Characters: Death Note Shinigami |
In the end, he's the one who kills Light, due to Light being finally beaten by Near, meaning that things won't be fun anymore. Appears briefly in the one-shot, where he is indirectly responsible for creating C-Kira by revealing to all the other Shinigami that they can go into the human world under certain circumstances and eat apples.
Tropes associated with Ryuk:
- Affably Evil or Evilly Affable: Is a bit of both, as he can be genuinely nice to Light and Misa, but fits the latter in his malicious way of curing boredom.
- Alien Catnip – apples
- Allergic To Routine
- Audience Surrogate: "So interesting!"
- Brian Drummond: Voice actor.
- The Brute
- By The Eyes Of The Blind: Ryuk, like all other shinigami, can only be seen or heard by those who have touched his Death Note.
- Captain Obvious
- Character Alignment: True Neutral or Neutral Evil, YMMV. Ryuk is entertained by all the deaths he causes. He's a shinigami, so one could attribute it to his nature, but other shinigami have shown the capacity for love and self-sacrifice, and on the whole are pretty contemptuous of Ryuk.
- Creepy Awesome
- Does This Remind You Of Anything: Ryuk is an apple junkie.
- Interestingly, the potential symbolism of apples is one Obha claims to have been unaware of.
- The Dragon: To a certain extent.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Ryuk tells Light at least once that he's even more evil than a shinigami, and generally, when Light does something particularly nasty, laughs mockingly in the background.
- Evil Is Cool
- Evil Laugh
- Fun Personified
- Glowing Eyes Of Doom
- Good Wings Evil Wings
- Goth: Well, at least his clothes look like it. Personality, not so much.
- The Grim Reaper
- How Do You Like Them Apples: Juicy!
- I Can't Believe It's Not Heroin - he's a "triple A" an Apple Addicted Asshole.
- Intangible Man
- Intrigued By Humanity
- Ironic Echo: Y'know that thing Ryuk warned Light about at the very beginning of this whole mess? Guess what!
- It Amused Me/For The Evulz: Ryuk drops his Death Note into the human world, setting off all the chaos that follows, just because he's bored.
- Jerkass Dissonance: Nearly everything bad that happens throughout the series is technically Ryuk's fault, but god damn if we don't love him anyway!
- Jerkass Gods
- Jump Scare - frequently the one to make it happen.
- Karma Houdini
- Keet
- Kid With The Leash: Inverted; Ryuk, and by extent, the rules of the Death Note, are often the only thing restraining Light from killing his opponents directly, not that that stops him from getting around the rules...
- Kill You Last:"You know, you haven't been very nice to me. I might just write your name in my Death Note and kill you, just like that! ...I wouldn't laugh if I were you."
- Large Ham"The symptoms are STAAAAAAARTING!"
- Lightning Reveal
- Looks Like Cesare and Looks Like Orlok.
- Memetic Molester
- Monster Clown
- Monster Roommate
- More Teeth Than The Osmond Family
- Namedar - Shinigami eyes see everyone's name.
- No Sense Of Personal Space
- No Yay: Oh for the love of Kira, NO!
- Not So Harmless
- Not So Imaginary Friend
- Perky Goth
- Pet Monstrosity
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Shooting Superman
- Sidekick Ex Machina
- Slasher Smile
- Snarky Nonhuman Sidekick
- So Proud Of You: Tells Light this at his high school graduation.
- The Starscream
- Team Pet - Lampshaded by the other Shinigami "LOL, Ryuk is being kept by a human."
- Too Dumb To Live: More Informed Stupidity, the other shinigami consider him the stupidest of their kind, but he's shown quite a bit of cunning at manipulating and tricking Light.
- Too Many Belts
- Trademark Favorite Food: Apples.
- Ugly Cute
- Villains Out Shopping:"Hey Light, want to play some video games?"
- Vitriolic Best Buds - Light and Ryuk, arguably BOTH types 1 and 2.Ryuk (sounding excited and happy): He’s not the least bit daunted by the fact that I’m a Shinigami! He doesn’t suck up to me, and he seems to have no problem giving me a hard time. (Grins,AWESOME!!)
- The Watson: Occasionally.
- You Bastard: Fridge Logic: he's the Audience Surrogate.
- You Can See Me
- You Didn't Ask: Ryuk amuses himself by explaining certain rules of the Death Note to Light at the worst moments. He even invokes this trope word-for-word in the movie.
- You Have Outlived Your Entertainment Value
Misa's Shinigami, who is highly protective of her.
Tropes associated with Rem:
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good; she has stronger ethics than most of the human characters. However, occasionally verges on Stupid Good territory.
- Creepy Awesome
- Cute Little Fangs
- Cute Monster Girl: Subverted, she has a few stereotypically feminine traits, but is overall grotesque and was initially mistaken for male.
- Dark Chick
- Dark Is Not Evil
- The Dulcinea Effect
- Eyes Of Gold
- Eyepatch Of Power
- Facial Markings
- Friendly Neighborhood Shinigami
- Gentle Giant
- He's A Woman In Japan
- Hellish Pupils
HeroProtagonist Secret Service- Heroic Sacrifice: After a fashion
- Horrible Judge Of Character - "Now that I think about it, Light may be as pure as you, Misa."
- Humans Are Bastards: In her opinion, "humans are such ugly creatures." (Her reprise of Ryuk's Catch Phrase.)
- I Want My Beloved To Be Happy
- If You Ever Do Anything To Hurt Her
- Intangible Woman
- Les Yay: She has a one-sided affection for Misa, although it MAY be purely platonic (Rem claims this is the case, but who knows...)
- Averted in the English dub of the movies where Rem is a male.
- Love Martyr
- Mama Bear: Towards Misa.
- Monster Roommate
- More Than Mind Control: "You want Misa to be happy, right?"
- My Mistress Right Or Wrong
- My Species Doth Protest Too Much
- Namedar - Shinigami eyes see everyone's name.
- Not So Imaginary Friend
- Screw the Rules, I’m Doing What’s Right
- Sidekick Ex Machina
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics
- Token Good Teammate – to team Kira.
- Ugly Cute
- Unwitting Pawn: Light manipulates her into saving Misa (thus ensuring her own death) by killing L and Watari).
- Viewer Gender Confusion
- Woman In White
- The Woobie
- You Gotta Have Purple-White Hair
A lazy, whiny shinigami and the original owner of Light's first Death Note (before it was "liberated" by Ryuk). Causes trouble for Light's plans when he comes to retrieve his notebook.
Tropes associated with Sidoh:
- Butt Monkey
- Cape Wings
- Character Alignment - True Neutral He just wants his notebook back.
- The Chew Toy
- Combat Tentacles
- Dirty Coward
- Even Evil Has Standards: "What's with this [Mello] guy? He's human but he's scary..."
- Hellish Pupils
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain
- Intangible Man
- More Teeth Than The Osmond Family
- Namedar - Shinigami eyes see everyone's name.
- Not So Imaginary Friend
- Samuel Vincent
- Shooting Superman
- The Slacker: Like many Shinigami he was really slacking off writing down names so he needed to find his notebook soon or he was going to die.
- Spanner In The Works
- This Is Gonna Suck: In as many words, when realizing his notebook is missing in the human world.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Mello introduces him to chocolate bars.
A shinigami, the original owner of Misa's notebook who sacrificed himself to save Misa.
Tropes associated with Gelus:
- Character Alignment - Chaotic Good
- Dark Is Not Evil
- The Dulcinea Effect
- Friendly Neighborhood Shinigami
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Love Martyr
- Meaningful Name: "Jealous!" Ahahahahaha...!
- Namedar - Shinigami eyes see everyone's name.
- Screw the Rules, I’m Doing What’s Right
- Ugly Cute
- We Hardly Knew Ye
- The Woobie
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