Axis Powers Hetalia: The Axis |
The Axis Of Evil
- Analogy Backfire: When Italy invents the Axis metaphor ("The world will revolve around a Rome-Berlin Axis"), Germany points out how (literally) astronomically impossible the idea is.
- Blond Brunette Redhead: Germany, Japan, and Italy, although the personalities hardly match up.
- Idiot Hair: For the Italy brothers, it acts as an erogenous zone.
- Nakama: The Axis Powers are somewhat shown as this. At one point, N. Italy has a bad dream that the others will get tired of him and leave him behind.
- Only Sane Man: Germany. Japan is this occasionally to Germany and Italy, especially in anime artwork. And, in one strip, Italy plays the role of the sensible one to Japan and Germany's new dieting habits.
- Opposites Attract: Germany and Italy.
- Pinky Swear: Used to symbolize Germany and Italy's Pact of Steel.
- Portmanteau Couple Name: In Real Life, Italians called the group "Roberto" for Rome-Berlin-Tokyo. In Italy, 'Axis' meant just Rome and Berlin specifically.
- Power Trio: Germany is Superego (rational), Italy is Id (emotional), Japan is Ego (middle man).
- Comic Trio: More often than they'd like.
- Savvy Guy, Energetic Other Guy: Germany and North Italy. Italy also has these dynamics with his brother South Italy, and Japan.
- Shirtless Scene: Germany and Italy have a few. Usually together. To Japan's embarrassment
- Will They Or Wont They: Germany and Italy... and it seems they really do.
N. Italy (Italy Veneziano) - Feliciano Vargas
Mmm... Let's see, let's see... I'll start with de-li-cious pasta.. and then, then I'd like olive oil, and wine, and then, and then, a real pretty girl, riiight here...
Voiced by: Daisuke Namikawa (JP), Aki Kanada (JP-Chibitalia), Todd Haberkorn (EN), Brina Palencia (EN-Chibitalia)
- Adaptation Dye Job: His hair is often colored medium or light brown in manga illustrations, but the anime gives him auburn hair, though it tends to be brightened to a saturated sort of red shade in some episodes.
- Big Eater: His obsession with pasta.
- Bi The Way: Italy hits on girls all the time, but as Chibitalia his first real love was a male: the Holy Roman Empire. And now there's Germany, too...
- Brown Eyes: In the manga.
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good, arguably. He's... hard to pin down.
- Cheerful Child (as Chibitalia) —> Keet (as a teenage/adult)
- The Determinator: Inverted. He's very determined... to give up.
- Die For Our Ship: Gets hit by this from rabid Germany/Prussia shippers who turn him into a Psychopathic Manchild who tortures Germany. Yes, really. Your head may asplode now.
- The Ditz
- Dreaming Of Things To Come: As Chibitalia, he once had a dream about a young man he had never seen until then. That youth turned out to be Japan.
- Drives Like Crazy: The reason Japanese cars are so safety oriented is because poor Japan took a horrendous car ride with Italy once and it traumatised him for life.
- Dropped A Reverse Bridget On Him: Did this to Austria. It was hilarious!
- Eyes Always Shut: He's usually drawn with eyes that resemble equals signs.
- Lampshaded in episode 41, where Italy opens his eyes as he wakes up.I tried opening my eyes for a change. ~Italy Veneziano
- Lampshaded in episode 41, where Italy opens his eyes as he wakes up.
- Eyes Of Gold: In the anime.
- Innocent Fanservice Guy: Italy is rather eager to take his clothes off when he gets ready to nap or sleep. This often gets him bitched out or kicked away, as Austria showed him once.
- Idiot Hair: Italy has one single hair curl on his left side, known to be an erogenous zone when touched (also read above). A couple incidents of Germany doing such was an Accidental Pervert situation.
- Boy In A Crate: Germany met Italy like this.
- He ends up in one again after America and England get tired keeping him prisoner and send him back to Germany. With a card that says "FUCK" on it.
- Danshigakusei: Italy sometimes wears a sailor suit ... but only some of it.
- Keet
- Moe: At all ages
◊. Just ask the Holy Roman Empire... or Germany... or his legions of Fangirls.
- Non Action Guy
- No Sense Of Personal Space
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Germany initially thinks that Italy is trying to trick him. He's wrong.
- Oblivious To Love: So, so much toward Germany, reaching Master Of The Mixed Message levels at times.
- Ocular Gushers: Italy's tears are pressurized like a water hose, sometimes getting all over other people.
- Picky Eater: He doesn't hide his dislike of Germany's sausages.
- He's been one ever since he was Chibitalia: He was hungry, so Holy Roman Empire left his food for him, but he didn't eat it because it looked gross. He's a gourmet.
- Slasher Smile: In one strip, Japan imagines Italy pulling one.
- Talking To Himself: Daisuke Namikawa voices both Italies. Meanwhile, Aki Kanada voices both of their younger selves.
- Tastes Like Diabetes: Chibitalia.
- The Leisure Suit Larry: He's supposed to be a lothario, but he's still a virgin, so he is not very successful.
- The Load: And how.
- The Obstructive Love Interest: He is this to Germany. But played for comedy of course.
- The Woobie: Mostly due to his own incompetence (even the title says so!) but that doesn't make him any less sympathetic.
- Took A Level In Badass: As Chibitalia, he once kicks Turkey's ass. He de-levels, of course.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Pastaaaaaaaaa~!
- Trouser Space: In one comic, Italy pulls a pair of boxers out of his own pair.
- Verbal Tic: "Veeeeeee!"
- "Beh!"
- What Could Have Been: He wasn't originally intended to have his Idiot Hair, but Himaruya drew it in at the last minute to make him appear cuter. His personality was also originally to be similar to a character from Himaruya's first series, Advance! Kitakou Broadcasting Club in being simply unlucky and cowardly, not being that much of a ditz.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Not only as Chibitalia, but also in the 2010 April's Fools strip
where he dons a dress, make-up and a wig to fool Japan into thinking that he was born female.
Germany - Ludwig
Right, Germany will do something. Why don't you do something?
Voiced by: Hiroki Yasumoto (JP), Patrick Seitz (EN)
- Air In AG String: The official calendar pictures him with a cello.
- Bi The Way: Him. North Italy. Holy Roman Empire and Chibitalia, if you subscribe to the "Germany = grown-up, amnesiac HRE" theory. That's all.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral:
- Drill Sergeant Nasty: Germany shouts almost constantly at anyone who is being difficult, unorganized or a layabout. It's implied that Austria is even stricter.
- Training From Hell: As far as Italy is concerned, they put him through this.
- Germanic Depressives: Of course.
- Germanic Efficiency: Naturally.
- Hawaiian Shirted Tourist: When taking a trip to Hawaii, getting a weird look from a Hawaiian.
- Laser Guided Amnesia: It has been hinted that he really is the missing Holy Roman Empire, only grown up and without any recollection of his childhood. That comes across in the Valentine's strip, which ends with Germany possibly starting to recover his memories.
- My Country Right Or Wrong: Well...yeah, but WWII Germany in particular fits this trope. He's seen reacting with open shock and disgust at some of the orders he's given (like taking Austria away by force in the "Anschluss", despite Hungary and Italy's pleas), yet he can't do anything but obey.
- Neat Freak: One strip has Italy cooking and Germany cleaning up his mess right next to him.
- Only One Name: Unlike the other characters, only his first name was ever given. According to Wordof God, we allegedly will find out why...someday.
- Fans generally give him the same last name as his brother Prussia if one is required.
- Paper Thin Disguise: Germany, reenacting a story about a spy, only wears glasses as a disguise. However, France only recognizes him after noticing Germany's table manners.
- Perpetual Frowner: He has smiled maybe once, and that was when he was young.
- Lies! He smiles at Italy just before invading Poland in WWII, and when he's making clocks during - ironically enough - The Great Depression.
- Please Put Some Clothes On: Germany often says this to Italy.
- In one strip Japan is scandalized to find Italy and Germany lounging without shirts on a hot summer day.
- Serious Business: "Whether it be games or cleaning, it's Serious Business to me!"
- Trademark Favorite Food: If you ask South Italy or France, he's a "potato freak", but he doesn't eat them often. When France spots him undercover, it's the way he's eating that gives him away. He also has wursts and beer.
- Tsundere: Himaruya actually calls Germany one in the notes. It's hard to tell his exact type given his usually staid demeanour. He seems to be a Type A fond of a mix between Cold Shoulder and Smirk (less about merely throwing insults around or having mood swings, more about being grumpy and a Drill Sergeant Nasty to Italy); he's usually a 'take no guff' guy around everybody, but you can just tell he's making exceptions for Italy.
- And to drive the point further, the Valentine's strip had Germany pretty much the whole time
in full-blown deredere mode.
- And to drive the point further, the Valentine's strip had Germany pretty much the whole time
- Victorious Childhood Friend: He may be this to Chibitalia/North Italy, if he is the Holy Roman Empire.
- Wangst: "Einsamkeit
und Recht und Freiheit(Loneliness)". From the few lyrics we know, it's played for laughs. It can still be sad depending on your point of view. - What Could Have Been: Early notes in a booklet included with the special edition of volume 3 revealed that Germany was to be more of a "scary" character and moodier, but became more of a sympathetic type as the story evolved.
- The Woobie: In the crazy world of Hetalia, Germany was given the blessing of sanity. His woobieness is especially prominent in the Valentine's Day strip. If you're more of an Italy fan, you probably won't see things from this view and vice versa.
Japan - Kiku Honda
Commander! I, like a true Japanese man will say "I'll consider it" or "perhaps next time" or "we'll use discretion" and be as vague as possible! By all of which I mean "no", sir!
Voiced by: Hiroki Takahashi (JP), Christopher Bevins (EN)
- Westerners Hate Japan: There are definitely Western fans who like him, but also an equal number of fans who are 'meh' about him at best and brand him as an Extreme Doormat, Flat Character, and/or even the series' Wesley at worst due to his relatively stoic personality and him representing the author's homeland which automatically makes him the character most vulnerable to Mary Sue accusations.
- There are even fans who take offense to a Visible Minority of the Japanese fandom turning him into a Possession Sue and cite this as a reason to not like him, forgetting that not only is that an absurd reason to hate the character himself (is it the character Japan's fault that his fandom likes warping his canon personality?) but that the Western fandom, or rather, American and Canadian fans do the exact same thing to America and Canada.
- A Male Nation Is Not A Virgin: Played for laughs with him and Greece.
- Asian And Nerdy: Like his Otaku side, this stereotype isn't brought up that much in regards to him but it clearly does apply to him to some extent, considering the couple of strips that show him to be a Teen Genius / Gadgeteer Genius.
- Big Fancy House: He lives in a traditional Japanese house complex
. It even has a a small outdoor hot spring.
- Birds Of A Feather: The major foundation for the Greece/Japan pairing, aside of the "Private Lesson". They do have their differences and Japan might be somewhatOblivious To Love, but compared to almost all other potential couples' Belligerent Sexual Tension and/or obvious personality contrasts, they're practically Happily Marriedand the pairing least likely to get major conflict or angst in fanworks.
- Boke And Tsukkomi Routine: In the Anglo-Japanese alliance, the artist isn't sure which is which.
- Brown Eyes
- Cain And Abel: Him and his adoptive brother China.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral, arguably. Again, not easy to pin down.
- Cherry Blossoms: In episode 3 of the anime, when Japan is given the spotlight he's surrounded by flying sakura petals.
- Covert Pervert: ...Come on, this is Japan we're talking about, how can he not be one? It's shown a little in the strips as well-like praising 2D over 3D, and casually having confidence-stealing erotic woodblock prints in his art book collection.
- Cranked Up To Eleven in fanworks, where he's commonly portrayed as either: 1) Hungary's partner-in-crime, 2) a complete prude in public but a complete pervert in bed, 3) secretly one of the kinkiest members of the cast, or 4) all of the above.
- Cute Bruiser: Official art often shows him wielding or carrying around a katana, and during the Christmas 2010 event he puts up a hell of a fight against the mysterious kidnapping intruder with a rolled-up poster.
- Die For Our Ship: Turkey/Greece is a popular fanon pairing. Turkey and Greece both like Japan in canon. Greece/Japan is more popular in the fandom overall than Turkey/Greece. Guess who gets bashed and unfairly called a Relationship Sue by the rabid Turkey/Greece shippers? Especially after anime episodes 54 and 55 aired? At least they still take the "just leave him out entirely" option over the "assassinate his character" option in fanworks, though.
- Fish Out Of Water: He feels a bit strange sometimes when interacting with the other Axis members.
- Flower Motifs: His human first name, Kiku, means "chrysanthemum", a flower with great symbolic importance in his country. Cherry Blossoms are also often associated with him, especially after his introduction in the anime among a shower of them; Japanese fans have even adopted "Sakura" as a Fan Nickname for his Gender Flipped self.
- Gag Penis: Inverted, because he's... well, a lightweight in his pants
Italy (as he's taking a hot bath with Japan): Hey, Japan! I heard from Germany that your miniatures are amazing! (...) [looks at Japan's body and into the water, obviously sizing up the other] Oh, wow! Here too?Japan: My secret has been exposed. I suppose I can't do anything about this now... (there's a Discretion Shot as he beats up Italy)- In the dub, Japan insists he's a grower, not a shower, so maybe...
- He Is Not My Boyfriend / That Didnt Happen: That night with Greece was All Just A Dream. Really, it was! He's SO glad that it was just a dream!
- A subtler example comes from when he's helping Greece practice his Japanese through conversation:
Greece: Are you Nekojiro-san?Japan: Yes, that's right.Greece: Who does Nekojiro get along with?Japan: His friend, Nekokichi-san.Greece: (smiling) Am I Nekokichi-san?Japan: (flustered) Eh? comment. - Hikikomori: Japan spent 200 years as one before America arrived at his doorstep with Commodore Perry. More specifically, Japan identifies himself as a hikikomori when he sees the American boats and almost has a Freak Out, and also when he does a Sunako in response to Netherlands opening the door to his room ("Don't shed sunlight on me! I'm melting!").
- Hime Cut: Although he's a dude.
- Inscrutable Oriental: It isn't too often you see a Japanese character in a Japanese series characterized this way. Made even more noticeable by all of Japan's other Far Eastern siblings not fitting this trope in the slightest (with the possible exception of Hong Kong).
- Japanese Politeness: Japan is always polite, even at his rudest:China: I'm China, aru! (...) Say, what's your name, aru?Child!Japan: (bows) Hello China, whom the sun sets upon. I am Japan, whom the sun rises on.China: Wah! This kid is so rude, aru!
- Truth In Television, as this is practically how Japan addressed itself in their first diplomatic document to China (The Emperor of the Land of the Sunrise to the Emperor of the Land of the Sunset...). The Chinese Emperor was of course pissed off, saying "bring not those impolite states before me!"
- Japanese Pronouns: Well, duh. In particular, fanworks are extremely fond of having him refer to everyone with -san after their names, with the possible exception of -kun for his love interest (and even then, it's not nearly as common as him insisting on continuing to use -san for his love interest).
- Japanese Ranguage: He speaks like this in the dub.
- Katanas Are Just Better: His Weapon Of Choice.
- Kick The Dog: His stabbing of China in the back, presumably meant to symbolize the first Sino-Japanese war, which leaves a permanent scar on China's back. Though some fans seem to like emphasizing this single action of Japan a little too much, conveniently forgetting that there's more to him than that.
- Kimono Is Traditional: Often wears a yukata or kimono when he's at home (although he does sometimes wear more Western clothing), and even more often gets turned into Kimono Fanservice in fanworks.
- Kuudere: He might look like an indifferent Inscrutable Oriental on the outside, but his close friendships (and enduring patience) with several other nations and his Not So Stoic moments hint at a warmer personality underneath, and some fans posit that he has trouble being open about his feelings because he's secretly shy and/or believes that Love Is A Weakness - something that can be remedied by The Power Of Friendship or Love, of course.
- Launcher Of A Thousand Ships: How many nations is he paired up with in Fanon? Especially by Japanese fans?
- Heck, even in the English-speaking fandom where he gets much less shipping attention than the Western countries do, it's probably telling that it can be hard at times to tell which ship is the most popular one for him with Japan/China, Japan/England, and Japan/Greece being within spitting distance of each other popularity-wise and several other Japan pairings having smaller but just as loyal followings.
- Nation-tan in White: When wearing his white military uniform.
- Me Love You Long Time: Okay, he isn't female (except in the occasional Gender Flip fanwork), but his personality is the one most closely tied to Asian stereotypes and the most common partner for him in fandom is Greece whose canon interest in his culture and language is often brought up in them, with England who stayed over at his house to learn more about his culture during their alliance running a very close second.
- Monochromatic Eyes
- Mukokuseki
- Not So Stoic: In spite of Japan easily being one of the most stoic members of the cast, he's proven capable of losing his cool on quite a few occasions. Especially overphysical intimacy, food prices, 2D, and Russia.
- Obake: They still exist, though Japan can't see them anymore.
- Odd Friendship: He and America couldn't be any more different in personality, and yet they're good friends in the modern day strips who often spend holidays together.
- Otaku: He said he prefers 2D over 3D. Given the context, that should tell you something.
- Perpetual Frowner: So much that Italy tries to get him to smile in one strip... well, he does succeed in getting Japan to show an angry expression, at least.
- Seppuku: He is shocked to discover this isn't Germany and Italy's first response to surrender.
- Teen Genius: Japan learns to write and invents his own alphabet very quickly, much to China's shock.
- Gadgeteer Genius: In the webcast, he gives a U-boat a very interesting upgrade.
- That Makes Me Feel Angry: "An unpleasant sensation."
- Discretion Shot: But when he really does get angry...
- Vocal Evolution: In the first drama CD, Hiroki Takahashi gives Japan a rather soft voice. Later dramas and the anime series have him using a deeper tone.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Japan dresses like the archetypical Japanese housekeeper (female kimono, apron, and headgear included) when he does housework.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Never mind his gender, Japan by himself is actually the character in the series who's the closest to being a Yamato Nadeshiko, other than Liechtenstein (and maybe Lithuania), especially in the modern day strips. He's polite, soft-spoken, wears traditional Japanese clothing outside of meetings, and while he has his share of bizarre quirks like every other character in Hetalia does, they tend to be more subtle.
- ... Which of course has led to some people accusing him of being a Flat Character, even though his Yamato Nadeshiko traits are frequently used for humor/parody (e.g. he's often too polite for his own good or doesn't let his politeness get in the way of him being a touch passive-aggressive).
- Yandere / Yangire: He's got his own Yandere/Yangire ("Black Kiku") tag on Pixiv, and this characterization of him is especially popular in China/Japan fanfic (taking its cues from Japan being shown to brutally stab China In The Back at one point in canon) and WWII Dark Fic.
Axis Powers Hetalia: Justice Destiny Strike Freedom |
Justice Destiny Strike Freedom
- Black Magic: England uses a creepy Black Cloak ritual to curse Germany.
- White Magic: But Russia uses the Orthodox Church to curse Japan.
- Five Man Band: The Allied Forces can be seen like this, to some degree. Roles are subjected to change, of course:
- The Hero: America (or so he wants to believe)
- The Lancer: England (Straight Man and sort of The Rival to America, sometimes Team Dad / Only Sane Man)
- The Big Guy: Russia (The tallest and more unstable of the group)
- The Smart Guy: France (mostly by default, though he can be quite sneaky and sly when he wants)
- The Chick / The Heart: China (The most traditionally bishonen and kinda artsy. He's also The Woobie of the group.)
- Sixth Ranger: Canada (Whose presence is rarely noticed by the other Allies and sometimes mistaken for America.)
- Flower Motifs: Fandom never misses an opportunity to depict Russia with sunflowers and England with roses (England's national flower). And then there's France and his own roses...
- Husband Husbandry: An inversion of this is a popular interpretation of a potential America/England romance. See the main page for details.
- MIB: England and France spread propaganda with style.
- Red Oni Blue Oni: America is cheerful, idealistic, brash, if a little too much. England is his cynical, grouchy, critical, sometimes underhand, longtime 'frenemy'.
- Savvy Guy, Energetic Other Guy: They're also this.
- Talking To Himself: America and Canada are both voiced by Katsuyuki Konishi.
- The Alliance: The Allies, of course.
- The Minnesota Fats: America and England have a bit of a rivalry. No matter what England does, America does it better. But on Halloween, England takes advantage of America's fear of ghosts and wins their competition of who will be scared first 87 years straight. (However, when America enlists Japan's help...)
- Tsundere: England is heavy on The Smirk, especially
◊ when
◊ around
◊ America
◊. When he's in deredere mode, though, he sometimes shows such vulnerability that he qualifies as The Woobie. He's also called Tsundere by both fandom and Word Of God (specifically, the Drama CDs and some author notes).
- America is an odd variation of the Type B Tsundere. He has a penchant for stepping on people's toes with his rampant KY-ness, cheerful Love Freak mannerisms and occasional bouts of arrogance, but England seems to be the only one he deliberately teases and yanks his emotions around. On the other hand, he shows sadness and melancholy as he remembers their past together and also displays childish yet genuine worry when the other's sick (once he even brings him back to life with his teasing), he complains about England's food but eats it anyway, and for all his complaints and teasings, he seems to hold genuine affection for England.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: England has this kind of relationship with both America and France, to varying extents.
- Will They Or Wont They: America and England. My God, the Ship Tease between them...
- They even have a strip that has a title that pretty much translates to The Moment Is Killed.
- Or, more specifically, The Long-Awaited Deep Emotion is Ruined
- Or, more specifically, The Long-Awaited Deep Emotion is Ruined
- Reaches Everyone Can See It levels in one of the CD dramas, after everyone hears them arguing at night:
Lithuania: R-Russia! Everyone was pretending not to hear anything!England: W-what? Everyone's awake, after all?France: That's because you were having a lover's quarrel here.England: Don't say it was a lover's quarrel!Japan: Well, it's not like we were peeping and such...
- Hell, even Tony can see it in this
England: That's why! The alien and friends over there, just shut up! You have been trying to irritate me since just now.America: Even if you said that, the truth is you just wanted to sleep together in the same room in the same way we did in the past, right?Tony: Love me bubu. Kiss me bubu.
- The dub also lampshades this, with France asking if they're done "releasing sexual tensions".
- They even have a strip that has a title that pretty much translates to The Moment Is Killed.
US of A - Alfred F. Jones
Now is the time we allies must take a stand for the sake of the world! Should we not fight in the name of justice? Let our hammer of righteousness strike deep into the heart of this evil! Starting with this lame-o Italy!
Voiced by: Katsuyuki Konishi (JP), Eric Vale (EN)
- Adorkable: He's practically a comic book geek for crying out loud.
- Adult Child: Often acts like one.
- Psychopathic Manchild: If America's featured in a Dark Fic, he's very likely to end up like this.
- Adventurer Archaeologist: Two of his hobbies are "archaeology" and "adventures".
- America Saves The Day: So much that he's the picture on the main page.
- Attention Whore: So much so that, when he isn't the center of attention, he loses his will to do absolutely anything.
- Big Eater: America loves all matter of junk food, especially hamburgers. One strip features him becoming concerned about his weight causing him to try out different diets. (He still appears fit no matter what, of course.)
- Apparently he hides tons of sweets and junk food under his clothes.
- Boisterous Bruiser: America is very eager and happy to fight the Axis Powers.
- Brainy Specs: America actually doesn't need his glasses for any vision purposes. The glasses represent Texas (he gets them around the time of its annexation) but it really looks like an opportunity to make him cuter.
- Captain Obvious: "It's not working!"
- Chainsaw Good: In his Halloween costume
◊ as a Shout Out to Friday The13th of course.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Good. Goes without saying.
- It can be said, though, that he tries to be Lawful Good, but his Adult Child tendencies put him more in the Selfish Good range.
- Cluster F Bomb: We could call it a
nuclear F bomb!.
- To explain: Himaruya used him to demonstrate an American movie that was heavy on Cluster F Bomb.
- Cool Plane: Planes seem to be a motif, seeing as he has one on his bomber jacket and likes to show England his airplane designs. He has one in the third chapter which comes from a design in an old Disney cartoon.
- Stealth Insult: Times two.America: That's good! Because I also made this technology for (beating the crap out of) you!
- Stealth Insult: Times two.
- Eagleland: America is a relatively benign mix of both flavors.
- Establishing Character Moment: His introduction has this exchange:America: Okay—let's start from the be-gin-ning! England, you're my backup! Next, France! You're my backup! Uh, who's next...China, I'll have him as my backup. Lastly, Russia! Yours is the grave duty of backing me up!Russia: Um, may I ask a question? What will you do?America: Mm, that's actually a very good question, Russia! I'll be the hero, of course!
- Dumb Blonde: Sometimes.
- Friend To All Living Things: As a child, he loved playing with bunnies. As an adult, he befriends whales and even aliens (hi, Tony). Ironically, this doesn't mean that he cares one bit about global warming, though.
- But what about his giant robot to combat global warming?
- He's probably more interested in the giant robot aspect... (see his birthday strip)
- But what about his giant robot to combat global warming?
- Genius Ditz: Very good with aircraft and computers, despite his lack of common sense and geography skills.
- Heroic Wannabe: "I'll be the hero, of course!"
- "I'll be the Red Ranger, of course!"
- The credits of the independent film on Yout... I mean HetaTube list his role as "Hero".
- Hollywood Pudgy: Spoofed; he believes he's gaining weight, but he doesn't look any different and Word Of God says that he's actually gaining muscle and simply fails to realize it over his paranoia.
- Idiots Cannot Catch Colds: He hasn't even heard of them.
- This has been retconned to represent the recent recession. Worse yet, America's cold spreads.
- Of course, that leaves this troper (and history major) wondering if the manga-ka decided to overlook The Great Depression for that joke. Also, what would something like the American Civil War be represented as? An auto-immune disease?
- Probably a split-personality disorder?
- The Great Depression is too big for any mere metaphor. Here it is.
- This has been retconned to represent the recent recession. Worse yet, America's cold spreads.
- Idiot Hair: Represents Nantucket.
- Idiot Hero: So damn much, indeed.
- Instant Waking Skills: In the drama CD, he goes from being half-awake to on his feet rushing to get ready for work when he sees he's going to be late (thankfully for him Lithuania readied everything for him).
- It Runs On Nonsensoleum: He comes up with crazy inventions like a gun that makes people fall in love or a giant space robot to stop global warming. They never seem to get very far.
- To be more specific, the gun was meant to make enemy soldiers fall in love with each other. If you thought it was just a joke, the joke's on you
- To be more specific, the gun was meant to make enemy soldiers fall in love with each other. If you thought it was just a joke, the joke's on you
- Justice Will Prevail: He says things such as "Should we not fight in the name of justice?" and "I support you in the name of justice!".
- Large Ham: He is often very energetic and loud, commanding all the attention for himself.
- Not to mention the character songs. There's a reason why it's HAMburger street, evidently.
- Love Freak: He is "a nation of pioneers who think of everything in a positive light, is quick to take action, and loves heroes, justice, freedom, as well as hamburgers." He also gives a Rousing Speech talking about justice and defeating the evil Axis Powers in the beginning of Chapter Two.
- Master Of The Mixed Message: At least as far as England is concerned.
- Mysterious Middle Initial: So, really, what does that "F" stand for?
- Non Human Sidekick: He has whales and the visitor from outer space named Tony (who hates England for some reason, but is fond of Lithuania).
- Non Uniform Uniform: In Gakuen Hetalia. He wears his bomber jacket
◊ instead of the required school jacket.
- Well... it is modified to look like a letter jacket, so maybe he's on a sports team.
- Phenotype Stereotype: Since he is America, he's blond and blue-eyed.
- Ron The Death Eater: He may have his jerkish moments in canon, but some people make him out to be an absolute and irredeemable Jerkass, especially when they want to make Canada look better or justify England hooking up with someone else.
- Or a Psychopathic Manchild or even Spectacled Sadist who treats Japan horribly during/after WWII. Sometimes this is done to send Japan running off into the arms of someone else, but other times it seems that the fan authors truly believe that America would actually act like that towards Japan. Keep in mind that while Japan initially resented America, he eventually warmed up to him during Westernization and is clearly good friends with him in the post-WWII strips. You would think that would signify that the events at the end of WWII are far from the be-all end-all of their overall relationship, right? Apparently not.
- Don't forget the USUK fanworks that have America as an horrible Jerk Ass and borderline Bastard Boyfriend while England is a weepy Love Martyr and Purity Stu who endlessly pines for America or lives only to bend over to him... and then they portray it as a "desirable", "sexy" or "sweet" relationship. More than one popular fanworker or doujinshi creator takes this and runs away with it too, being praised and adored by USUK fan circles who don't seem to get why their characterization ofboth England and America is extremely Outof Character.
- Slasher Smile: America has this while wielding a chainsaw along with Scary Shiny Glasses. Probably the only time America didn't look his normal self. Though it was only scary due to Canada's paranoia, as America was just using his chainsaw normally.
- Stepford Smiler: Fanfics often portray him as one of these. Even when canon shows him as being really that happy and childlike.
- If he is one, he's most likely a minor case instead of being a full-blown version.
- Was without a doubt one in the "Cleaning my Storage Room" chapter.
- Super Strength: Even as a child, America could pick up a buffalo and swing it around like a toy. He also can run around while dragging a car.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: At the Allied Forces meeting, America and the pictures of the different Allies on the chalkboard. The others figure it out though. Interestingly, they work it out not just because he's the only one praising it, but also because he points out it's obviously done in American cartoon style.
- It doesn't help that his own portrait is the only one that has sparkles around it.
- Talking To Himself: Both Katsuyuki and Eric also voice Canada.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Burgers.
- The Ditz: The 'lovable/obnoxious oaf Adult Child' variety.
- Verbal Tic: When he talks business, he ends his sentences with "-gates".
- What Could Have Been: According to volume 3 originally he was supposed to be smarter, more cheeky and more handsome.
- MORE handsome? The mind boggles!
- Ukefication: Fanfic writers writers frequently forget about his super strength in order to make him a Woobie.
- Why Did It Have To Be Snakes: America is irrationally afraid of even the mention of ghosts. Oddly, he doesn't mind the aliens that hang around his house. Apparently, on Halloween, he inherits England's second sight for a moment, which is terrifying for him.
- Oddly enough, the actual presence of the Grim Reaper didn't faze him at all.
- You Fail Geography Forever: The embodiment of the trope. In one strip he mentions that he gets a headache whenever he has to look at any map that's not of himself.
England/UK of GB and NI - Arthur Kirkland
Ahh, fuck it all! You only got so far thanks to me prat, don't you dare act cocky with me!
Voiced by: Noriaki Sugiyama (JP), Scott Freeman (EN)
- Adaptation Dye Job: Alternatively appears with dark or light blond hair in the manga, but it became a saturated yellow-blond shade for the anime.
- All Love Is Unrequited: He apparently has a non-returned(?) crush on America. The most obvious hint is the Valentine's strip where England gives America some chocolates while blushing and being all embarrassed. America giving mixed signals (mocking England in one moment, claiming to be hurt because England didn't give him Valentine's chocolates in the next) doesn't exactly help matters, and neither does the fact that they're both Tsundere and heavy on the tsun.
- Amazing Freaking Grace: His ringtone on his cellphone.
- The Archer: Some sketches of child!England have him with bow and arrows as his Weapon Of Choice
- Big Brother Mentor: He used to be this to America (and Canada) until it all went wrong.
- Big Ol Eyebrows: A sign of being a gentleman. Or something. And they're even bigger in the anime.
- Big Screwed Up Family: Due to the expansive nature of the British Empire and subsequent Commonwealth, fandom sometimes depicts him as the head of a large extended family including (so far): Australia, Canada, Cameroon, Hong Kong, Sealand, Seychelles, New Zealand and the USA.
- Black Magic: His speciality. At one point, he tries to summon something evil and ends up with Russia.
- White Magic: His Britannia Angel magic is a little less evil. Well, a lot sillier.
- The British Empire: Embodied by his days as a conquering pirate.
- The British Invasion: As well as a pirate, he is also depicted as a rock guitarist
◊ in fan artworks (twice in official art), most probably as a nod to England's famous rock heritage.
- British Stuffiness: Evidenced with the disapproving and often despairing attitude he displays towards his compatriots, but it's also averted- he's a former delinquent with aHair Trigger Temper, a foul mouth and bad drinking habits.
- Brits With Battleships: He references his impressive naval history in his image song "Absolutely Invincible British Gentleman."England: (translated) "The seven seas are like my backyard, romance and plundering, I manage holiday houses in India and Hong-Kong!"
- Cassandra Truth: Even though England can see magical creatures, almost nobody else can. So whenever he starts interacting with them, everyone else assumes he's gone off his rocker.
- Other countries
seem to be able to see the creatures when they go to England's house, except for America.
- Other countries
- Character Alignment: Lawful Selfish at his worst, Neutral Good at his best.
- Cloak And Dagger: England is the best of the Allied Forces when it comes to spying.England: ..When it comes to spies, no country can beat the great England!
- Cluster F Bomb: He has the filthiest mouth of all the characters. Besides Tony, of course.
- Code Name of sorts: He's England but he represents the entire United Kingdom as well, so in the Japanese original he's called "Britain" (igirisu), even in historical periods when Great Britain didn't exist.
- In Japanese fanworks he's usually called by his "real name", England (ingurando) by his older brothers, and sometimes by other countries as well before the 18th century.
- Cool Chair: He once tries to get back at America by tricking him into sitting on "Yorkshire's Infamous 'Sit and You Die' Busby Stoop Chair". Russia gets to it first and manages to out-evil it, causing it to explode.
- Covert Pervert: In the first chapter of the (published) manga, "Meeting of the World" he's reading porn during the meeting. France cites several sexual records held by British people. And then there's his "battle uniform". Fandom often depicts him as secretly being kinkier than France.
- Cry Cute: "Cleaning Up The Storage". That's all.
- Cuteness Proximity: England is very affectionate to the nice spirits that follow him around. Since no one else can see those spirits, they assume he's gone a little crazy.
- Defrosting Ice Lord: He seems to be cold at first, but is surprisingly devoted to those he becomes friends with.
- Darker And Edgier: Due to the extensive and unpleasant history of British imperalism, he is extremely prone to this trope in fanworks, sometimes to the point of being an irredeemable Manipulative Bastard. May overlap with the Die For Our Ship entry below.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Die For Our Ship: Some America/Russia shippers exaggerate England's possible opposition towards their pet couple (which would be somewhat understandable, considering Russia's instability) and make him a downright Yandere (as opposed to Russia, who is frequently woobiefied in these fics, despite being the main Yandere in the cast).
- Doting Older Brother: Towards little America, at any rate. He's not nearly as close to Canada (whom he occasionally mistakes for America), let alone Sealand.
- Does This Remind You Of Anything: The animated rendition of "England is about to die" strips have the bed-ridden England with feverish eyes, fever-reddened cheeks, slurred speech, slow breathing,
etc. Something like this,
◊ if you wonder.
- Dressing As The Enemy: He does this when he's trying to escape from Italy. (He even makes himself a fake Ahoge.) He even succeeds, until Germany notices that unlike the other Italians, he's not hitting on the pretty girls walking by.
- Drowning My Sorrows: Apparently when he gets really drunk he tends to go on about that ungrateful whelp America leaving him.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: Parodied when a young England fails to pull one and France tricks him into fixing it... cutting it back to its original length.
- Fan Service With A Smile: The "sexy waiter" outfit.
- Former Teen Rebel: Although he is now a (self-styled) gentleman, he used to be a delinquent.
- Green Eyes
- He Cleans Up Nicely - Comb his hair, put him in a nice, fashionable suit and Germany has trouble recognizing him, eyebrows or no eyebrows.
- ...Unless he's amid the crowds of Italy.
- That was because of him being (stereotypically) English, though. Germany didn't recognize him until he started behaving differently than real Italians (e.g. not checking out pretty girls).
- ...Unless he's amid the crowds of Italy.
- History Of Naval Warfare: He's seen defeating Spain's "invincible" Armada.
- Launcher Of A Thousand Ships: He's one of the most popular characters in both the Japanese and English-speaking fandoms. He gets around. A lot.
- As evidence, his facebook fanlisting has the largest amount of fans out of any country in the series (over 9000 fans and counting). He also came 2nd in a character popularity poll hosted on the official Japanese site of Hetalia's publisher Gentosha, losing out (perhaps inevitably) to Japan - here.
- And he actually came in 1st on an earlier character popularity poll,
beating out even Japan.
- And he actually came in 1st on an earlier character popularity poll,
- As evidence, his facebook fanlisting has the largest amount of fans out of any country in the series (over 9000 fans and counting). He also came 2nd in a character popularity poll hosted on the official Japanese site of Hetalia's publisher Gentosha, losing out (perhaps inevitably) to Japan - here.
- Lethal Chef: A running gag is that his lack of taste is directly responsible for America's food culture.
- "Listen and be amazed!" No one is impressed by his sudden discovery of 'hard-boiled egg' technology.
- Lonely At The Top: He used to be lonely even before he got to the top. (It's implied that America changed this, until of course things went wrong.) He and Japan eventuallyform an alliance over their shared friendless-ness.France: Oh, if it isn't the friendless England!England: Dammit, being in Europe makes me so mad!
- Mean Brit: A little.
- Memetic Outfit: His "Britannia Angel" outfit, in which he has magic powers, such as being able to turn other characters back into children. Also his Sexy Waiter outfit.
- Messy Hair
- Naked People Are Funny: When he gets drunk he forgets all about being a gentleman and has the habit of stripping naked in front of other countries. Hilarity usually ensues.
- Not So Above It All: He rejects a naked France's invitation to "join him in feeling 'open' today" because he doesn't want to be associated with France's reputation. France calls him out on it
◊, stating a number of sexual records held by British people.
- Overly Long Name: He's a bit self-conscious about his very long name (the "UK of GB and NI," not "England").
- He Is All Grown Up: England leaves young America to return to his country, telling the boy to do his best and become strong. When he comes back, England is shocked to find that America has grown to be taller than him. He has a similar nightmare about Sealand actually growing up and becoming a country.
- Only Sane Man: He
usuallysometimesoccasionally takes up this role with the Allies. Of course, 95% of the time, he's Not So Above It All. - Perpetual Frowner: Though not as much as your average perpetual frowner, you have to admit that Fanon and canon don't exactly depict him as the happiest person around.
- Pirate: A huge amount of fan-art depicts him during his swashbuckling, colonial past.
- Quintessential British Gentleman: He tries his best to be this...
- More like an Absolutely Invincible British Gentleman
- More like an Absolutely Invincible British Gentleman
- Real Men Wear Pink: He loves sewing and embroidering.
- Ron The Death Eater: He tends to be hit with this trope. Whether it's because he's in the way of the author's preferred pairing, the author wants to woobiefy a character connected to him, they want to make him more "historically accurate" or, it seems, simply because he's British, if a fanfic has an evil/depraved bastard and it's not Russia, chances are it's him.
- Sexy Secretary: Has one in the Hetalia Bloodbath 2010. Apparently he's the grandson of Howard, the British spy in the "Can't Escape From Italy" strips; he was immediately dubbed Workbitch Bartholomew by fans.
- Shirtless Scene: Had one in the Japanese Folklore episode (episode 30), taking his clothes off to take a hot bath. In the anime it was more ''sexy,'' and he was almost naked.
- Sitcom Archnemesis: With France.
- Student Council President: In Gakuen Hetalia.
- Spot Of Tea: England has a tea cup in his official art. America used to drink tea but has switched to coffee since The American Revolution.
- Not So Innocent Spot Of Tea: Pirates? Privateers? Savaging the Spanish fleet? Nothing to do with him.
- Strong Family Resemblance: Australia, Hong Kong, Wy and Sealand share his Big Ol Eyebrows. Curiously, America, Canada and Seychelles don't.
- Talking In Your Sleep: In public, even. "Did you wet your bed again, Ame—"
- Ukefication: He's another common victim of this treatment in fanworks, especially when it's paired off with the aforementioned derailing of him into a Love Martyr. Fandom even has a name for it - UKe (get it?).
- The Un Favorite: Among his older brothers (Scotland and presumably Wales and Ireland).
- Volleying Insults: England does this with France and America a lot.
- What Could Have Been: Himaruya originally considered giving him normal thin eyebrows, as well as making him an older man who attempted to dress trendy and younger. He changed his mind on the eyebrows after deciding he wanted them to mimic the brow patterns of a Shiba dog.
- What Do You Mean Its Not Awesome: In one episode, England invents machines for boiling the 'perfect egg' and brewing the 'perfect beer.' Nobody is very impressed.
- When He Smiles: During one of the Christmas strips where he's playing soccer with Germany during the war times, he has a genuine smile seen here
- The Woobie: During the America Cleans the Storage Room arc, it is shown at the end of The American Revolution England has an opportunity to overpower America and take him back. However, he cannot shoot his former charge and drops to his knees, sobbing.
- Workaholic: He seems to be this in the 2010 Bloodbath where he would rather work all night instead of celebrating Christmas.
Russia - Ivan Braginsky
I've always been alone, so it's great seeing everyone so alive. Besides, soon it'll be the last chance I can see their faces. Whenever I imagine how they'd look begging for mercy, I can't help but smile.
Voiced by: Yasuhiro Takato (JP), Jerry Jewell (EN)
- Adaptation Dye Job: His hair varies between being platinum blond or a golden-dark blond in manga artwork. The anime chose to render his hair in a beige tone (which it originally appeared as in trading card art).
- Beat Still, My Heart: In one strip, Russia's heart falls out onto the table. Apparently, this is something of a regular occurrence for him.
- Blessed With Suck: Russia has General Winter around all the time. He despises the constant bitter cold but during wartime Winter is on his side.
- Comedic Sociopathy: His insanity is always played for laughs.
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, as he's too childish to fully realize the impact of his worst actions. Derailed into Chaotic Evil in WAY too many fanfics.
- Creepy Awesome
- Despair Event Horizon: He reaches a breaking point in "Bloody Sunday", has a Freak Out and becomes a Yangire. It's speculated in fandom that he was driven even moretowards the edge by the fall and death of the Romanovs.
- Die For Our Ship: Blame his fanon status as a Memetic Molester and the way some shippers find it easy to exaggerate his Psychopathic Manchild traits to make him into aComplete Monster who tortures one half of their preferred pairing so that the other half can swoop in and provide hurt/comfort.
- Draco In Leather Pants: Subverted and played straight. See the main entry for details.
- Emoticon: Russia has his own, thanks to a Nico Nico Douga member:
- (^し^)
- (^J^) alternatively
- Evilly Affable: As much as he can be regarded as "evil," anyway.Estonia: Russia, it's not right to bully the weak!Russia: But it's so fun!
- Freudian Excuse: It's implied that he turned insane mainly because of his horrible history, which included him being implicitly tormented by General Winter during his childhood and witnessing many tragedies and wars.
- Husky Russkie: Russia is the tallest of the characters with a given height. His thick clothing caused one fan to ask the author if he's fat, and Russia responded "I'm big-boned." So, Russia is the largest character because:?
- It's Scary
- It's Russian
- It's accurate
- And everyone will become one with Russia anyway
- Jerk Ass Woobie: Yep, he abuses his subordinates like you wouldn't believe and it's seen as comedy. But the moment you learn why he's so fucked up, you can't help but want to hug him.
- His dream is to live in a nice warm place surrounded by sunflowers.
You can't help but want to hug him despite his insanity.
- His dream is to live in a nice warm place surrounded by sunflowers.
- I Am Big Boned: Could be the Trope Namer.
- Improbable Weapon User: His lead-pipe faucet-crowbar thing. His gender flipped self uses a shovel instead.
- Lighter And Softer: Himaruya's latest strips (and specially the Hetalia Bloodbath 2010) amp up his Adult Child quirks more than the Psychopathic Manchild ones. He was pretty harmless in the last Christmas/New Years special and got captured pretty easily, and his new profile
◊ mentions how he really wants to have more friends.
- Mad Love: Goes both ways, actually. He shows his obsession with Lithuania, the only one who seems to make him happy, through stalking and emotional and physical abuse. He's also on the receiving end of Mad Love when it comes to his little sister Belarus...
- Madness Mantra: His "kolkolkolkol" chant, referring to the "Kolkhoz".
- Moving into Epileptic Trees territory, it might also be a reference to a popular Russian riddle: turn the nonsensical word kolokolokolokola into a meaningful Russian phrase by inserting just two spaces. Since the riddle is unknown outside the Russian-speaking countries it is most likely just a coincidence (if anyone is interested, the correct answer is kol okolo kolokola, "a stake next to a bell").
- Master Of Disguise: You'll never know which panda he is.
- Memetic Molester: "Everyone will become one with Russia", indeed.
- Pet The Dog: The printed manga and the anime give him a genuine affection for Ukraine, as much as his insanity and childishness lets him.
- Psychopathic Manchild: Russia is described as having the cruelty of a child. He even has a high, childish voice. (To hammer the point home, as mentioned, he shares his VA with Gluttony from Full Metal Alchemist.)
- His voice is less high in the dub, probably to make him sound more Russian.
- His voice is also very deep during his Madness Mantra.
- See Lighter And Softer, tho
- Purple Eyes
- Russian Guy Suffers Most: Total inversion. The ones who suffer the most are those in his surroundings, not Russia himself.
- Can be seen as played straight, though, if you remember the "Bloody Sunday" strip. Or the strip about the White Sea Canal. Or the part where he was happy to be imprisoned by the enemy.
- Scarf Of Asskicking: He got it from Ukraine.
- Stepford Smiler: At one point, he sends England into a screaming fit of terror just by sitting and smiling pleasantly.
- Slasher Smile: After smiling calmly, Russia usually pulls this out by the end of a strip he's in.
- Tears Of Fear: He can only sob and make futile cries of "Go home!" when Belarus literally tears down his door to demand that they get married.
- Token Evil Teammate: Well, it depends on your definition of evil, but...
- The Big Guy: Inverts the third; Despite his size, looks nice and cute... and is everything mentioned above.
- Used To Be A Sweet Kid: According to his and his sisters's backstory and Volume 3, where he meets Lithuania as a kid.
- Might not be true, since Lithuania's dog was scared of him even then. He might have been just affable, as always.
- It's not confirmed that Lithuania's dog was scared of him. It may have barked because it recognized he was different from most children Lithuania came across, due to being a country as well. In the next panel, Lithuania says something along the lines of "Could he be like me?" as in a country rather than a human child.
- Vodka Drunkenski: "My favorite food would be pierogi It's my fuel, you see."
- What Could Have Been: According to volume 3, at first he had dark hair, was middle-aged, and a crybaby who completely changed when he drank alcohol.
- White Magic: The Orthodox Church curses Japan. It works.
- Woobie Conqueror of Worlds: By insisting that "all will become one with Russia". This trope is also played totally straight with him during the Bloody Sunday strip, in whichhe snaps and starts to mow down his own people on the grounds that, basically, "they're not really Russians if they don't love me".
- The Worf Effect: During the 2010 Bloodbath, he was one of the first nations taken out and kidnapped. And this is after General Winter was also defeated.
- Yandere and Yangire: Russia is nice one moment and the next....
France - Francis Bonnefoy
Geez, you guys... aren't there more vital things at hand than arguing? Like doing something with that tasteless uniform.
Voiced by: Masaya Onosaka (JP), J Michael Tatum (ENG)
- Adaptation Dye Job: His hair color in the manga varies between being a golden blond to a darker, almost brown shade. In the anime, it's a bright yellow-blond.
- Annoying Laugh: Oh honhonhonhon~
Just listen!
- Anything That Moves
- Big Brother Mentor: To N. Italy, albeit more of a Trickster Mentor, taking the place of N. Italy's actual big brother. He was even England's mentor back in the day, probably one of the reasons why England hates him so much now.
- He's very forgiving and occasionally protective of Italy despite the whole Fascist invasion thing. But he's still a bad influence.
- Biting The Handkerchief: In episode 10 of the webcast
- Bling Of War: France's WWI uniform. He tells America and England that their clothes are too drab, and they both retort "You're just too flashy!". He agrees when he realizes it draws sniper fire. (Truth In Television, actually.)
- Carpet Of Virility: He's actually the only character who has this when naked, to remark on his Lovable Sex Maniac nature.
- Conversely, his Cat Boy counterpart (France 23) does not have body hair at all. The Lovable Sex Maniac from his home seems to be Cat Boy America.
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
- Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys: England is quick to point out France's reputation for being inept at warfare.
- Die For Our Ship: While exaggeration of his Lovable Sex Maniac traits to Jerkass Rapist Monster levels thankfully doesn't happen on a regular basis, it still pops up occasionally in America/England (double is he's America's Evil Mentor in The American Revolution) and Prussia/Canada fanworks.
- Dude He's Like Really Sick: He comes close to molesting England while the latter is tired and has a bad cold. America walks in before anything happens, to France's irritation.
- "I found Prague!"
- Everyone Looks Sexier If French: To the point where it is lampshaded in this comic
- This is PROOF: APH--France Is a Sexy Bitch
- This is PROOF: APH--France Is a Sexy Bitch
- French Jerk: Considering the series, how could he not be this?
- Gratuitous French: Oh, so much in fanworks. Mon cher, anyone?
- La Resistance: His most tangible contribution to the allies is spying. Or possibly just freelance voyeurism, who knows?
- The Leisure Suit Larry: He's usually able to get further than most Larries, but none of the other countries find him remotely attractive.
- Handsome Lech: After all, Everyone Looks Sexier If French.
- Lovable Sex Maniac: And it's often played for laughs.
- Averted by his "cat boy twin" France 23: despite being naked all the time (since it's fashionable in his "home"), he becomes rather friendly once Sealand subjects him to Defeat Means Friendship.
- Manipulative Bastard: He attempts to be one. Whether it works or not, he has "a little bird"
to help him out. Naturally, he leads the way spreading nasty rumors about Germany.
- At his best, he almost pulled off a Divide And Conquer against the Habsburgs. Divide, but not quite conquer.
- Naked People Are Funny: Some of his antics. And mind you, he isn't content with being the only naked one during those moments. He devotes an entire Christmas specialto taking off characters' shirts (and a bit more).
- Perma Stubble: When young, he had his face perfectly clean. As he grew up, though, he developed this.
- Rape As Comedy: If in the same comic as another country, there's a good chance of this happening.
- Shotacon: He once gets impure thoughts upon seeing a more grown-up but still not fully "legal" North Italy. And this being France, it soon went into outright sexual harassment
- His attitude towards his ex-pupil and colony, Seychelles, can also be seen as quite loliconish.
- Generic Cuteness aside, Seychelles looks too old for it to be that.
- Not always.
- It still probably doesn't count if he only hits on her/gropes her when she's a teenager.
- Generic Cuteness aside, Seychelles looks too old for it to be that.
- His attitude towards his ex-pupil and colony, Seychelles, can also be seen as quite loliconish.
- Sitcom Archnemesis: The only surefire way to keep England out of your house is to invite France. America observes that after 900 years of war the only thing that keeps these two old timers going is antagonizing each other.
- Suck My Rose: He carries one in his official art. Another time, it's used to censor his privates.
- Supreme Chef: And tried to use his culinary skills to get baby!America to pick him over England, but failed. Later he also tried to bribe the kid into seeing him as a brother too, but though he liked his sweets, America was too used to England's bad food anyway.
- The Determinator: "Like... like Hell I'll die here!" Followed by a Roaring Rampage of Nudity.
- Too Kinky To Torture: After his April Fool's rampage, some of his victims capture him and attempt to humiliate him in retaliation... only to find that he actually enjoys most of their punishment. Until Sweden comes up with a Cool And Unusual Punishment, that is.
- What Could Have Been: France was originally planned as a straight stereotype of a completely suave character, and he would have had visible wrinkles and shorter hair. Like America, he actually appeared in the strips with some of those physical characteristics before the Art Evolution hit.
PR of C - Wang Yao
What ruckus, this? Ah, England, France, and America fighting again. These lands of Europe, they like fighting so very much.
Voiced by: Yuki Kaida (JP), Clarine Harp (EN)
- Adaptation Dye Job: Has black hair (most of the time) in the manga, but brown in the anime.
- Adult Child: Tries his best to act as a mentor to others, often giving out advice or nagging. When he's not, he's cheerfully playing with Shinatty and other cute things.
- Aiyaa Where Is My Respect Aru?!: A part of the drama track in China's character CD is about him trying to get the respect of Shinatty and his sister Taiwan and failing hilariously.Taiwan: Shut up teacher!China: T-Taiwan...!Taiwan: Please, you need to keep quiet when you’re in public areas like this! If you’re too noisy, you’ll scare away all the birds and make the flowers die...Shinatty: Please forgive us; the old man’s gone a bit crazy, he was having flashbacks about his childhood!China: I’m not an old man! I’m young, cool, and hip!Taiwan: ‘Cool and hip?’ That just dates you even more...
- Badass Adorable: Especially in the anime. See Cute Bruiser below.
- Bishonen: China has the swishiest style of all the characters, especially when he draws himself. He's also fairly artistic.
- Bland Name Product: Some of these are justified as his cheap knock-offs.
- The author thinks China's real-life Hello Kitty dolls have been given a Psychotic Smirk.
- Broken Bird: China can easily be seen as a rare male example. Considering how long he's lived, what's he's lived through and how much the actual country itself has suffered throughout the years, fangirls don't hesitate to put him in this position.
- Or alternatively, he can be seen as a Broken Hero, considering how he manages to remain relatively cheerful and upbeat even after everything he's gone through (hedoes angst about his problems from time to time, but it never really overtakes his character).
- Butt Monkey
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good.
- Cool Old Guy: Being a 4000 year old man, China certainly qualifies. Come on! The guy can fight with a wok!
- Crossdressing Voices: The only one among the eight main characters voiced by a female.
- Cute Bruiser: In the anime. "Aiyaaaa! I'm gonna kick your ass!"
- In episode 28 of the World Series, he proves able to punch through a wall with eleven chops, kick through another one with just one kick and even visibly crack a third one with just his head before America stops him.
- Darker And Edgier: Like in the case of England, some of his portrayals in fanwork can gravitate towards this, sometimes reaching Manipulative Bastard or Smug Snakeextremes.
- Ron The Death Eater: The portrayals of Imperial China or Red China are sometimes by the lines of a borderline Complete Monster or insane Yandere / Yangire. If not a downright Abusive Parent who sexually abuses his siblings, specially child or teen Japan.
- Jerk Sympathetic Sue: Sometimes portrayed as this in Russia/China fanwork. Note to these fanworkers: it's good that you don't want Ukefication to take place, but making China a bitter Jerk Ass who whines all the time about being abandoned by everyone but Russia is NOT a viable solution.
- Drowning My Sorrows: China is once seen at a bar, drinking and crying about his relationship with Japan to Russia.
- Dude Looks Like A Lady / Viewer Gender Confusion: Lampshaded in his entry on the official character chart: "The only female member of the Allies. Not."
- Everythings Cuter With Kittens: Shinatty-chan!
- Fan Nickname: Frequently referred to as Nii-Ni (a play on the Japanese word for 'Big Brother', Oniisan) in the Japanese fanbase.
- Fish Out Of Water: Like his brother Japan, he feels alienated sometimes in regards to the Allies.
- Wok Of Doom: In the webcast.
- Good Scars Evil Scars: He has a single but large one across his back, after Japan injures him with his katana and leaves. We see it when he gets a massage from Korea.
- Freudian Slip: There is a running joke in the Japanese fandom that China sung "Netto Chinko" (internet penis) instead of "Netto Jinko" (internet population) in his character song "Hello China".
- Immortal Immaturity: He's a 4000 year old Hello Kitty fan.
- Only Sane Man: He reaches this some of the time and can act like the voice of reason for the Allies, usually when England proves that he's Not So Above It All and Not So Different.
- Pandaing To The Audience: He loves his pandas. To the point of having a birthmark of one on his butt.
- Parental Substitute: He's an older brother figure to the East Asian nation-tans, rather than adoptive father.
- Picky Eater: Inverted. China's Trademark Favorite Food is variety; considering the different types of Chinese cuisine, this can be seen as Truth In Television.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Even if you don't take the Magic Realism stance, China's profile describes him as being 4000 years old.
- Red Armband Of Leadership: In certain portrayals he wears a uniform with a red armband...of leadership.
- Shes A Man In Japan: Parodied by the dub: "China, you're a chick?"
- Third Option Love Interest: Is often viewed as this to Russia by fans, as an alternative to the Yandere Love Triangle-ness of Lithuania and Belarus. It's somewhat supported by Russia having stalked China in a panda suit, comforted China about Japan in his own...unique way, and invited China to live with him after the Boxer Rebellion in canon. Hey, as far as Russia's relationships go, this is practically him being nice to China.
- Verbal Tic: China ends most of his sentences with "aru", which is derived from a Japanese stereotype of Chinese people. When talking to England (for example in the Britannia Angel strip) "aru" sometimes changes to "ahen" which means "opium".
- This is actually Truth In Television, as adding 'ar' onto the ends of sentences is one of the most prominent features of the Beijing dialect of Mandarin.
- What Could Have Been: According to volume 3 he originally had short hair, glasses, and was more like Austria in personality.
- What Measure Is A Non Badass: Some fans have ragged on China for his "girly looks" and "girly voice". Even though the guy has fricking super strength and martial skillsin the anime.
- Who Wants To Live Forever: China's profile lists him as four-thousand years old and immortal, so this characterization is popular fanon. Also his character song "Aiyaa Four-Thousand Years" seems to take this stance.
- With Friends Like These: Even when the Allies start getting Japan off his back, they still keep picking on him. There's also a webcomic strip that shows England, France and Russia "comforting" him after the Boxer Rebellion by saying that he should give them territory or live with them.
- Talking To Himself: Kaida-san also voices Taiwan in the Drama CD.
- The Woobie: He never seems to get any respect, not even from his younger siblings.
- Tear Jerker: His damn Image Song "Aiyaa Four Thousand Years". Don't believe me? Read the lyrics
- Tear Jerker: His damn Image Song "Aiyaa Four Thousand Years". Don't believe me? Read the lyrics
- Yandere: While Japan is the Asian most frequently portrayed as one in fanon, there's more than one fanart (mostly on Pixiv) and fanfic (and not just kink meme fills) that have China becoming one over his siblings's departures. Hong Kong and Taiwan are the most common fanon targets of his obsession: one memorable fic has a drug-addicted China raping Taiwan in an Opium Den, and another shows him sexually assaulting Hong Kong right after the Hand-Over Ceremony from 1997.
- Occasionally portrayed as this in China/England fanworks, where he forces an ukefied England to go through footbinding and dress up in imperial lady clothes.
- And don't forget the China/Japan fanworks (specially J-Fen fanarts) where China is a pedophile Bastard Boyfriend to a completely ukefied Japan.
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