Characters: Bakuman |
The characters of the manga series Bakuman:
An average student in his third year of middle school. Mashiro decides to become a mangaka alongside his classmate Takagi following his proposal to his love interest, Miho.
Tropes associated with Moritaka:
Mashiro's classmate and the smartest student in their class. Takagi comes up with the idea to become a mangaka with Mashiro.
Tropes associated with Akito:
Mashiro's love interest and fellow classmate. Miho agrees to marry Mashiro once they both achieve their dreams.
Tropes associated with Miho:
Miho's best friend and Takagi's eventual girlfriend. Now his wife.
Tropes associated with Kaya:
Moritaka's deceased uncle, who, like Moritaka, had hoped to marry his childhood love interest after becoming successful himself, but by the time he felt secure in his career, she was already married. After his first series ended, he was unable to follow up with another, and died from overworking himself while deep in debt. This caused Moritaka to abandon his desire to become a mangaka until he met Takagi, confessed to Miho and learned how hard his uncle had worked.
Tropes associated with Nobuhiro:
The author of Crow and eventually the artist for Natural, who sees Ashirogi Muto as his primary rivals.
Tropes associated with Eiji:
The second smartest student in Mashiro's and Takagi's class. Iwase has an initial one-sided rivalry with Takagi that eventually develops into feelings for him.
Tropes associated with Aiko:
The author of Otters 11, who got started as a manga after picking up an issue of Shonen Jump and quittinig his job to do manga. He realizes that being a mangaka is more work than he thought, but his editor manages to manipulate him into keeping motivated.
Tropes associated with Kazuya:
An assistant who has considerable experience drawing, but has been unable to get serialized for years. He also has the goal of getting a girlfriend, and is attracted to Aoki. He ultimately alienates Aoki by offering to draw for her if she will be his girlfriend, turns Kato, another girl whom he's interested in, away from him after that comes to light, and loses his position as assistant after Takahama's series gets canceled. He ultimately decides to return home to Akita.
Tropes associated with Takuro:
The author of Hideout Door, and later, The Time of Green Leaves. She initially appears quite cold, and is largely distrusting of men, but after opening up, reveals herself to be a kind person.
Tropes associated with Yuriko:
Initially one of Nizuma's assistants, he writes Kiyoshi Knight and later, Road Racer Giri. He sets out to change Jump, and forms "Team Fukuda".
Tropes associated with Shinta:
Moritaka Mashiro
Tropes associated with Moritaka:
- Alliterative Name
- Atsushi Abe
- Blue Eyes
- Childhood Marriage Promise: Mashiro and Miho.
- Crowning Moment Of Awesome / Heartwarming: Mashiro borrowing the graph showing that Perfect Crime Party placed first in the reader questionnaire and showing it to the grave of his mangaka uncle
◊, who always wanted to place that high.
- Curtains Match The Window
- The Determinator
- Engaging Conversation: Becomes engaged to Miho in Chapter 1.
- Expressive Hair: His Hair Antennae turns into a heart when he has a lovey-dovey thought about Miho.
- Generation Xerox: Mashiro's relationship with Miho mirrors his late uncle's relationship with Miho's mother to a freakish degree with the only exception that he actually spat it out.
- Heroic RROD: Pushes himself too far and gets hospitalized while working on Detective Trap.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Takagi.
- High School Sweethearts: With Miho.
- Mangaka
- Odd Couple: Mashiro and Takagi.
- Official Couple: With Miho.
- Red Oni Blue Oni: Despite being Color Coded For Your Convenience, Mashiro and Takagi are a mix of both onis.
- Single Target Sexuality: To Miho.
- They Do
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Akito Takagi
Tropes associated with Akito:
- Beta Couple: With Miyoshi.
- Chick Magnet: Miyoshi (Betty), Iwase (Veronica), and Aoki (Cheryl Blossom) like him. And Miyoshi is his
fianceewife. - Dumb Blonde: Subverted, according to Mashiro, his grades were some of the highest in the country.
- Eyes Of Gold
- Foe Yay: With Aoki and Iwase since they are all fellow competitors. More so with Iwase, though. It starts off as an Unknown Rival because Takagi doesn't take her seriously at first, but when she proves her skill at being a mangaka, Iwase is someone Takagi definitely does not want to lose to, though he still won't admit that they are rivals.
- Happily Married
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Mashiro.
- Love At First Punch: With Miyoshi.
- Mangaka
- Megane
- Odd Couple: Mashiro and Takagi.
- The Promise: Takagi and Miyoshi will only get married once Mashiro's and Takagi's manga becomes serialized.
- Red Oni Blue Oni: Despite being Color Coded For Your Convenience, Mashiro and Takagi are a mix of both onis.
- Satoshi Hino
- Shipper On Deck: Wants Mashiro and Azuki to get together.
- Teen Genius
- They Do
Miho Azuki
Tropes associated with Miho:
- Brown Eyes
- Childhood Marriage Promise: Mashiro and Miho.
- Curtains Match The Window
- First Girl Wins
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Miyoshi.
- High School Sweethearts: With Mashiro.
- Hime Cut
- Generation Xerox: Not only does her relationship with Mashiro mirror her mom and his uncle's, her mother looked exactly like her at her age.
- Love Interest
- Official Couple: With Mashiro.
- The Ojou
- Saori Hayami
- Seiyuu: This is what Miho wants to be.
- Shallow Love Interest
- Significant Birth Date: Offers plenty of squee for the poor, beleaguered month of November. On Guy Fawkes Day, no less.
- Single Target Sexuality: To Mashiro (and apparently since 4th grade).
- Tall Dark And Bishoujo
- They Do
- Yamato Nadeshiko
Kaya Miyoshi /Takagi
Tropes associated with Kaya:
- Action Girl: According to Mashiro, she has been to the Japanese Nationals for aikido, as well as being proficient in karate and boxing.
- Beta Couple: With Takagi.
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs
- Fiery Redhead
- First Girl Wins
- First Name Basis: With Miho, and later with with Takagi after getting married to him. Around the time she gets married, and takes on Takagi's family name, Mashiro starts calling her by her first name, too.
- Gag Boobs
- Girlish Pigtails/Slipknot Ponytail
- Happily Married
- The Heart
- Heroes Want Redheads
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Miho.
- Love At First Punch: With Takagi.
- The Promise: Takagi and Miyoshi will only get married once Mashiro's and Takagi's manga becomes serialized.
- Sayuri Yahagi
- Squee: When "The Perfect Crime Club" gets serialized.
- They Do
Nobuhiro "Kawaguchi Taro" Mashiro
Tropes associated with Nobuhiro:
- Cannot Spit It Out: Determined not to tell his love interest how he feels until the time is right.
- Determinator: He kept drawing manuscripts in an attempt to get another series going.
- Did Not Get The Girl
- Driven To Suicide: Subverted. Moritaka thinks he did so out of despair, but realizes that he pushed himself until he died.
- Generation Xerox: He and his nephew have similar ambitions, and Moritaka's girlfriend is the daughter of the woman he loved.
- Iron Woobie: The girl he likes, one of his main reasons for being a mangaka, found another man? He believes he got this far because of her, and she's still watching him. His contract got canceled? He thinks it's an opportunity to start over as a newbie.
- Kenji Hamada
- Mangaka
- Nerd Glasses
- Posthumous Character
- Smoking Is Cool: Tends to smoke fairly often as an adult, and Moritaka remembers his office smelling like cigarettes.
Eiji Niizuma
Tropes associated with Eiji:
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Cloudcuckoolander Very much.
- Curtains Match The Window
- Insufferable Genius: Quite arrogant at first, but becomes somewhat humbler and better at interacting with other people over time.
- Mangaka
- Nobuhiko Okamoto
- Oblivious To Love: Unwittingly causes Iwase to become attracted to him after he calls her a talented artist.
- Pet The Dog: Frequently, but the first bit involved giving all his remaining prize money to his parents after buying a stereo.
- The Rival
- Shipper On Deck: For Mashiro and Miho.
- Significant Anagram: His pen name, "Moneys", while illustrating for Iwase, is an anagram of his surname ("Ni-zu-ma"-> "Ma-ni-zu")
Aiko Iwase
Tropes associated with Aiko:
- Ayumi Fujimura
- Betty And Veronica: Takagi's Veronica.
- Bob Haircut
- Designated Villain: To some of the base that believe that her portrayal as a snobby bitch because she's smart and talented is sexist.
- Foe Yay: With Takagi. It starts off as an Unknown Rival because Takagi doesn't take her seriously at first, but when she proves her skill at being a mangaka, Iwase is someone Takagi definitely does not want to lose to, though he still won't admit that they are rivals.
- Hopeless Suitor: For Takagi.
- Ice Queen: Even more so than how Aoki used to be. Several characters, including Aoki herself, note the connection.
- Mangaka
- The Red Sonja
- She Is All Grown Up: Four years have passed, and Iwase looks very bishoujo.
- Teen Genius
- Unfunny: Much of the humor in Iwase is from how seriously she takes everything.
- Unknown Rival -> The Rival
- Woman Scorned
- Yandere: For Takagi and later Hattori.
Kazuya Hiramaru
Tropes associated with Kazuya:
- Brilliant But Lazy: His editor basically has to pull Manipulative Bastardry in order to get him to do any work at all.
- Bread Eggs Milk Squick: Mentions in the middle of a conversation that he has a medical condition that causes him to urinate blood.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Despite the fact he seems to do anything he can to get out of working, he's still quite good at his job. His manga does consistently well throughout the series and the bits they actually show of Otters 11 are genuinely good.
- Butt Monkey: His editor's schemes often don't go well for him, as when his editor gives him a necklace to give as a gift to Aoki, he leaves it in his Porsche, which gets towed when he parks it in front of the building.
- Dogged Nice Guy
- Hopeless Suitor: For Aoki.
- Not so hopeless anymore....
- Pale Skinned Brunette
- Real Life Writes The Plot: Otter 11 seems to be based off Hiramaru's life, with him working at a job he hates, getting along poorly with someone named Yoshida and wanting to live like an otter rather than a human.
- The Slacker
- The Alcoholic
- Throw The Dog A Bone: He finally asks Aoki to go out with him, and she says yes (as long as he keeps drawing manga).
Takuro Nakai
Tropes associated with Takuro:
- Determinator: In order to get "Aoki Ko" to work with him, he started drawing, under the snow, risking his own life. He even kept drawing when some people attacked him, and was determined to protect his hand in order to continue
- Disappeared Dad: His mother mentions that his father is dead.
- Dogged Nice Guy: Played quite streight, then subverted.
- Gonk: He's obese and not often clean-shaven, and the manga clearly shows that he's not very attractive.
- Just Friends: This seems to be what "Aoki Ko" wanted to have with him. There might have been some sort stronger relationship between them, but he ruined everything when he became a Jerk Ass
- Mangaka
- Put On A Bus: Returns home and decides to quit manga forever, but could return, since he's not exactly happy with his new life.
- The Scrappy
- The Woobie / Nice Guy -> Jerk Ass Woobie; YMMV
Yuriko "Aoki Ko" Aoki
Tropes associated with Yuriko:
- Ayako Kawasumi
- Beauty Mark
- Curtains Match The Window
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Does Not Like Men: Has issues trusting men until she meets Takagi, and even then, only hires female assistants after getting serialized.
- Fan Preferred Couple: With either Takagi or especially Shinda Fukuda.
- Foe Yay: You can consider this between Aoki and Takagi because they are fellow competitors, but they grow much friendly to one another because they are Birds Of A Feather. Also, with Fukuda.
- Hair Of Gold
- Kuudere / Tsundere: Appears aloof at first, but is gradually shown to have a kinder and warmer side to her. She even wonders if Takagi thinks she's a Tsundere at one point, but he suggests otherwise.
- Mangaka
- Meganekko: At times.
- Mentor Ship: Quite possibly with Fukuda.
- Oblivious To Love: She is unaware of Hiramaru's feelings for her. When he finally asks her out, she says yes.
- Ship Tease: Has feelings for Takagi, might have had feelings for Nakai, and might develop feelings for Fukuda. Hiramaru also constantly tries and usually fails to woo Aoki, but she agrees to go out with him after he finally confesses to her.
- Unwanted Harem: Her reason for her distrust towards men.
Shinta Fukuda
Tropes associated with Shinta:
- Badass Biker: And he also makes manga about bikers.
- Big Damn Heroes: See Crowning Moment Of Awesome.
- Creepy Cool Crosses
- Crowning Moment Of Awesome: Chapter 67. Punches Nakai and tries to get him to come to his senses, then intervenes at the right moment to give Aoki help with her manga, which helps her get serialized.
- Foe Yay: With Aoki.
- Friendly Enemy: Fukuda helps out his fellow mangaka Mashiro, Nakai, and Aoki — despite the fact that they are his competition.
- Get A Hold Of Yourself Man: To Nakai in Chapter 67.
- Hot Blooded
- Jerk With A Heart Of Gold: Is quite blunt, but willing to help out when needed. Notably with Nakai, as he's typically fairly blunt about Nakai's poor luck with getting serialized, but while barging in on him in Chapter 67, tells him that he's sacrificing his career and that he likes competing with him.
- Junichi Suwabe
- Mangaka
- Mentor Ship: Quite possibly with Aoki.
- The Promise: His goal is to change Jump.
- White Haired Pretty Boy
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