Britannian Army
- Villetta Nu
"I will not die like Jeremiah, stripped of power and honor., I will rise higher than ever!"
One of Jeremiah Gottwald's most devoted subordinates, Villetta Nu is a twenty-six-year-old Knightmare Frame pilot of African lineage. Like Jeremiah, she belongs to a segregationist group called the Pure Bloods, Britannians who believe that Elevens and other Numbers (i.e., people of Japanese or other non-Britannian descent) should be forbidden from serving in the Britannian military or otherwise contaminating Britannian society. Although Villetta does not hail from the aristocracy, she hopes to sufficiently distinguish herself in the service of her country as to earn her family hereditary knighthood.
After Zero uses his mind control geass to ruin Jeremiah's career and very nearly Villetta's as well, she does some quick thinking and realizes that he must have connections at Ashford Academy. She hopes that by capturing Zero, she can bring herself glory and simultaneously redeem Jeremiah. But fate, or luck, has some surprises for her.
Villetta Nu embodies these tropes:
- Absolute Cleavage
- Akeno Watanabe: Her seiyuu.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Amnesiac Dissonance
- The Baroness
- The Beautiful People
- Buxom Babe: She is number six (Not this Trope) in the list.
- Chekhovs Gunman/Chekhovs Boomerang: Introduced as the first major character Lelouch geassed. The consequences of this encounter are far reaching, as is her relevance to the plot.
- Dark Action Girl: At first, but it quickly took the back burner to her personal ambitions for nobility, followed by her amnesiac phase, then her relationship with Ohgi.
- Dark Skinned Blond: Or rather blue.
- Easily Forgiven: Too easily.
- Easy Amnesia
- Elephant In The Living Room: Pretty much the living embodiment, in R2 19.
- Evil Is Sexy: See also Ms Fanservice and Rule Of Sexy, below.
- Eyes Of Gold
- Face Heel Turn
- Fan Nickname: Vile-etta Snu-snu.
- Fanservice
- Fantastic Racism: Was a member of the Purist Faction.
- Femme Fatale
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant
- Get Out Of Jail Free Card: Cornelia lets Villetta join the Black Knights no questions asked because there are more important things to do than worry about a single soldier, and because there are more important things than lineage. The Black Knights however are alarmingly lenient, given that one would expect her and Ohgi to be questioned heavily. As a trope, it describes how in spite of her past as a Purist Faction soldier of the Britannian Army and later a baroness, her relationship with Ohgimeans a ticket to the proverbial winning team, the Black Knights, and her eventual Happy Ending, in spite of no actual redemption or atonement.
- Good Costume Switch: During her amnesia phase. She let her hair down and wore dresses and hats.
- Green Eyes
- Happily Married: To Ohgi, by the end.
- Heel Face Turn
- Heel Face Revolving Door
- High Heel Face Turn
- Hot Mom: by the end of the series.
- Hot Teacher: Poses as a P.E. instructor during her time as a spy at Ashford Academy, complete with stripperiffic outfits.
- Identity Amnesia
- Impossibly Cool Clothes
- Karma Houdini: See Get Out Of Jail Free Card, Happily Married, Playing The Victim Card and Spanner In The Works. Not only that, there's the fact that everything she did under Britannia was for the purpose of attaining nobility, and that aside from her affection for Ohgi, she never truly grew as a person.
- Lady Of War
- Living With The Villain: Villetta gets to be a popular coach and P.E. teacher in Ashford Academy and interacts with Lelouch and Shirley, admittedly she's watching Lelouch for any hints that he has recovered his memory.
- Even more strikingly, Kaname Ohgi actually does live with her for quite some time while she's lost her memory after being shot by Shirley.
- Neutral Selfish
- Manipulative Bastard / Smug Snake: Attempts to use a distraught Shirley to expose and arrest Zero, even when it turns out Zero is Shirley's big crush, Lelouch. And quite possibly when she comes in with Ohgi and the Geass "evidence" against Lelouch, when she likely knew more than she was letting on at the time.
- Meaningful Name: Family name: Nu. Knew; new. (Also "nu," a Yiddish expression — and several other possible (if unlikely) meanings.
- A few of the things Villetta Nu knew before almost anyone else — and then through Easy Amnesia, was forced to forget: that Zero probably had psychic powers, that Jeremiah Gottwald was innocent, that Zero likely was working with at least one student at Ashford Academy, that Zero was likely a student at Ashford, and that that Lelouch was Zero.
- In addition, Villetta Nu has been remade anew several times (see also Heel Face Revolving Door), thanks in part to her Easy Amnesia and Identity Amnesia.
- Given name: Villetta — presumably from villette, French for village, also calls to mind both the words "violet" and "villain." This seems a fitting reflection of the two aspects of her personality.
- A few of the things Villetta Nu knew before almost anyone else — and then through Easy Amnesia, was forced to forget: that Zero probably had psychic powers, that Jeremiah Gottwald was innocent, that Zero likely was working with at least one student at Ashford Academy, that Zero was likely a student at Ashford, and that that Lelouch was Zero.
- Megan Hollingshead: Her VA in the English dub.
- Ms Fanservice: Moreso than the other examples in the series, but in her case she seems to do it deliberately.
- Playing The Victim Card: Claims during the final episode that she just wanted somewhere to belong, even though her past was part of the Britannian Purist Faction. Potentially also when she, alongside Ohgi, testifies against Lelouch on account of Geass leading up to the Black Knights' betrayal, even though she had earlier been keeping surveillance over Lelouch on behalf of Britannia as part of an attempt to keep him from his rebellion alongside the Black Knights, specifically because she couldn't be affected by Geass anymore and may have known more than what she was letting on.
- Plot Armor: Lelouch had at least 3 means to kill her way back in the second episode and enough reason to do so as it was at that point alone. Also when she is saved by Ohgi and nursed to health after Shirley shoots her and flees in distress after being goaded into turning Lelouch in to her, and one season later, when she dives in to shield Ohgi from hitting the bottom of the waterfall alone, leading to the improbable survival of both.
- Pregnant Badass: Manages to avoid capture when Lelouch takes over the world with Cornelia's rebellious group while pregnant with hers and Ohgi's kid. To be fair, however, she was only in the first couple months, and had a decent head-start.
- Rule Of Sexy: At least as the series progresses. Even by Code Geass standards, she's dressed in ludicrously skimpy outfits. (And in one infamous scene, simply forgetsshe's naked.) For more information, see Stripperific, below. See also Ms Fanservice.
- Sexy Secretary: To Jeremiah in the beginning of the series.
- Spanner In The Works: Quite possibly the biggest one barring Suzaku, and we can be sure she's the worst since Suzaku at least paid—willingly no less—for his crimes. Is responsible (directly or otherwise) for the following: finding out Zero's identity as Lelouch, Shirley's eventual memory wipe in the first season, shooting Ohgi during the Black Rebellion which leads the regiment of the Black Knights watching over Ashford into chaos which also is the arguable cause of V.V. kidnapping Nunnally, leading a Britannian spy unit in watching over Lelouch in the subsequent year to see that he hasn't recovered his memories, and later convincing Ohgi and the Black Knights to betray Lelouch via her (arguably deceptively cursory) testimonial on Geass, which causes Rolo's Heroic Sacrifice * and also ultimately leads to the Zero Requiem. All the while she ends up joining the Black Knights and is Happily Married with Ohgi. All of this makes her something even worse: a two-faced Spanner In The Works, who screws Lelouch over on both sides.
- Star Crossed Lovers: Ohgi and Villetta were like this until midway through R2. In the end, both survived and got Happily Married.
- Statuesque Stunner
- Stockholm Syndrome
- The Stool Pigeon
- Stripperiffic: Not on the battlefield, but in her guise as spy at Ashford. For more details, see Rule Of Sexy, above. See also Ms Fanservice, above.
- Swiss Messenger: In a more contrarian sense.
- Sympathetic Sue: Arguably. While she has several traits, she doesn't steal the show for herself, which is the true trademark of a Mary Sue.
- True as that is, she also makes things way more complicated than they would be otherwise for Lelouch, especially given that she is partly responsible for the Black Knights' betrayal of him, which eventually gives way to Lelouch, in a final act of despair, enacting the Zero Requiem. Not to mention that she was also partly responsible for Shirley's Freak Out. By the end of the series, both of those characters are dead, while Villetta is the bride of the Happily Married photo. So while she doesn't steal the show, she does steal the HappyEnding from more sympathetic characters who instead meet bad ends, which is Egregious enough.
- Taking The Kunai
- Tall Dark And Bishoujo
- Vapor Wear: See also Rule Of Sexy and Stripperiffic, above.
- The Wesley: In a sense.
- Zettai Ryouiki
- Jeremiah Gottwald
"Orange-kun is the name of my loyalty!"
A soldier in the Britannian army who was initially not supposed to be in the series past his first few appearances, he winds up becoming a more important figure in season two, whose reappearance kicks off several important events as a result of the Applied Phlebotinum included in his reconstruction. Ends up making a Heel Face Turn to join Lelouch, becoming one of his loyal retainers, and is apparently so trusted that he was in on the final plot for the Zero Requiem.
Jeremiah embodies these tropes:
- Anti Magic: He gets armed with the Geass canceller.
- Aristocrats Are Evil: Subverted. He comes off as very racist at first, but then he gets Character Development.
- Anti Hero: Type IV
- Ax Crazy: Temporarily. When he wakes up early from his first cybernetic surgery, the sound of Zero's voice over the broadcast system sends him into an Unstoppable Rage, leading him to steal the Siegfried prototype mecha and rush break out of a research facility to go earn his first Moment of Awesome.
- Back From The Dead
- The Beautiful People
- Blade Below The Shoulder: He gains two of these, one embedded in each arm, after his second round of modifications.
- Blue Blood
- Body Horror
- Bond Villain Stupidity: Done deliberately during the Grand Finale, when he lets Suzaku/Zero through the guards defending Lelouch by calling them off so he can "take Zero on himself". In truth, Jeremiah knows what Suzaku and Lelouch are up to, and he even encourages Suzaku to do his part in his mind.
- Break The Haughty: When Kallen incinerates his Sutherland, nearly killing him as he ejects with massive wounds.
- Breakout Character
- The Brute: To Emperor Lelouch.
- The Chewtoy: When he wasn't The Woobie.
- Crispin Freeman: Plays Jeremiah in the English dub.
- The Determinator: Can match (or possibly even beat) Kallen in this category, as nothing will stop him from carrying out his loyalty, Nothing, be it having his knightmare explode while he's still in it (twice), having a skyscraper dropped on him, being dragged underwater to crushing depth, or even geifun disturbers shutting down his cybernetics, he will not stay down for long. At first, Lelouch regards him with utter disdain ("Be crushed to dust, you relic!"), which later becomes grudging respect ("Your persistence is first-class."). Becomes an asset to Lelouch after the Heel Face Turn, right down to obeying orders to assist in making his assassination look good.
- Draco In Leather Pants: Becoming the poster boy for Ensemble Darkhorse is a quite amazing career for a character who identified himself as blatant racist in his very first appearance and eagerly massacred unarmed civilians in the second. Yes, we know about the Trauma Conga Line, but it still doesn't 100% excuse him.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: The original plan called for him to be killed at the end of his earliest appearance, but the sheer amount of love he earned from the fans caused the ending of the arc to be tweaked as to allow for survival, and he's enjoyed massive popularity in every appearance since, including three Crowning Moments of Awesomeand one of the happiest endings of the cast.
- Evil Is Dumb: Only gets true respect after his Heel Face Turn.
- Evil Is Sexy
- Eyes Of Gold
- Failure Knight: He was in charge of the palace guard the day Empress Marianne was murdered, therefore he has felt guilty for years because he couldn't stop or capture her assassins. And this triggers his Heel Face Turn.
- Gratuitous English: A walking fountain of it, particularly in his first Crowning Moment Of Awesome. "ALL HAIL BRITANNIA!!", indeed.
- Heel Face Turn
- Hollywood Cyborg: Indeed.
- Hot Blooded
- Humiliation Conga: He gets one way early in the series, and not quite dies twice before he manages to regain his honor and dignity along with a Heel Face Turn.)
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: For a time.
- Inspector Zenigata: Probably part of his charm.
- Insult Backfire: After his Heel Face Turn, when the his former comrades try to insult him with the name "Orange," he pretty much takes it as a compliment as it was a name given to him by Lelouch.
- Karma Houdini: Very debatable from an outside viewpoint. In-universe, you'd think he'd be punished severely after all the things he'd done as Lelouch's lackey.
- Ken Narita: Jeremiah's seiyuu.
- Large Ham: Almost every appearance after episode four.
- Lawful Evil -> Lawful Neutral
- Leaning On The Fourth Wall: His 2nd season return. "Look out for me, Jeremiah Gottwald, with all you've got!" Sounds like he's addressing the viewers.
- Made Of Iron: The very fact that he survived two particular incidents, and closer to literally after parts of his body are rebuilt using sakuradite.
- Manly Tears: He cries in joy (Tears Of Blood included, in a sense) when he goes under his Heel Face Turn and joins Lelouch. And before this, he cries in the Picture Dramas when explaining his backstory to his subordinate Villetta Nu.
- Memetic Badass / Undying Loyalty: Beloved by the fans for most of the second season, but especially after the series finale, Orange-kun has been elevated to theultimate symbol of chivalry and loyalty
- Mismatched Eyes: After he returns as a cyborg, he has one of his original orange eyes, and a green cybernetic replacement for the other.
- My Master Right Or Wrong: Marianne's n°1 fanboy. Later, her son's n°1 supporter.
- Parental Substitute: If he did become Anya's caretaker or father in the end
- Phlebotinum Rebel: The point in his second cyborg upgrade was for him to take over Rolo's job of assassinating Lelouch. Instead, he joined him.
- Retired Badass: After showing some insane awesomeness in the big final battle, the time skip at the end of the episode shows him having left the military to run an orange plantation, with Anya either as help or as family.
- Tall Dark And Handsome: Well dark-blue.
- Throw The Dog A Bone: After losing everything, including parts of his own body early in season one, things start looking up for him in season two.
- Took A Level In Badass: After kicking total ass in the first season finale, he comes back with even more badassness. He's an essentially bulletproof cyborg, is more than capable of dodging melee attacks with sidesteps and flips, has fighting skills to rival Sayoko, has a sword that comes out of his arm, and Geasses don't work on him. If that fails to impress, he also manages to move his cyborg body despite the fact that he's standing right next to a Gefjun Disturber (EMP device that works against Sakuradite, a substance that is a part of his cyborg body) through sheer willpower alone.
- Undying Loyalty: AND HOW!
- Unstoppable Rage
- We Can Rebuild Him: ''Twice'.'
- The Woobie: When he isn't The Chew Toy.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- Gilbert G.P. Guilford
"My justice is with my princess!"
Personal knight of Second Princess Cornelia li Britannia with unwavering devotion to his princess and piloting skill matching Kyoshiro Tohdoh.
Guilford embodies these tropes:
- Anti Hero: Type IV.
- Anti Villain: He doesn't have good thoughts about Zero's supporters, but he learns to accept Suzaku and he is one of few Britannian officers above any personal ambitions.
- Bodyguard Crush: On Princess Cornelia.
- Brainwashed And Crazy: Sort of, Lelouch uses his Geass to make Guliford believe that he is Cornelia, this makes him fight against Britannia.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: Despite his personal traits, he deserved that something good finally happened to him.
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Failure Knight: In R2.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Believing that Lelouch is Cornelia, he pushed him out of FLEJA range.
- Honor Before Reason: Used against him by Zero. He even states that he would continue to use honorable means even against evil that cannot be defeated by them.
- I Got Better: After the FLEIJA incident.
- Iron Woobie: He got separated from Cornelia, tricked by Zero into defecting to the Black Knights and got himself almost killed. He only gets to cry after he is reunited with his princess.
- Karma Houdini: Possibly. He was a willing accessory to the tyranny and corruption of Britannia and many of the associated conflicts within the show, thus serving as an obstacle to freedom, even if it was all strictly in the service of the crown. Nonetheless, he survives and gets to enjoy that very same freedom at the end of the show with the princess he serves, Cornelia, even though things became rough near the end.
- Knight Templar: He is not kind for those who he consider as terrorists. And judging from the second SAZ where he suggested gunning down the Japanese civilians in the case of a rebellion, he can also be downright ruthless.
- Lawful Neutral
- My Country Right Or Wrong
- My Master Right Or Wrong: To the core. When Geass forced him to believe that Lelouch is Cornelia he attacked Britannians to protect him.
- Stoic Spectacles
- Sunglasses At Night
- Tall Dark And Handsome
- Unwitting Pawn: His honorable traits were twice used against him by Zero.
- You Shall Not Pass: His personal Crowning Moment Of Awesome during the first Black Rebellion.
- Andreas Darlton
A general in the Britannian Army and one of Cornelia's most loyal followers.
Dalton embodies these tropes:
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: Challenges Suzaku to a duel to prove his superiority in Nightmare Of Nunnally, which leads to Suzaku evading all his attacks, as he considers him not worth fighting.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Quite excited by the prospect of seeing Cornelia in a swimsuit, but doesn't try to peek on her.
- Good Scars Evil Scars: Has a diagonal scar on his face.
- I Can Still Fight: Despite having been shot by Euphemia, when he tried to stop the SAZ massacre, he continues to the battle for Tokyo. It helps that he's been Geassed.
- Lawful Neutral
- My God What Have I Done: His last words, after attacking Cornelia from behind so Lelouch can capture her
- Pet The Dog: Is the adoptive father of five orphaned boys.
- Travis Willingham: His English voice-actor.
- Trouser Space: Hides a gun in his swim trunks while escorting Cornelia to the opening of Clovis Land. It ends up looking... awkward, to say the least.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Killed by Lelouch after disabling Cornelia's Knightmare frame.
- Lelouch probably killed him to keep him from interfering with him, given that the geass command to disable Cornelia was completed.
- Alice
A character unique to Nightmare Of Nunnally, in which she's Nunnally's best friend. She is also one of the Irregulars, a group of pilots with Geass skills who came from the numbered areas. Her mission is both to observe Nunnally and to capture the mysterious Mark Nemo — unaware that Nunnally is its pilot.
Alice embodies these tropes:
- Alice Allusion
- Action Girl
- Bully Hunter: Heaven help you if you harass Nunnally.
- Dead Little Sister: Wants to protect Nunnally like she was unable to protect her actual sister. Is actually aware of this and makes an effort not to see Nunnally as a surrogate.
- Failure Knight: Above Dead Little Sister incident is the reason for her devotion to Nunnally. She even describes herself as Nunnally's knight and becomes her knight by the end.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Humiliation Conga: Performs this on Ekaterina Sforza and her Girl Posse, where she rips their skirts off with Super Speed while calling them out for bullying Nunnally.
- Les Yay: With Nunnally: "This individual called Alice loves this individual called Nunnally."
- Little Miss Badass: A skilled Knightmare pilot who's still in middle school.
- Living With The Villain: Attends school with Nunnally while keeping her under surveillance and targeting her alter-ego.
- Nakama: Her fellow Irregulars, who are like sisters to her.
- Neutral Good: While she is a Britannian soldier, she places Nunnally's interests first.
- Normally I Would Be Dead Now: Notes that if she were a regular girl, she wouldn't have survived being shot and falling off the roof of the hotel.
- Spanner In The Works: Completely derails Charles and Marianne's Assimilation Plot when she tells Nunnally that she loves her, and if everyone is one in Instrumentalitythen she wouldn't love another being since there would be no others. Charles had initially dismissed her since she was seemingly a normal person, but she ended up being key to his undoing.
- Super Speed: Her Geass power
- Tomboy And Girly Girl: Tomboy to Nunnally.
- Unwitting Pawn: Plays right into Anya/Marianne's plan to get Nunnally to Kamine island.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Bonafide Grade A. Maybe even skirting Grade S!
The Knights of the Round
Left to right; Bismarck, Monica, Luciano, Nonnette, Anya, Gino.
The most powerful members of the Brittannian army, answering to the Emperor alone.
General tropes:
- Badass Cape
- Badass Crew
- Color Coded For Your Convenience
- Evil Is Sexy: All are very attractive.
- Five Bad Band: Excluding Suzaku, Dorothea and Nonnette. Bismarck=Big Bad, Monica=Dark Chick, Luciano=Evil Genius, Anya=The Brute and Gino=The Dragon.
- Flat Character: (except for Suzaku, and to a degree Anya Alstreim) have no character development or much of a personality past "_____ Enemy" aka Gino Weinberg is the "Friendly Enemy" while Bismarck is the "Noble Enemy."
- High Collar Of Doom
- Informed Ability: The Knights of Round are stated to be the best pilots in Britannia. However, two of them appear for about three seconds before dying instantly at the hands of Suzaku and his Lancelot Albion. They get less screentime than some other Britannian QuirkyMinibossSquads-wannabes.
- Dorothea Ernst and Monica Krushevski were victims of Suzaku's SeeD mode "Live!" attacks. Totally one-sided.
- Actually, Suzaku didn't even need to use his "seed mode" to take them out. they were piloting obsolete 5th generation Mook mechas, and he had the worlds first9th gen mecha.
- Dorothea Ernst and Monica Krushevski were victims of Suzaku's SeeD mode "Live!" attacks. Totally one-sided.
- Praetorian Guard
- Quirky Miniboss Squad: When they end up fighting a ninth-generation Knightmare Frame, two of them get killed instantly, like average grunts.
- Sir Bismark Waldstein
I am the only Knight of One!
The Knight of One, recognized as the strongest soldier in the Britannian Empire.
- Badass: Undeniably, as shown in his fights with Xingke and Suzaku, despite limited screentime.
- BFS: On his person and his Knightmare
- Combat Clairvoyance: His Geass allows him to see a few seconds into the future and anticipates his adversary's moves.
- The Dragon: The Emperor's #1 hatchet man.
- Expy: of one of the guys from Samurai Seven.
- Eyepatch Of Power: Variation, as his left eye's eyelids are sewn shut. To cover his own Geass.
- Lawful Evil: Completely and unambiguously loyal to Charles Zi Britannia.
- Martial Pacifist: Believes that war should only be a last resort, utterly despises brute strength.
- Noble Demon
- The Reason You Suck Speech: To Suzaku, calling him out on his Motive Decay and Chronic Backstabbing Disorder.
- Worthy Opponent: Considered Marianne and Suzaku as this, since they're the only two who posed challenge enough to make him use his Geass.
- Gino Weinberg
Shake time!
The Knight of Three, and one of the youngest Knights of the Round besides Suzaku and Anya.
- Affably Evil or Anti Villain
- Back Stab: Certainly isn't averse to this technique, which he uses to broadside and kill Senba of the Holy Swords, and almost does the same to Xing-ke, who is shielding Tianzi with the Shen-hu, until Zero saves them both with the Shinkirou.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Combat Pragmatist: See Back Stab.
- Culture Blind
- Dave Wittenberg
- Foe Yay: With Kallen. The feeling is hardly mutual.
- Ho Yay: Quite close to Suzaku, and enjoys hugging him at any opportunity.
- Go Karting With Bowser: Joins Ashford Academy to see what commoner life is like.
- Keet
- Lawful Neutral: Mostly follows orders and ideals of The Empire, without going as blood thirsty as Luciano Bradley.
- Misaimed Fandom: Fans defend him by claiming that he's just a mellow, fun-loving twat, in spite of his more dishonorable tactics and occasional atrociousness (he suggests that a rebellion during the second SAZ would be the perfect pretext to a purge).
- No Sense Of Personal Space: And how.
- Soichiro Hoshi
- Transforming Mecha: His Knightmare can transform into a plane-like form while flying.
- The White Prince: Quite naive about how the world works, and is fascinated by what goes on at Ashford.
- Upper Class Twit: Kallen hangs a lamp over this in the final picture drama.
- Dorothea Ernst
No way! I'm already killed?
The Knight of Four. Not much else is known about her, since she is killed in her only scene.
- Four Is Death: Look at how quickly she dies
- Kikuko Inoue
- Lawful Evil: Possibly,but only lasted a scene
- Unfortunate Implications: The speed at which the only black member of the Knights of the Round is killed so quickly.
- Anya Alstreim
"Memories are unreliable. There is no reason to believe in them"
A young noblewoman from Britannia, Anya Alstreim — the Knight of Six — is a fifteen-year-old girl with prodigious piloting skills, a staggering lack of common sense when off the battlefield, and quite a bad case of emotionlessness in regards to almost anything aside from fighting. In addtion, Anya suffers from memory problems, so she keeps a blog wherein she stores thousands of photos, in an attempt not to forget anything anymore. Little does she know that the cause of her memory problems is that the "deceased" Empress Marianne has actually found a way to cheat death — by using her as a Soul Jar.
Anya embodies these tropes:
- Action Girl
- Age Inappropriate Dress: Her knightmare uniform which is basically a onesie.
- Alliterative Name
- Amnesiac Dissonance
- Anime Hair
- Anti Villain
- Bare Your Midriff
- The Beautiful People
- Bishoujo
- Blue Blood
- Captain Ersatz: See Expy, below.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Ditzy Genius: Lacks enough common sense to deploy her heavy mech for a Cupid's Day chase at school.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Emotionless Girl
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs
- Expy: Her stoic emotionlessness, combined with having a hairstyle that resembles Marianne, made some fans speculate that she is basically an expy of Rei Ayanami, to the point of being a Captain Ersatz; that is, being the clone of the protagonist's mother. Some used Anya's flashbacks of Lelouch's childhood as proof to support such expy argument. This is more or less confirmed in season two, episode 20, when it turns out Marianne used her own geass to inject her own soul and memory into Anya, making the kid a spiritual "clone".
- He Knows Too Much: Subverted. As a little girl, Anya was the sole witness of Marianne's assassination, but instead of being discovered and killed, she became Marianne's Soul Jar and had her memories rewritten by her and Charles.
- Hey Its That Voice: Mikuru-beam! (Both in the Japanese and in the English dub.)
- Improbable Age
- Lawful Neutral: Again, no super personal attatchment to the Lawful Evil Empire.
- Little Miss Badass
- Moe
- More Dakka: The Mordred has got to be the most heavily armed knightmare.
- Not So Stoic: In the novels, she once cries while piloting.
- The Ojou
- Older Than They Look: Looks about twelve. Is actually fifteen.
- Pettanko
- Pimped Out Dress
- Princesses Prefer Pink: And evidently Empresses prefer pink-haired girls for their Soul Jars.
- Red Eyes Take Warning: But her eyes are not entirely red; they also have more than a touch of pink, which makes sense since Princesses Prefer Pink.
- Rose Haired Girl
- Small Girl Big Gun: Better said, Small Girl HUGE Knightmare.
- Soul Jar: For Empress Marianne.
- Stephanie Sheh: Her English-language voice actress.
- The Stoic: Usually.
- Kuudere (what she turns out to be, in the end)
- Stripperiffic: Her Knight of Rounds uniform, due to a massive case of Bare Your Midriff.
- Token Loli: Otherwise too old for the part, but she's an example of Older Than They Look.
- That, and considering several Knights of Rounds are quite older than she is (except for Gino and Suzaku)...
- Tykebomb: Anya is sent to assassinate Marianne in Nightmare Of Nunnally.
- The Woobie: Because otherwise Code Geass would have such woobie shortage.
- Yuko Goto: Her seiyuu.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Grade A, in her Knight of Rounds uniform.
- Nonette Enneagram
The Knight of Nine. She only appears a few times in the Code Geass anime, and mainly appears in Lost Colors.
- Beware The Nice Ones: despite her cheery demeanor, Nonnette is one of the few people Cornelia actually fears
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Death By Adaptation: Word Of God says Gino, Anya and Suzaku are the only Knight of Rounds survivors. Nonnette fans are shit out of luck.
- Form Fitting Wardrobe: Nonnette
◊ Enneagram
◊, seriously.
- Meaningful Name: Both her names have words for the number 9 in them.
- Senpai Kohai: Cornelia's senpai in military academy.
- Satomi Arai
- Luciano Bradley
"Kill a man off the battlefield and you're a criminal! Kill a man on it and you're a big hero!"
The Knight of Ten and the "Vampire of Britannia", who participates in battle so that he can deprive people of what he believes they value most- their lives.
- Abusive Parents
- And There Was Much Rejoicing: Gino and Suzaku don't even acknowledge his death.
- Ax Crazy: Luciano Bradley, though Dagger Crazy (or Knife Nut) would be more like it.
- Blood Knight
- Complete Monster: See Psycho For Hire as well as his expressing a desire to torture or rape Kallen.
- Evil Redhead
- Freudian Excuse: Luciano Bradley had quite the crappy childhood.
- Jerk Ass: Insults Euphemia in front of Suzaku, and mocks Gino's social status.
- Karmic Death (The one who kills him is the girl he said he'd rape and torture when she was a POW.)
- Knife Nut: Carries throwing knives.
- Neutral Evil: Has no issues with following orders to kill.
- Psycho For Hire: Bradly doesn't seem to have even a single line of text where he isn't insulting, threatening or otherwise expressing a desire for hurting someone, and on two different occasions states that he isn't out for glory: he just enjoys hurting people.
- He almost seems a comical in design. He spends every moment on screen being a jerkass, abuses his more powerful frame against grunts, uses his own allies as decoy targets, shields, or even impromptu weapons, and has his own personal Knightmare squadron so he can restrain and torture his opponents with impunity.
- Self Made Orphan: Killed his own father
- Token Evil Teammate
- This Is A Drill: His Knightmare's weapon of choice.
- Vic Mignogna
- Monica Kruczewski
The Knight of Twelve.
- Beware The Nice Ones: Implied to be a deadly warrior despite her gentle demeanor, but dies almost instantly against Suzaku
- Custom Uniform: See this
for Panty Shot. We need more camera angles definitely.
- Dodge This
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Deconstructed. Or maybe it's the Shrike Treatement.
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs: Or better said, hair ribbons.
- Hair Of Gold
- Killed Mid Sentence
- Lawful Evil
- Mauve Shirt
- The Ojou
- Too Good For This Sinful Earth
- Yuko Goto
- Zettai Ryoki: See Custom Uniform above.
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