle.However, Marianne served as a Lady Macbeth, willing to mess Anya up psychologically for a chance to live on and embracing her husband's plan despite the immense personal suffering it would bring to her own children and countless others. Kallen's sense of justice was strong enough that she put aside her feelings and took up arms against the one she loved most to protect the people his plan would hurt.
- Green Eyes: Greenish blue.
- Hero Antagonist: In the final arc.
- Heroes Want Redheads: Yes. Still, see You Gotta Have Blue Hair, below.
- Heroic Bastard: The lovechild of a nobleman's affair with the Eleven woman that now works as the household's maid, but that's kept secret so she doesn't have to deal with all the troubles of an Eleven or honorary Britannian.
- Hot Blooded: To the max.
- Ill Girl: Part of her cover but makes her unable to participate in sports.
- Humongous Mecha: See Ace Pilot, above.
- Joshikousei
- Justice Will Prevail: The line next to her picture says it all.
- Karen Strassman: Plays Kallen in the English dub.
- Which arguably makes her The Danza. See also Spell My Name With An S, below.
- Knife Nut: She always carries her trusty pouch knife.
- Lady In Red: More sporty, Hot Blooded version.
- Last Kiss: Gives one to Lelouch.
- Les Yay: With C.C., particularly in the audio dramas.
- Lethal Chef: Doesn't come up in-series, but Ami Koshimizu says it was in the character notes she was given at the start of the series. It was said that if she tried baking bread, it would come out as charcoal.
- Living With The Villain: Played straight when Suzaku arrives at Ashford Academy & she doesn't know he's her regular opponent in battle. Later inverted, as she learns Suzaku pilots Lancelot.
- Love Martyr: Magnificent Bastard Lelouch has some major problems. Consider how many times Lelouch makes her cry during the course of the series...
- Loves My Alter Ego
- The Mc Coy
- Memetic Badass / Memetic Mutation: Two words: Badass. Mother.
- Moment Killer: Taken to ridiculous degrees in the second season when almost every single conversation she has with Lelouch seems to bring them closer only to be interrupted in some random way. (Causes of interuption range from a simple radio call, to someone walking in on them, to their walking into a deadly ambush.)
- Ms Fanservice: Doesn't have the personality, but she does have the assets. Is number three on the list.
- Also, her clothing, but more than that, the situations the series puts her in. How many times has she been "interrupted" during her showers?
- Not What It Looks Like: She keeps walking in on C.C. and Zero "just talking." Similarly, Shirley keeps seeing what she thinks are romantic encounters between Kallen and Lelouch.
- The Ojou: In fact, her own biological mother (who has been reduced to a servant in her house) calls her Kallen-ojou-sama — or, more often, plain old Ojou-sama.
- But Kallen only acts like The Ojou as part of her civilian cover, while her real personality, is very far from it.
- The Only One Allowed To Defeat You: After Lelouch starts playing the role of Evil Overlord, Kallen takes upon herself to be the one who takes him down.
- Ordinary High School Student: Part of her cover in the first season. After the Grand Finale, she's reunited with her recovering mom and goes back to Ashford to complete her education (which is exactly what Lelouch wanted for her). Hey, from the looks of it she's even Late For School.
- Plucky Girl: When faced against the now practically superhuman Suzaku, she fights him to a standstill, reducing * both* of their machines to scrap before finallydestroying Suzaku's machine with the very last blow she has left before her machine shuts down. Suzaku even wonders aloud how he can't beat her, even with his "live" Geass.
- Proud Warrior Race Girl
- The Rival: To Suzaku. Oddly enough, she remains as such even after they both switch roles, with Suzaku as the one defending Lelouch and Kallen opposing him. Also, his Worthy Opponent.
- Rocket Punch: Kallen's new and improved Guren can fire its radiation wave arm at the enemy, while still connected to the Guren through a cable.
- Ryu And Ken To Suzaku
- She Fu: Blatantly guilty of this at times, especially in the first episode of season two.
- Shower Scene
- Spell My Name With An S: Is it "Karen" or "Kallen"? She's called both by different people.
- Also, Kouzuki vs. Kozuki.
- Super Reflexes: Karen, being a combat mech pilot, has incredible reflexes, which tend to act up even when she is playing an Ill Girl in school. In one episode, when Rivalz accidentally sends a champagne bottle cork right into her face, she notices it even before he does and deflects it with her hand.
- Testosterone Brigade Bait: So much so, it's even lampshaded a couple of times!
- Tomboy And Girly Girl: Kallen is herself a mix of both types, which manifest themselves in her Action Girl guise (tomboy) and her Ill Girl guise (girly girl), complete with different wardrobes and hairstyles. In addition, she finds herself in numberous other pairings, including:
- Kallen (tomboy) and C.C. (girly girl).
- Kallen (tomboy) and Shirley (girly girl).
- Milly (tomboy) and Kallen (Ill Girl guise) (girly girl).
- Kallen (tomboy)and Kaguya (girly girl).
- Tsundere: Tough and badass at one moment, sweet and vulnerable at the other. In season one, she thinks Lelouch is an arrogant Jerk Ass, but adores his alter ego Zero as a brave freedom fighter. After learning his identity, at the very end of season one, it takes her a while to adjust to the concept, but eventually she goes deredere for him in both roles and basically falls in love with the man behind the mask.
- Tsurime
- Undying Loyalty: Considering the extremes to which she goes for Lelouch, she can rival Jeremiah in the loyalty department. At least, until Lelouch starts acting like aComplete Monster and (intentionally) forces her to choose between her loyalty for him and her sense of justice.
- Wake Up Go To School Save The World: Part of her taking the 'weak persona' cover up.
- The Woobie: Not just her childhood, but for everything that she goes through in the second half of R2.
- Worthy Opponent: To Suzaku. See also The Rival, above.
- You Are Number Six: Is half-Japanese, which of course makes her something of a Number according to Britannia. (Do not call her this, though.) She gets a different sort of this treatment while she is imprisoned mid-season R2, and Suzaku refers to her by her prisoner number.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Her hair color is often described as "red." And it is. Mostly. But it's not any shade of red that humans would grow naturally in Real Life. It's a bit pink — but not as outlandishly pink as Euphie's hair.
- Zettai Ryouiki
- Nunnally Lamperouge/Princess Nunnally vi Britannia
"My wish is for a gentler world."
The daughter of Emperor Charles and his consort Marianne, as well as Lelouch's younger sister. The messy death of her mother left her not only contained in a wheelchair, but also blind out of the trauma of having her mom bleeding all over her and dying. She's shown as a sweet, gentle, Ill Girl who attends Ashford Academy's middle school and serves as Lelouch's Morality Pet: she certainly doesn't know that her beloved and very overprotective big brother is willing to fulfill the promise of "making the world better before she can see" through bloodshed, Xanatos Gambits and Roulettes, and all that jazz.
In R2, after Lelouch is given Fake Memories and sent back to Ashford with Tyke Bomb Rolo in tow, Nunnally gets her Imperial Princess status back and is given the command of Area 11 aka Japan, like Cornelia and Euphemia. As the new Viceroy, Nunners works as hard as she can to make things better and ensure the Japanese are well treated, but with Lelouch recovering his memories and re-building La Resistance, it will NOT be easy.
In Nightmare Of Nunnally, she is the main protagonist, who receives a Geass that allows her to see the future and an alternate personality derived from her anger and other negative emotions that can move and pilot a Knightmare Frame. She initially sets out to find Lelouch, but also expands her goal to stopping bloodshed between Britannians and the Japanese. At the end of the series, she saves the world by rejecting Charles and Marianne's Instrumentality plan by coming to terms with her feelings, resulting in her regaining her ability to see and walk, and their being erased from existence. She becomes a goodwill ambassador to Japan under Empress Euphemia.
Nunnally embodies these tropes:
- Abusive Parents
- All Is Well That Ends Well
- Alternate Character Interpretation: Similar to Lelouch. Genuinely sweet and friendly Yamato Nadeshiko or a tortured Stepford Smiler?
- Arranged Marriage: Midway through the first season, Lelouch toyed with the idea of betrothing Nunnally and Suzaku, before he realized he and Suzaku were enemies.
- In the sound episode Stage 0.521, it's revealed that, before the war, the Japanese considered an engagement between Nunnally and Suzaku's father Genbu Kururugi. When Suzaku protested and offered himself instead, his dad pointed out that he was already spoken for — engaged to his cousin Kaguya Sumeragi. It is revealed that Lelouch somehow dissuaded Genbu from an engagement to Nunnally, but it's not revealed how.
- Awesome Moment Of Crowning: After Lelouch's "assassination", she takes over and becomes Empress.
- Big Brother Complex
- Big Screwed Up Family
- Blithe Spirit
- Blue Blood
- Break The Cutie: Happens several times, but she bounces back each time. Even after Lulu's death, since she becomes a fairly cheerful and sweet-tempered Empress.
- Brother Sister Incest: Reciprocated at Lelouch, if her final words to him are anything to go by.
- Calling The Old Man Out: In the climax of Nightmare of Nunnally, calls out Charles and Marianne for abandoning her and trying to start Instrumentality.
- Heh Like Brother Like Sister neh?
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Just a very little bit, with her older brother Lelouch. Nonsexual example ... we think.
- Cosmic Plaything: Hoo boy... I do not envy her.
- Covert Pervert: According to the Picture Dramas
and the Lost Color games.
- Dead Little Sister: Strictly speaking, dead older siblings, all of whom are killed by Zero. Including Lelouch.
- Disabled Hottie: Okay, so she's not "hot" exactly, but she is very beautiful. But don't let Lulu hear that.
- Disabled Means Helpless
- The Empress
- Evil Cripple and Hero Antagonist: At the end of the series. She even gets a "crawling on the ground helplessly" scene.
- Expy: Of the anime version of Suzuhara Shuuko, which Okouchi (co-creator) worked on as Series Composition. The original CLAMP version shares nothing in common with Nunnally.
- She also share's quite a bit in common with Kohane Tsuyuri as well, to the point that the two of them look like twins
when Nunnally has her eyes open.
- She also share's quite a bit in common with Kohane Tsuyuri as well, to the point that the two of them look like twins
- Eyes Always Shut: As a symbol of her trauma-induced blindness. She opens them in episode 24 of R2, as the proof of her overcoming that particular side of herself ... through sheer willpower.
- Fallen Princess: Oh, so much.
- Girl With Psycho Weapon: How about a girl with a nuke detonator, huh?
- Arguably taken even further in "Nightmare of Nunnally" when she gets her own Knightmare Frame that she can summon out of thin air.
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant - Boy howdy.... A old-fashionedly sweet girl who is kind and well mannered, cute and huggable as a kitten, helpless and skating on thin ice in legality with a slim and young figure? Come to oniichan, little one!!
- Hey Its That Voice: Voiced by Rebecca Forstadt in the English dub, who also played a somewhat adorable tank-thing. This eventually earned Nunnally the Fan Nickname"Nunnakoma".
- Hime Cut: Kinda, but a bit on the shaggy and wavy side.
- Horrible Judge Of Character: A wee bit too trusting of Charles, and especially Schneizel. That she is able to find out that Lelouch and Suzaku have both lied to her and not Schneizel, who used her in one of the most insidious Xanatos Gambits in the entire series extending back to R2 18 and lasting the rest of the series against Lelouch (and ended up breaking him down), quite possibly makes her Too Dumb To Live.
- How Dare You Die On Me: Nunnally does this to Lelouch after the Zero Requiem plan is completed, partly because she figured out what Lelouch's plan was all along
- I Am Your Opponent: To Lelouch and Suzaku at the end of Turn 22, after they have already started Zero Requiem.
- Ill Girl: Unable to walk because of bullet injuries to her legs. Also suffers from psychosomatic blindness, evidently as a result of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
- Well, It seems that way at first. But then we learn that the reason she never opens her eyes is because of her father's Mind Rape, which forced her to become blind.
- In the end, Nunners remains wheelchair-bound, but overcomes her blindness.
- In Nightmare Of Nunnally, both are psychosomatic, and both are reversed by the end.
- Well, It seems that way at first. But then we learn that the reason she never opens her eyes is because of her father's Mind Rape, which forced her to become blind.
- Im Taking Her Home With Me: The reaction she often provokes in fans of both sexes.
- The Ingenue: For the first season. But this changes radically by the second.
- Joshikousei: Of sorts.
- Kaori Nazuka: Her seiyuu.
- Lawful Good
- Living Lie Detector: She can tell, thanks presumably to being able to sense pulse rate, sweating, and/or body temperature changes, if someone's lying if she's holding their hand.
- Lolicon: No doubt for some. Again, don't let Lelouch know.
- Meaningful Name: Nunnally is an English given name and surname, but in Japanese it can sound a bit like "nunnery," i.e., convent. Perhaps intended to even further heighten the sense of her innocence.
- Also, in Elizabethan slang, "nun" could signify a prostitute, and thus a "nunnery" a brothel.
- The Messiah: To a degree.
- Mind Rape: The source of her blindness. Inflicted to her by her father as a part of his and her mother's Xanatos Roulette.
- Moe: Oh, she's such a cutie. As this picture shows.
- Morality Pet: For Lelouch, and to a lesser degree, for Suzaku and Cornelia.
- No One Should Survive That: Some people still wonder how she survived the F.L.E.I.J.A. blast in R2 Episode 18, even though there arguably is a way to explain it. Hint, count the planes.
- Oblivious Younger Sibling
- Older Than They Look: She's a teenager but looks younger in several shots, and has a very youthful-looking hairstyle and school uniform.
- Pettanko: Then again, she's only fourteen.
- The Pollyanna: You'd think the little girl would be a bit less of an ingénue after having her mom shot to death in front of her and die in her arms, causing her to go blind from apparent psychological trauma that has ONLY manifested as blindness, and having her mother's killers shoot her in the legs as well, paralyzing her. Seriously, any sane person would think that Nunnally would be the bug-fuck crazy 'All Kill Britannia' sibling, but she remains sweet and cute ... until Schneizel subjects her to More Than Mind Control and gives her control of the Damocles.
- Semi-justified when it was revealed that said blindness and disability weren't caused by her mother's death, but by her parents modifying her memories and forcing blindness on her as a part of their Xanatos Roulette.
- Princess Classic: Deconstructed big time.
- Purple Eyes: She used to have those before she became blind. You can see them again more clearly later in the story.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Rebecca Forstadt: Her voice actress in the English dub.
- Royal Blood
- Spanner In The Works: On more than one occasion, Lelouch's love for her has scuttled his plans.
- Tomboy And Girly Girl: In the Nightmare of Nunnally manga, she plays girly girl to Extraordinarily Empowered Girl Alice's tomboy.
- Nunnally is also arguably the tomboy when paired with Euphemia or Shirley (girly girls to the max). She is the girly girl when paired with Nina or Milly (not exactly tomboys, but still more physically active).
- Too Dumb To Live: Seems to be completely oblivious to Charles' and Schneizel's true intentions.
- The UnFavourites: Lelouch and Nunnally, apparently, probably as a side-effect of the rest of the court's disdain for Marianne.
- This is subverted when we find about the truth in episode twenty-one of R2.
- Well Intentioned Extremist: Reveals in the finale that she planned something similar to the Zero Requiem plan, but doesn't go into more details than making the Sword Of Damocles the focus of the whole world's hate. It should be noted that she was making the best of a really bad situation, but whatever it is that it takes to piss off the whole world can hardly be small.
- What The Hell, Hero?: She gave Lelouch one of these in the Grand Finale. When he tells her he's been doing everything for her, she yells at him that she never asked for him to change the world and was happy just being next to him in Ashford. Of course, it does fail to take into account a lot of the little reasons Lelouch did it. She does it to a lesser extent with Suzaku in Turn 16.
- White Sheep
- Wide Eyed Idealist: Despite her Eyes Always Shut status, she's probably the second most Wide Eyed Idealist on the show, after her half-sister Euphemia. (Shirley doesn't make the cut because of her willful lack of interest in politics.)
- Wise Beyond Their Years: This becomes abundantly clear after she takes a major role in the plot in R2. Well, with a couple of critical exceptions.
- The Woobie
- World Of Cardboard Speech: In chapter twenty-five of Nightmare Of Nunnally, she admits that she has trapped herself in the past, refusing to move forward, and says that she now hopes for tomorrow.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Nunnally-chan is the most sweet, caring, considerate, well mannered and kind hearted little girl you'd ever meet. Ironically, she's British (well, Britannian), but otherwise she meets every Yamato Nadeshiko criterion. The fact that she is painfully cute and huggable really helps too.
- Youngest Child Wins: In the series finale she, the youngest of Charles' named children, inherits the throne. Technically, Carline is the same age, but she was ahead of Nunnally in line to the throne while Charles was alive.
- Zettai Ryouiki: In Nightmare Of Nunnally she wears a Grade B, as it's a part of the Ashford middle school uniform.
- Rolo Haliburton/Rolo LamperougeVoiced by: Takahiro Mizushima (JP), Spike Spencer (EN)
"I can't remember how many people I've killed. Nobody counts the number of times they brush their teeth or eat a meal. Same with this."
This socially awkward, harmless-looking Cute Shotaro Boy is introduced at the beginning of R2. After Lelouch and the Ashford students are given Fake Memories (courtesy of Emperor Charles's Evil Eye) that erase Nunnally's image from their minds, Rolo was sent to pose as Lelouch's younger brother in the Academy. A boy raised by V.V.'s Geass cult members and trained as a Tyke Bomb, Rolo is perfect to keep an eye on Lelouch and kill him if it's needed. Or is he?.
In the Nightmare Of Nunnally Alternate Universe manga, he is Lelouch's twin brother and a Cardinal in the Geass order. He despises Lelouch and seeks to gain C.C.'s power, but loses to Alice and dies when his body rots away from the side-effects of C.C.'s cells.
Rolo embodies these tropes:
- Alas Poor Scrappy: He was one of the most hated characters in the series until he died through a heartbreaking Heroic Sacrifice.
- Alas Poor Villain: In Nightmare Of Nunnally, dies not knowing if he'll return to Eden Vital while in the arms of the person who, unbeknownst to him, is his own mother..
- Anti Hero: Type V
- Becoming The Mask: Rolo comes to truly love Lelouch (as much as his mental unstability lets him) during his time pretending to be his brother. Too bad Lelouch only sees him as Nunnally's Replacement Scrappy and later Rolo screws up REAL bad by killing Shirley. To make things even more dramatic... in episode 19, he dies for Lelouch.
- Big Screwed Up Family: In an Alternate Reality.
- Blessed With Suck: His Geass is incredibly effective, but it stops his heart when used and this shortens his lifespan.
- Cain And Abel: Despises his siblings Nunnally and Lelouch in Nightmare Of Nunnally.
- Crossdressing Voices: In the Tagalog dub.
- Devil Pilot: When he killed Shirley
- Die For Our Ship: A good part of the fandom hate he got came specifically from people who thought he killed Shirley only out of romantic jealousy, believing Rolo to be aDepraved Homosexual. Fandom homophobia ahoy!
- Rolo kind of has this attitude himself toward Nunnally, and in fact that was the reason he killed Shirley, to prevent her from interfering with his intention to kill Nunnally. It didn't have much to do with Shirley personally.
- Disproportionate Retribution: He killed one of the SIA... for touching the locket Lelouch gave him.
- Draco In Leather Pants: Several of fans will overlook that he's a mentally unstable, and dangerous assassin, albeit one with a really well-done Freudian Excuse, often because they just want to take him home. Worse, some of them applaud his murdering of Shirley since they found her annoying and were glad she was taken out of the show, even in such an undeservedly violent manner, and that all she did was mention wanting to reunite Lelouch with Nunnally, who Rolo himself wanted erased from existence in order to be Lelouch's only sibling. The guy is very sympathetic, people, but do NOT take out the Jerk Ass from Jerk Ass Woobie.
- Dragon With An Agenda: In Nightmare Of Nunnally.
- Enfante Terrible: He was trained as a remorseless assassin from a young age.
- Evil Twin: In the Alternate Universe manga Nightmare Of Nunnally, Rolo was Lelouch's twin brother and taken away from Marianne at birth. In this manga, he looks exactly like Lelouch, and uses that to fuck with everyone's minds. He also appears to be less of a Yandere and more of a Bad Ass.
- Final Speech
- Freudian Excuse: Not only did the kid never know what a real and normal life was until he was appointed as Lelouch's fake brother, due to his Tyke Bomb training, but he was regarded as a mere "failed experiment" within the Geass Cult itself. That does NOT bode well for anyone.
- Heroic RROD: Overusing his Geass power to fight off/evade an entire army, to the point that his heart gives out. He was actually given an award to "most heroic character in 2008" in Animedia for this.
- Hey Its That Voice: It's NaGARsumi!
- Ho Yay: Towards Lelouch.
His character song "Arabesque" makes it EVEN more clear. Though at this point in time there is so much evidence proving that he was in love with him beyond question, that highlighting Arabesque seems pretty pointless. - Jerk Ass Woobie: Too Ax Crazy to be The Woobie. Not horrible enough to be a Complete Monster, either. (But don't tell his rabid haters that, though.)
- Knife Nut
- Lawful Neutral, leans toward Lawful Evil
- Lack Of Empathy: poor Shirley
- Love Makes You Evil: His devotion to Lelouch did not mix well with his mental and emotional unstability.
- Meaningful Surname: Could "Haliburton" be a reference to the controversial American corporation?
- Probably not. It's a name that has a few appearances in English (and, thanks to historical ties, Canadian) history. More than a few Britannian names are plucked from English (and thus sometimes Commonwealth) history or geography, including Dark Age Europe.
- Moral Event Horizon: He crossed this big time when he murdered Shirley, all because she mentioned wanting to reunite Lelouch with Nunnally, and without an iota of remorse either way, lied to Lelouch that it was because she knew he was Zero. Rolo also had the intention of murdering Nunnally in order to be Lelouch's only brother. An as such, he only found some degree of redemption by actually sacrificing his life for Lelouch's sake
- No Sense Of Personal Space: Very obvious here
- Might be justified, since he just watched Lelouch trying to do the same thing to Kallen, only to be denied.
- Poisonous Friend: He's really zealous in his purposes.
- Psycho Supporter: Looks cute, shy and sweet. Is an insecure, murderous wreck if his buttons are pushed.
- Purple Eyes
- Replacement Scrappy: He was one of these for Lelouch, for replacing Nunnally. In the end, though, he accepted Rolo right before he died. Or at least pretended to do so, so Rolo would die in peace and as reward for his Heroic Sacrifice.
- And could be considered one of these for much of the fanbase.
- Rescued From The Scrappy Heap: Through his heartwretching, yet badass Heroic Sacrifice
- But this also ruins Urabe's sacrifice since he saved Lelouch from this kid.
- Redemption Equals Death: Considering what he did? Of course.
- Ron The Death Eater: He is NOT without huge stains, but lots of people deliberately downplay or handwave his genuinely good Freudian Excuse and his Redemption Equals Death and make it as if he was born a Complete Monster just because they hate him. Specially if they're rabid Shirley fans, which is to a degree understandablesince he was the one who killed her but still goes ridiculously far sometimes, and is often coupled with uber-idealization of her.
- Separated At Birth: From Lelouch in Nightmare Of Nunnally.
- Spike Spencer: His voice actor in the English-language dub.
- Hey Its That Voice: Bears a strong resemblance to Hanataro Yamada of Bleach.
- Takahiro Mizushima: His seiyuu, who for some reason has been getting roles of brocon little brothers after voicing Rolo...
- The Starscream In Nightmare Of Nunnally, he intends to steal C.C.'s power and rebel against the Emperor.
- Time Stands Still: His Geass makes you think this happens. And in Nightmare Of Nunnally It stops time for real.''"No one can live on the same time as me".
- Tyke Bomb: He's basically a boy version of the Gunslinger Girls.
- The Wesley:
The staff have confessed to being crazy over himSeems to be a creator's pet, but generally tends towards Base Breaker. - What Measure Is A Mook: kills unnamed pilots during his Heroic Sacrifice, but for some reason didn't use his already being spammed Geass to kill the mutinying Black Knights right before
- When All You Have Is A Hammer: Rolo's conditioning and training results in him killing possible allies without hesitation if they might know too much, because he simplydoesn't know how to deal with them otherwise.
- Yangire and Yandere: He starts at the first, then falls for Lelouch and becomes the second.
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