Characters: Metal Gear |
The most popular Stealth Based Game series going, Metal Gear is known in part for extremely talky characters who have a tendency to philosophize under heavy fire. Oh, and just about all of them suffer from huge psychological issues.
Main Series
Solid Snake ("!")
The star of the Metal Gear series, Solid Snake is an infiltration specialist whose exploits usually revolve around destroying the titular Metal Gears, nuclear-armed Humongous Mecha whose very existence shifts the balance of power in the world dramatically. Through this, he becomes entangled in a massive web of control and deceit centered around The Patriots, a shadowy Ancient Conspiracy (at least, as ancient as they get in America) whose semi-cliched goal, to Take Over The World, is made more chilling by the fact that, given today's technology, they could probably do it. (If they haven't already.)- Akio Ohtsuka
- Alliterative Codename
- Anti Hero: Arguably a Type IV in the first Solid game (With the strong implication of flirting with Type V) and eventually becomes a Type III.
- Baby Got Back
- Badass
- Badass Mustache - In MGS4.
- Badass Normal - Who is able to take on a world of cyborgs, psychics and supernaturally empowered warriors and win.
- Technically he's a Badass Abnormal, as he was a clone of Big Boss and not a natural human being.
- He brought down a Hind-D helicopter by himself, piloted by a guy who used it to take down two F-16s. And he took out a tank by himself.
- Blood Knight - He is heavily implied in Metal Gear Solid by Liquid Snake, Psycho Mantis, and Meryl Silverburgh (and she's one of the good guys, to boot) to enjoy killing and battle, and in Psycho Mantis's case, is arguably worse than Liquid Snake.
- Iron Woobie
- One Man Army
- Pop Cultured Badass - If "Sons of Liberty" is anything to go by, he's a fan of Escape From New York.
- Retired Badass - He's dragged out of retirement in Metal Gear 2 and ''Metal Gear Solid".
- Be All My Sins Remembered - He does not like it when someone calls him a hero.
- Big Brother Mentor - To Raiden
- Charles Atlas Superpower
- Child Soldier: Arguably one, as he was raised within the Military.
- Cloning Blues
- Cool Old Guy - To some extent...
- The Danza - Voiced by David Hayter in English, although he is an unintentional example.
- Defrosting Ice King - part of his "Metal Gear Solid" character arc.
- Determinator: Oh god yes. He crawls out of a microwave hallway WITH HIS FINGERTIPS!
- Eighties Hair: God, that mullet...
- Slightly less mullety in the second game, more just generally longish and held back by the bandanna. It's most obviously such while disguised as Plisken and not wearing said bandanna. But he is totally rocking the old man mullet in MGS4.
- Eyepatch Of Power - The Solid Eye System.
- Female Gaze - Mmm, Snake's ass...
- Although it could be argued that the far, far higher male audience makes his sex appeal much more Even The Guys Want Him focused, as opposed to being designed to appeal to females.
- Good Is Not Nice
- Knight In Sour Armor - Quite possibly the best example in gaming.
- Lawful Good —> Neutral Good - See the latter's entry.
- Made Of Iron
- Magnetic Hero
- Messianic Archetype
- Military Brat: A rare literal example, as not only is he "related" to someone in the Military (Big Boss, he's a clone of him), but according to the novelization for Metal Gear Solid as well as implied in the source material and Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, he was raised within the military from a very early age.
- Psycho For Hire: See Blood Knight above, most specifically Liquid Snake's line about Solid Snake enjoying all the killing when on REX.
- Shell Shocked Veteran
- Sliding Scale Of Anti Heroes: The lowest he has gone to is Type II, but it is heavily implied in Metal Gear Solid that he has flirted with Type V.
- Smoking Is Cool - Until he finally quits in the fourth game.
- Tall Dark And Snarky
- Typhoid Mary - He unknowingly carries the FOXDIE virus, engineered to kill the members of FOXHOUND.
- Warrior Poet
- Zen Survivor
Big Boss/Naked Snake
... Yes, he is wearing clothes. Usually.After saving the world from nuclear armageddon back in 1964, a man named John is christened "Big Boss" by America for slaying his teacher and adoptive mother, known as The Boss, from whom he also inherits the title of "The Greatest Warrior of The Twentieth Century."
Originally the Big Bad of the first two Metal Gear games, Big Boss undergoes a massive dose of Character Development during his stint as a Player Character, becoming more of a Tragic Hero.
- Akio Ohtsuka - His voice in Snake Eater, Portable Ops, Peace Walker, and his motion capture actor in Guns of the Patriots.
- Alliterative Codename
- A Father To His Men
- Badass
- Badass Back (some of his CQC moves allow for these moments)
- Badass Beard
- Badass Normal (much like his son)
- Badass Grandpa (in his later years)
- Four Star Badass (sometime after MGS3)
- Iron Woobie
- One Man Army
- Retired Badass (between MGS3 and Portable Ops)
- Bi The Way: With Paz and Miller. However, YMMV on whether that was intended to be canon or not, as the dating events weren't referenced anywhere else in the game.
- Plus, it is also quite debatable as to whether he has any interest in the same sex, as he seemed quite reluctant to disguise himself as Raikov when he learned of his possible relationship with Volgin, attempted to push Volgin away when the latter grabbed his balls (and thus blew his cover), and in the pre-mission briefing for the dating Kaz mission, he seemed quite confused and taken aback by Kaz's suggestion that they watch the sunset between the two of them.
- Blood Knight: One of his primary reasons for creating Outer Heaven, and later, Zanzibar Land, was to give him and his soldiers a place where they can go to war endlessly, due to the fact that he only ever felt truly alive when fighting in a war. He did originally intend and, more importantly, attempt to live his life peacefully after Operation Snake Eater (namely as an instructor or a hunting guide), but he ended up dragged back onto the Battlefield.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer (the man is a total geek over his guns and cardboard boxes)
- Chikao Ohtsuka - His voice in Guns of the Patriots.
- Composite Character - Make out of the coolest equal parts of John J Rambo and Commander James Bond.
- And in his later years, Sean Connery.
- Cool Old Guy
- Dark Messiah
- Even The Guys Want Him - And HOW!
- Extreme Omnivore - The first question he asks of any wildlife is how it tastes.
- Surprisingly averted by Big Boss in Portable Ops, when he actually declines on attempting to hunt for food during the San Hieronymo Takeover because he and his men have more than enough food with them as it is.
- Eyepatch Of Power
- Fallen Hero
- Final First Hug - With Solid "David" Snake
- Good Looking Privates
- Go Out With A Smile
- Grandpa What Massive Hotness You Have
- Hes Just Hiding
- I Got Better
- I Was Quite A Looker
- Jack Attack
- Kill The Ones You Love
- Knight Templar - In the first two games...
- Lawful Good —> Lawful Evil (Type 2)
- Made Of Iron
- Medal Of Dishonor - Awarded for murdering The Boss to save America's face.
- Made even more so when it is later made apparent that the reason that The Boss had to die didn't even to do with saving America's face and that a certain member of the American Government wanted her offed from the start, and actually manipulated the events of the ending of the Virtuous Mission just so there could be an excuse to send Naked Snake in to kill The Boss.
- Magnetic Hero
- Memetic Sex God: EVERYONE is gay for Big Boss!
- Redemption Equals Death
- Slasher Smile (Seen in MGS3 during the Virtuous Mission, when about to shoot down a hornets nest around some KGB soldiers.)
- Shell Shocked Veteran
- Smoking Is Cool - Heck, he even smoke while he's dying, even lampshading it saying: It's good isn't it?
- Snake I Am Your Father
- Tall Dark And Handsome
- Tragic Hero
- Unfortunate Name: Although his codename, Naked Snake, was intended to be a reference to the fact that he doesn't have any equipment or weapons on him besides for the clothes on his back, some characters in the sequels seem to misinterpret it as meaning that the codename meant that he was literally naked when he got it.
- Zen Survivor
Ocelot is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, and is known for his distinctive style of shooting a Single Action Army pistol (which he loves to reload), love of cowboy movies, love of torture, and ridiculous hand gestures. He also apparently works for the Patriots, but for all we know he actually has an entirely different agenda. He is also a major fixture of the series, being the only character to appear in five of the six Play Station games released as of yet.- Artificial Limbs
- Awesome Anachronistic Apparel - His gunslinger outfit at Shadow Moses.
- Awesomeness By Analysis He learned CQC this way!
- Badass
- Breakout Villain: Very few people who finished the first Metal Gear Solid when it came out expected him to be anything more than Solidus Snake's lackey in the sequel.
- But Not Too Foreign: His father is Russian and his mom is American. Both are soldiers, and he was born
in Francewhile his mother STORMED THE BEACH OFNORMANDY. - Chronic Backstabbing Disorder - Trope Namer
- Cool Old Guy
- Determinator (in regards to his actions in MGS3, he is this trope incarnate)
- Double Agent
- Gay Cowboy - Loves revolvers, Spaghetti Westerns, and Big Boss.
- He was implied to also have some sort of attraction to Sniper Wolf before attempting to torture Snake, so it's more like Bi cowboy.
- Extremely debatable (as everything about Ocelot is), considering Ocelot's nature.
- Gayngster
- Good All Along
- Good Looking Privates - In MGS3
- Gun Twirling
- Hard Gay - More like Hard Bi, seeing how he implies that he might have some sort of attraction to Sniper Wolf, who is evidentally female.
- Improbable Aiming Skills - 6 men with M60A rifles, one Ocelot with a Colt Single action... the odds are even.
- Even? Pity the six dead riflemen.
- I Was Quite A Looker
- Koji Totani - Japanese voice
- Takumi Yamazaki - Japanese voice for his young self.
- Banjo Ginga - Japanese voice in MGS4 due to Totani's death
- Large Ham
- Magnificent Bastard
- Meaningful Titles: Ocelot uses Revolver, Major or Liquid before his Codename.
- "Major" isn't actually part of his codename, so much as its actually his rank.
- Memory Gambit
- Military Brat
- Never Got To Say Goodbye
- No Celebrities Were Harmed - Based on Spaghetti Western actor Lee Van Cleef.
- Redemption Equals Death
- Revolvers Are Just Better
- Single Target Sexuality
- Stalker With A Crush - To Naked Snake/Big Boss
- Torture Technician
- Worthy Opponent - Constantly seeks a warrior as great as Big Boss to test his skills.
- Zen Survivor
Liquid Snake
The leader of FOXHOUND and Shadow Moses Island, Liquid is the second of the "Sons of the Boss" introduced. He has a major complex about Solid Snake, and was told for his entire life that he inherited Big Boss' recessive genes in order that Solid Snake could get the dominant ones, when in fact the reverse was true. Word Of God says he isn't naturally blond. Word Of God previously said Snake was, and is generally unreliable.- Bad Ass Longcoat
- Badass Longhair
- Banjo Ginga - Japanese voice
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Blood Knight - Happily accepts it, unlike his brother.
- Cain And Abel - To Snake.
- Cam Clarke - English voice
- Evil Brit
- Evil Counterpart
- Evil Twin
- Implacable Man - It's insane what the guy can survive.
- Large Ham
- Military Brat: Was the clone of Big Boss as well as raised within the British Military as implied in Peace Walker.
- The Pawn
- Shadow Archetype
- Virtual Ghost
- Walking Shirtless Scene
- Well Done Son Guy
- You Fail Biology Forever
Raiden came into existence out of Kojima's desire to show the main character Snake from a different perspective by making him not the player character, but no one got it. He got put through Hell and back, realized his entire life was a lie, was groped by the president, had to kill his father figure and be lied to by the man he admired, but gained no sympathy. As an apology to all the fans who were angered by having to play as a wimp Kojima created a helpless lookalike by the name of Ivan Raidenovich Raikov in Metal Gear Solid 3, who he put through all sorts of humiliation. He seriously improves in Metal Gear Solid 4..- Artificial Limbs - Not just his limbs, but his entire body save for his head and spine. His blood is artificial too.
- Ascended Fanboy
- Badass - Even before the fourth game, he was one.
- Badass Angster - In the fourth game.
- Badass Longcoat - Wears one in the fourth game. A lot.
- Bishonen
- Child Soldier
- Determinator
- Expy: Weirdly invoked. Most of MGS2 consisted of the Patriots trying to make him another Solid Snake, and for that they had to make his character and experiences match Snake's as closely as possible.
- Ironically, he himself gains an expy in the form of Major Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov in Metal Gear Solid 3, and arguably with Gray Fox in Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops(although whether Gray Fox was intended to be an expy of Raiden or not is debatable, given that even in his appearances prior to his death, he had similar looking up to Big Boss that Raiden did to Solid Snake.
- Heroic Sacrifice - Subverted in Act Four of the fourth game, but the act cost him his arms, making him a..
- Handicapped Badass - becomes this in the latter parts of the fourth game. But thanks to reconstructive surgery, He Got Better.
- Hot Shoujo Dad - In the fourth game. The Reveal also serves as his Crowning Moment Of Heartwarming.
- Jack Attack
- Katanas Are Just Better - So much that, despite having a gun strapped to his leg throughout the fourth game, he never once uses it. (Ironically, his sword is not a katana at all, but rather a straight-bladed ninjato.)
- Kenyuu Horiuchi - Japanese voice
- Lightning Bruiser - In MGS4.
- Neutral Good
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot
- One Man Army
- Quinton Flynn - English voice
- Replacement Scrappy
- Shock And Awe - I'm Lightning. The Rain Transformed..
- Supporting Protagonist: Of MGS2
- Took A Level In Badass
- Tykebomb
- What Measure Is A Non Badass - Just see the page.
- White Haired Pretty Boy - A heroic example.
- The Woobie
- Zen Survivor
An anime fanboy (so much so that his codename is based off an anime convention) Otacon is the designer of Metal Gear Rex, though he had no idea it was going to be used to launch nukes. After learning the truth, he vows to help Snake stop Metal Gear at all costs, and really becomes an Ascended Fanboy.- Adorkable
- Ambiguously Jewish
- Ascended Fanboy
- Badass Labcoat
- Cake Eater: This is not something he would be proud of as it is a very tragic experience for him. He had an affair with his step-mother and his father caught him in the actand committed suicide by drowning himself in the pool. Unfortunately, he accidentally dragged Emma along with him, causing her Hydrophobia.
- Cartwright Curse: This man is not lucky in love. He accumulates Tear Jerkers the way Snake collects CMoAs.
- Dead Little Sister - Emma "E.E." Emmerich
- Hideyuki Tanaka - His Japanese voice.
- Hollywood Nerd - An interesting case of this: in the original game, he looked very much a nerd with messy hair and a weak deposition. In Sons of Liberty, he was designed a bit tougher, and his Character Development showed through. In Guns of the Patriots, Otacon becomes a full-out Hot Scientist who got it on with Naomi.
- Heterosexual Life Partners - With Snake
- Lovable Nerd - and an effective foil against Snake's gruff hypercompetence.
- Though the downside is, that means he never gets a CMoA, despite being the next-main character after Snake himself.
- Meganekko - A male example thereof.
- Mission Control
- My God What Have I Done - The reason he joined Snake.
- Nerds Are Sexy - Especially in the fourth game.
- Neutral Good
- Nice Guy
- Non Action Guy
- Occidental Otaku
- The Woobie - AND HOW!!
Solidus Snake
In the first Metal Gear Solid, Solidus shows up in The Stinger at the end of the game in the role of the U.S. President, and is a major character in the second game. He's the third of Big Boss' clones, an agent of the Patriots, and Raiden's adopted father. He was once the 43rd President under the alias of George Sears, but is forced to resign from office after his involvement with Metal Gear REX and the Genome Project soldiers becomes public, as he'd before advocated against genetic engineering, and becomes a terrorist with the group The Sons of Liberty.- Akio Ohtsuka
- Alas Poor Villain
- Alliterative Codename
- Badass - He took out three Metal gear RAYs with just a submachine gun! That is cool.
- Dual Wielding
- Eyepatch Of Power - Subverted.
- Fate Worse Than Death - See The Pawn
- Lawful Evil
- Named Weapons - His katana and wakizashi set (i.e. daishou), Minshuto ("Democrat") and Kyowato ("Republican").
- Possibly, the swords that come with the Powered Armors in the setting are also made by Tokugawa Heavy Industries.
- The Pawn - In MGS4, his corpse is used as decoy for Big Boss' body. He was also an unwitting pawn in Metal Gear Solid 2, as it turned out that he was actually helping the Patriots without his even realizing it until Ocelot made it clear.
- Papa Wolf: Let's just say that he did not take it well when he learned that the Patriots had wiped Raiden's memory, and probably took him from him.
- President Evil
- Well Intentioned Extremist
Gray Fox
Gray Fox is the only member of Foxhound ever to receive the Code Name of Fox, and not without good reason. Born to German/American and Vietnamese parents, Frank Jaeger had to grow up in harsh conditions. Originally a child soldier, he was one of the deadliest people on earth at just the tender age of eleven. He was then rescued by Big Boss, but then experimented on to become an even better soldier. After a series of complicated events, he ends up supporting Big Boss and Outer Heaven, and then nearly dies, and is turned into the Cyborg Ninja. As the Ninja, Fox helps his old buddy Solid Snake one last time in Shadow Moses to take down Metal Gear REX.- Back From The Dead - Unfortunately, thanks to Liquid, goes back on being dead - for good.
- Badass (look, anyone who has an action scene in these games is a Badass)
- Blood Knight - Not necessarily enjoying battle, but he does feel as though he needs war, as he isn't able to function in society if he is deprived of it.
- Child Soldier - Most of his origin story entails this, as early as someone working at a work camp in the early stages of the Vietnam War to as late as being deployed in the Mozambician War of Independence, and later experimented upon.
- Cyber Cyclops - His helmet does have eyeslits, but the big orange light in between draws most of the attention.
- Hey Its That Voice - In Twin Snakes, that's Yakko Warner who's itching for a rematch with Snake.
- It's also a case of Playing Against Type, since he usually does comedic roles.
- I Got Better: Subverted: While he did ultimately survive Zanzibar Land, he also was recovered by a cleanup crew belonging to the Patriots and was experimented on by turning him into a cyborg ninja, and the process was heavily implied to be quite horrific and very, very painful. In fact, not only was he used as a guinea pig for the Cyborg Ninja project, but also the gene-therapy project as well, and had to be sedated with drugs for four months as they experimented on him. Also, at least two instances where Gray Fox encountered Snake before his final hurrah, he also spazzed out and seemed in pain, with the second time screaming for medicene as he was losing himself.
- I Have Many Names - The only Metal Gear character to have more aliases than any of the Snakes or Ocelot (Frank Jaeger, Frank Hunter, Gray Fox, Deepthroat, Null, the Ninja)
- Kaneto Shiozawa - Japanese voice
- Jun Fukuyama - Japanese voice for his young self
- Katanas Are Just Better
- Meaningful Name (his surname is German for Hunter, as in Naomi Hunter's older brother, and is in itself derived from a common tactic he employed as a child soldier by stabbing the Portugese soldiers with a single knife when they let their guard down.)
- Also, his codename during Portable Ops was Null, which is the German word for Zero and is meant to exemplify that he was a lost number in an unethical CIA project for creating the Perfect Soldier, due to being the Sole Survivor and Sole Success of the project.
- My Hero Zero - He is known as Null in his youth during Portable Ops (Null is German for Zero).
Voiced by Jun Fukuyama.. hmm.. - My Master Right Or Wrong: Justified due to Big Boss saving his life twice (arguably three, if one does not count Vietnam and counts the two times he saved him in Portable Ops).
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot
- Psycho Prototype - Kind of: While not quite a prototype, it is known that he was the only successful test subject in the Perfect Soldier Project, as most of the other test subjects died from the procedure.
- Retcon - His origin story in Portable Ops practically contradicts the original origin in Metal Gear 2.
- Not exactly, the closest to it being a retcon is Big Boss saving Gray Fox. It's still likely that he was still born in Vietnam and he was used in a work camp before being transferred to Mozambique for its war for independence. Plus, one must also take note that the Mozambician War of Independence and the Mozambician Civil War are two different wars.
- The Other Darrin - In Metal Gear Solid, Fox was voiced by Gregg Eagles, who also did the DARPA Chief. In Twin Snakes, Fox was voiced by Rob Paulsen.
- Too Cool To Live - Twice for the matter.
- Tykebomb
- The Woobie
The Patriots
A nebulous, possibly ancient conspiracy introduced in Metal Gear Solid 2. They secretly manipulate American politics and media, and use the "GW" AI to censor and control information flow. The events of the Big Shell incident are a test to extend this control to human thought with Raiden as the test subject. The Patriots themselves may or may not be: A group of 12 people who have been dead for 100 years, a sentient white house, or sentient internet memes. Metal Gear Solid 4 reveals the truth behind The Patriots. They were founded by Big Boss, Major Zero, Ocelot, Eva, Sigint, and Para-medic some time after Portable Ops, and perpetuated by 5 AIs: GW, TJ, AL, TR, and JD. (the first 4 being named after the initials of the Presidents on Mount Rushmore and the latter one meaning "John Doe")- AI Is A Crapshoot
- Ancient Conspiracy - Subverted. They were actually formed in the 1970s and only used the real Ancient Conspiracy, The Philosophers, as a cover story.
- The Chessmasters - Obviously, as they instigated the events of Metal Gear Solid 2, and were also heavily implied to have had a hand in instigating the events of Metal Gear Solid in Nastasha Romanenko's book.
- Complete Monsters - The Patriots A Is qualify beyond a doubt. See their entry in VideoGames for more details.
- Mission Control - Except for Ocelot, all founding members served as one. Big Boss in the original game, Zero, Para-Medic, SIGINT and EVA during MGS3, though EVA is not an official part of the FOX crew.
- Moral Event Horizon - Each of them crossed it at one point or another, and that's just with the human founders. Going by the A Is, the A Is probably were already on the other side in a very short time, especially given the fact that not only were they the ones who masterminded the Manhattan Incident as well as the mess that was the War Economy, but the Head AI also implied to Raiden that they viewed humanity as nothing more than tools and weapons for them to discard once they no longer serve a use.
- Omniscient Council Of Vagueness
- Playing With Syringes - Responsible for both Les Enfants Terribles and turning Gray Fox into the Cyborg Ninja.
- Redemption Equals Death -Well, at least for Big Boss, Ocelot and EVA...
- The Scottish Trope: the Patriots have programmed everybody's Nanomachines with the same blindspot: whenever you try to say, "The Patriots," your vocal cords actually produce, "The La-li-lu-le-lo." If you have nanomachines in you, you Can Not Spit It Out. ("La-li-lu-le-lo" can be seen as the Japanese equivalent to "X-Y-Z".)
- Two Guys And A Girl - When the group was torn into two factions with the six founding members being divided into two groups consisting of the trope to lead each.
- Sensitive Guy And Manly Man - Zero and SIGINT could be the sensitive guys to Big Boss and Ocelot's manly men. The trope is also present within the pairs with SIGINT being the sensitive guy to Zero's manly man, while Ocelot is to Big Boss'.
- Tomboy And Girly Girl - EVA and Para-Medic respectively.
Meryl Silverburgh
The niece of Roy Campbell (later revealed to be his daughter), Meryl always dreamt of being in the military and living up to her heroes in FOXHOUND. She is the former love interest of Snake, and they broke up for reasons unknown. She later made a comeback in MGS4 and became a lot more competent and tougher. She also married Johnny Sasaki.- Action Girl
- Baby Got Back
- Chaotic Good
- Debi Mae West - The role that made her famous.
- Daddys Girl - Averted, her legal father died while she was very young, and she never actually knew that her birthfather was actually her uncle until after the events of Metal Gear Solid. Even after that, Meryl ends up having an estranged, non-talking relationship with her father because he married a brunette woman who was young enough to be his daughter by the time of Metal Gear Solid 4 (not knowing that the marriage was actually a sham to protect the woman and her kid from the Patriots, as they won't use them as leverage for Raiden). It wasn't until the ending where Meryl marries Johnny Sasaki/Akiba that she and Campbell even start having a decent conversation.
- Fetish Fuel - Multiple shots of her shapely butt, which actually becomes a plot point during the first game. Wiggle wiggle!
- Hartman Hips
- Heroes Want Redheads - Subverted: Meryl and Snake break up shortly after Shadow Moses.
- Meryl Debuted In Policenauts - Not that you'd know it if you weren't Japanese.
- Military Brat
- Plucky Girl
- Took A Level In Badass
- Tsundere
- Victorias Secret Compartment
Mei Ling
A girl on Snake's Mission Control, she is a teenage prodigy and tech wiz who developed the Soliton Radar and the Codec. She frequently quotes proverbs to lift Snake's spirits up. She later becomes a Naval officer in the fourth game.- Action Survivor
- The Captain - In the fourth game.
- Chinese Girl, though she may or may not have an accent depending on which dub you're playing.
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Houko Kuwashima
- Lawful Good
- Mission Control
- Not Even Bothering With The Accent: Inverted. Although she does have a legitimate, if not slightly exaggerated Chinese accent, it also goes into odds with the fact that she was actually born and raised in America.
- Teen Genius - In the original MGS.
Roy Campbell
A rather amiable man, driven by duty and Snake's commanding officer, Campbell has been around for a long time. He's an old friend of Big Boss' and helped him defeating Gene in Portable Ops before helping establish FOXHOUND. He then fought Zanzibarland againstwith Snake, and then was forced to pull Snake out of retirement for the Shadow Moses takeover.- Badass
- Badass Normal (Seen best during Portable Ops Plus)
- Cool Old Guy
- Chivalrous Pervert: In a few radio calls in Portable Ops, Campbell will often give advice to soldiers on how to land them chicks when asking him for advice, for which the subject matter, although initially similar, actually turns out to be quite different (namely it pertains to the battlefield). He also gave similar advice to Big Boss when giving advice to commanding soldiers. He also gave up an opportunity to go out with a woman he was attracted to for his brother's sake, which served as the reason why he joined the Green Berets in the first place.
- Dirty Old Man - Subverted: While he did apparently marry Rosemary, someone young enough to be his daughter in Snake's own words, he actually faked the marriage in order to protect her as well as Little John, the son of Rosemary and Raiden, from the Patriots.
- I Was Quite A Looker
- Lawful Good - He's a genuinely good man who believes in the system, but isn't afraid to breach authority for the sake of innocent lives.
- Mission Control
- Running Joke: See Chivalrous Pervert
- Shout Out / Expy - His design was inspired directly from Colonel Trautman from Rambo.
- Takeshi Aono
Naomi Hunter
A geneticist with a past even she's not completely sure of, Naomi was chosen to support Snake during the Shadow Moses mission to provide feedback on the Genome Soldiers. She has her own agendas, which included injecting Snake with the biological weapon FOXDIE to kill the FoxHound members, which would then kill Snake himself later. It turns out she did it because she was Gray Fox's adopted sister and she wanted revenge (Although Liquid also mentions that the Pentagon ordering her to do so had something to do with it as well). But later, she redeemed herself in the fourth game.- Absolute Cleavage: in MGS4.
- Face Heel Revolving Door
- Hiromi Tsuru: Her Japanese voice
- Hot Scientist
- Inconsistent Dub: In the original English version of Metal Gear Solid, Naomi was given a vaguely British sounding accent. When the dialogue was redubbed for theGameCube remake, Naomi was given a more neutral accent which was also used for Metal Gear Solid 4. Actually, she's from Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.
- Jennifer Hale: English voice actress.
- Hey Its That Voice: She and Emma share the same voice actress.
- Ill Girl - She is revealed to have cancer in the fourth game. The only reason she's alive is because of specialized Nanomachines keeping it in check.
- Intergenerational Friendship - With Sunny.
- Kick The Dog
- Redemption Equals Death
- Tall Dark And Bishoujo
- TV Genius: she's a geneticist, but she still knows a lot about computers and hacking if the fourth game is to be believed...
- What The Hell Hero: She calls out Snake for his role in Gray Fox's situation.
A Romanian who has a penchant for knives and a taste for blood, Vamp is a tough cookie, being apparently immortal. He was once involved with Commander Scott Dolph before later becoming close with Dolph's daughter Helena/Fortune. In the fourth game, he begins to look for a Worthy Opponent who can finally finish him - Raiden.- Beard Of Evil
- Chaotic Evil
- Dance Battler - flamenco with knives.
- Death Seeker - In the fourth game.
- Depraved Bisexual
- Draco In Leather Pants - Let's just leave it at that.
- Even Evil Has Standards - Vamp was not too pleased when learning about Fatman's attempt at bombing the Big Shell afterwards.
- Knife Nut
- Licking The Blade
- Lightning Bruiser
- Made Of Iron
- Moral Event Horizon - His pointlessly cruel murder of poor Emma Emmerich, Otacon's adorable little sister.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed - His design is modeled on flamenco dancer Joaquin Cortes.
- Nanomachines - The reason for his apparent immortality.
- Our Vampires Are Different - In this case, our vampires are nanomachine packing bisexuals who also are somehow able to withstand sunlight.
- Phil La Marr
- Ryotaro Okiayu
- What Could Have Been - Vamp was originally supposed to be envisioned as a woman, but for some reason, his gender was changed in development. Also, he was originally supposed to be, similar to a real life Vampire, afraid of the crucifix, although it was mostly due to the trauma he experienced when the church he was attending in Romania was bombed with him and his family in it, where he actually was impaled by one.
An American spy who defected to the USSR, sent to help Naked Snake during Operation Snake Eater. It turned out, however, that she was working with the Chinese in an attempt to obtain the Philosopher's Legacy. She later joins The Patriots and serves as the surrogate mother for the "Les Enfants Terrible" project. She also shows up again in Metal Gear Solid 4, this time with the code name "Big Mama"- Absolute Cleavage
- Badass (Just watch some of the awesome she pulls off with her Mauser)
- Bond Girl
- Double Agent
- Grandma What Massive Hotness You Have
- Honey Trap
- Misa Watanabe
- Ms Fanservice
- Never Got To Say Goodbye - Both her and Ocelot never got to see Big Boss before they died, despite the fact that pretty much their whole motive was to revive him.
- Redemption Equals Death.
- Shout Out: Her appearance in MGS 4 is a tribute to ultimate BondGirl, Honor Blackman aka Pussy Galore
- Snake I Am Your Mother - Surrogate Mother to be precise.
- Stripperific
- The Unknown Soldier: Her English voice actress is believed (and confirmed) to be an alias for another actress, but her identity is currently unknown.
Major Zero
Naked Snake's Commanding Officer in FOX. Also known (briefly) as "Major Tom" A British man obsessed with James Bond and scones. He later goes on to found The Patriots, and through a series of Retcons, is probably the closest thing to a main antagonist that the series comes to.- Adult Child: Not explicitly portrayed as such, but Peace Walker gives a very subtle hint that he qualifies as such. Paz explains when reciting the formation and splitting up of the Patriots (something that Big Boss, for some strange reason doesn't seem to either know or remember) that two men (Big Boss and Major Zero) viewed The Boss as being a mother figure to them. Want to know why this makes him eligable for this trope, its because Major Zero is actually 13 years older than The Boss (Zero was born in 1909, The Boss was born in 1922).
- Badass (Can be seen in Portable Ops, even though recruiting him was non-canon)
- Banjo Ginga
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Cool Old Guy
- Evil Brit
- Fallen Hero
- Lawful Neutral —> Lawful Evil
- Mission Control
- Moral Event Horizon - Although in his defence, he was a Well Intentioned Extremist who didn't know he ruined the world.
- It arguably came earlier (well, technically later, given that the release date of Peace Walker is after MGS 4, but still...), he had Paz attempt to get Big Boss to rejoin Cipher (the original name for the Patriots). Snake refused, so what did Zero do? He also ordered Paz that, should Big Boss refuse, she frame Big Boss and the Militaires Sans Frontieres by having her launch a nuke via a hijacked ZEKE at the East Coast, and then pinning them as an extremist cult.
- My Hero Zero - Tragically subverted
- Nietzsche Wannabe - After Big Boss leaves the Patriots, he loses faith in humanity.
- Noodle Incident: When calling Sigint about the Active Sonar, Sigint will remark that Zero must have lived in the stone age, and that he bought a brand new washing machine, but Zero cuts him off. It is never revealed what exactly happened.
- Walking Techbane: Implied in several radio conversations to Sigint. When calling Sigint about the Active Sonar, he will remark that Major Zero must have come from the Stone Age, and was about to mention something about buying a brand new washing machine, but the story was cut off by Zero. It is never revealed exactly what happened, but it can be assumed that Zero ended up wrecking it somehow, perhaps even flooding his living place with it.
- Scars Are Forever - To the very end
Raiden's girlfriend, who is determined to make him be a little more open with her. There may be more to her than it seems... Turns out there is - she was originally a spy for The Patriots sent to analyze Raiden, but sure enough, things got out of hand and her feelings became personal.- Becoming The Mask
- Bishoujo
- Convenient Miscarriage - Subverted. She only faked a miscarriage to protect her and Raiden's son from The Patriots.
- Die For Our Ship - Ohhh boy...
- Gainaxing - Now fellas out there: while having Codec-conversations with Rosemary in Guns Of The Patriots, give your controller a few nice hard shakes and watch what happens on the screen... (snickers).
- Heroes Want Redheads
- Hot Shounen Mom - In the fourth game.
- Kikuko Inoue - Her Japanese voice. She also does The Boss and Sunny.
- Lethal Chef - Take Raiden's word for it.
- And Roy Campbell's word (well, more like a hint, but still).
- Never Live It Down - A... VERY memorable Codec conversation.
- The Scrappy
The Boss
Naked Snake's mentor, and a war hero who led the Cobra Unit, a multinational team of elite Supernatural Warriors who practically won World War Two for the Allies. In the events of Metal Gear Solid 3, she has apparently defected to the Soviet Union with her fellow Cobras.- The Ace
- Action Girl: During World War II
- Action Mom: During the game itself.
- Badass (Metal Gear's Most Triumphant Example)
- Badass Normal: Compared to her supernaturally empowered apprentices, she is still the greatest warrior amongst them all.
- Iron Woobie
- Lady Of War
- Pregnant Badass: at the Battle of Normandy (and, presumably, earlier.)
- Battle Couple: With The Sorrow during World War II.
- Cool Old Lady
- Cry Cute: Well, not exactly "cute"; she's too dignified for that. But any doubt to her being a fundamentally good person should disappear at this point.
- Even The Girls Want Her
- Fake Defector
- Good Scars Evil Scars
- Hero Antagonist
- Heroic Sacrifice: After it became apparent that an unexpected occurance (Volgin bombing the Sokolov Design Bureau) will force her to have to give up her life at the hands of her desciple, she willingly does so to prevent a Nuclear War. Subverted in later games where it turns out that, although she did still intend to prevent the world from beginning a Nuclear War, her death was actually intended from the very beginning.
- Hot Mom
- Hilarious In Hindsight Her and Ocelot don't get along very much, which is hilarious because she is his mother, though neither of them are aware of this. It gets even more hilarious when you realize Big Boss considered her a mother, and her real son was gay for the adoptive one.
- Jerkass Facade
- Kikuko Inoue: Her Japanese voice. She also does Rosemary and Sunny
- Kill The Ones You Love
- Kung Fu Jesus
- Lawful Neutral as a part of her Jerkass Facade: She is actually a deeply kind, warm hearted and compassionate Lawful Good
- The Messiah
- A Mother To Her Men: Both to Naked Snake and to the other Cobras. It pains her that they fight each other to the death.
- My Country Right Or Wrong: Even after being betrayed and used by the government multiple times, she still continues to fight for America.
- Ocelot I Am Your Mother
- ShoutOut: To actress Charlotte Rampling
- Tall Blond And Bishoujo
- Tearjerker
- Too Cool To Live
- Too Good For This Sinful Earth
- Vasquez Always Dies: she's not exactly butch, but is considerably more experienced and less fanservicey than EVA, MGS 3's other Action Girl. Guess which one survives the game.
- Woman In White
- Woman With A Gun
- Zen Survivor
- Zero Approval Gambit
The Cobra Unit
The Boss's greatest apprentices. Each legendary warriors in their own right, their supernatural powers allowed them to win the Second World War for the Allies in the Metal Gear Universe... and you have the misfortune of having to fight them...- Badass
- Badass Abnormal (The Pain, The Fear, The End and The Sorrow)
- Badass Crew
- Badass Grandpa - The End. My God The End
- Badass Normal (The Boss and for the most part, The Fury)
- One Man Army (Each is considered such)
- Battle Couple (The Boss and The Sorrow during World War Two)
- Bee Bee Gun - The Pain.
- Cool Old Guys
- Crazy Awesome (all of them to varying extents)
- Dead All Along (The Sorrow)
- Death By Origin Story (The Sorrow)
- Everythings Worse With Bees (The Pain)
- Heroic Sacrifice: The Sorrow willingly allows The Boss to kill him in their confrontation in Tselinoyarsk in an attempt to save their child, Ocelot (Both the American and the Russian branches of the Philosophers said that they either fight to the death and kill the other side's soldier, or Ocelot dies by their hand.).
- Memetic Mutation - I'M COVERED IN BEES!
- Nightmare Fuel Unleaded - Oh God, even Freddy Kruger would have nightmares fighting these fellas.
- Physical God - Each and every warrior of the Cobra Brigade represents the definition of the emotions felt in battle, condensed within a lethal physical personification of the concept they represent.
- Playing With Fire - The Fury's shtick, although he gets it from equipment, not inherent powers. But then his death spawns two ghostly heads of flame that ultimately blow up the entire room; what are we supposed to think now?
- Quirky Mini Boss Squad
- Spirit Advisor - The Sorrow, more like a Spirit Guide
- Tears Of Blood - The Sorrow
- Zen Survivors
Colonel Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin
A GRU Colonel nicknamed "Thunderbolt" and the primary antagonist of Metal Gear Solid 3, seeking to claim the Philosopher's Legacy by merit of his father being entrusted with it during World War II.- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Badass
- Badass Abnormal
- Badass Driver (Just watch him in the Shagohod for the details)
- Colonel Badass
- Bad Boss
- Big Bad: Of MGS3
- The Brute
- Chaotic Evil (with some Lawful tendencies, albeit weak ones)
- Complete Monster: If even Ocelot thinks you're a piece of work, you know there's something up.
- Death By Irony: Was killed by a lightning bolt, which is especially ironic given the element he manipulates. However, there is some evidence that he may have intentionally allowed himself to be electrocuted.
- Driven To Suicide: Some of his actions (such as responding rather starkly to a thunderbolt with "whose afraid of a little thunder?", and, just a split second before being hit by lightning, gave this grimace that indicated that he was either in pain or bracing himself) arguably imply that his being hit by lightning was actually intentional.
- Depraved Bisexual
- Draco In Leather Pants
- Evil Laugh
- Genius Bruiser - A villainous example.
- Husky Russkie
- Kenji Utsumi: Japanese voice
- Large And In Charge
- Psycho Electro (albeit he's crazy, not his powers, which he seems to have a firm grasp of)
- Unwitting Pawn: It is implied in the Plot Twist in Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops that Volgin actually served as one to a single deviously cunning strategist within the American government, or at best an unwilling one. Peace Walker reveals the man in question was Hot Coldman, who is even worse than Volgin.
A special forces group formed by Big Boss following the downfall of the original FOX unit. Both Solid Snake and Gray Fox were members of this unit. After Big Boss's Face Heel Turn in the first Metal Gear, the unit's co-founder and Executive Officer Roy Campbell becomes the new Commanding Officer in Metal Gear 2. The most well-known incarnation of the team is featured in Metal Gear Solid, where FOXHOUND has turned renegade after Solid Snake and Campbell left the unit. This incarnation of the team is composed of Solid Snake's Evil Twin Liquid Snake, his Dragon Revolver Ocelot, Ax Crazy Psycho Mantis, Defrosting Ice Queen Sniper Wolf, Magical Native American Vulcan Raven, andReplicant Snatcher (but not actual Snatcher) Decoy Octopus.- Adaptation Expansion: Raven's character is heavily expanded on in the MGS comic, him being the one who informs Liquid of the deaths of Mantis and Wolf, and giving away the secret of FOXDIE, along with some scope of Liquid's plot during his confrontation against Snake, as opposed to his simple hint in the game.
- Alas Poor Villain - Wolf and Mantis's death speeches reveal them to be thoroughly tragic.
- Animal Motifs
- Asexuality - Psycho Mantis has a particular distaste for the biologically universal "need for breed."
- Bizarre And Improbable Ballistics - Ocelot makes the bullets go where he wants.
- BFG - Vulcan Raven's eponymous aircraft-caliber vulcan.
- Blood Knight: Most of the FOXHOUND members, or at least Vulcan Raven and Liquid Snake, qualify as such.
- The Blank - Decoy Octopus. Canon concept art is a whole different story, though.
- Character Derailment: In the MGS comic, Wolf is turned from a sympathetic, shell-shocked Kurd who never kills for sport, into an outright-abusive bitch, who only spares Meryl due to her sudden infatuation of Snake.
- Dark Action Girl - Sniper Wolf
- Death Seeker - Sniper Wolf
- Dysfunction Junction - Liquid's combination of Well Done Son Guyism and homicidal resentment towards his father, Wolf's tragic past and Stalker With A Crushtendencies towards people she intends to kill, Ocelot's torture fetish, Mantis' violent misanthropy... Raven comes across as the most stable of the lot (at least of the members who get in-game character development), and he's an unapologetic Blood Knight.
- Equal Opportunity Evil - consists of an old gay or bisexual Russian gunslinger, an asexual Russian psychic, a university-educated Native Alaskan shaman/heavy weapons enthusiast, an indestructible British cloned super warrior, a female Kurdish sniper, and Decoy Octopus.
- Evil Is Sexy - Sniper Wolf
- Five Bad Band: See the complete Video Game Five Bad index for the full breakdown.
- Five Token Band
- For The Evulz - Psycho Mantis reveals that he joined Liquid's little coup just to kill as many people as possible during his death speech.
- Laser Sight - Sniper Wolf uses one; despite y'know using a scope as well.
- Loves The Sound Of Screaming: Sniper Wolf, kind of. She explains during her death speech that her lullabies were gunfire, sirens, and screaming; although the context it was given since she was actually born and raised during a time where her people, the Kurds, were being exterminated in Iraq, indicates that she was most likely meaning this literally.
- Made Of Iron - Raven carries a Vulcan cannon, and ammo, shirtless. In the Alaskan permafrost.
- No Fourth Wall - Psycho Mantis is probably the most obvious Fourth Wall Observer on the team, if not in the franchise.
- Psychic Static - Another Mantis trope, he wears the gasmask to keep it out.
- Virtual Ghost - Psycho Mantis is able to posses Screaming Mantis's armor after her defeat, and show off the fact that he knows jack about the PS 3's controller or save system.
The Beauty and the Beast Corps
A unit composed of four insane, power-armored young women codenamed: Laughing Octopus, Crying Wolf, Raging Raven and Screaming Mantis. Ocelot's elite forces in Metal Gear Solid 4.- Amazon Brigade
- Animal Motifs
- Ax Crazy
- Cold Sniper - Crying Wolf
- Combat Tentacles - Laughing Octopus.
- Dark Action Girls
- Four Girl Ensemble
- Four Temperament Ensemble - Played straight.
- Laughing Mad - Laughing Octopus.
- Mind Rape - All of them are victims of mundane versions.
- Nostalgia Level - Crying Wolf is fought in the same Shadow Moses Island snowfield as Sniper Wolf.
- People Puppets - Screaming Mantis's power.
- Powered Armor
- Puzzle Boss - Laughing Octopus and Screaming Mantis.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad
- Shout Out - They share the code names of the four FOXHOUND members killed in Metal Gear Solid, the weapons of the Dead Cell in Sons of Liberty and the emotions refer to the Cobra Unit from Snake Eater.
- Split Personality - Crying Wolf.
- Spy Catsuit - their outfits under the armor.
- Note that originally, the Laughing Beauties were intended to be stark naked, but that would have given MGS 4 an AO rating beyond a doubt, and they weren't even allowed to have their motion actors do it in the nude. Suffice to say, the Spy Catsuit was a result of this problem.
- Tearjerker - Oh, by the Gods, Crying Wolf really needs a hug bad.
- To be blunt, they all do, but would probably kill you if you got within 500 feet of hugging range.
- Voice Of The Legion - Their armored forms combine a male and female voice.
- Wangst - How Old Snake (and quite a few players) see their predicament (See Some Anvils Need To Be Dropped). It's part of the reason why he doesn't really give a crap and why he's annoyed whenever Drebin comes in to explain their origins.
- BFG - Her weapon is a large and somewhat impractical railgun (but when you're impervious to bullets and explosives, I guess you can use any weapon you want).
- In a way, it's also due to her "powers" that she's even capable of using it, going by Rosemary's statements in a CODEC call.
- Bizarre Human Biology - She was born with her heart on the right side, due to situs inversus
. It briefly prolongs her life expectancy when Revolver Ocelot decides to off her with a shot to the heart, while forgetting that little fact.
- Boobs Of Steel
- Broken Bird
- Dark Skinned Blond
- Death Seeker - "KILL ME NOW!"
- Determined Widow
- Deus Angst Machina
- Hopeless Boss Fight
- Leotard Of Power
- Military Brat
- The Pawn - The Patriots used her for their own goals. Let's just leave it at that.
- Wangst - Parodied without mercy here
- Wave Motion Gun - Look up
- You Killed My Father
- Yumi Touma
- Annoying Laugh
- Ax Crazy
- Bald Of Evil - The game's script implies that the reason for his baldness is from severe burns.
- Chaotic Evil
- Chaotic Neutral - He had no loyalties to anyone but himself. In fact, the only reason why The Patriots coaxed him into acting as an agent for them at the Big Shell Incident was by dragging Peter Stillman, his mentor, into the situation and then allowing him the chance to kill Stillman via C4.
- Complete Monster - Unlike the fellow survivors of Dead Cell Fortune and Vamp, who had sympathetic reasons for doing the stuff they did (wanting revenge on the Patriots because many of their friends and allies were killed, and the fact that the Patriots allegedly framed by them for the terrorist attacks that also led to them being liquidated), Fatman not only has no sympathy for what he did, but he also sold out his comrades to the Patriots just to kill his former mentor, and then went on a mad spree of trying to detonate the plant, to which Vamp even stated to Fortune that he must be stopped. Also, when confronted by Raiden, he even admitted that he was actually quite glad that Dead Cell was liquidated and most of its members killed, as he felt it freed him to become the Emperor of Explosives. His monstrous tendencies and indifference to human lives are also implied when Pliskin mentions that he discovered a C4 explosive on one of the Gurlukovich mercenaries while hunting for C4 at Shell 2.
- Deceptive Disciple
- Double Agent
- Evil Laugh
- Evilly Affable - compared to the other characters, it's actually quite refreshing to meet someone who wouldn't feel out of place in Team Fortress 2.
- Fat Bastard
- Fatter Than A Speeding Bullet
- Jerk Ass
- Laughing Mad
- Lightning Bruiser - For a guy who is extraordinarily overweight, and has his overall weight made even heavier with his bomb blast suit (complete with a cooling vest), a laminated ballistic protector covering most of his head, and a protective plate for his spine (which, overall, would add about 50 kilograms to his body), he is surprisingly very good at rollerblading, something that the Colonel Lamp Shaded by stating that the amount of added weight that Fatman has should render him incapable of rollerblading.
- Kozo Shioya
- Mad Bomber - Vamp even refers to him by that specific name.
- Parental Neglect - While he was very young, he was pretty much neglected by both his own parents, and often hung around at his father's clock shop.
- The Mole - Was planted by the Patriots to test Raiden's capabilities in exchange for gaining the chance of killing his mentor Peter Stillman.
- Un Favorite - Presumably the reason why he desired fame and was not controllable: He was neglected by his parents while he was very young, and even though he built an atomic bomb at age 10 from a guidebook, and was well known in the bomb trade for this, he was hated and shunned at his own school.
- Villainous Glutton - "Laugh and grow fat!"
Olga Gurlukovich
A Russian mercenary whom Snake first encounters aboard the Tanker, Olga is a tough cookie. She has been raised all her life to be strong, both out of necessity and because her father was a colonel for a Russian private army. She is seen again in the Plant, having inherited her father's unit after the old man died. She may or may not be having her own agenda. She is also being used by The Patriots, who are threatening to kill her child if she doesn't allow for Raiden's mission to suceed. To this end, she disguises herself as a ninja called Mr. X and randomly calls Raiden to give him advice. She dies in the end to save Raiden and her baby.- Action Girl - In the Tank Chapter
- Action Mom - In the Plant Chapter
- Alas Poor Villain
- Anti Villain
- Bifauxnen - Which actually causes some awkwardness for the game's other androgynous platinum blond character when he's mistaken for her.
- Blood Knight / Child Soldier: It is heavily implied that she was born and raised on the battlefield, and that she has nowhere else to go besides the Battlefield.
- Double Agent - albeit a reluctant one.
- Even Evil Has Standards - let's just say that she did not take having to betray and kill her Gurlukovich comrade very well at all, even though it was to keep her child alive.
- Girl With A Gun
- Hot Shounen Mom
- The Ladette
- Lzherusskie
- Mysterious Informant - As Mr. X
- The Pawn
- White Haired Pretty Girl
Johnny Sasaki
He first appeared in Metal Gear Solid as the guard with stomach problems whom Meryl stripped and used his clothes for her escape. His grandfather also served as a guard during the Cold War. In Guns of the Patriots, he became a member of Meryl's Rat Patrol 01. He loved Meryl ever since stripping him in Shadow Moses. He ends up marrying her.- Bad Ass Normal - In the fourth game, he was able to fight without having Nanomachines in his body.
- Battle Couple - With Meryl in the fourth game.
- But Not Too Foreign - His surname is Sakaki, but his features are obviously caucasian.
- Butt Monkey
- Crouching Moron Hidden Badass
- Die For Our Ship - Poor Johnny is brutally bashed by Solid Snake x Meryl shippers in the fourth game.
- Generation Xerox - You meet a guard who is apparently his grandpa during MGS3. He is also named Johnny and shares the same intestinal problems and incompetence at his job.
- Happily Ever After - Marries Meryl at the end.
- Ill Boy - His perpetual diarrhea.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain
- It Runs In The Family - All of the male first born in his family are named Johnny. Also, his grandfather is a prison guard like him.
- Mask Power - He disregards using it in the fourth game
- Subverted, Johnny only becomes any kind of Badass once he discards the mask.
- Meet Cute - He met his future wife when she stripped him in order to get a disguise in which to escape. That's certainly an interesting first meeting...
- Military Brat
- Notice This - The "J" on his balaclava is ridiculously out of place among legions of Faceless Goons.
- Running To The Toilet Gag - His stomach problems
- Took A Level In Bad Ass - In the fourth game
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