Characters: Death Note Side Characters |
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Side characters
Sayu Yagami
Light's little sister, who has the bad luck of being a normal kid in this fucked up environment. After her horrible kidnapping by Mello, she ends up catatonic and in a wheelchair. Word Of God says she's getting better at the end of the manga, though.
Tropes associated with Sayu:
- Ambiguously Lesbian: To recap: she first says that she "doesn't want a boyfriend." Then she exclaims that Misa is "my type!" And she smiles when leafing through one of Light's magazines. The ambiguity here is that she does fangirl over Hideki Ryuga (the pop star), so she might be Bi The Way if the fangirling is sexual in nature.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Nowhere as bad as other anime examples.
- Big Brother Worship
- Bound And Gagged
- Break The Cutie (The second part of the series is so damn cruel to her.)
- Brown Eyes
- Character Alignment - Neutral Good
- Distressed Damsel
- Fan Girl: "HIDEKI RYUGA!!!"
- Generic Cuteness: Aww, she's so adorable....
- Genius Ditz - look at the ease in which she manipulates Light into doing her homework for her... it must run in the family...
- The Ingenue: Sweet, caring, innocent, and not very smart. Holy shit, it goes wrong.
- Morality Pet: She exists to give Light Pet The Dog moments and to be kidnapped. Complete with Lampshade Hanging:Ryuk (to Light): I guess even you have a soft spot for your sister.
- Real Women Never Wear Dresses: According to Fan Dumb, how dare she not be an Action Girl and free herself from Mello singlehandedly, despite being just anOrdinary High School Student. Even if the series isn't good with its girls, the trope remains since, had Sayu been a male, boy!Sayu would be an absolute woobie worshipped by the Fan Dumb.
- She Is All Grown Up and Tall Dark And Bishoujo: After the Time Skip. You can't blame Matsuda for crushing on her.
- The Woobie: Even if you dislike her, you can't help feeling sorry for her when she's so horribly traumatized by her kidnapping that she's rendered catatonic.
Naomi Misora
Raye Penber's fiancee and former F.B.I. agent who worked under L in the L.A.B.B. murder case.
Tropes associated with Naomi:
- Action Girl: Of the Dance Battler variety, since she's well-versed in Capoeira and trains L in it.
- Alone With The Psycho: Twice!
- Ascended Extra: Both in the prequel novel and in the live-action movies
- Badass Biker
- Betty And Veronica: Though it's gender swapped with Beyond Birthday as the Veronica and Raye Penber as the Betty.
- Capoeira
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good
- Color Coded For Your Convenience: official color seems to be blue.
- Driven To Suicide ("written" might be more accurate)
- Dull Eyes Of Unhappiness
- Eerie Pale Skinned Brunette
- Ensemble Darkhorse: So popular that many Fix Fics have been written on her behalf.
- Fair Cop
- Hell Bent For Leather
- Horrible Judge Of Character
- I Know Kung Fu
- Just A Kid: She's had... trouble with this. In the novel, it explains that she had a traumatic experience with having faced down a gang member that was no more than a child. Then there's Light the mass murdering high school student...
- Mauve Shirt
- Naoko Matsui
- OC Stand In
- Oh Crap: The sheer amount of terror on the poor girl's face after learning Light was Kira was just heartbreaking.
- Properly Paranoid
- Revenge - she wants to catch Kira to avenge Raye's death.
- Sacrificial Lion: Her purpose in the series turned out to be built up just so she could prove that Anyone Can Die.
- Snow Means Death
- The Stoic
- Stuffed Into The Fridge
- It's worse in the live-action movie. Worse than commiting suicide on Christmas? Yes.
- Tabitha St Germain
- Tall Dark And Bishoujo
- Too Cool To Live
- Too Dumb To Live: "So, have you told anyone else?"
- Yes, when there are killers on the loose always walk alone down dark alleyways and implicitly trust the creepy guy you just met.
- Tsundere
- Vasquez Always Dies
- We Hardly Knew Ye: Dies too early in the manga to really establish her personality, but this was fixed in the prequel novel and the movies.
- What Could Have Been: She was originally given a much larger role, but the writer decided he had too many characters and plots to keep track of as it was and turned her into a Sacrificial Lion.
- Woman In Black
- You Remind me of L - Naomi says this to Light (Lampshading that they're Not So Different).
Raye Penber
The F.B.I. agent who was tailing Light.
Tropes associated with Raye:
- Alternate Continuity - known as "Raye Iwamatsu" in the live action movie, though pretty much everything else about the character is the same.
- Badass Longcoat
- But Not Too Foreign
- Death By Sexism - (his Stay In The Kitchen line to Naomi was an Establishing Character Moment for Western fandom.)
- Die For Our Ship – when pairing off Naomi with other characters. The most egregious example would be fics that have the running theme of "It's such a good thing thatLight killed him because he's an abusive ass."
- Incredibly Obvious Tail
- Its Probably Nothing - his reaction to Naomi's concerns about the busjacking.
- Mauve Shirt
- Memetic Molester - Light's STALKER!!!! This joke has been done to death.
- Michael Adamtwaite
- Mortons Fork - Follow my instructions or I kill you and your girlfriend... Guess what happens anyway...
- Stay In The Kitchen: To Naomi.
- Tall Dark And Handsome: Some fans find him genuinely cute!
- Unwitting Pawn: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, made you kill your coworkers.
- Zombie Infectee - Rather than acting completely Genre Blind, Raye acts like this about showing his name to a Kira suspect in the live-action movie.
Kyosuke Higuchi
The third Kira and the main antagonist of the Yotsuba arc. He's one of the eight-member Yotsuba board, as head of technological development, but isn't very competent compared to the others, and is obsessed with gaining social status in addition to wealth. Light had Rem send the Death Note to him as part of aXanatos Gambit to clear himself and Misa of suspicion. After his arrest, Light kills him to regain control of the notebook.
Tropes associated with Higuchi:
- Ambition Is Evil
- Andrew Kavadas
- Axe Crazy
- Character Alignment: Lawful Evil. Wants a peaceful world because it's good for business.
- Complete Monster: the only Kira who isn't debatable about being this
- Because he's the only one using the Death Note for nothing but personal gain. Well Intentioned Extremists are, by definition, never Complete Monsters.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive
- Curb Stomp Battle: Really, he didn't stand a chance against L and Light's scheming.
- Dirty Old Man: Misa notes that he has a somewhat perverted interest in her.
- Fail O Sucky Name - his last name means "fire escape" in Japanese. No one has normal names in this show.
- Actually, 火口 means the caldera of a volcano - namely, he shoots his mouth off a lot.
- From Nobody To Nightmare: Apparently, he was rather an unimpressive and unpopular figure in the corporation until he met Rem.
- Greed
- I Have You Now My Pretty
- Jack The Ripoff
- The Kira Becomes the Killed
- Namedar - When cornered, he makes the eye deal.
- Person Of Mass Destruction
- Serial Killer Kira
- A Sinister Clue
- Smug Snake: Enjoys insulting people despite his limited abilities.
- Stop Or I Shoot Myself
- Too Dumb To Live
- Unwitting Pawn
- Villainous Breakdown: Loses composure more and more as he gets closer to being arrested.
- What An Idiot: Where to even START?!
Reiji Namikawa
A member of the Yotsuba Eight that Light sways over to L's side.
Tropes associated with Namikawa:
- Bishonen
- Board To Death
- Character Alignment - True Neutral
- Color Coded For Your Convenience - official color seems to be purple.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Hazy Feel Turn
- Heel Face Door Slam
- Manipulative Bastard
- Mook Face Turn
- Reverse Mole
- Tall Dark And Snarky
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness
- Unwitting Pawn
- You Just Told Me
Mello's henchman, and a fellow graduate of Wammy's House. His real name is Mail Jeevas.
Tropes associated with Matt:
- Badass Bookworm
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
- Deadpan Snarker: well his two lines in canon are pretty snarky and he's always portrayed this way in Fanon.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: One Scene Wonder, 20 manga panels, and a fan favorite.
- Famous Last Words: "You won't shoot..." Also qualifies as Tempting Fate.
- Fiery Redhead or You Gotta Have Green Hair
- His official artwork shows he's brunette.
- Goggles Do Nothing/Memetic Outfit
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Mello.
- Hey Its That Voice: Duncan? Is that you?
- Hollywood Hacking
- Ho Yay: With Mello again.
- I Surrender Suckers: It did not go as planned...
- Killed Mid Sentence
- Mauve Shirt
- OC Stand In
- Parental Abandonment
- The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything
- Real Men Wear Pink
- Red Shirt
- Satellite Character
- Sidekick
- Smoking Is Cool
- Spear Carrier
- Teen Genius
- Too Cool To Live
- Video Game Culture: Often known as the gamer guy in fanfic, since one of his few appearances shows him playing a video game.
- It is mentioned on Matt's character page in 13 that he enjoys video games. That's probably where that came from.
- We Hardly Knew Ye
Hitoshi Demegawa
- Attention Whore
- Expy – "I don't care what it takes, get me pictures of Spiderman! ...uh Kira."
- Fat Bastard
- Jerk Ass
- Karma Houdini – in the Live Action movies.
- The Scrappy: More than any of the other examples above!
Fan art of Linda (by teh-h), because you'd need a microscope to see her one official appearance at the back of a manga panel.
An artist and another of the Wammy orphans. She draws the portraits of Near and Mello that are seen in both the manga and anime.Tropes associated with Linda:
- Ensemble Dark Horse
- Girlish Pigtails
- OC Stand In
- One Scene Wonder: She appears very briefly in the manga, and not at all in the original anime series. However, she makes a very brief appearance and has one line inRelight 2: L's Successors.
- The Smurfette Principle
SPK members
Halle Lidner
Tropes associated with Halle:
- Affirmative Action Girl: She is introduced after the Time Skip, making her the third action girl in the series and one of the few females in Death Note's predominantly male cast.
- Action Girl: She still has the physical skills, and poses as Takada's bodygaurd.
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good
- Die For Our Ship: to some Mello/Near and Mello/Matt fans.
- Double Agent: becomes something like this between Near and Mello.
- Dumb Blonde: Subverted, she is actually one of the more competent women of the series.
- Eyes Of Gold
- Go Through Me: Pulls one of these when Mello threatens to shoot Near. "If you shoot Near, we'll shoot you, if you both die here, what's the point? Only Kira would be happy with that."
- Het Is Ew: Probably a contributing factor for the lack of fanwork for Mello/Halle (or at least in comparison to other pairings with Mello).
- Hime Cut: Although she is not of Japanese origin.
- Revenge - she wants to catch Kira to avenge one of her relatives.
- Shower Scene: She gets her own right before being forced to go back to the SPK headquarters, by Mello.
Stephen Gevanni
A member of the SPK.Tropes associated with Gevanni:
- Butt Monkey - of the SPK
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Foe Yay - with Mikami
- Minion Shipping - often with Mikami again.
- Samuel Vincent
- Tall Dark And Handsome
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