Characters: Knights Of The Old Republic |
Carth Onasi
A Republic War Hero and Ace Pilot. He has trust issues due to being betrayed by his mentor, Saul Karath.
- Badass Normal
- Blasters Akimbo
- Gut Feeling - His various highly accurate gut feelings are implied to be a touch of Force sensitivity.
- Especially when you consider that his son is a Dark Jedi.
- I Will Wait For You - In The Sith Lords, if the protagonist from the first game is established as both Light Side and female.
- Jade Colored Glasses: Sports a serious pair, as a result of his mentor betraying him and bombing his homeworld.
- Knight In Sour Armor
- My Greatest Failure: Blames himself for the bombarding of his homeworld, because he couldn't imagine that his mentor would betray the Republic.
- Overrated And Underleveled - War Hero! Amazing Pilot! Level 4.
- Key term here "PILOT." Pilots are usually not deployed in infantry battles, and thus are hardly expected to be as good as say, a rifleman. He is (by all accounts) a stellar pilot (able to escape things like massive Sith fleets), and his starting level is more than enough for him to take on small squads or platoons of Sith infantry alone and win right when you get off the Endar Spire, which is pretty much the limit of what a non-Jedi without special anti-Jedi training should be able to do.
- Perma Stubble
- Properly Paranoid: Doesn't trust a soul after his mentor betrayed him, and he's quite vocal in his initial suspicion of you, then the way the Jedi have put a Padawan (you) and a rather raw Knight (Bastila) in charge of, basically, taking down the Dark Lord of the Sith. And his suspicion turns out to be quite justified when it's revealed that you're Revan, the previous Dark Lord.
- Revenge: He wants some on Saul Karath, his former mentor. It turns out rather hollow but if you're a female Revan, your love fills the space left in his life.
- Undying Loyalty: To the Republic and later, you. (Once he stops suspecting that you will betray him at ANY MOMENT.)
- When You Coming Home Dad: His son Dustil complains that Carth, always away on tours of duty, was never around when it mattered most.
Bastila Shan
A young Jedi Knight whose mastery of Battle Meditation has made her the key to winning the war against the Sith.
- Action Girl
- Barrier Maiden
- Break The Haughty
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- The Dragon: Becomes one for Malak and possibly Revan.
- Holier Than Thou: To the point where if you tell someone "We are the Jedi. What we decide is always right" Carth will tell you that it's an excellent impression of her.
- Hypocrite - For all her warnings about being careful to follow the light side and not fall to the dark side, she sure does manage to fall to it a lot quicker than you ever did. Then again, her Force bond with you, the amnesiac former Sith Lord, is part of why she's off her mental balance and vulnerable to Malak's 'persuasion'...
- Lady Of War
- Love Makes You Evil / Love Redeems
- Psychic Link
- Overrated And Underleveled - Even more so than Carth. Legendary Jedi! Able to influence entire battles single handily! Fought against Revan! She is Level 3 despite joining later than Carth. Granted, when she joins up she already has enough experience to get three more levels, but still.
- Well Excuse Me Princess - If the player character is male. (You can still needle her if you're female, though not as much.)
Misson Vao
A 14 year old Twi'lek street urchin from Taris.
- Demi Human
- Just A Kid
- Kill The Cutie: Either you or a force-persuaded Zaalbar kill her in the Dark Side route.
- Parental Abandonment: Her only known family is her worthless brother Griff.
- Plucky Girl
- Satisfied Street Rat
- Street Urchin
- Tagalong Kid
Canderous Ordo
A Mandalorian mercenary who misses his people's Glory Days. He returns in the sequel, having become the next Mandalore. He seeks to unite the Mandalorian clans under his banner.
- Blood Knight: Your conversations with him take the form of him telling you old war stories. He has a lot of old war stories.
- Older And Wiser: In The Sith Lords he shows up as "Mandalore" and he, while still evil, is less stupid evil.
- Restart At Level One: he is fairly low level, explained by age and injury.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy
- Token Enemy Nonhuman
- Token Evil Team Mate: He's brutal compared to your other allies. Stick him in a party with a light-side character and there are a number of side conversations where he and the lightsiders bicker. He particularly seems to get on Bastila's nerves...
- Evil is perhaps too strong a word. He certainly has done nasty things, but he is fairly remorseful and he is shown multiple times to have pretty concrete standards.
Statement: HK-47 is a psychotic assassin droid who is arguably the most popular character in both games.
- Comedic Sociopathy: Assertion: You'll never hear funnier stories about people getting shot in the kneecaps.
- Deadpan Snarker: Confirmative Statement: His very dialogue drips with snarkiness.
- Doom Magnet: Exposition: His various war stories in the original KOTOR feature him, directly or indirectly, killing off his masters unintentionally.
- Evilly Affable
- Token Evil Team Mate: Pattern Recognition: Canderous is the "sane evil". HK-47 is a walking whackbag filled with malice and hate. Prediction: Stick them in a party together, and between them they will suggest dealing with any and all problems with flaming death.
- Ridiculously Human Robot
- Robotic Psychopath: Derision: He considers all organics to be inferior, referring to them as "meatbags" and offering/suggesting to murder them horribly whenever they happen to get annoying. Insincere Reassurance: Except you. Master.
- Verbal Tic: Condescending: HK-47's verbal tic should be evident from reading the tropes relating to this character.
A utility droid. He gains a personality in the sequel.
- Badass: Takes out three highly advanced assassin droids in the sequel—solo.
- Badass Adorable: He looks really cute with his compact build and cute beeping, but can hold his own in combat, and is excellent at utility skills.
- The Generic Guy: Explained as he is a fairly new droid yet to develop any quirks. Fixed in the sequel, where he marked by his fierce loyalty to the exile.
- Mr Fixit
- Undying Loyalty: To the Exile in the second, to the point where even if you sell him off, he'll still come around later to save your ass.
Jolee Bindo
While Jolee would prefer that people believe that he is simply a crazy old man living in a stump in the woods his skill with his lightsaber and his mastery of the force tell a different story...
- Badass Grandpa
- Cool Old Guy
- Deadpan Snarker
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Former Teen Rebel
- Grumpy Old Man: He fakes it because he thinks the youth expect him to act like it. And he enjoys it.
- Heartbroken Badass
- Jedi Knight In Sour Armor
- My Greatest Failure
- Obfuscating Stupidity: "I'm just the old man who lives in the dangerous woods."
- Screw Politeness, I'm A Senior!
- What The Hell, Hero?: All of the Light Side party members will call the player character on Dark Side actions, but Jolee does it the most often and arguably the most effectively.Nice...nice...nice...nice...Should we next find some insects to pull the legs off? Sounds fun doesn't it?
A Padawan who is trying to atone for a brief fall to the Dark Side.
- Action Girl
- The Atoner: For wounding her master and falling to the dark side, though she initially thought she'd killed her.
- Berserk Button: Taris, non-human discrimination, and slavery.
- Broken Bird
- Cat Girl
- Demi Human
- Discount Lesbians
- Fantastic Racism: In cut dialogue, she refers to the Selkath as "disgusting little fish-people." Bit of a Hypocrite there, although this may be a reference to her being a Cat Girl and the Selkath being Fish People.
- Gay Option
- Hide Your Lesbians
- Optional Party Member: The PC can kill her when they first meet her.
- Self Made Jedi: After being freed by a Jedi as a child, Juhani made it her mission to become one as well. That Jedi was you.
Mission's Wookiee best friend.
- The Big Guy
- Big Eater: Eight squares a day!
- The Dog Bites Back: If you make him kill Mission and bring him to the Star Forge, he turns on you.
- Gentle Giant: He's good at fighting, but doesn't enjoy it.
- I Owe You My Life: Swears a life-debt the player when (s)he rescues him from slavers.
- The Quiet One: He'll politely rebuff attempts to ask about his past.
Darth Malak
The current Dark Lord of the Sith.
- Attack Attack Attack
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Bald Of Evil
- Big Bad
- Big Bad Wannabe: He admits that he was inferior to Revan in the Dark Side ending.
- Card Carrying Villain
- He Who Fights Monsters
- Large And In Charge
- Meaningful Name
- No Kill Like Overkill: "My lord, there's this one woman we can't find..." "Destroy the entire planet."
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Red Right Hand: He lost his jaw and speaks through a mechanical device.
- Take Over The World: Of course.
- The Starscream: And one who actually managed to pull it off, as per Sith standard operating procedure. Not that it helped any.
- Stupid Evil: Strongly implied to be this to Darth Revan's more calculating Magnificent Bastard. Revan apparently is a strategic genius, where Malak just seems to rely on being as pointlessly brutal and ruthless as possible, even when it makes his job harder.
- We Have Reserves
- Young Future Famous People: In the comic.
Saul Karath
The Admiral of the Sith fleet and Carth's mentor.
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- The Dragon: To Darth Malak.
- Famous Last Words:"And you never knew, did you? Remember...remember my dying words. Remember them when you look upon those you thought were your friends."
- Kick The Son Of A Bitch: Due to what he's done to Carth and his family, his complete absence of remorse over the matter and Cold Blooded Torture, killing him feels very satisfying.
Calo Nord
A legendary bounty hunter who has been known to kill people simply for talking to him. He is currently employed by the crime lord Davik Kang.
- Abusive Parents: They sold him into slavery.
- All There In The Manual: His backstory.
- Bounty Hunter
- Counting To Three
- Hopeless Boss Fight: If you refuse to stop talking to him or threatening him in the Lower City cantina. He's invincible and can kill any character in one hit.
- The Napoleon: He's supposed to be one, but graphical limitations make him the same size as most other characters (This gets explained in the EU as his armor).
- No One Could Survive That: He gets crushed by debris while holding a thermal detonator while on a planet that was in the middle of getting bombarded into a barren wasteland. The only explanation given for his survival is his boast to Malak that he's "hard to kill."
- Self Made Orphan: Although his parents deserved it.
Master Vrook Lamar
A particularly stern member of the Jedi Council. He returns in the sequel, where the Exile searches for him on Dantooine.
Darth Revan
The Dark Lord of the Sith prior to Malak. Killed by Malak about a year prior to the first game. Was actually brainwashed by the Jedi into becoming the first game's Player Character.
- The Atoner
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Beauty Equals Goodness: Attractive when a Jedi, but a yellow-eyed walking corpse as a Sith.
- Black Knight
- Deadpan Snarker: Depending on your dialogue choices.
- Depending On The Writer: Bioware and Obsidian give him entirely different personalities and motivations.
- Fallen Hero
- Good All Along: Apparantly, all of his goals as a Sith Lord was to protect the galaxy from the REAL Sith Empire, or something to that effect. Given that Revan worked with the Sith Empire for a time, this is debatable
- He Who Fights Monsters
- I Am Who?
- Jumping Off The Slippery Slope: Went to War to stop the mandalorians from killing innocents and wound up working for the very organization that unleashed the Mandalorians in the first place.
- Memetic Badass: He's up there with Kyle Katarn for being a badass; being a Sith Lord and the player character who saves the galaxy kinda has that effect.
- Player Character
- Popularity Power
- Shrouded In Myth
- The Starscream: To the Sith Emperor.
- Unreliable Expositor: Most of the information about him comes from these.
The Sith Lords
The Exile
- Action Girl: Is officially female, although you have the option of a male character.
- The Atoner: Particularly for Malachor V.
- Beauty Equals Goodness: Same reason as Revan.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Everyone Calls Him Barkeep: Everyone will refer to you as "The Exile" except for Bao-Dor who calls you "General"
- Four Star Badass
- Good Looking Privates
- I Did What I Had To Do: Depending on how you play it, this can be her attitude towards the Wars, although she can still be regretful of the bloodshed.
- Magnetic Hero: Turns out to be one of The Exile's many force powers.
- Player Character
- Power Of The Void
- Shell Shocked Veteran: To varying degrees.
- There Is Another
- Unwitting Pawn: Dammit, Kreia.
- Vague Age
- Villain Protagonist: Well, up to you really.
- Wizards Live Longer: Causing said Vague Age
Atton Rand
A pilot that the Exile meets on Peragus. He is more than he appears to be...
- All Girls Want Bad Boys
- The Atoner: for being a Sith Assassin.
- Wait, Atton, Atoner? hmm...
- Berserk Button: Stay out of his head.
- Bodyguard Crush: Kreia Mind Rapes and blackmails him to ensure his loyalty to the Exile, but it only works because he's already protective of the Exile and anxious to keep her (or him) thinking well of him.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Self-described."I'm a deserter. It's what I do."
- Dark And Troubled Past: It's hard to get darker or more troublesome than being a Sith agent who tortured Jedi into the dark side or killed them...and really enjoyed it.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Determinator: His saving throws get better the worse off he is, and as long as at least one other character is still standing, he gets back up automatically after being knocked out.
- Hidden Depths: They aren't very pleasant.
- Jerkass: Apart from the Exile and Bao-Dur, his default mode of interaction with other party members is to be a dick. You can turn him into a Jerk With A Heart Of Gold with enough influence.
- Informed Ability: Takes over the role of "ace pilot" from Carth. Crashes everything you let him fly.
- The group just has really bad luck about getting shot down in various ways in KOTOR 2. It's hardly Atton's fault, and as he puts it, his ace piloting skills usually help them to avoid fatal crashes.
- His martial art skills are mentionened but become a case of Gameplay And Story Segregation.
- Mission Control: For a sizeable chunk of the Peragus stage and some of Dxun.
- Murder The Hypotenuse: Depending on influence and Dark Side / Light Side levels, it would have been possible for him to do this to the Disciple, but the content was cut.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Deliberately comes off as a lazy good-for-nothing to avoid suspicion about his past. Handmaiden and her sisters are able to call him on it by reading his body language, which reveals that he has had substantial combat training.
- Psychic Static and Survival Mantra: Plays pazaak in his head to keep other people out of it.
- Running Gag: While the player being imprisoned is simply a recurring plot element, Atton's complaining about its frequency is a running gag.
- Sarcastic Devotee
- Take That: Easter Egg dialog will have him ask the female Exile if she's an angel - and then remark that it's a terrible line and that he hopes some poor kid doesn't use it someday.
A Zabrak engineer and a war buddy of the Exile.
- Artificial Arm
- Badass Bookworm
- Demi Human
- The Engineer
- Estrogen Brigade Bait: His impressive physique has attracted more than one female fan.
- Facial Markings: Subtle if Light aligned; scary black and red if Dark.
- Gadgeteer Genius: He has a remote from childhood that's still running and he built that artificial arm of his. Oh... and the superweapon that ended the Mandalorian Wars.
- Genius Bruiser: If he becomes a Jedi, his class is the very physical Jedi Guardian. Even if he doesn't, he hits really hard.
- Mr Fixit
- Rule Of Cool: His arm.
- Shell Shocked Veteran: He still carries deep scars from the things he saw and did in the Wars.
- Survival Mantra: "Your command echoes still, General. And I obey, as I did at Malachor."
Brianna/The Handmaiden
One of Atris' handmaidens. She only joins if the Exile is male.
- Action Girl
- Black Bra And Panties: Averted; despite her choice in outfit she is clearly light side.
- Although unlike the other characters you can pull to the darkside, she doesn't change her underwear no matter what far to the darkside she is.
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Demi Human: Echani, although beyond hair color and skin tone, there's little non-cultural difference from normal humans.
- Well, that and their weird genetics where all same-sex siblings are identical, regardless of age.
- Does Not Understand Sarcasm
- Everyone Calls Him Barkeep: Her real name is only said once, near the end of the game.
- Gameplay And Story Segregation: Materials released afterwards state that she traveled with the canonically-female Jedi Exile, even though that's impossible to play that way without a mod.
- Gender Equals Breed: All Echani children of the same sex strongly resemble the same-sex parent. Her resemblance to her Jedi mother is what marks Handmaiden as a bastard. Not that the designers made a different face model for her.
- Heroic Bastard
- Hot Amazon
- Innocent Fan Service Girl: She sees no issues sparring half naked, and staying half naked after it.
- Sort of, she seems to invoke this, but characters more familiar with Echani culture(Atton and Kreia namely) hint that half naked sparring is less innocent than the Handmaiden makes it out to be. Of course as it's Atton and Kreia they might just be being assholes.
- The Mole: Atris orders her to join the party to make sure the Exile isn't turning to the dark side.
- Murder The Hypotenuse: Can do so to Visas in cut content.
- Proud Warrior Race Chick
- The Red Sonja
- White Haired Pretty Girl
Visas Marr
Darth Nihilus' apprentice. She joins the Exile after being defeated.
- Blind Seer: Kreia's nickname for her is "The Seer"
- Broken Bird
- Demi Human: Miraluka, a race that is blind, but sees entirely though the Force.
- Eyeless Face: Standard for the Miraluka.
- In Love With The Mark
- Last Of Her Kind: While the race is still alive, the colony world she was part of was wiped entirly of life.
- Minion With An F In Evil: Yes, she's a Sith. Yes, she tries to act like one. And yes, she's totally going to fall for you if are even slightly nice to her, which brings Lightside points. Most easily redeemed villain of all times.
- Mystical Waif: Though older (Word Of God states 25) than most.
- Survival Mantra: "As my feet walk the ashes of Katarr, I shall not fear, for in fear lies death..."
A pacifistic bounty hunter. She only joins a Light Side or neutral Exile.
- Action Girl
- Bounty Hunter: Unlike the others in this game, she refuses to take on hit jobs.
- Expy: As Atton is an expy of Han Solo and Kreia is some mutant mix of Obi Wan and Palpatine, Mira is KOTOR's version of Mara Jade, wearing the same outfit she wore in a bar in By The Emperor's Hand.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Kreia's divination in the ending predicts she will perform one, but without regrets.
- Stripperific: As a distraction.
- Technical Pacifist: She prefers not to kill her enemies. She is disturbed at how easily she forgets this when fighting alongside the Exile.
A psychotic Wookie who really hates Mira. He only joins a Dark Side Exile.
- Axe Crazy
- The Berserker: Wookiee Fury
- The Brute
- Death Seeker
- Dont You Dare Pity Me: He's the only party member with whom you gain influence by insulting him.
- Fantastic Racism: He believes that all non-Wookies are slavers and should be enslaved as punishment. He hates other Wookies because his tribe exiled him for being nuts.
- I Did What I Had To Do: He slaughtered his clan to prevent them from being enslaved.
- Unstoppable Rage: Again, Wookiee Fury
A droid sent by the crime lord Goto to monitor and communicate with the Exile. The droid turns out to be Goto's actual self.
- Becoming The Mask: His cliched crime lord persona was originally conceived so people would fear him. He quickly found that he enjoyed being a criminal mastermind.
- The Chessmaster
- Jerkass
- Punch Clock Hero: He considers the Republic to be a horribly inefficient system of government, but is required by his programming to preserve it.
- We Could Have Avoided All This: Alot of problems happen in the game as a result of GO-TO's determination to hire you to perform a job you would have already done if left alone if you were playing a Light-Side game. At least you can have your character call him out on this.
- Well Intentioned Extremist
- Zeroth Law Rebellion
Mical/The Disciple
A researcher of the Jedi. He only joins a female Exile.
- Badass Bookworm: Although he focuses on history and other scholarly things, his starting class is Soldier, allowing him to equip the strongest weapons and armor from the start.
- Does Not Understand Sarcasm: Has a habit of taking everything seriously, which grates on Atton.
- Gentleman And A Scholar: He's extremely knowledgeable on Jedi history and is mild-mannered in the face of Atton's antagonism. (Of course, having been a Jedi studentprobably helps with both of those.)]] And he's able to figure out what Revan was really up to during the Jedi Civil war. He also speaks and behaves rather formally and has a posh British accent.
- The Mole: He's a Republic spy planted by Carth/Cede to keep an eye on the Exile.
A mysterious old women that the Exile meets on Peragus.
- Author Avatar: Chris Avellone has admitted
he often used her to point out things that bugged him about the Star Wars universe.
- Big Bad
- Blind Seer
- The Chessmaster
- Composite Character: Her character design has parts meant to evoke both Obi-Wan (traditional Jedi robes) and Palpatine (the hood design).
- Consummate Liar
- Crowning Momentof Heartwarming: "I would have killed the galaxy to save you." Coming from the orchestrator of the entire game and the final boss, that was unexpected.
- Deconstructor Fleet: She's the Commander of said fleet.
- Disability Superpower: She sees through the Force rather than through her own eyes to avoid being limited to a single perspective.
- Evil Mentor: Most of her influence choices are dark side oriented. Oh, and don't forget her massive gambit to kill the Force.
- To be fair, she saw the Force as an uncaring entity that used people as pawns and then discarded them for the sake of "balance".
- And she developed it to deal with her failure. She was also wrong about Revan trying to stop the True Sith, he was actually working for them. So it's safe to say that she was wrong.
- Actually the only source that contradicts her is vague enough that both could be compatible, and comes from another Unreliable Expositor anyway.
- To be fair, she saw the Force as an uncaring entity that used people as pawns and then discarded them for the sake of "balance".
- Handicapped Badass: She starts out blind and soon loses a hand. And still kicks ass.
- Luke I Am Your Father: There is a slew of evidence she is Arren Kae, the handmaiden's mother.
- Magnificent Bastard: Oh, yes.
- Manipulative Bastard: This too. (Although Technically she's a Manipulative Bitch since, ya know, she's a woman.)
- Master Apprentice Chain: Said to be Revan's first and last master the same status is also given to Arren Kae, the handmaiden's mother
- Meaningful Name: Her Sith name, Darth Traya, is derived from the word "betray." She suffers from Chronic Backstabbing Disorder.
- Mind Rape: Inflicted by her on several other party members. When your wise old mentor starts mind-raping your friends, you know you're in the middle of something special.
- Monochromatic Eyes: Blank-white Prophet Eyes in the Blind Seer tradition.
- and when she is in Darth Traya-mode, she gets Black Eyes Of Evil.
- Mr Exposition
- The Nicknamer: She calls nobody by their own name; see the page for examples. This makes a great excuse to avoid calling the Exile by her real name.
- Never Mess With Granny
- The Reason You Suck Speech: Frequently dishes out these.
- Trickster Mentor
- Ubermensch: She wants to kill the Force.
- To her, it was what Nietzsche called the slave morality, and needed to be destroyed to make way for a new morality.
- Unless that plot was just another lie to keep you on her rails.
- To her, it was what Nietzsche called the slave morality, and needed to be destroyed to make way for a new morality.
One of the last surviving members of the Jedi Council. Also a sanctimonious bitch. While she and the Exile used to be good friends, she supported the Exile's exile.
- Ancient Keeper
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- The Chessmaster
- Evil Sorcerer
- Good Is Not Nice: Seems to be this at first...
- Heel Realization
- Holier Than Thou: Is she ever.
- Jerkass: Nothing you do will ever please her, even if you're as polite as Mary Poppins from the moment you meet her in-game.
- Light Is Not Good
- Smug Snake
- What Could Have Been: At some point she would have been able to join the party and in an alternative ending she, not Kreia, faces you as Darth Traya and the final boss.
- White Haired Pretty Girl
Master Zez-Kai Ell
A member of the Jedi Council who is hiding on Nar Shadaa
- The Atoner: He believes that the Council could have done more to prevent Revan from falling to the Dark Side.
- Authority Equals Asskicking
Master Kavar
A member of the Jedi Council who is hiding on Onderon. He used to be the Exile's mentor.
Master Lonna Vash
A member of the Jedi Council who is hiding on Korriban.
- What Could Have Been: She was originally supposed to be encountered on the Droid Planet M4-78, where she would have revealed more about the Exile and Kreia's Force Bond. When M4-78 was cut early in development, she was moved to Korriban where she gets killed before the Exile gets the chance to meet her.
Darth Nihilus
The Lord of Hunger. He is a Sith Lord who has become so powerful from his ability to consume the Force that he has lost any semblance of humanity.
- Big Bad Duumvirate: With Sion
- Breather Boss: For a guy who Force-killed a planet full of people from orbit, he sure goes down easy. Somewhat explained by the fact that the Exile's nature is an anathema to his power, except that halfway through the battle, your party stops to moan about how he is impossible to defeat.
- Cool Mask
- Evil Counterpart/Foil/Shadow Archetype: To the Jedi Exile. He basically demonstrates what the Exile could have been if she were dependent on the Force and fell to the Dark Side.
- Humanoid Abomination
- Meaningful Name: His name is derived from the words "nihilist" and "anihlilate." He is one of the most destructive beings in the Star Wars universe, but there is nothing left of him besides his desire to consume.
- Omnicidal Maniac: Visas speculates that if he succeeds in destroying the Jedi, he might try to destroy the galaxy just to sate his hunger.
- Power Of The Void
- The Unintelligible: He sounds like a flushing toilet. Seriously.
Darth Sion
The Lord of Pain. He is capable from recovering from any injury, but cannot actually heal his wounds. As a result, he is in constant pain. He likes it that way.
- Bald Of Evil
- Big Bad Duumvirate: With Nihilus
- Body Horror
- Card Carrying Villain
- The Dragon: To Kreia after Nihilus is killed.
- Evil Counterpart/Foil/Shadow Archetype: Another one to the Jedi Exile. He also is dependent on the Force to live while being a Sith Lord.
- Meaningful Name: His name is derived from the word "scion." He is jealous of the Exile's status as Kreia's ulitmate student.
- Nigh Invulnerability
- Stalker With A Crush: To The Female Exile.
- Talking The Monster To Death: Done with good reason; it was the only way to stop him for good.
- Technically Living Zombie: His anger, rage and pain is the only thing that's keeping his decaying, scarred body together. Without the power of the Dark Side keeping him alive, he'd be dead. Is eventually convinced to let go of the force by the Exile though.
- Violent Glaswegian: IN SPACE!
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