Axis Powers Hetalia: Neither Holy Nor Roman Nor An Empire |
Neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire
- All There In The Manual: Saxony and Bavaria (two other descendants of Germania) appear as background characters in the Austrian War of Secession. Saxony also appears in Comic Diary 7, Liechtenstein's Journal of Swiss Dopiness and Chibitalia (as one of HRE's bodyguards, but only in the manga). They are confirmed as elder brothers of Germany in the Prussia-centric Kuso-game, along with the additional three states of Hesse, Schleswig-Holstein, and Brandenburg.
- Cross Dresser: The Italies (when they were little). Although the Italies' dresses may be another historical in-joke
- Dropped A Bridget On Him: Young Prussia used to think that young Hungary was a boy, until he got to grope her chest. And some other characters thought that Chibitalia (child North Italy) was a little girl (the Holy Roman Empire included), until he hit puberty.
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs: Hungary has flower-shaped hairpins, Belgium uses headbands. Monaco has hairpins and headbands.
- Meido: As a young child living with Austria, Italy used to wear maid outfits. Especially in the Chibitalia chapter, which lampshades the trope when the Holy Roman Empire is seen with a portrait of Chibitalia and is asked if the model was a servant.
- One True Threesome: Many fans ship Austria/Hungary/Prussia, which is sometimes called "The Frying Pangle"
- Savvy Guy Energetic Girl: Austria and Hungary are the grown-up version of the trope. HRE and Chibitalia also fit... except that Chibitalia is a a boy who dresses as a girl
- Sibling Yin Yang: North and South Italy.
- Holland (The Big Guy) and Belgium (Bokukko) are supposed to have these dynamics too. We'll see.
- Team Dad: Austria, no question. He raises the girlish N. Italy with the help of Hungary.
- Team Mom: Spain is this at start, being equal partners with Austria (or property?), and raising the boyish S. Italy. Hungary graduates to this from Cool Big Sis after she marries the local Team Dad.
- The Clan Of The Habsburgs
- Toy Ship: The Holy Roman Empire and Chibitalia.
- Wife Husbandry: A possible interpretation of the Spain/Romano pairing. See the main page.
The Holy Roman Empire
Italy, come with me, and become the Roman Empire again!
Voiced by: Jun Konno (JP), Chris Cason (EN)
- Character Alignment: True Neutral or Lawful Neutral
- Blue Eyes
- Dogged Nice Guy: Type 1 to Chibitalia.
- Monochromatic Eyes: In the manga and merchandise. Subverted in the anime, where his eyes are changed to be brighter and with pupils and shine to them.
- Nice Hat
- Satellite Character: Is HRE the boss? Does he just own the house? He doesn't interact much with the others. He's not Germany, by the way. Or is he? Hmmm...
- Stalker With A Crush: To Chibitalia, completely played for laughs.
- Tsundere: Arguably, towards Chibitalia.
- Viewer Gender Confusion: The audience isn't involved and is instead switched with HRE (and a few other countries at the time, until Italy grew up). Mainly, HRE always thought that Chibitalia was a girl.
Hungary - Erzsebet Héderváry
Ah, that horny man is touching his chest! Austria's nipples are sacred things!
Voiced by: Michiko Neya (JP), Luci Christian (EN)
- Badass Adorable / Cute Bruiser: She started fighting when she was a little girl, and was able to take on both Prussia and Austria successfully. She also avertsChickification by both not being invincible in her "male" days and by being shown as physically strong (if not even stronger) during her "maid" ones.
- Beware The Nice Ones: This cute and sweet maid brutalizes Prussia's army, watches him get ready to sleep with a spear in hand, and busts down a wall in his home to help out her beloved Austria.
- Blade On A Stick: Hungary's Weapon Of Choice (aside of her frying pan). She also has a rifle, but we never see her use it.
- Bodyguard Crush: Towards Austria.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Can be easily seen as one of the rare female examples.Hungary: Seize vital regions, seize vital regions... CRUSH PRUSSIA! CRUSH PRUSSIA!
- Cranked Up To Eleven in the anime, which adds a Battle Aura to her Slasher Smile and a truly scary delivery of the Madness Mantra above by Michiko Neya. Austria wisely decides to just let her be... and the scene soon changes to her punching and kicking the living crap out of a whole Prussian army.
- Bokukko: When she was a child, Hungary spoke rather boyishly, assuming that she was a boy and would grow up into a man (heck, when her breasts started developing, she actually thought that she was sick...). Ever since she grew out of this, though, she has perfectly feminine speech patterns, only reverting to boyish speech when she'svery pissed off.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Himaruya originally intended to have Hungary as a crossdressing male. He used this idea for Poland instead.
- Boobs Of Steel: Is very well-endowed (though not to Ukraine's Gag Boobs levels), as shown in the scene from the "Noto-sama 5" game where Yamato and Noto peep on her when she's changing clothes
- Broken Bird: Often portrayed like this in Dark Fic.
- Camera Fiend: The fans love to peg her as one, based on her Yaoi Fangirl status.
- Then again, she did take photos of the mess around Austria when he was groped by France.
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good, with some shades of Chaotic Good
- Covert Pervert: She insists that her love for Austria is "pure," but all the footage she has of him in compromising positions says otherwise. Even France is amazed by how dirty her mind is.
- Defeat By Modesty. Subverted in this strip
, where Hungary doesn't seem to care that her tunic has been ripped to Absolute Cleavage levels after fighting Turkey.Prussia's the one who cares more.
- Die For Our Ship: While much less bashed than her status as the most prominent female character would seem to guarantee, some Austria/Other Males shippers throw pot-shots at her occasionally. Luckily, this is averted quite often due to her being a Ninja Maid, Otaku Surrogate and Yaoi Fangirl, which greatly softens the blows.
- Dropped A Bridget On Him: Prussia, possibly several other nations, and Hungary herself were all rather surprised to find out that Hungary was a girl.
- Flower Motifs: She uses flowers and/or flower-shaped hair jewelry.
- Flower In Her Hair: Her pink flower hairpin (apparently a geranium
) symbolizes Lake Balaton aka The Hungarian Sea
, BTW.
- Flower In Her Hair: Her pink flower hairpin (apparently a geranium
- Frying Pan Of Doom: If Hungary and Prussia are in the same comic, you can expect to see her attack him with at least this. France is another target when Hungary isn't in"Voyeurist" Mode. The frying pan probably comes from 'László the Brave,' a Hungarian slapstick comedy in the vein of 'Punch and Judy,' where the titular hero uses a huge frying pan to beat up his enemies.
- Green Eyes
- Hot Amazon / Ninja Maid: Hungary often dresses up as a meido (especially in the Maria Theresa mini arc). She's also very willing to use her spear to defend herself and/or Austria.
- It seems to me that it's not a maid dress but a simplified version of the traditional Hungarian dress
or folk attire.
- It could actually be a mix of both factors. In Chibitalia we see Italy working as a maid at the "Holy Roman Empire Household" and dressing up as a maid, and when Hungary is introduced as his Cool Big Sis it's said they're technically in the same situation. And in "France and the frying pan", she's clearly wearing a normal maid outfit.
- It seems to me that it's not a maid dress but a simplified version of the traditional Hungarian dress
- Improbable Weapon User: Is seen beating up France with her Frying Pan Of Doom.
- Memetic Sex Goddess: Every fangirl is lesbian or bi for Hungary!
- Otaku Surrogate: Fangirls adore the fact that the girl who appears the most loves male-on-male porn as much as they do.
- Panty Shot: Courtesy of France, of course
- Parental Substitute: Towards Chibitalia.
- Plucky Girl: And how.
- Relationship Voice Actor: In the dub Medusa and Stein are in a loving relationship...enjoy the Mind Screw!
- Shotacon: Either this or Cuteness Proximity.
- She Cleans Up Nicely: Wears a Pimped Out Dress and jewelry in the Christmas strips for 2010
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man: She and Austria. In her own words from the Gakuen Hetalia script: "My heart is Austrian territory!"
- Also slightly subverted, due to her status as a Yaoi Fangirl. She does love and care for Austria, but rarely minds seeing her husband/boyfriend being felt up by other males...
- Spell My Name With An S: Elisabeth, Elisaveta, Erzsébet, Elizabeth...?
- Violently Protective Girlfriend: So much that she once was pictured in the main page.
- What Could Have Been: Along with the idea for Hungary as a man, Himaruya had another idea for her personality, with her being a snide and witchy type of woman who would shoot people full of arrows if they mistook her for a guy. The basis of her current design and this rejected personality were in turn recycled from a Hungarian witch character in a series that never materialized.
- Yaoi Fangirl: Hungary loves nothing more than watching men having sex. Even if it's her husband. Who are we kidding, she loves it especially if it's her husband.
"Platonic and pure love", OUR FEET!. Justified Trope to a degree, considering Hungary's fame on pornography. - You Fail Biology Forever: She thought she was a boy. She had the strangest theories to explain this. And she made fun of Prussia for not only thinking her theory was as unbelievable as it is, but for not knowing it already.
Austria - Roderich Edelstein
Beethoven attained greatness as an Austrian. He would count out 60 beans when he drank his coffee. This kind of over-serious behavior is characteristic of Austrians.
Voiced by: Akira Sasanuma (JP), Chuck Huber (EN)
- Air In A G-String: Really handsome, really skilled in piano playing.
- The official calendar and several fanarts also make him a skilled violinist.
- Aloof Big Brother Mentor: Though he served as Italy's mentor and brother figure when Italy was a child, he was also very strict and cold.
- Beauty Mark: A tiny one... that functions as his erogenous zone.
- Bishonen: While it could be argued that this applies to a lot of characters, Art Evolution seems to be hitting Austria hard in the latest manga volumes.
- Brainy Specs: Word Of God says he's wearing glasses because he looks rather plain without them.
- The Art Evolution, however, has hit him particularly hard.
- The Art Evolution, however, has hit him particularly hard.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral, or an extremely harsh Lawful Good
- Dichter And Denker: The Dichter part, his musical skill being a nod to Austria's famous composers.
- Die For Our Ship: While not turned into an abusive monster in a regular basis, he is sometimes portrayed by Prussia/Hungary shippers as cold, neglectful and indifferent, towards his wife/ex-wife/girlfriend Hungary so she can seek out the "more passionate and fun" Prussia for comfort.
- Even The Guys Want Him: While pretty much every male has this going on, let's not forget that his beautiful wife loves seeing them hit on him in canon.
- Fantastic Arousal: Well...
- Hey Its That Voice: Akira Sasanuma aka Dearka Elfsmann.
- Idiot Hair: Represents Mariazell
- Ill Boy: He was in a wheelchair for a time, according to some of Himaruya's notes
- Impoverished Patrician: Just because the glory days of the Habsburgs are over doesn't mean Austria has to act like it. Prussia tries to blow his cover on his penny-pinching ways to Austria's archrival Switzerland. Too bad he forgets that for Switzerland, nothing is nobler than thrift.
- Kuudere
- Meganekko
- Stoic Spectacles: Actually, Austria has a great emotional range: he can be 'solemn', 'sullen', 'stern', 'saturnine', 'harsh' and 'sterner'.
- Memetic Mutation: Austria x His Piano OTP!, after episode 5 of the webcast.
- Memetic Sex God: When Austria plays his piano, FUCKING PANTIES HIT THE FLOOR.
- Neat Freak: As an aristocrat, he gets angry when seen disheveled. Even if it's his wife.
- Non Action Guy: Much to Switzerland's frustration. Luckily, his partner and wife is a Ninja Maid who's more than happy to fight for him, while he remains as Mission Control.
- No Sense Of Direction: Says Word Of God. Alluded to in the Valentine's strip when Austria is about to go out to get something for Hungary, and Germany tells him that he won't be able to come get him if he gets lost. Austria decides to make something with his own hands instead.
- Ouji / The White Prince: A 'young master' kind of character.
- Purple Eyes
- Relationship Voice Actor: See Hungary.
- Shipper On Deck: Ships Germany/North Italy in the Buon San Valentino strips.
- Team Dad: To The Clan.
- Tall Dark And Handsome
- The Cyrano: In the Valentine's strip, Germany asks him for help and advice on dealing with Italy.
- The White Prince
- Understanding Boyfriend: While he's concerned for Hungary's well-being, in the end he knows that if she wants to fight, he'd better let her... since she will go One Woman Army and destroy the enemy. Considering their childhood, he knows it firsthand!
- Values Dissonance: In the Chibitalia chapter he's supposed to come across as a hard yet well-intentioned father figure, but his extremely harsh punishments towards little Italy (like tying him up to a post once) are often seen by fans as unnecessarily cruel. And some remember him ONLY as an abusive asshole.
- Not to mention stomping on poor Italy's head when he did something wrong or forgot to do something.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: Towards Hungary. Even when she used to pick on him.
Prussia - Gilbert Beilschmidt
Mission Complete! Praise me! Hail me! On your knees!
Voiced by: Atsushi Kousaka (JP), Jonathan Brooks (EN)
- Basement Dweller: Pretty much stated to have become one in modern times, via author notes:"Now he lives as a good-for-nothing at Germany's house and as an exclave in Russia!"
- Beam Me Up Scotty - Never Live It Down: He never said anything about "vital regions". Others did it (namely: Austria, Spain, Lithuania, and Hungary)
- Blood Knight and Boisterous Bruiser: He was created to attack and enslave all the other characters here and that's all he lives for.
Poor Austria and the Baltics. - Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
- Chivalrous Pervert: As mentioned below, Prussia talks big, but when it comes to actually seeing his childhood "friend" Hungary pretty much naked, he freaks out
- Corner Of Woe: Prussia has an Altar of Woe.
- East Germany: His nickname for Germany is 'West', so...
- Ensemble Darkhorse: THE Ensemble Darkhorse of the fandom.
- Evil Laugh: He's fufufu'd in his time.
- For The Evulz: On Valentine's and Xmas he realizes just how lonely he this calls for Ship Sinking.
- Hot Blooded: Even after his dissolution.
- Large Ham: "PRAISE HIM!", indeed.
- Japanese Pronouns: He uses Ore-sama to refer to himself. That says a LOT.
- Jerk Ass: Played for laughs.
- Loners Are Freaks: He claims that he enjoys being alone, but evidence says that he doesn't enjoy not having friends.
- Memetic Badass / Memetic Molester / Memetic Sex God: Although it's his unrepentant badassness that makes him so popular, his fandom's memes are even scarier, notably: 'Prussia will occupy/seize your vital regions' and 'Prussia is 5 METERS LONG!'. In fact, Prussia is said to run around 4chan attempting to seize the vital regions of the various boards. Heck, he even took over the main site for an April Fool's event. It may be rubbing off onto the actual anime, he acts very scarily in the below strip in the anime.
- Please Put Some Clothes On: at the sight of a teenaged Hungary with her tunic ripped
, he blushes intensely and later hands her his own cape. I can hear the Prussia/Hungary shippers squealing from here.
- Psychotic Smirk: His more usual smile.
- Raised By Dudes: Hinted by Hungary in one comic, mentioning how Prussia was "surrounded only by men" since birth.
- Red Eyes Take Warning
- Ron The Death Eater: The infamous "Nazi Prussia" fanwork trend, in which Darker And Edgier fanworks make him an insane Nazi and Complete Monster who beats/rapes/betrays/abuses/etc. his fellow nations - specially Germany, Austria or Hungary.
- Either that, or he's shown as a Ralph Wiggum Jerk Ass whom everyone hates and/or abuses.
- Skinship Grope: To Hungary, though he thought she was male at the time. That she is female is from then on abundantly clear.
- Spell My Name With An S: There is a speculation for the spelling of his surname for either "Weillschmidt" or "Beilschmidt". However, Beilschmidt is considered the more correct spelling by most fans, since it is an actual German name unlike Weillschmidt.
- Ted Baxter: Boasts about his skills and hot blood, but often ends up beaten.
- The Teutonic Knights: The fact that Prussia was formed from an armed wing of the Catholic Church tells you everything about him you need to know. Canonically he's both this and later Prussia.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Beer, beer, beer!
- Also pancakes with maple syrup, ever since Canada introduced them to him.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Many fanworkers are fond of making him one of these in regards to Hungary. He can also switch to Victorious Childhood Friend when written/drawn as a "second option" for her (in either a Slap Slap Kiss or The Masochism Tango way), if Hungary is not paired up with Austria.
- Considering Volume 3, Himaruya seemingly liked the idea and thought "Sure Why Not", hence the Ship Tease going off the ceiling.
- What Could Have Been: He was initially to have long hair and facial characteristics more like Poland, as well as being more mature.
- White Haired Pretty Boy: Has the looks, but not the aloofness.
I'm sorry for teasing you, I'll give you some tarte au matons from my place!
Voiced by: Eriko Nakamura (JP - Drama File from Spain's CD)
- Action Girl: A popular fanon portrayal. Having a BFG certainly helps.
- May also fall under Cute Bruiser or Badass Adorable.
- Beware The Nice Ones: Her profile in the third volume describes her as being scary when she's mad.
- BFG: In some sketches, Belgium is seen handling quite a big rifle.
- Bottle Fairy: A quite popular fanon rendition of Belgium, based on how her land is among the biggest beer producers in the world
- Cat Smile: Belgium frequently sports one in official artwork.
- Combat Stilettos: A sketch of her military uniform has her boots having high heels.
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good
- Cool Big Sis: Finland mentions in the 2007 Christmas strips that Belgium is a bit like this.Finland: "She's mature and has a cheerful personality, but doesn't stand out much because of the people surrounding her."
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs: Sports a headband.
- Fan Nickname: Because Belgium has no official human name, many fans refer to her as "Belle" or "Bella."
- Some fans of late have started to refer to her as "Alice".
- Flower Motifs: Fanon often depicts her with tulips and poppies.
- Green Eyes
- Incest Yay: According to some fans, Netherlands argues with Belgium while he wants her to become one with him again, like how Belarus wants to be one with Russia, except Netherlands is just pushy instead of Yandere. As a result, the fanon pairing of Belgium/Netherlands has a small but very loyal fandom corner.
- Abusively Sexy Bitch: It's quite popular to see her as a hot abuser towards him, obviously Played For Laughs.
- Miss Fanservice: Humorously subverted. Fans specifically request Fan Service from the girls, then Himaruya draws a Belgium who is wrapped in a mantle and apparently only wearing underwar underneath... while openly complaining about her "nudity".
- Plucky Girl
- The Ojou: The original anime sketches
◊ and both the first panel
◊ of "Meeting of the World" and the first episode of the anime series (based on said strip) show her wearing a light blue dress, a pink bolero, jewelry and a pink headband. Even when her first portrait
◊ had her looking more like a Bokukko.
- This post
from Himaruya's blog, done while the anime was running, has another Bokukko Belgium. Could be she's both Bokukko and The Ojou. Or possibly aShorttank.
- Note that other characters in the series will generally switch between their "military outfit" and "normal outfit" depending on the situation. Belgium's Bokukko look in her military garb could be just circumstantial, while her dress as The Ojou is her preferred look; or it could be the opposite, with her dolling up only for official meetings yet being Bokukko in daily life.
- The latter is confirmed in the translations of the profiles provided in the third volume
, explaining she dresses simply and inconspicuously.
- This post
- Trademark Favorite Food: Waffles and chocolate, according to the drama CD.
- Trickster Mentor: Possibly. Her profile describes her as being meddlesome and she did tease Romano in her first speaking role.
The Netherlands
- Stop being a nuisance. Hurry and gimme snacks, tea, and Japan.
- Aloof Big Brother
- Anime Hair: As far as this series goes, his spiky hair stands out as one of the odder hairstyles.
- The Big Guy: Has the looks.
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral
- Ephebophile - Lolicon: Is said to be this by Finland in the Christmas 2007 strip
- Finland: And he likes young women (too young?) and also thinks some shady drugs are okay, so he's kind of a punk in that way.
- Everythings Better With Bunnies: The Netherlands has a pet bunny, who goes meet Japan's pup Pochi while their masters do the same. Hilarity Ensues.
- Fan Nickname: Many fans call him ''Sparkling Holland'' due to having a hairstyle similar to Edward Cullen's.
- For his human name, "Lars" seems to have caught on in Western fandom. Himaruya has also listed Tim, Govert, Abel, and Morgens as various names suggested for him, though none of them are official.
- The Faceless: He was like this, until recently
- Flower Motifs: Both Himaruya and fanartists like to portray him with poppies and tulips.
- Letting His Hair Down: In some sketches
- Neat Freak: According to his profile.
- OC Stand In: For a period of time, fans had his FIFA sketch to base his appearance on but very little to base his actual personality on, and he was most commonly depicted in fanworks as a boisterous, easygoing, not-too-bright, pot-smoking guy - in other words, a pot-smoking version of Denmark. Even after he was shown in canon to be more of a blunt, no-nonsense, somewhat stoic and unsmiling guy, it's still common to see the Denmark-like fanon portrayal for him instead in fanfic.
- Scarf Of Asskicking: The Netherlands gets a nice black, blue and white one in the second sketch
- Scars Are Forever: Has one on his forehead.
- Show The Forehead: He slicks his hair up. To be fair, he does seem like a no-nonsense kind of guy.
- Smoking Is Cool: The Netherlands loves smoking, and does it in a stylish pipe.
- The Stoner: Fanon pegs him as one, based on the infamous ultra liberal drug policy
of the country.
- The Stoner: Fanon pegs him as one, based on the infamous ultra liberal drug policy
- Tsundere: He is described as a Type A, according to the Hetalia Wiki. Might have been confirmed in canon, as Netherlands speaks and acts very roughly but is still willing to keep contact with isolationist!Japan, putting up with his Hikiko Mori quirks rather patiently and bringing his pet bunny around.
Spain - Antonio Fernandez Carriedo
You're so cute when you're half asleep!
Voiced by: Go Inoue (JP), Dave Trosko (EN)
- An Axe To Grind: Fanarts have him using a fricking big one as his Weapon Of Choice.
- Confirmed by Word Of God: this Himaruya sketch
◊ has him with a halberd.
- Confirmed by Word Of God: this Himaruya sketch
- Badass Spaniard: In some fanworks.
- Big Damn Heroes: Spain pulls a Papa Wolf and rescues South Italy from Turkey. Then, Turkey declares war and Spain almost goes bankrupt funding the war effort.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Good
- Doting Parent: Dangerously combined with his Shotacon tendencies. Too bad Romano slaps him in the face every time Spain tries to be nice.
- Everything Is Better with BULLS: The best way to start a Big Damn Heroes? Go have a bull knocking down the carriage where your adopted kid is being held and then go face his kidnapper.
- Fruit Of The Loon: "Nice bananas."
- Green Eyes
- Goofy Print Underwear: In the Noto-sama 5 flash game, when Noto and Yamato strip him, we see that Spain wears tomato-print undies
- Hilarious In Hindsight: In Spain's recently-released version of Marukaite Chikyuu, you can hear Soccer/Football sounds, such as a ball being kicked and a referee's whistle being blown. Guess which national team won the 2010 FIFA World Cup?
- Ill Boy: When his economy goes really rotten, he gets very sick. Romano then goes to search for a cure...
- In Vino Veritas / Cant Hold His Liquor: From his profile:"When he drinks wine, he becomes sentimental, and if he gets drunk, you better put some distance between you and him!"
- Kansai Regional Accent: Although it usually doesn't show up in scanlations.
- Little Kid Lover
- Nice Guy: Spain's major personality trait. Though thanks to Spain/Romano being a very popular ship, he isn't as overlooked in the fandom as you might expect.
- Shotacon: 'Nuff said.
- Toros Y Flamenco: Quite averted: he has only appeared in a matador costume in one official art, not in the strips, and doesn't seem to be a Latin Lover. The fanartists, on the other hand...
- Trademark Favorite Food: Spain loves tomatoes, and has taught S. Italy to do the same. And like any good Team Mom, he has learnt how to settle disputes with sweets, more exactly churros
- Yandere / Yangire: An increasingly popular rendition of his character in fanon, considering how conflicted Spanish history is. It even has its own tag on Pixiv, the Japanese equivalent of Deviant Art.
- Word Of God also says that he was two-faced like Russia and either very severe or cruel to his colonies that are not South Italy. To be fair, those notes are very oldand were taken off Hidekaz's proper site, so we don't know how true they are right now.
S. Italy (Italy Romano) - Lovino Vargas
Voiced by: Daisuke Namikawa (JP), Ian Sinclair (EN), Aki Kanada (JP-Chibiromano)
- Big Brother Complex: He utterly hates Germany because of Germany's connection to Italy. This doesn't stop him bothering younger Italy himself, or even pretending his little brother doesn't exist sometimes.
- Bratty Half Pint —> Tsundere
- Calling Your Attacks: When he was a kid.Chibiromano: Eat this! Napolitan Tornado!
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
- The Chosen One: In the 2010 Bloodbath. He's the key to saving the Alternate Universe.
- Crowning Momentof Funny: When Romano is introduced to Germany by Italy.Italy: Hey Germany! My older brother Romano is here, isn't he so cool?Germany: Er, ya it's nice to meet you.Italy: See I'm the Northern half, and Romano's the southern half! We were occupied separately, so my brother has been with Spain longer than he has with me! Come on Romano, say hello!Romano: (to Germany) Munch on a bullet, potato freak.Germany: Uh!?
- The Dub Version has some interesting alterations *
- Die For Our Ship: Some Spain/France shippers do not look favorably on Romano's abrasive personality and ramp up his Tsundereness to Domestic Abuser levels so that France can swoop in and give Spain a truly healthy and loving relationship.
- Green Eyes (in early art) —> Eyes Of Gold (in the anime and later art)
- Hair Trigger Temper
- Ho Yay: Spain/Romano, obviously.
- And there is an incestuous version of this when Romano and Italy get their hair curls/erogenous zones tangles together...while naked in bed. Then Germany answers Italy's distress call and untangles them.
- James Bondage: When Turkey kidnaps him.
- Jerk With A Heart Of Gold: Quite heavier on the Jerk part, with his Hair Trigger Temper.
- Idiot Hair: Like his brother's, it acts as his erogenous zone.
- Spell My Name With An S: A bit lighter compared to the other characters, but some fans tend to use "Rovino," an actual Italian name meaning something along the lines of 'collapse,' instead of "Lovino," which isn't actually a given name (but a surname) but was just copied en masse due to L/R confusion.
- Tsundere: South Italy is a fierce mix of all Type A varieties, partly out of insecurity that Spain only wants him for his inheritance and partly that his lack of domestic/artistic talents makes him inferior to his little brother. And yep, Romano's Tsundere side is specially strong when around Spain.
- The Mafia: Seen once as thugs. Informs his outlook. It makes a lot of difference to the page quote which Italy you mean.
- The Other Darrin: In the case of his younger self, initially voiced by a very nasal Daisuke Namikawa in the first episode then recast in the sixtieth episode with Aki Kanada (the voice actress of Chibitalia).
- Perpetual Frowner
- Precocious Crush: He was chasing skirts ever since he was a little child, as shown when he hits on Queen Joanna of Castile, and by his reactions when he meets Belgiumin the printed manga
- The Unfavorite: To some degree, especially during his "childhood" days when Spain was more fixated on North Italy than him. He was seriously worried that he didn't have anything to offer, lacking his brother's domestic and artistic skills.
- It is hinted that the reason he is so mean to Spain is that he has abandonment issues-and considering that Ancient Rome chose to leave with North Italy instead, that Spain tried to swap him for his little brother, and that he thinks Spain only wants him for his inheritance, no one here can really blame him.
- Oh, and Spain passed up saving Romano that one time because he had to make 500 roses instead. To be fair, Spain's own economy was in no condition to save anyone, and he also felt really bad about it.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Buono tomato!
- The Woobie: Your Milage May Vary, of course, but little Romano was a inferiority-complex stricken kid whose grandfather abandoned him in favor of his younger brother,who was deathly worried that Spain and France only wanted him for his grandfather's inheritance and that he had nothing to offer, and is often disliked in favor of his much-loved younger brother.
- On the other hand, it has also led to some of his fangirls Completely Missing The Point and ferociously bashing North Italy because of this while painting Romano as a flawless angel, when in canon North Italy cares for his brother and tries to help him but gets shot down more than once. Considering Romano's Hair Trigger Temperand Perpetual Frowner traits, he's more of a Jerk Ass Woobie: very sympathetic, yeah, but Not So Above It All.
- Brainy Brunette: Subverted, she was initially a brunette but it seems she's now a blue-eyed blonde, via the notes given on her in the volume 3 special edition.
- Apparently, in the last profile picture Himaruya took a third option and gave her dark blonde hair, which can be seen as light brown too.
- Blue Eyes
- Character Alignment: Most likely Lawful Good
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs: Has several hairpins and a purple bow in her hair, like her first sketch shows
- Meganekko
- Princesses Prefer Pink: Her clothes in her profile picture are pink.
- The Gambler: According to her profile, while she didn't build the famous casinos
, she still loves them to the point she's even drawn with cards around her!
- The Ojou: Has the looks. Whether she is one or not...
So you must be little Wy! Hmmm, maybe I'll hit on you after a couple hundred years go by.
- Cargo Ship: His inflatable ring... with hearts.
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Cloud Cuckoo Lander: His introduction was pretty... strange.
- Fun Personified: According to his profile he's "A cheerful, self-proclaim independent nation seated on a hilltop"
- Green Eyes
- Idiot Hair: Has one similar to both Italy brothers' curls, but it has a more bent-up appearance as opposed to a smooth spiral.
- As per usual, Himaruya did a nice sketch
to let us spot the differences.
- As per usual, Himaruya did a nice sketch
- Latin Lover
- Flip Flop Of God Himaruya has released SEVERAL sketches
for a possible Portugal.
- The "male!Port" drawings hit the following tropes:
- Fiery Redhead: One of them has reddish hair.
- Good Scars Evil Scars: The same one also has a notorious scar over his left eye.
- Perma Stubble: Another combines this and Megane
- Tall Dark And Handsome: All of them, in their own ways.
- When He Smiles: They all smile very prettily.
- On the other hand, the two "female!Port" doodles hit these tropes
- Action Girl: One is a Hot Chick With A Sword, the other is a Lady Of War.
- Boobs Of Steel: Both are Hungary-level endowed.
- Good Scars Evil Scars: The "Hot Chick".
- Tall Dark And Bishoujo: The "Lady".
- When She Smiles: Both girls have beautiful smiles, too.
- The "male!Port" drawings hit the following tropes:
- Relationship Sue: Sadly, even from before they were given these sketches Portugal also was used as this by fans who flanderized the rich story behind the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance
into "marriage marriage marriage England England England yay they're married". Not all PortEng fans do this, of course, but the basis is there and it's not helped by the USUK bashing.
- Keep in mind that Portugal's character notes about other charas refer mostly to Spain and South Italy, with England not even being mentioned. So, all speculations about the nature of his... her... er, their relationship with England are pure fanon.
Axis Powers Hetalia: True Neutral |
True Neutral
- Sibling Yin Yang — These two. though Switzerland goes Chaotic Neutral when his Berserk Button is hit.
- Yodel Land — Kiku/Japan is ruthlessly and hilariously disabused of his Heidi-style notions by meeting Vasch. Liechtenstein and her blond pigtails and lacy skirts arguably play it straight though.
- Incest Yay — Admit it. There's something going on between those two.
Switzerland - Vasch Zwingli
Don't get in the way of my gun!
Voiced by: Romi Park (JP), John Burgmeier (EN)
- Berserk Button: People coming uninvited to his house.
- Also, don't be talking smack about his pajamas.
- Big Brother Complex: Switzerland is very protective of his little sister Liechtenstein.
- Character Alignment: True Neutral, though his trigger happy personality seems to make him more of Chaotic Neutral.
- Green Eyes
- Rich Jerkass: He's a miser, paranoid, xenophobic and trigger-happy. The only person that he is close to is his sister Liechtenstein (and formerly Austria, even though Switzerland denies it until the cows come home), which shows that he might be a Jerk With A Heart Of Gold (only very heavy on the "jerk" part, with his Hair Trigger Temper).
- He Was Never My Heterosexual Life Partner: He does not like to remember that he and Austria used to be friends as children.
- Morality Pet: Who knows how much more of a jerk he would be without Liechtenstein around.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Girly pink pyjamas, that is. They're a present from Liechtenstein; she gave him the wrong ones by mistake, but he doesn't mind... because they're from his sister.
- Relationship Voice Actor: His seiyuu is Romi Paku aka Edward Elric. His sister? Voiced by Rie Kugimiya aka Alphonse Elric.
- Spell My Name With An S: While his last name is undoubtedlyZwingli
, is his first name Vash, Basch, Vasch, or what?
- The Gunslinger: His Weapons Of Choice are several different guns, but personality-wise, he's more like a parody of the trope. Not to be confused with that other Vash, though.
- Tsundere: Switzerland is a combination of Tsun Type A and He Was Never My Heterosexual Life Partner to Austria. The Gunslinger is especially fond of The Violent Approach (duh), going deredere (and VERY much so) only for Liechtenstein.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Towards Austria, arguably. Fanworks are fond of making his feelings to him completely onesided ''and'' without possible reciprocation.
- What Could Have Been: Himaruya had one idea for Switzerland to actually be a woman who dressed masculine when in uniform, but who would wind up shocking others like Germany when they would see her in plain clothing.
- Why Couldnt You Be Different: He "created" Austria (whose name means 'eastern division') to fight, which is not really Austria's strong point.
If my brother is happy, then so am I...
Voiced by: Rie Kugimiya (JP), Cherami Leigh (EN)
- Bifauxnen: While in uniform, without the ribbon.
- Although she's a little younger and cuter than the typical Bifauxnen, so in her case, she might be considered a Cute Fauxtaro Boy.
- Character Alignment: Either True Neutral (Type 2) or straight-up Neutral Good
- Lady Looks Like A Dude: Once, Liechtenstein wears an uniform similar to Switzerland's. When people see her, she's mistaken for his younger brother.
- Dying Alone and Death By Despair: Thanks to Switzerland, she barely escaped from this.
- I Owe You My Life: Predictably, Liechtenstein is very grateful to her brother and thinks he definitely saved her.
- Every Girlis Cuter With Hair Decs: After the Lady Looks Like a Dude incident, Switzerland buys her a hair ribbon.
- Fan Nickname: She doesn't have an official human name, but some fans call her "Lili Zwingli" to bypass that. It comes from a shortening of her nation name and from the Lily flower, which is sometimes considered to be a national flower of Liechtenstein.
- Himaruya himself in a recent blog post (if the Archives Wiki is to be believed) suggested her likely human name to be Erica/Erika, Sisia, Elise, or Eva, with her possible surname Vogel.
- Green Eyes
- Hair Of Gold
- Heartwarming Orphan: According to the published manga, the poor little girl was on her own and passed through several hardships before she was found and adopted by Switzerland. No mention of her "biological" parents or anybody who took care of her and her people until then.
- This happened right after World War I, since the union with Switzerland
dates from 1919.
- This could also add some Alternative Character Interpretation when one considers her relationship with (and possible abandonment by) Austria and Hungary upuntil then.
- This happened right after World War I, since the union with Switzerland
- Important Haircut: Liechtenstein used to have long braids. At the beginning of her first strip, she cuts said braids off to both look more like her brother and be more comfortable. The webcast episode featuring these strips actually begins with her cutting off said braids.
- Moe: Even by the series' standards. Who wouldn't go deredere for such a sweetie?
- Monochromatic Eyes
- Pettanko (A-Cup Angst version): In the Lady Looks Like A Dude incident, when the old woman mistakes Liechenstein for a boy, poor Liechtenstein goes Blue With Shockand touches her very flat chest.
- She Cleans Up Nicely: According to this entry
. Such a pretty dress!
- Ship Tease: Occasionally with Belarus. But more often than not, her brother.
- Tastes Like Diabetes: Her version of Marukaite Chikyuu. Adorable beyond words.
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Due to her, um, lack of secondary characteristics, Switzerland just buys her a blue hair ribbon so no one mistakes her for a boy again.
- Token Loli
- The Unpronounceable: At one point in the dub, the Narrator apparently has trouble pronouncing Liechtenstein's name correctly. When she does, the child audience cheers.
- What Could Have Been: At first Himaruya considered having her emulate her brother even more, with a harsher personality and a cold manner of speech.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Has the personality traits: hardworking, mature, polite, very competent in housework, sweet and devoted to those she loves.
Axis Powers Hetalia: The Eastern Europe Soap Opera |
The Eastern Europe Soap Opera
- All Love Is Unrequited: The basis of Belarus/Russia/Lithuania. Belarus likes Russia, Russia likes Lithuania (sorta), Lithuania likes Belarus, and it goes downhill from there.Hilariously.
- Beware The Nice Ones: A good rule of thumb here. Even for little Latvia.
- Big Screwed Up Family: Up to providing a general Dysfunction Junction.
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs: Both Ukraine and Belarus use hairbands. Ukraine also adds some hairpins.
- Five Bad Band: If the Baltics and Slavs are seen as a parody of this trope...
- The Big Bad and The Brute: Russia (Psychopathic Manchild version, obviously)
- The Dragon: Lithuania (rather... unwillingly)
- The Evil Genius: Estonia (basically, for being the most stable)
- The Dark Chick: Belarus (who wants to
get MARRIEDMARRIEDMARRIEDbecome The Dragon to Russia's Big Bad), Latvia (Fragile Flower version) - Tag Along Team Mom: Ukraine (who actually wants to "defect" real bad)
- Flower Motifs: Russia is sometimes seen with sunflowers. In one strip, Russia tells Lithuania that he dreams of "living in a warm place surrounded by sunflowers". They put the "dere" in Yandere for him.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Poland and Lithuania.
- Odd Friendship / Opposites Attract: Poland is cheerful and hyper, Lithuania is gentle and kind.
- Stalker With A Crush: Belarus, to Russia. Russia himself, to Lithuania.
- The Chew Toy: Ukraine and the Baltic States — Latvia and Lithuania in particular.
- Truth In Television applies for this one, particularly if you toss Poland into the mix as these countries have been the traditional Chew Toy of Europe and have been frequently invaded and conquered. Most of these countries have spent more time under the foot of the more powerful countries for the last millennium.
- Tomboy And Girly Girl: Ukraine and Belarus are an unusual example. Appearance-wise, Ukraine is the tomboy and Belarus the girly girl, but with their personalities, the roles are reversed with Ukraine being a sweet, gentle Shrinking Violet and Belarus being an angry-looking Yandere.
- Yandere / Yangire: Russia, Russia, Russia. Latvia shows signs of this as well, likely because of Russia. Also, Russia's sister Belarus: she is obsessed with her older brother, is often represented with a knife, and shares Russia's penchant of abusing people who show care for her - especially Lithuania... Heck, Belarus is so Yanderifficthat Russia is scared of her!Russia (on Belarus): "Belarus, my little sister. She's a real beauty, and it seems she loves me very much, huh. (She is) A girl with a strong heart and will. In a negative way."
Estonia - Eduard von Bock
Hello! I'm the one who usually doesn't stand out, Estonia! Do you remember me?
Voiced by: Atsushi Kousaka (JP), Mike Mc Farland (EN)
- Adaptation Dye Job: Has light blond hair and Green Eyes in the manga, but dark blond hair and deep blue eyes in the anime.
- Author Avatar: Apparently, Himaruya used his own looks as the basics for Estonia's design.
- The Beast Master: Sort-of... if you count the Mochis as his pets.
- Big Brother Complex: Towards LATVIAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
- Character Alignment: Lawful Good
- Crowning Moment Of Awesome: This
◊ moment from Hetalia Bloodbath 2010 earned him the nickname Epicstonia.
- Isnt It Sad: The most forgotten of the Baltics (Lampshaded in the quote above). On the other hand, he's the one less likely to be picked on by Russia, so...
- Hollywood Nerd: Has quite the knack for computers.
- Hollywood Hacking: He does his hacking via being epic.
- Meganekko
- Only Sane Man: Seems to be the most stable of the bros.
- Spell My Name With An S: Eduard vs Edward, von Bock vs. von Fock.
- Brother Pennybags: Estonia is the rich one of the Baltic states and always happy to help them out. One strip is an advertising pitch for more tourism. He is also described as a Honors Student and 'reeks of money'.
Latvia - Raivis Galante
If you don't have friends ... things will...your heart and body will.. it'll be so tough...* sob*
Voiced by: Kazutada Tanaka (JP), Ryan Reynolds (EN)
- Adaptation Dye Job: Generally depicted with light blond hair and violet eyes in the manga, but has dark blond hair and bright blue eyes in the anime.
- The Alcoholic: According to some notes and the desktop mascots. Despite being too young to drink in human age.
- And Call Him Latvia: See Shrinking Violet.
- Blue Eyes: In the anime.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Good
- Crossdressing Voices: In the CD dramas, he's the only Baltic voiced by a female: the aforementioned Rie Kugimiya.
- Averted in the anime series, where he's voiced by Kazutada "Kokoro" Tanaka (Poland)
- But played straight in the dub where he's been confirmed to be voiced by a girl (named Ryan, not that one)
- Averted in the anime series, where he's voiced by Kazutada "Kokoro" Tanaka (Poland)
- Cute Shotaro Boy: The boy is Moe beyond belief, even for this series.
- Purple Eyes: In the manga.
- Shrinking Violet: To the extreme. When Russia wonders why Latvia's always twitching when he's around, he grabs Latvia and demands he stop. Latvia does... but goes into a coma and almost dies. Cut to Estonia's horrified screams.
- Teens Are Short
- Water Works: Is always about to burst into tears.
- Yangire: Slightly hinted as one in the Lily of the Valley incident.
Lithuania - Toris Lorinaitis
Ever since returning, I've been worked to the point of no sleep... It must be because Russia is pissed off...
Voiced by: Ken Takeuchi (JP), Josh Grelle (EN)
- Apologises A Lot: In Hetalia Bloodbath 2010, to the point of not even listening to what Poland was trying to tell him through the phone.
- Blue Eyes: In the anime.
- Crouching Woobie Hidden Badass: According to this
- Finland: He's usually so kind, but in battle his aura and face change.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Good
- Diving Save: In the Battle of Tannenburg, Lithuania saves Poland just as Prussia is about to bring a sword down on his head, as well as having a knife against Prussia's throat. Poland lampshades the trope when he remarks on how Lithuania was "totally late".
- Doubles as a Crowning Moment Of Awesome
- Dogged Nice Guy: To Belarus, even when she hates him and makes it very clear.
- Evil Detecting Dog: Used to have one as a kid, and the puppy barked and whimpered at the sight of... Russia. Who apparently wasn't crazy back then.
- Good Scars Evil Scars: He has several, apparently due to Russia's abuse (it has been hinted, but not stated outright in the comics). Which Poland discovers in the bath.
- Green Eyes: In the manga.
- Horrible Judge Of Character: Lithuania and Poland's friendship comes off as extremely one-sided, and though Lithuania is frequently exasperated by Poland's antics, he still works hard to stay with and protect him. After all, the alternative is Russia.
- Following the 'Liet's Scars' strip, and the original 'Meeting of the World' strip (in which Poland confronts the much feared Russia in Lithuania's defence), alongside the new character profiles, it seems that their friendship is much less one-sided than in the initial strips. Poland's character has changed over the years, and he is much less selfish in the newer strips.
- A scanlated strip has a dream sequence in which a younger Lithuania tells Poland that he hates him for being so selfish. Poland's response? "I, like, totally don't care what [Lithuania] thinks of me. Even if you, like, hate me, it totally doesn't change that I like you." Then he says that he'll try to be less selfish. The expression he uses in Japanese can also just as easily mean 'love'.
- Following the 'Liet's Scars' strip, and the original 'Meeting of the World' strip (in which Poland confronts the much feared Russia in Lithuania's defence), alongside the new character profiles, it seems that their friendship is much less one-sided than in the initial strips. Poland's character has changed over the years, and he is much less selfish in the newer strips.
- Memetic Mutation: "I'm damaged goods, Feliks!". Coming from a VERY bad fanfic where he was the weepy uke to Russia's Bastard Boyfriend and Poland's Relationship Sue.
- Not So Above It All: Sure, most of the time Lithuania is potrayed as a genuine Nice Guy amongst the insanity of Russia and Poland, but he does occasionally express frustration.
- Spell My Name With An S: So was it Laurinaitis, Lolinaitis, Rolinatis, or what? Also, Toris? Taurys? Tauras?
- Or Tolys, which exists and is actually Lithuanian.
- Ukefication: He often gets written as such by fans, usually due to his Yamato Nadeshiko tendencies.
- The Woobie: Oh, Lithuania. The fact that Lithuania is the suicide capital of the world bodes ill for his future, to be sure.
- Sympathetic Sue: When the fanworkers forget that he's got more in his personality than woobieness, Lithuania ends up as this instead.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: He qualifies as a male version: he's sweet, hard-working, good at cooking and housekeeping, and a massive Woobie.
- Yank The Dogs Chain: He never seems to get what he wants. Because of Russia, Poland and Lithuania are split apart. For a while, Lithuania works for America and much prefers that life, but the Great Depression hits and he has to go back to working for Russia. When he finally gets a date with his crush Belarus, she breaks his fingers.
Poland - Feliks £ukasiewicz
Do you think our wheat would sell more if we dyed it, like, blue?
Voiced by: Kazutada Tanaka (JP), Ryan Bijan (EN)
- All Nations Like Ponies! Totally!
- Ambiguously Gay: Poland is hyperactive, talks like a valley girl, and occasionally crossdresses. Obviously his sexuality isn't stated (but since most of the other countries are male...).
- Character Development: Starts as very selfish and childish, starts to mature later. He's one of the few who stand up to Russia, after all, and does so to protect Lithuania.
- Cultural Posturing: Poland used to treat Lithuania like his lackey and tried to make Liet live like him. Without any bad intentions, yeah, but still not the best thing.
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good
- Cloud Cuckoo Lander: We’re going to go defeat a dragon-!!
, to which Lithuania replies, "I thought it was just one of your usual stories, that I can’t keep up with, that takes place in your own special realm..."
- Dandere: He's anti social to strangers but with people he knows he's talkative.
- The Determinator: Hinted at being one in his character profile: no matter how much he gets beaten up, he keeps rising back "like a phoenix". Plus, it's accurate.
- Die For Our Ship: As a side-effect of the Russia/Lithuania vs. Poland/Lithuania Ship To Ship Combat.
- Dumb Blonde: Played for laughs mostly. Then again, the Ship To Ship Combat tends to exaggerate it.
- Green Eyes
- I Surrender Suckers: In the Battle of Tannenburg, Poland uses this against Prussia to let Lithuania attack and disarm him.
- Keet
- Platonic Life Partners: Kinda hinted to be this with Hungary, which is supported by the historical connections between both nations. She refers to him as "Po-chan", to start.
- Shrinking Violet: Variation. He seems to be outgoing and cheery when around people he's close to, but when confronted with someone he doesn't know, he sometimes backs off and clings to or hides behind the nearest person.
- Spell My Name With An S: Guys, it's Feliks.
- Justified: The letter "x" doesn't exist in the Polish alphabet.
- Tsurime: Not a Tsundere, but eh, he counts.
- Valley Boy: Like, totally, emighawd. He can apparently ditch it if he wants to.
- What Could Have Been / Gender Flip: He was initially intended to be the first female, while Hungary was to be male.
- What Measure Is A Non Badass: Poland's Keet behavior and penchant for ponies and skirts makes him hated in some circles.
Belarus - Natalia Arlovskaya
Damn doorknob, getting between me and my older brother! [Rips it out] Brotheeer, that obstinate knob is no more. Now then, let's get married married married married...
Voiced by: Urara Takano (JP), Monica Rial (EN)
- Abhorrent Admirer: Oh, Russia. Of course, he acknowledges that his little sister is a very pretty girl - it's just her Knife Nut tendencies that make her abhorrent.
- Adaptation Dye Job: She is best known for being a platinum blonde in the manga illustrations and assorted merchandise, though the anime gives her dark blonde hair.
- Annoying Little Sister: Not only to Russia and Ukraine, but according to some manga notes, America also views her like that since he had to take care of her for a while.
- Brother Sister Incest: Belarus adores her older brother Russia and wants to marry him, much to Russia's horror.
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
- Clingy Jealous Girl / Yandere: Do we really need to explain?
- Cluster F Bomb: In the 2010 Christmas event she's shown to have quite the potty mouth.Belarus (after seeing that she doesn't have "the mark"): "TOO BAD I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING, YOU BALL SUCKER!"
- Combat Stilettos: Her military uniform includes high heeled boots.
- Die For Our Ship: Much less than expected (thank God), but it still pops out once in a while in Russia-centered fics. Fics and arts where she ties up, tortures and rapes a weepy Lithuania just to prove the point of how underserving of Russia's "love" he is have been spotted.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita: Dresses like one.
- Emotionless Girl: Or at least, she acts that way most of the time. When not around Russia, that is.
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs: Wears a ribbon on her head, which is later revealed to be a headband.
- Girl With Psycho Weapon: In the first volume of the manga and the first episode of the anime, Belarus is seen holding a knife to Latvia. Since she's a Yandere, well...
- Madness Mantra: "Let's get married, married, married..."
- Mind Game Ship: When she's not paired with Russia or Lithuania, she's paired up with... America.
- Nightmare Fetishist: If you meet her in the Latvia and Sealand desktop mascot program
, she seems rather preoccupied with ghosts. She also brings up the Winchester Mansion
and the Mary Celeste.
- Older Than They Look: Belarus looks like she's 14 or 15. She's actually stated to be 19.
- But then again, this applies to all the characters, since they're all Really Seven Hundred Years Old...
- Perpetual Frowner: A rare female example, since she's too nuts to be a Little Miss Snarker.
- Playing Against Type: Urara Takano, who more often than not plays Cute Shotaro Boys or Onee Sama types.
- Plucky Girl: In Russia's words, she is one. "In a negative way", he adds.
- Ron The Death Eater: Some people overexaggerate her bad traits to make Lithuania look more woobie-ish than he truly is or to discourage the Russia/Belarus pairing.
- Single Target Sexuality: She's very much "Russia-sexual".
- Spell My Name With An S: Is it "Natalia" or "Natalya"? Some will just Take A Third Option and call her "Natasha", the diminutive of both names in Russian.
- As well as "Alfroskaya" vs "Arlovskaya".
- Stalker With A Crush: Towards Russia.
- Strange Girl: So much.
- The Unfavorite: She treats the other Baltics so badly because she thinks she is Russia's Unfavorite because of them. Hell, she's even jealous of Ukraine, even though this might be more of The Glorious War Of Sisterly Rivalry.
- What Could Have Been: According to this blog entry
, Belarus originally was supposed to be a brunette and quite more mellow and stable. A remnant of this idea can be seen in her first colored manga appearance, where her facial expression when threatening Latvia is a little less severe, while her hair and eyes are both colored brown.
- Volume 3 notes also revealed that Himaruya played around with the idea of a Tsundere Belarus who was hot-tempered and constantly nagging.
- Another instance of an early and more Moe Belarus design can be seen in a School Days-parodying doodle by Himaruya, entitled "Soviet Days"
- When She Smiles: In the latest Christmas series, one of Finland's tasks is to get a shot of Belarus smiling. Once convinced that Russia is watching the show, she gives usthis
◊ (before assaulting Finland). Wow.
I'm sorry, little Russia! I'm sure we'll meet again! Waaaaah!
Voiced by: Yuki Masuda (JP), Lydia Mackay (EN)
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good
- Cry Cute: Is it any wonder?
- Even The Girls Want Her: She's very popular among female fans.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: As a little girl, Ukraine had long-ish, braided hair
◊. Now she keeps it short.
- Fan Nickname: To make up for her lack of a proper "human name" fans call her Yekaterina "Katyusha" Braginskaya, her surname being the female variant of Russia's last name (Braginsky) and Yekaterina (Catherine/Katherine) being a common enough name for Slavic females.
- Names To Run Away From Really Fast: Russians call three things 'Katyusha': girls, headbands... and rocket artillery.
- Fragile Flower: Her aforementioned economy-related woes and failure to get more friends outside the Baltic and Soviet circles often leave the poor girl quite... distressed.And tearful.
- Gag Boobs: In the anime, Ukraine's enormous breasts go constantly "boing" and make strange little noises as she moves. Obviously this is highly symbolic; it is a well-known fact that Ukraine has huge tracts of land. * rimshot
- Gainaxing: Obviously, the anime takes it and cranks it Up To Eleven. With beach ball bouncing sound effects!
Russia: Nobody's answering the door.
Latvia: That's odd...I know I can hear her breasts moving... - Naive Everygirl: And boy, is she The Chew Toy because of that.
- Perpetual Poverty: She's often seen freaking out about her poor economy.
- Team Mom: Ukraine was this for Belarus and Russia when they were children; she gave Russia a scarf once when he was cold, and he still wears it as his trademark. She's also said to be the one who fixes her siblings' Yandere screw-ups, and is among the few nation-tans that Russia shows his almost nonexistent deredere side to.Russia (on Ukraine): "She has a big heart and is often targeted because of it. She's a bit of a crybaby too."
- Tender Tears
- What Could Have Been: Ukraine was to originally have a more average-sized chest, but in contrast, her personality would have been less dignified and she was to be even more unlucky.
- Character Alignment: in the very few fan works portraying Moldova, he/she seems to be True Neutral or Lawful Neutral.
- Perpetual Poverty: in this nation's only appearance to date in the strip In Just Two Minutes, You Can Grasp The Exterior Of The European Economy, s/he is said to have an economy 1/30th the size of Greece.
- Viewer Gender Confusion: Is it a male or a female? Only time will tell (or a clearer appearance).
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